Report. Рубрика в журнале - Cardiometry

Simulation model for Covid-19 pandemic
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This paper outlines computer modeling algorithms designed to predict and forecast a COVID-19. In this paper, we consider a deterministic model. Theongoing COVID-19 epidemic quickly spread across the globe. Significant behavioural, social initiatives to limit city transport, case identification and touch tracking, quarantine, advice, and knowledge to the public, creation of detection kits, etc. and state measures were conducted to reduce the epidemic and eliminate coronavirus persistence in humans around theworld from stopping the global coronavirus outbreak. In this paper, we propose a basic SIR epidemic model to show a simulation, the MATLAB algorithm using bouncing dots to depict safe and sick people to simulate infection spread. The graphical model shown here is implemented using MATLAB package version 3.0. In this paper, we discuss the importance of models because they help one explore what could happen. They demonstrate how different possible futures might be shaped by what we are doing now. We can examine the effects of specific interventions in different ways such as quarantine or a lockdown & explore how simulations may predict, how infectious diseases advanced to show the possible result of an outbreak, and better guide initiatives in public health regarding the pandemic response andpandemic past including an overview of the key characteristics of adverse pandemic consequences and epidemic outbreak.

The paper offers an analysis of activation therapy approaches to an increase in efficacy of anti-tumor treatment with the use of electromagnetic-nature factors as developed by L.Kh. Garkavi and E.B. Kvakina. Basic principles of optimization of the effects of exposures to electromagnetic radiation in various frequency bands, considering the patterns of development of general unspecific adaptation reactions of the organism as well as conceptual presentation of the organism as a complex nonlinear dissipative system, are described herein. Analyzed are effects of exposure to low-intensity radiation in the millimeter and decimeter wave bands, undertaken according to the above principles, detected in oculated tumor bearing rats. A weak infra-low magnetic field was applied in the study as an additional factor. The experimental study shows a possibility to obtain marked antitumor effects without use of conventional antitumor therapy means.

Strategies for mitigating the effects of a pandemic on Indian medical tourism
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India is a favorable destination for medical tourism because of its quality healthcare services and affordable treatment costs. It is a continuously growing industry across the globe. But whenever any pandemic situation arises, it adversely affects the industry. Currently, COVID-19 has a severe negative impact on the medical tourism sector. This paper discusses the effects of a pandemic, critical issues, SWOT analysis, and components that mitigate the adverse effects of pandemic diseases on medical tourism in India. During this phase, it is crucial to encourage domestic medical tourism for the sustainability of this sector. India’s heritage of ancient medicine promotion, along with modern medicine can captivate the medical tourists. The destination country requires meeting the expectations of tourists through quality services. With India entering this unexpected downturn in this sector, destination country it must emphasize the slow and steady growth of medical tourism against the current and potential future pandemics.

Conventional methods for arterial pressure (AP) measurement are not capable of identifying it in each cardiac cycle. Besides, they ignore many significant factors. The paper reports on an innovative method based on cardiac cycle phase analysis for detecting systolic and diastolic AP changes in each cardiac cycle using synchronous digitally processed ECG and Rheo recordings. Considered is the phase mechanism of the natural diastolic pressure regulation. The diastolic AP changes referred to the physiological norm and aortic dilatation status are also assessed.

Study of artificial aortic valve influence on hemodynamics by heart cycle phase analysis method
The results of study of an artificial aortic valve by the heart cycle phase analysis are given in the paper. The main aim of the study is identifying the artificial aortic valve influence on cardiovascular system functions, the way and ranges of these functions change. The results of phase blood volume measurement and the numerical values that characterize the metabolic processes in heart muscles are given herein.

The article is devoted to a novel noninvasive measurement of parameters of metabolic processes in the cardiac muscle fiber cells upon an original ECG processing. Theoretically substantiated is an original method of the ECG cardiac cycle phase analysis, which allows measuring the concentration of oxygen, lactate and phosphocreatine in arbitrary units in the cardiac muscle fiber cells in each cardiac cycle. The results of practical applications of the above cardiometric method for assessing the conditioning in a high-performance swimming athlete are discussed herein. Recommendations for a widespread use of the method in practice are discussed herein, too.

The G.Poyedintsev - O. Voronova mathematical model of hemodynamics
Aims The objective is to demonstrate the features of an original mathematical model of hemodynamics, developed by Russian researchers G.Poyedintsev and O.Voronova. Materials and methods The proposed original mathematical model of hemodynamics is based on the laws of the fresh hydrodynamic theory of the "third" fluid flow mode. Results As a result of the application of the above mathematical model of hemodynamics, an advanced method for noninvasive measuring of a complete set of hemodynamic parameters with the use of the cardiac cycle phase durations, implemented by the Cardiocode device, have been elaborated. Conclusion The unique method for noninvasive measuring of a complete set of hemodynamic parameters, which has been developed on the basis of the above mathematical model of hemodynamics, is a promising source for considerable expanding of diagnostics capabilities.

