Статьи журнала - Виктимология
Все статьи: 485

Статья подготовлена к 10-летию создания кафедры прокурорского надзора и организации правоохранительной деятельности Института права ФГБОУ ВО «Челябинский государственный университет».

A victimological outlook to juvenile delinquents in the light of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran
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Chapter Ten of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran (IPC 2013) is entitled ‘Punishments and Secure and Rehabilitative Measures Relating to Juveniles’ . It adopts a hybrid system of response to juvenile delinquency that reflects scientific findings . The present paper explores the relevant provisions from a victimological outlook according to the main theme of the current conference . The findings shows a development at the legislative criminal policy level that is largely reflected in a binary system of criminal sanctions . Despite this development, the system in question faces serious challenges specifically certain conflicts and overlaps in respect of the maturity age test and the applicable criminal sanctions to juveniles that, on the whole, can be analyzed from a victimological perspective . The author concludes that the maturity age test must be changed into international standard age under eighteen in parallel with the protection of children and prevention of their delinquency and potential victimization .

Corruption and Money Laundering as Legal and Social Phenomena: Causes, Phenomenology, Consequences
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New tendency in social, political and economic relationships for the purpose of incorporating a domestic economy into international economic and financial transactions brings about a new and yet old forms of economic criminal offences which are believed to be much more profitable and less risky and it is even assumed that there are no adequate mechanisms of opposition. In this paper we have tried to point out that corruption and money laundering represent one of the leading challenges of modern social changes along with a harmful consequences of the impact of “laundered” money in regular social developments. Detrimental effect of accumulating financial and capital assets by criminal circles was, during the last decades of the last century and in the beginning of a new millennium, followed by the appropriate activities both of domestic legislation and of OUN, the European Council and European Union reaching a high level of consensus about crucial principles and the necessity of recognizing a financial side of corruption and money laundering and their use in fight against this invisible and hidden activity. Corruption and money laundering are the biggest sociological obstacles in the long run for successful work and progress. The most important conditions for their suppression are: the establishment of comprehensive preventive and repressive systemic control as well as political will to combat and prevent these socially undesirable behaviors

Domestic violence victimization: problems of prevention
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The article analyses domestic violence victimization and factors determining domestic violence such as unconscious patterns . It argues that the victim’s pattern of behavior cannot be corrected without working with the victim’s unconsciousness . Measures of the victim’s scenario prevention are not fully effective without such a very significant factor of the victim’s behavior as unconscious attitudes and patterns . Psychologists and therapists can assist victims in changing their behaviors and patterns . Using domestic violence prevention techniques and resources, the victim can stay safe in their relationship . It is necessary to create incentives for resolving intra-family problems, as well as to professionally respond to “the victim’s pattern”, to develop family rehabilitation programs for both the aggressor and the victim . It will contribute to better prevention of domestic violence .

Executive criminal law in the Republic of Serbia and European standards
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Enforcement criminal law is a system of legal regulations that determine the procedure, manner and conditions for the execution of criminal sanctions . Serbia also implemented European standards in the execution of criminal sanctions, with special emphasis on the level of implementation of those standards in the area of execution of criminal sanctions, in its legislation . In addition to the standards related to the conditions of serving a prison sentence, the protection of the rights of persons deprived of their liberty, the manner of treatment of persons deprived of their liberty, protection against torture, inhumane or degrading treatment and punishment is particularly emphasized . In recent decades, the increasingly prevalent view is that criminal sanctions have a weak impact on reducing the crime rate, even less on the factors that cause and shape it . Prison sentences do not achieve objective effects in changing the criminal pattern of behavior of offenders, on the contrary, they have a greater effect on increasing the risk that the offender will repeat the crime . In the conditions of globalization, digitization and international legal harmonization, the system of execution of criminal sanctions requires a high degree of common international rules that define and regulate executive criminal legislation .

Human trafficking: risk profile of victims and traffickers and the scope of forensic victimology
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Human trafficking is a growing problem across the world and the actual estimation of this crime is not yet done due to methodological issues and the underreporting of cases . The victim’s uncooperativeness in many cases or trying to conceal the identity of the victim due to many sociocultural factors poses a barrier to understanding the profile of the victims and traffickers . This article attempts to create a risk profile of victims and human traffickers based on available literature and various factors like gender, children, profession, migration, socioeconomic and cultural factors and political conditions were emphasized . In addition to this, the article focused on the importance of Forensic victimology in the area of human trafficking . The author emphasized that this crime is as important and complicated as sexual abuse/assault and tressed the need for more research in the field of forensic victimology especially on victims and traffickers to understand the dynamics of human trafficking which leads to better profiling, deepened knowledge of entrapment strategies and relationships between victims and traffickers that will help the criminal justice system as well as to make strategies for prevention and interventions . This crime is as important and complicated as sexual abuse/assault .

