Economics, political science, society and culture. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (63): Economics, political science, society and culture
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Foreign and domestic experience of economic development of the Arctic territories

Foreign and domestic experience of economic development of the Arctic territories

Dmitriy A. Matviishin

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The article deals with the key aspects of the Arctic exploration. There is a brief description of the Arctic Council, as well as strategic goals, objectives, activities and resources used of member countries and observer organizations to achieve these goals. The resource base of the Arctic region is studied. The economic analysis of the Arctic territories by circumpolar states, including the characteristics of resource projects, is arranged. The features of the Russian and foreign approaches to the management of the economy in the Arctic are noted. The method of logical analysis, economic and statistical and historical methods are used in the research. The result is the scientific justification of advantages and potential of domestic experience of development of the Arctic, and also of the necessity of timely adaptation of economic approaches, investment policy and the legislation according to the current chalenges and tendencies.


Implications of the use of liquefied natural gas for marine transportation in the Arctic

Implications of the use of liquefied natural gas for marine transportation in the Arctic

Alеksei I. Patonia

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The transition from the use of bunker fuel to the use of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) for the Arctic marine transportation has various consequences. The author is interested to present the issue in the political, economic, environmental, marine legal perspectives. Implementing the regime efficiency and niche selection approach as well as the Environmental Kuznets Curve, the paper demonstrates potential benign interdependence of the Arctic countries after they have transferred their vessels to LNG. In such circumstances, Norway, Canada and the US are shown as the most benefiting nations. The second part of the article is devoted to the significant environmental improvement after the transition with a particular attention to the dramatic decrease of black carbon (soot) which leads to increase of albedo. Finally, the paper examines the existing legal provisions regulating the transition to LNG and modulates a further development scenario based on the theory of the lifecycle of a norm.


Innovative development vector of the coastal areas of the Russian Arctic

Innovative development vector of the coastal areas of the Russian Arctic

Svetlana A. Lipina

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The article examines the opportunities for further development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the basis of innovative standards and technology, as the whole system of state management of innovation processes should be based on innovative strategy of the state in general and the region in particular, without which it is impossible to imagine a real, deep and lasting renewal of the economy and entire society.


Maneuvering between icebergs: ethnic policy models in Norway

Maneuvering between icebergs: ethnic policy models in Norway

Ekaterina S. Kotlova

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Norway is considered one of the countries with a successful ethnic policy towards both indigenous people and migrant groups. The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern ethnic policy model in Norway. Norwegian experience in moderating ethnic interaction seems to be interesting for Russia and its northern and Arctic areas. The author is convinced that modern Norwegian ethnic policy grounded on multiculturalism is in transition towards so-called “diversity model”. Such a transition is caused by the intensification of migration and a threat of radicalization of particular social groups and ideologies.


Methodological and methodical aspects of studying the social well-being of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the context of its value orientation

Methodological and methodical aspects of studying the social well-being of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the context of its value orientation

Anton M. Maximov, Kristina O. Malinina, Tatyana A. Blynskaya, Svetlana M. Balitskaya

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The article considers the methodology problems of studying the population social well-being in relation to its hierarchies of values and attitudes. Social well-being is interpreted as an integral indicator with two aspects. First, social well-being represents the objective parameters of the quality of life related to the state of the socio-economic system of a society, the level of infrastructure development, social security and the quantity of political rights. Secondly, an evaluation of subjective well-being, including the overall satisfaction with life and social optimism. The article gives a general description of the main international and Russian methods for measuring the quality of life. The necessity of modification of existing methods is shown. It's proposed to be implemented by incorporating indicators that represent the specifics of living conditions in the Arctic, along with the preservation of universal tools for measuring social well-being. The characteristic of the international measurement methods of quality of life in the Arctic is given as an example of such modification. The article offers the idea that the study of social well-being should be done out in the context of the value orientation studies, because the latter is an important part of the individuals' interpretation of socio-economic, political and legal situation. It's proposed to use the additional variables, affecting the state of social well-being, such as personal motivational and value characteristics (dominant terminal and instrumental values) and culturally determinated value-behavioral imperatives common in a society.


Migration intentions of the Arctic youth in the context of subjective evaluations of the social wellbeing

Migration intentions of the Arctic youth in the context of subjective evaluations of the social wellbeing

Olga V. Osipova, Elena G. Maklashova

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The purpose of this article is to present the results of the sociological study of the social wellbeing of young people who live in the North of Yakutia. This article focuses on two main issues: analysis of the migration intentions of youth and evaluation of the quality of life of Yakut Arctic. The authors are setting the relationship between demographics, migration intentions and social well-being. On the basis of sociological data in the article conclusions are made about about existence of dissatisfaction among young people and generally unfavourable situation in terms of maintaining the demographic balance in the North of Yakutia. In addition, the authors offer some recommendations aimed at fixation of the Arctic’s population, which are based on the results of the questionnaire.