The article presents the results of space experiment “Pneumocard”. The investigation involved all 25 Russian members of the ISS crew. The total of 226 sessions were made including 130 aboard the ISS, 50 prior to launch and 46 on return from mission. The objective was to study effects of the spaceflight factors on autonomic regulation of blood circulation, respiration and cardiac contractility during long-duration mission. The purpose was to secure new research data that would clarify our present view of adaptation mechanisms. Registered were the following signals: electrocardiogram, impedance cardiogram, seismic cardiogram, pneumotachogram, finger photoplethysmogram. A set of hard- and software was used. Autonomic regulation of blood circulation by HRV analysis was investigated. It was shown that at the onset of a space mission parasympathetic involvement in regulation increases typically with subsequent mobilization of additional functional reserve. It guided the development of a functional states mathematical model incorporating the established types of autonomic regulation. Our data evidence that the combination of HRV analysis, pre-nosology diagnosis and probabilistic estimate of the pathology risk can reinforce the medical care program in space missions.

The impact of rock music on Indian young adults: a qualitative study on emotions and moods
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Music has proven to play a vital role in social and emotional development in teenagers and young adults. From contemplation, developing self-identity, understanding interpersonal relationships, and providing possibilities of experience mastery, agency, and self-control with the help of self-directed activities, music helps its audience develop in all aspects of life. In specific, Rock music, since its existence has been more than entertainment, artists expressed themselves and shared their opinions through their musical pieces. Infamous for promoting drugs and alcohol, Rock Music used its platform to enlighten the audience about taboo topics like racism, inequality, and other social issues. This research paper uses a qualitative methodology approach to understand Rock Music listeners’ points of view. Data was collected through ‘in-depth interviews’ of 15 participants hailing from different parts of the country. Rock Music has several positive effects on the listeners. Rock can elevate moods, induce emotions, helps the listeners be more productive and creative with their everyday work, and constantly motivate them to do better in every aspect of life. Rock provides a platform to express feelings and vent out all the angst, especially for those who otherwise do not voice their opinions because of their nature in general. Rock Music has been able to shape personalities, characteristics, and thought processes. Moreover, majorly, Rock Music helps people with anger management.

The study of hemodynamics in critical patients under intensive care unit conditions
Studies of hemodynamics in critical patients under intensive care unit conditions have been a very difficult task until now [1]. There are a number of reasons for that. No instruments capable of noninvasively recording data on hemodynamics and metabolism, as well as the cardiovascular system performance, could be used. Of course it is reasonable that, according to the relevant methodology, all the data should be recorded on the 'here-and-now' basis, in real time, to enable rapid decision-making in order to save the patient's life.

The use of cardiometry in development of self-control skills by means of game sand modeling
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The article presents experimental evidence of the validity of our hypothesis that progress in the formation and development of self-control can be fixed by assessing heart rate variability using the calculation of the Baevsky stress index (SI). Confirmation has also been obtained that this sort of cardiometric indicators can be applied as an essential element of effective bio-feedback in the course of improving a person’s ability to control his/her own psycho-emotional state using game sand modeling techniques. It is shown that the use of cardiometry in the development of self-control skills by means of game sand modeling contributes to the systematic phased internalization of the orientation scheme by the person, which he/she needs to control his/her own psycho-emotional state. The data obtained also demonstrate that the cardiometric measurements used in the course of such training help increase the rationality and awareness of the self-regulation skills to be formed and developed, and aid in strengthening the mindset for their constructive use in everyday life.

Theory of health: successful translation into the real life. General biological prerequisites
The paper reveals logical relationships between events, facts and results of research studies and exemplary materials of practical applications of the adaptational reactions. It is demonstrated that the stress reaction by H. Selye and the anti-stressor type adaptational reactions by Lyubov Kh. Garkavi, Elena B. Kvakina and Maria A. Ukolova have become the cornerstone in development of scientifically grounded approaches to control of the organism states.

Usage of nutritional supplements and its side effects among gym goers in Pune
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Nutritional supplements have always been a point of attraction for physically active people. These have improved exercise performance, increased muscular strength, weight gain or weight loss, etc. The irrational use of supplements has led to various side effects associated with them. There is a shortage of evidence suggesting the usage and knowledge regarding the consumption of dietary supplements. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a 121 sample size randomly chosen from 5 different zones of the city. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect information wherein participants reported their demographics, physical activity, supplement usage patterns, source of information, and side effects. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, was used with p<0.05 as significant. Samples used different dosages, forms, brands, and access to supplements. The participants coming to the gym for more extended periods were likely to consume supplements in higher dosages (p = 0.020). Protein powder was consumed by 97.5% of the samples. There was a significant association between different types of supplements across gender, age group, and period of exercising in the gym. Side effects such as cramps (p = 0.015) and nausea were significantly associated with high dosages of supplement consumption. The majority of them (51.2%) took advice from trainers. Only 9.9% consulted dieticians. Individuals consumed supplements without the guidance of any health professionals, which was predisposing them to various side effects. This reflects a lack of knowledge and awareness of supplement usage and highlights educating various stakeholders and gym-goers.