Branch-wise and regional economy. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

Approaches to assessment of energy security in the region (by the example of the Chelyabinsk oblast)
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The article presents the results of analysis of key aspects of economic activity in the Chelyabinsk oblast by the example of assessment of energy security in the region. The article shows its dependence on individual elements of the fuel and energy complex. The authors calculated indicators of energy security and identified possible solutions of problems related to the potential threat to energy security in the region.

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The author made an attempt to enhance the reliability of indicators that reflect the regions' development levels and their analysis linkage with actual problems of socio-economic policy and spatial integration. In order to increase the objectivity of assessing the level of the regions' socio-economic development it is proposed to use indicator of value added per person employed taking into account the regional economy. The level of social development, according to the author, most aptly reflects the ratio of per capita income with the subsistence minimum. This, ultimately, will determine the vector of regional policy in the direction of social justice and sustainable development. The paper agreed the need for harmonization of the Russian Federation subjects and the formation of inter-regional programs of development of “transit” infrastructure “related” municipalities.

Energy-intensity factors in the Komi Republic's economy
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In the article the analysis of energy efficiency of the regional economy are presented for a purpose to indentified quality characteristics its dynamics and factors of relatively low level. Application of comparative statistics and regression analysis methods made it possible to estimate the impact of the most important factors. Results shown that high level of energy intensity was due to “northern” economy and industry specialization. A main factor of energy-intensity dynamics was scale effect of economy production. Structural and technological trends of energy-saving were not found. Selection of energy efficiency index as indicators of quality regional development requires monitoring and analysis of energy-economic dependency, improving information basis.

Financial provision of investment processes in the regions of the North-West federal district
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The presence of various potentialities in achieving economic growth and stirring up investment processes at the regional level is complicated by spatial inequality of financial resources distribution. This study has revealed epy specificity of forming fixed capital financing structure influencing the differentiation level in economic development of regions. Solution of the problem requires improvement of the financial system functioning. Information basis of the study includes statistical collections, published by the Federal statistic service. Methods of statistical analysis are used for the results substantiation.

Fish industry of the Murmansk oblast in the system of the regional economic safety
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The value of the fish industry of the European North of the Russian Federation in the system of food and economic safety of the region and the country is considered. The structure and the condition of the fishing fleet, fishery economic efficiency, and the potential factors of the development (the raw base, the technical policy, normative legal provisioning) are analyzed. The directions of the increase of the efficiency of the regional fish industry’s functioning are proved.

Foreign experience of hydrocarbon resources development at the arctic continental shelf
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The article examines the experience of hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic zone of the world's leading oil and gas powers in order to identify effective socio-economic approaches to the development of hydrocarbon deposits in the public interest and possible future use in modern Russian conditions. A comparative analysis of natural resources development models by different states and conclusions about their effectiveness are given. The authors discuss aspects of an effective industrial policy in the upstream oil and gas sector in the region, taking into account a wide range of socio-economic problems in various stages of deposits development. The article also addresses the problems of relationships between the state and the oil and gas business, formation of an effective strategy for managing the development of hydrocarbon resources.

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The paper gives substantiation for the implementation of cluster policy in Russia as the key way of increasing the competitiveness of the country. The analysis of foreign and domestic experience of cluster formation was carried out. The concept of cluster supporting framework of the regions of Russia, considering clusters as a node element of the economy and promoting the binding of disparate elements of economic space, is proposed. The algorithm for implementation of cluster policy in the regions of Russia is proposed. The experience of its practical implementation in the Republic of Bashkortostan is given.

Integration approach to managing food industry in modern situation
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In connection with the economic crisis the problem of creating an efficient algorithm for managing the food industry has recently become more urgent. In this paper we consider integration as an opportunity to improve efficiency and competitiveness of domestic enterprises. During the analysis of economic activity the given food industry, it has been concluded that under the current conditions the integration approach allows us to obtain competitive advantages, take leading positions in the market.

Linen textiles - a reserve of economic growth
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The paper deals with the possibility to set up production of linen textiles, one of the main products in the domestic light industry. It is proved that to solve this problem it is necessary to strengthen the government support of the linen complex not only at the stage of flax growing but at the following stages of industrial processing - up to turnout of linen products. The author gives a detailed description of a prospective pilot project “Development of the linen complex in Vologda oblast” and its effectiveness.

Methodological aspects for the assessment of the state and use of human capital
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The article is devoted to the efficient use of human capital. It describes the methodical approaches of Russian and foreign scholars to the category of “human capital”. The article gives an author's interpretation of human capital and reveals its main components. Besides, t provides the criteria and indicators for assessing the state and use of human capital of the agricultural organizations. The authors describe a tested mechanism to enhance employees' motivation for highly productive labor based on the study of staff motivational complex.