Migration processes in the Russian Arctic

Migration processes in the Russian Arctic

Flera H. Sokolova

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On the basis of analyzing and summarizing of official statistics, the article reveals the dynamics of migration processes in the Russian Arctic in XXI century, which is important in conditions of intensification of population movements in the country and the world, and is significant in the context of defending the country's national interests in the Arctic and strengthening the human potential in the region in order to ensure its sustainable innovative economic and social development. It is noted that throughout the history of Arctic exploration, migration has been a major factor in its socio-economic and cultural development. The 20th century was marked by intensive migration of the population influx, which contributed to the transformation of sparsely populated areas into an industrially and culturally developed region. The dynamics of migration processes in the beginning of the 21st century shows the opposite trend. The migration outflow of the population, which has slowed down in the first decade of the 21st century (compared to the 1990s), in recent years has once again started to gain pace. The regions of the Arctic have a rapidly declining population, there is a trend of outflow of young and highly qualified personnel. The existing structure of the population and labor migrants does not fully meet the labor market demand for suitably qualified personnel. The region is experiencing an acute need for government support and well-thought-out policy to consolidate and attract population.


Mission in the strategic territory management (example of the Solovetsky Archipelago)

Mission in the strategic territory management (example of the Solovetsky Archipelago)

Alexander Y. Tsvetkov

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The article is devoted to the main aspects of the territory mission development in the context of strategic management of the territory. The paper shows the role and importance of the mission in the management of the territory and reflects the main issues and the principles of its formation. Using the example of the Solovetsky Archipelago the author analyzes the mission, gives recommendations for its improvement and provides the model of the Solovetsky archipelago mission development.


Moral values in family relations of youth in Arkhangelsk

Moral values in family relations of youth in Arkhangelsk

Ilya F. Vereschagin, Evgenia A. Sergicheva

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The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in December 2014 — May 2015 in Arkhangelsk. The aim of the study was to make an image of the perfect marriage and analysis of the role of moral values in family-marriage attitudes of contemporary youth in the Arkhangelsk. By using such methods as questionnaire survey, document analysis and expert interviews, data were obtained, largely duplicating the result of the survey conducted by FOM and important in predicting the change of the role of spirituality in family values of youth.


Moving to a new place of residence: the item semantization in modern culture (on materials of the Kola Polar region)

Moving to a new place of residence: the item semantization in modern culture (on materials of the Kola Polar region)

Olesya A. Suleymanova


The article represents the study of the meanings and functions of family items when moving to a new place among the residents of the Kola North. The change of residence is always connected with the interruption of established lifestyle and placement of items. It revealed that while moving, the items environment of the family was reorganized and transformed completely or partially. It means the accelerated change of meaning and status of the moved family items.


National Arctic Transport Line: problems and prospects

National Arctic Transport Line: problems and prospects

Nikolay A. Pegin

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The article represents a rationale for the project of the National Arctic Transport Line Murmansk — Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and its problems and prospects.


On the development of the main research areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

On the development of the main research areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Anatoly V. Shevchuk, Valentin V. Kurteev

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The article is focused on the current research trends in the field of environmental protection and security in the Arctic. This means the development of Arctic environmental safety strategies for the period untill 2030, pollution and the environmental situation in the Russian Arctic, use of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the major infrastructure projects in terms of their impact on the Arctic environment and the possible damage, an environmental atlas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation within the project of the National Atlas of the Arctic. An assessment of the dumping impact (waste disposal in the sea) on the environment of the Arctic and indigenous peoples, taking into account the transboundary transfer of pollutants. All the tasks of the environmental damage elimination could be solved by special programs. The authors also formulated the possible outcomes of the proposed research in the Arctic.


Priorities and opportunities of cooperation between Russia and the Asian-Pacific states

Priorities and opportunities of cooperation between Russia and the Asian-Pacific states

Svetlana A. Lipina, Konstantin S. Zaykov

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Potential role and significance of the Arctic and North of Russia, Siberia and Far East for integration in the Asian-Pacific region (APR) are undoubtedly increasing. A need for defining the priorities of the North-East areas of our country emerges. Development of the infrastructure, resource use effectiveness and attractiveness for investors is a significant issue that contributes to the competitive abilities of the Russian economy and mutually beneficial international trade in the APR.


Recreational nature management and tourism in the new development plans of the North of Russia

Recreational nature management and tourism in the new development plans of the North of Russia

Dmitriy V. Sevastyanov

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Тhe article is devoted to the problems and prospects for the recreational nature management development in the Arctic in connection with the state “Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and National Security for the Period up to 2020”. The author considered modern trends in the development of cruise tourism, environmental problems of the Arctic and the task of embedding recreational and tourist activities in the complex redevelopment of the Arctic and the North. The result of the study is the conclusion about the expediency of integration of the tourist-recreational sphere into the complex project of social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.


Russia in the Arctic. Will the State Commission be its helmsman?

Russia in the Arctic. Will the State Commission be its helmsman?

