Innovation development. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

Analysis of innovation potential of northern Russian regions
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The purpose of the study is to improve theoretical and methodological techniques for assessing innovation potential and determine the main areas of scientific and technological development of Northern Russian regions. The theoretical part of the article reveals the essence of innovative potential and provides the author's classification of approaches to its measurement. It demonstrates that the majority of modern domestic and foreign studies are aimed at assessing the territory's innovative potential through the calculation of the integrated index; however, this leads to the merging of diverse characteristics into a unified scale. The paper describes the features and limitations of factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis of the phenomenon under study, monitoring of specific profile and inward similarities of the analyzed objects. Factor analysis has revealed five most important characteristics which determine innovative development of Northern Russian regions: level of scientific development of the regions, level of inventive activity, human capacity, level of financing of innovation, ICT development...

Analysis of trends and development forecast of small enterprises in Russia
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This article describes the researching results of trends and development tendencies of small enterprises in Russia and its regions. It presents a number of developed economic and mathematical models that describe the structure and distribution of small-scale enterprises depending on the number of employees. Some indicators of small business according to the types of economic activity are presented here. The author considers the production functions reflecting the dependence of turnover on two factors and describes the forecast results of the main indicators of small business in 2030.

Assessment of opportunities and factors promoting innovation development of the regional economy
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The article dwells on the problems and directions of innovation policy at the federal and regional levels. It is based on the methods of system analysis and expert estimations. The authors prove that it is industrialization that will be the most important factor of scientific and technical progress in the coming years. The capabilities of innovation processes in the North and in the Russian Arctic are analyzed and presented on the basis of expert estimations and forecast trends, among other things.

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Present-day ship repair production is characterized by various work patterns, dynamics, work specialization, complexity and diversity of tasks, faced by management staff. Taking these peculiarities into account, one should not only hire personnel, but also plan the production activity of workers, which is impossible without the use of modern economic and mathematical methods. In particular, the use of the laws of labour balance contributes to a more realistic, objective planning, foresight of the failures in the implementation of the plans and adequate response to emergencies.

Challenges and opportunities of lifelong learning in the field of energy efficiency and new energy
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The article deals with the concept of lifelong learning (LLL concept), which is used widely in the developed countries. It reflects the reasons for the concept’s introduction in the field of energy efficiency and new energy in modern Russia as well as the advantages, opportunities and challenges of its adoption. The research contains the materials of foreign expeditions for the period from 2010 to 2011. The article also deals with the estimation of the legislative and regulatory basis for housing and energy-efficient policy. It is concluded that it is possible to develop the vast national potential in the field of new energy and energy efficiency by the introduction of the Life-Long Learning concept.

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In modern conditions, ensuring rapid economic development is a priority task for industrial policy, but its achievement is hampered by the sanctions imposed on Russia. Russian oil industry has become an object of special attention to the countries that initiated the sanctions. The goal of the paper is to substantiate a set of practical measures that promote cluster development through innovation as an opportunity to facilitate economic growth in the region under the sanctions. In the framework of the goal we achieve the following objectives: we substantiate the cluster approach as a theoretical framework for the innovation-driven development of the industrial complex; we explore the current state and the value of the petrochemical complex in the economy of the Samara Oblast; we justify the stages of formalization of the industrial cluster on the basis of innovation. Scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it expands the existing system of knowledge about economic sanctions not only as a tool of political pressure, but also as a resource for priority development of regions...

Comparative assessment methodology of the region`s scientific and technical potential
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The article is devoted to some methodological questions on the research of the region’s scientific and technical potential. It contains the general characteristic of existing domestic techniques used to evaluate the potential of the science and technology sphere and foreign techniques adapted to the Russian conditions. By the results of their analysis the authors suggest their own comparative evaluation technique that consists in calculation of the integral index- “the region scientific and technical potential index” reflecting both the efficiency and the scale of potential use in the region’s territory.