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The criminal event - the mass murder of students at the “Vladislav Ribnikar” school in Belgrade, on May 3, 2023, as a form of mass victimization of students, raised many questions, much more in the lay world and significantly less in the scientific or professional public: Was it possible recognize from the student’s behavior that in the future (immediate, near, distant, upcoming) he will take action to take the lives of students in the school he attends? Can we talk about the statistically inevitable “Black Swan” in the attack on students? Is the attack on students a consequence of the perception of school security in the security system of the Republic of Serbia? Research results show that such attacks can be predicted and prevented . Furthermore, based on the results of the research, it is concluded that in the Republic of Serbia in 2001, a pilot program of the “Safe Schools” model was launched, which lasted for four years and after 2004, it stopped being implemented as part of the prevention of crime in the local community through the program “Safe Communities”. The research results show that in the Republic of Serbia there is no: “Code of school safety and safety behavior”; Law on safe school, students and school staff adopted by the National Assembly; “Declaration on the safety of students, teachers, professors and the school” as an initial document for the safety of the school, students and teachers; “National Center for School Safety”; “School Safety Office” in cities and local governments; personnel for auditing school safety; training for leadership in school security, and does not understand that the application of layered protection of students and the school as elements of support for the educational process, students, school staff and the school is necessary .

In 2021, the publishing house Art Rabic and University of Sarajevo’s Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology,and Security Studies published Fighting Cybercrime: The International Legal and Institutional Framework and Bosnia & Herzegovina by Dr. Arben Murtezić, the Director of the Center for Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the cooperation of Andrea Dizdarević. The book was reviewed by Prof. Dr. Eldan Mujanović and Prof. Dr. Haris Halilović, both from the Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo. The foreword was written by Dr. Paul Norman, the Head of School at the University of Portsmouth‘s Institute for Criminal Justice Studies. The fact that the book has been initially written in English makes it easier to use outside the former Yugoslavia.

Socio-demographic characteristics of drug users and drug addicts in Hungary
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The authors consider the theoretical and applied problems of preventing illicit traffic in drugs and psychotropic substances in Hungary in the legal and criminological aspects. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the Hungary’s third drug strategy expires in 2020 (2013-2020), so a new strategy needs to be developed, but it is not yet known what guidelines it will have, what priorities will be offered to set in it. The authors pay special attention to the age and gender characteristics of drug use, which makes it possible to identify the most vulnerable groups, which should be supported by state preventive programs. The authors also analysed data on mortality from drug use and concluded that from 2010 onwards methadone and other non-opiate drugs predominated in death. Based on the results of the study, current trends in drug use in Hungary were summarized. The results obtained are important for the development of an anti-drug strategy and the improvement of legislation, as well as for the prevention of law enforcement agencies, both Hungary and other European countries.

Sport and Security — New Technologies
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The aim of the study is to present legal innovation, the police forces and the innovative technical and technological solutions and the links between them, which are of utmost importance in sports policing work. Sports events tend to have more and more show elements, which sets new security requirements. Security is in “follow-on mode”, as incidents and terrorist acts result in constant revisiting of the definition of security. Thus, experts of both theory and practice have a great responsibility. In recent decades, IT storage capacities, data processing and data transmission systems, IT tools and technologies have also evolved tremendously. In the 21st century our everyday life is shaped by technology and this is true of the world of sport — among other things — and, to a growing extent, of sport policing, too. Also, peak performance, similarly to guaranteeing security, requires cutting-edge technology, anyway. In the European Football Championship 2020, to be only held in 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 12 countries are involved in the organisation. The event is also attract particular attention because of the 60th anniversary of the European Football Championship. In this relation I consider that presenting the operation and collaboration of the new innovative tools, technologies and the legal means introduced and applied in the area of sports policing is of key importance.

Victimological and criminal aspects of juvenile crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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In this paper the authors focus on the victimological and criminal aspects of juvenile delinquency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, respect the protetctive model of law enforcement agencies and entities according to this specific age category. In the centre of interest are juveniles as perpetrators of criminal offenses and on the other hand juveniles as victims, ie victims of committing criminal offenses (police warning and educational recommendations). In the juvenile criminal law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the component of humanity is clearly recognized and articulated, given that certain international standards have been adopted and accepted, so that the treatment of juveniles differs significantly from the treatment of adult perpetrators of criminal offenses.

Victimology in Russia: overviewing of the stages of the scientific direction's development
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Victimology as an independent scientific field has been developing all over the world for a long time. Russia is not an exception, there is enough fundamental research in this area of scientific knowledge, which was conducted by well-known scientists-victimologists, new theoretical views on the problems of victimology were formed and scientific schools were distinguished. Among the Russian scientists who consider the problems of victimization in Russian society, L. V. Frank, D. V. Rivman, V. E. Kvashis, and others are known at the world level. The subject of the study is the scientific works and studies of Russian criminologists studying the science of the victim from the beginning of the emergence of scientific views (1970) to the present time. As a research methodology, the author of the article chose general scientific cognition methods (analysis, synthesis), as well as specific scientific methods - historical-legal, formal-logical, systematic, and others. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the current century, the scientific literature highlights the stages of development and formation of victimology as a scientific direction in Russia. The result of the study was a scientific analysis of the stages of development of the doctrine of the victim in Russian criminological science, as well as the theoretical and legal characteristics and justification of the name of each of the presented stages. The author has formed not only generalizing conclusions on the retrospective analysis of Russian victimology but also expressed reasoned conclusions about the directions of development of this field of knowledge in the nearest future.