Valeriy P. Zhuravel

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The article is focused on the analysis of the decisions on the development and exploration of the Arctic. It also reveals the activity of the State Commission on the Development of the Arctic. It notes the slow solution of problems of energy, information, transportation security of the remote settlements in the Russian Arctic. Unresolved issues of legal support of the guarantee and compensation system caused a certain degree of concern for persons working on the territory of the North in the Arctic. This list of existing problems could be extended. Activities of the State Commission confirm the thesis that Russia intends to provide reliable and long-term national interests in the Arctic.


Searching for balance: Swedish ethnic policy model today

Searching for balance: Swedish ethnic policy model today

Ekaterina S. Kotlova

Статья научная

The article is devoted to ethnic policy models in Sweden regarding indigenous population, national minorities and migrants. It seems most important to analize the ethnic policy models (acculturation, assimilation, segregation and integration policy) and circumstances which caused changes in state policy, as well as the efficiency in conditions of the modern crisis situation.


Social-psychological well-being of rural population in the White Sea coastal area as a risk factor for the Russian Arctic policy

Social-psychological well-being of rural population in the White Sea coastal area as a risk factor for the Russian Arctic policy

Andrey O. Podoplekin

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The article represents a generalized data from sociological survey of social-psychological well-being of the rural population of the coastal areas in Arkhangelsk region (included into the Russian Arctic zone) held in 2015. The data shows a critical level of social pessimism, assurance of residents in continuation of negative social-economic dynamics, deficiency of motivation and readiness for active participation and inclusion into the development of territories. Such a status is based on a deep degradation of local industries, infrastructures and social sphere, which has been confirmed by statistic data. The revealed indicators explain high migration preparedness, especially in groups of working ages, proceeding, in the middle-term prospective, to the risk of depopulation and disintegration of social carcass in the coastal areas which, in their turn, possess a significant resource potential. At that, residential population on these areas considered as strategic factor from the perspective of Russian geopolitical interests in the Arctic. A positive trend may be provided through implementation of spatial approach to the social-economic development, which has been already applied in activities held by the Russian State Commission on the Arctic Development. With that there is obvious relevance of correction of the Russian legislation toward transformation of residential population into the beneficiary party of the macro-regional development, which may be provided by establishing of special regimes and preferences in spheres of natural resource use, tax assessment, entrepreneurship and crediting for all groups indigenous (resident) population, including aboriginal people of the North.


Specifics of the migratory processes in the north of Europe (case of the Kingdom of Denmark)

Specifics of the migratory processes in the north of Europe (case of the Kingdom of Denmark)

Marina М. Panikar, Olga A. Vaseva

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Migration processes and policies of the northern European countries are studied with the focus on the Kingdom of Denmark. The area of the study got a sufficient attention, but the Denmark has not been considered as a carrier of a specific migration model. The model is characterized by relatively low share of migrants from non-European countries, strict immigration laws and policy of limiting the migration. Studying the case of Denmark, it is important to examine the effect the migration has on the ethno-cultural and economic situation in the Arctic countries, including Russia and its areas with an extensive transnational and cross-border communication. Comparative analysis and synthesis, mathematical and statistical methods were used to do so.


State policy towards indigenous peoples of Alaska: historical review and contemporary issues

State policy towards indigenous peoples of Alaska: historical review and contemporary issues

Polina S. Golomidova, Aleksander A. Saburov

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The article analyzes main stages of policy development towards indigenous peoples of Alaska and its influence on aboriginal cultures from the beginning of Russian colonization in the 18th century up to present time. The authors conclude that current policy towards indigenous peoples in Alaska can be generally evaluated as successful and supporting development of traditional cultures. The main achievements of this policy are: high level of self-organization and self-government of Alaska natives, legally secured rights for land and resources, progress in conservation of cultural heritage. However, social and economic challenges faced by indigenous people present a potential threat to the political stability in Alaska.


State preferences for the people in remote and northern territories of Russia

State preferences for the people in remote and northern territories of Russia

Viktor V. Fauzer, Tatyana S. Lytkina, Galina N. Fauzer

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The necessity of special benefits and guaranties for distant territories, and areas of the Far North and equivalent territories, allocated in a special group, aimed at involvement of people and providing the needs of national economy with natural resources are described in the article. The author’s periodization of the legal development of northern benefits and guaranties was presented. The grounds for separating the periods were the years of regionalization of these territories and a set of state preferences granted to the population in different periods. Five stages are highlighted: first — pre-Soviet, tsarist period, when the benefits and guaranties were introduced for distant localities; second stage — 1923–1932, the foundations of the benefit system by territories and branches were laid; third — 1942– 1945, the WWII years, when all benefits were collapsed or cancelled, fourth stage — 1946–1967, recovery of earlier established benefits, introduction the new benefits; fifth stage — 1990–2014, was ordering of benefits and guaranties due to the new economic realities; a part of benefits became a competence of labor law, defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The authors conclude that the development activities in the northern territories were the main goal of the government, and, therefore, the legal regulation of guaranties and benefits for the employees of the Far North and equivalent for them territories were also a priority. During the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century, the benefits for the employees of the Far North and equivalent territories had been repeatedly changed. They were expanded or limited depending on the necessity and opportunities of the state.