Consumer in the innovation economy: sociocultural aspects of formation and functioning
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The functioning of the innovation economy presents the society with a number of social and cultural issues. One of them concerns the formation of an innovative personality, which is regarded by the majority of researchers as a personality open to experiments, innovation and change, a personality that has creative skills and is able not only to create but also to commercialize new scientific and technological developments, that is, a personality capable of producing innovation in the first place. Meanwhile, of equal importance for the functioning of the innovation economy is a personality that is ready to use innovative goods and services; that is why many countries carry out the research into the innovativeness of producers and consumers. The research findings help identify a group of innovator consumers, which is a key group for producers. Analyzing the innovator consumers' behavior in the market provides an opportunity to define their inherent personal qualities and to formulate their standard of consumption, the main characteristics of which are the absolutization of the value of the new, positive attitude to risk, dominance of the emotional component in consumption to the detriment of the rational component...

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Due to the growing global socio-economic and environmental challenges (population ageing, climate change, society polarization, etc.), there is a revaluation of a position and role of innovations in overcoming threats to social development in the modern world. Researchers note a shift in the innovation paradigm toward social innovation, since it is assumed that it is not possible to achieve a drastic improvement of the situation solely through technological innovations. At the same time, many existing problems cannot be solved with efforts of a single actor - intersectoral cooperation becomes a necessity. This aspect is of key importance for development of social innovation. The purpose of the study was to analyze development of social innovations in the Russian Federation based on an actor approach, which involves an overview of this phenomenon through the prism of activities of various entities and their interaction. General scientific methods were used in the study: discourse analysis, generalization, comparison, etc. Essential foundations and the role of social innovations in solving current society’s problems are presented. Using the example of government structures, big business, and civil society, the authors explore the features of social innovation development in Russia. It is shown that development of social innovations depends on their interpretation in public discourse, involvement in strategies of various actors, and intersectoral cooperation in the innovation process. In conclusion, the prospects for development of studied phenomenon are determined within identified trends and the specifics of interconnections between designated actors. The results obtained may be used not only as an empirical basis for further research, but they may also represent practical significance in development of specific management decisions in this area.

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The paper considers institutional changes in the sphere of procurement of goods, works and services for public purposes. The goal of the paper is to develop a new conceptual approach to the formation of an institutional model for the contract procurement system. It is shown that basic concepts of the current model of contract system remain outside the framework of the universally binding and formally defined categories in conditions of legal regulation instability. We formulate the task of systematizing the set of concepts and definitions in order to separate and differentiate individual segments of the procurement market. In order to implement this task we analyze fundamental definitions contained in legislative acts of international organizations and countries, review key approaches and principles, and highlight specific national features of procurement regulations. We draw attention to the fact that the greatest volume of purchases is observed in the public sector. In the process of our research we use a method of normalized weighted average indicators to calculate an integral index that characterizes the scale of the public sector and also to obtain expert assessment of the extent of procurement control...

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The article deals with the current state and analysis of scientific and technical activities of the Khantyy-Mansiysk autonomous okrug - Ugra.

Energy efficient lighting as a transition from incandescent lamps to light-emitting diode solutions
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Energy efficiency and energy saving are the national objectives set by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry A. Medvedev. One of the lines of state policy is application of energy saving technologies to lighting. In this regard, the article analyzes the phased measures taken to replace incandescent lamps with energy efficient lamps, including the national development of the energy effective substitutes and the use of technical regulation mechanisms and quality control of the products delivered to the market.

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It is typical of modern Russia to have not only decline in population size but also its quality loss. The author actualizes the problem of preservation and increasing of human capital quality through creating of a governmental and public system of long-term complex support for gifted children from the first talent expression to professional self-determination. This article deals with theoretical and methodological foundations to solve this problem; it presents methods and forms of government, scientific and educational institutions activity in this area. The author emphasizes analysis of operational experience with talented youth of regional Research and Education Center of Economics and Information Technology under Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS. The author examines methods of operation of the REC in generation of talented youth’s knowledge through involvement them in research activities and using of other forms contributing to intellectualization of human capital of students.

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The paper substantiates and identifies the characteristics and emerging trends of structural change in the research and innovation process in the conditions of formation of post-industrial economy and transition to post-industrial technology. The characteristics and developments concern the structure of the research and innovation process, research and development quality, the role of basic science and high technology, the place of services in research and innovation products, and the spatial context of the structure. The evolution of the concept and content (structure) of the research and innovation process determines the initial trend in the specific features of structural change in the research and innovation process. The authors of the article investigate the dynamics of the main indicators of innovation activity as an integrated result of boosting the efficiency of the research and innovation process, the indicators of development of high-tech industries with special emphasis on nanotechnology and information and communication technology, the indicators of dissemination of post-industrial economic services, in the spatial context as well...