XVI Всероссийские декабрьские юридические чтения в Костроме (12-13 декабря 2019)
Краткое сообщение

В монографии исследуются уголовно-правовые и криминологические аспекты разработки, производства и применения роботов, определяется место беспилотных транспортных средств, летального автономного оружия и автономных роботов в системе уголовно-правовых отношений. Особое внимание в работе уделено построению модели уголовно-правовой реакции государства на потенциальную возможность причинения вреда охраняемым законом общественным отношениям, ценностям и интересам в процессе функционирования автономных роботов. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических вузов и факультетов, а также широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами уголовно-правового регулирования автономной робототехники.

Административные правонарушения в сфере семейного насилия и проблемы их профилактики
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В статье дается характеристика административных правонарушений в семейно-бытовой сфере. Анализируется данные официальной статистики, опубликованные в открытом доступе за период с 2015 г. по 2019 г. Изучается организация работы по исполнению в территориальных органах УМВД, на районном уровне, законодательства об административных правонарушениях в части привлечения к административной ответственности правонарушителей по ст. 6.1.1. КоАП РФ. Виновный в совершении правонарушения по 6.1.1. КоАП РФ наказывается административным штрафом, однако как показывает практика, штраф как мера административной ответственности зачастую не является эффективным средством воздействия на правонарушителя. Мероприятия по профилактике семейного насилия осуществляются участковым уполномоченным полиции и зачастую применяемые меры воздействия не способны оперативно и действенно предупреждать и пресекать конфликтные ситуации в семье. В заключение делаются выводы о проблемах профилактики рассматриваемых правонарушений и высказывается авторская позиция по решению выявленных проблем и снижения насилия в семье.

Активизация роли потерпевшего в досудебном производстве: дистанционные формы участия
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В статье рассматриваются вопросы активизации роли потерпевшего в досудебном производстве как часть реализации «минимальных стандартных правил обращения с жертвами преступлений и злоупотребления властью». Поскольку активное участие в расследовании уголовного дела повышает уровень удовлетворенности потерпевшего системой правосудия, предлагается расширять соответствующие процессуальные возможности, не перекладывая при этом на него обязанность доказывания. Началом взаимодействия потерпевшего с правоохранительными органами должно стать его участие в осмотре места происшествия. Автор предлагает предоставить потерпевшему возможность участия в данном следственном действии дистанционно, с использованием видео-конференц-связи. Это не только повысит уровень доверия потерпевшего к правоохранительным органам, но и обеспечит моментальную обратную связь между следственно-оперативной группой и жертвой преступления, позволяющею правильно определить направление проводимого расследования. В статье отмечается, что потерпевший приобретает весь комплекс процессуальных прав с момента вынесения соответствующего постановления. Автор полагает, что потерпевший должен иметь возможность незамедлительно ознакомиться с этим документом, а также получить другую информацию по уголовному делу как лично, так и удаленно, с применением информационно-коммуникативных технологий. Отмечается необходимость организации досудебного производства в соответствии с потребностями потерпевшего с предоставлением ему возможности выбора формы участия (лично или дистанционно), а также использования персонального цифрового устройства для участия в следственных действиях посредством видео-конференц-связи. Предлагается внесение изменений в законодательство, разрешающих применение бытовых мессенджеров при производстве дистанционных следственных действий, либо создание на мобильной платформе государственных услуг электронного сервиса для осуществления видео-конференц-связи с государственными органами.

Актуальные вопросы в сфере обеспечения защиты жертв преступлений по российскому законодательству
Статья научная
Защита прав и свобод человека и гражданина является приоритетной задачей любого правового государства. В рамках настоящей статьи авторами предпринята попытка анализа международных и национальных правовых основ, касающихся защиты жертв преступлений, а также выявления дискуссионных вопросов в данной сфере. Внесены предложения по совершенствованию системы действующего законодательства.

Актуальные вопросы возмещение процессуальных издержек потерпевшему в уголовном судопроизводстве
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В статье рассмотрены актуальные проблемы возмещения потерпевшему процессуальных издержек в ходе участия в производстве по уголовным делам. Актуальность данной статьи связана с недостаточной разработкой обозначенных проблем в рамках отрасли уголовно-процессуального права. На основе проведенного исследования обосновывается необходимость нормативно закрепить за потерпевшим возмещение расходов на юридическую помощь из средств федерального бюджета, которые должны включаться в состав процессуальных издержек.