Methodological foundations of sustainable development of the agricultural sector
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The paper analyzes the different perspectives on the concept of “sustainability”, “sustainable development”, the content of sustainable development of the agricultural sector as a complex socio-ecological-economic system is clarified and supplemented. The factors and indicators of sustainable development of agriculture are identified.

Modernization trends of forestry complex in the region (the Karelia Republic's case)
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The article is devoted to the issue of the traditional branches’ enhancement. Karelia Republic’s forestry complex is considered as the example of the region’s traditional branch. The comparison of Karelia’s wood industry and Finland’s one is represented. The author chooses labor productivity (the factor of the intensive development) as the key parameter of enhancement. The dynamics of the wood complex’s development in Karelia from 1990 till 2009 is considered. The branch enhancement’s directions are offered according to the revealed tendencies.

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The article indicates socio-economic problems of the northern territories of the Karelian Republic. Now in the north of the area one can observe population reduction, closure of the industrial enterprises and high unemployment. On the basis of program-target method to manage territorial development the author proposes some ways of overcoming the situation. The sector of small business is considered as an important factor of territorial development, which gives us the opportunity to increase self-employment, to preserve and to improve the social and economic system of the region. The article has been prepared on the basis of researches conducted by the order of the Republic’s government and according to the data of municipal districts.

Outsourcing as a specific form of inter-firm cooperation
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The present paper contains an analysis of organizational and economical nature of outsourcing. A classification of outsourcing types based on economic criteria is proposed. It is demonstrated that financial leasing may be considered as a particular case of outsourcing operation. An analysis of terminology used for description of outsourcing is made and amendments to this terminology are proposed. A list of criteria of differentiation between outsourcing and other forms of cooperation is described.

Problems of management accounting formation at domestic enterprises
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The article is devoted to the consideration of theoretical problems of the formation of management accounts at Russian enterprises. The article contains an analysis of interpretations of management accounts and consideration of its multifunctionality. Following is the author's point of view on the process approach to the realization of management accounts at the company; the problems that arise during the formation of management accounts practice are presented. Finally, the need to create a unified concept of the formation of managerial accounts is given. It is proposed to study and comprehend the concept of controlling. To remove the contravention between scientific treatment of “management accounts” and its practical contents it is proposed to integrate the concepts of management accounts and controlling.

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The article deals with the problem of food security provision in the regions of the European North of Russia, stresses the capacity of local agriculture and the necessity of its maintaining, preserving and increasing of the production of organic agricultural output. Thereupon we have substantiated the necessity of consistent implementation of the budget subsidy expenses to maintain profitable industries which produce ecological foodstuffs and we’ve pointed out the criteria for classifying of agricultural products to the category of agricultural organic output. The article deals with the conditions and factors of production and realization of organic crop products in the Komi Republic.

Sustainable agricultural sector development of the north zone: state, factors, directions
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The paper analyzes the sustainability of agriculture in the northern territories of the pre-reform and transition period. It shows the impact of the agrarian reform on the dynamics of crop and livestock production, changes in production capacity, considers the indicators of food consumption by the population of territories of the North, the financial condition of agricultural organizations. It estimates the impact of the priority national project “Development of Agriculture” on the sustainability of the agricultural sector. It reveals the factors and conditions that constrain the sustainable development of agriculture. The package of measures is offered to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector, including the updating of agricultural legislation, modernization of production through the application of new technologies, increasing state support for agricultural producers.

The competitive status of the mining company: mechanisms of formation and management
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The essence of the competitive status of the company is considered, the specificity of influence of the basic external and internal economy factors on formation of the competitive status of the mining company is established, the factors of institutional regulation, investment attractiveness of the industry, the structure of the industry and the markets, the degrees of integration and diversification, the type and efficiency of the company's strategy are studied. The methodical approach to formation, estimation and management of the competitive status of the mining companies is offered.

The effectiveness of livestock farming mechanization
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The article deals with the economic analysis of the current state of milk production in Russia in comparison with the developed countries. The possibility of efficient milk production due to the advanced production technology and the methods of cow maintenance and milking are considered in the case of “Livestock Breeding Farm under the name of 50 Years of the USSR”, which is located in the Gryazovets District of the Vologda Oblast.

The factors of innovation activity of St. Petersburg industrial enterprises
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The paper provides an analysis of innovation activity of manufacturing industries of the city of St. Petersburg. Relying on statistical and accounting data, the authors try to explain the cause-and-effect relationships in forming the innovative activity of these enterprises and to identify the problems of their innovation development. The particular emphasis is placed on evaluating the results of innovative activities of enterprises in recent years.