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The article proposes an approach to the definition of the directions of transformation of scientific and innovation space, and ways of its development from the viewpoint of improving the interaction between different regions, expansion of the involvement of regions in the research and innovation process for ensuring greater dissemination of research findings and innovation. The research is conducted in the context of the necessity to expand the role of science in the post-industrial era. This approach is based on the author’s methodology of selecting different regions by assessing their innovation development. The methodology consists in making the statistical distribution of Russian regions by selected indicators, identifying groups of regions that are close to each other by the degree of innovation development, on the basis of the standard deviation, and establishing the link between the identified groups of regions that reflects the possibility of interaction between the groups of regions on creating scientific results and their promotion in the spatial dimension...

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The emerging imperatives of innovation economic development in Russia determine the content of conceptual and institutional constraints to the development of regional economic systems (RES). They consider the regional planning system as a leading priority in its inseparable unity with modern public administration tasks. However, the practice of development of long-term plans in the RF subjects proves that the innovation challenges of economic policy are not reflected properly in them or they are significantly distorted. The following reasons reduce the effectiveness of modernization processes in the RF subjects and hamper the appropriate reaction of RES on their impact: the lack of coordination between socio-economic and spatial regional plans, the imbalance of interaction between state authorities engaged in long-term planning, the lack of real prerequisites for the implementation of innovation initiatives in the regions. Systematization and analysis of long-term plans make it possible to substantiate the consistency of the spatial approach to regional planning expressed in the dominance of the transformational function that synchronizes the configuration and parameters of RES, and to establish ways to integrate spatial components in the system of regional planning through optimization of its tool support...

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The current macro-environment of the Russian economy formed under the influence of its raw-materials export model does not facilitate investment activity or intensify investment in the country, which ultimately hinders the re-industrialization of the productive forces and establishes the technological and economic gap between Russia and world's developed economies. Such a situation clearly indicates the need for a transition to a new economic paradigm, the implementation of which will ensure accelerated modernization of the economy based on innovative content of investment. We are talking about the neo-industrial paradigm of modern development developed by the Russian economic school in 2007-2014. In this regard, the purpose for the study is to develop the theory and methodology of formation of investment of a new - innovative - type, adequate to the neo-industrial economic paradigm; to identify the factors deterring innovative accumulation of investment in modern Russia; to develop proposals aimed at stimulating investment and innovation activity of business entities of the national economy given the subordination of the country's resource and economic potential to the future neo-industrial development...

Innovation development of the construction complex in the region on the basis of cluster approach
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The article substantiates the necessity of using cluster approach in the development of the region’s construction complex for increasing its innovation activity. The formation and development of the regional construction clusters can facilitate the formation of innovation system in the construction complex and integration of different types of innovation. Clusters are also an effective mechanism under the conditions of the market economy; they can unite independent organizations for achieving common strategic goals. Taking the construction cluster of the Ural as an example, the authors discuss the opportunities of using its potential for different purposes, including for the investment development of the Arctic territories. The article shows that cluster can provide innovation-inactive Northern territories with complex innovation construction solutions.

Innovation infrastructure in the region: problems and directions of development
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Current models of innovation process prove that it is important to create a comprehensive infrastructure, since it is a necessary condition for promoting innovation development in the area. The article considers the concept of innovation infrastructure, defines its major subsystems and their constituent elements, and considers their functional purpose. The author argues that the effective functioning of innovation infrastructure requires the balanced formation and development of all its constituent subsystems: logistics, finance, personnel, information and marketing. The article shows that Russia is working actively in this direction. At the same time, the efficiency of using the infrastructure remains low. First of all, it is limited by the stagnation of demand for innovation on the part of Russian companies. It has been revealed that the infrastructure is developing primarily in those RF subjects and municipalities, which have the significant concentration of innovation potential and the high level of innovation activity (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Tomsk Oblast, Republic of Tatarstan, etc.)...