Report. Рубрика в журнале - Cardiometry

A study of perceptions about healthy food advertised in select urban areas in India
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The percentage of the obese and overweight population in India has alarmingly increased over the last few years. It is described as a global epidemic that needs to be controlled. The two main reasons for obesity and overweight are lack of physical activity and lack of balanced diet. Childhood Obesity leads to many chronic diseases in adulthood if not cured. With the lifestyle change, physical activity has gradually decreased; therefore, a balanced diet is necessary to fight obesity. Obesity can also be controlled among the youth so that it is not carried forward in adulthood. Consequently, it is imperative to know what makes them buy products that claim to be healthy. Advertisers use the central or peripheral route of advertising to endorse the products and add labels as heuristic cues to help buyers make a healthy choice. A questionnaire that was given to the sample to understand their perception of food products that claim to be healthy indicated that the influence of celebrity brand endorsers varies with categories of food products. It also indicated that all labels do not influence the buyer. The buyers who claimed to check nutrient facts of the products also perceived the products to be healthy. Government guidelines have been established for nutritional claims made by the advertisers, but more information needs to be given to the buyers so that they can make an informed decision.

Acupuncture phenomenon of the QI energy complete awakening
Aims The aim is to study the phenomenon of the Qi energy complete awakening using the acupuncture method and the reactions appearing during this process that lead to recovery of the body and of the cardiovascular system first of all. Materials and methods The study is based on the classical acupuncture method using the unique technique of effecting the points by I-Ching. Results The result is the body recovering the pathologic diseases the patient has been suffering for decades. Conclusion The new method for acupuncture is the Qi energy complete awakening based on structuring the Qi energy in the acupoints according to the figures of gua (trigrams and hexagrams) in the Chinese Canon of Changes and can be used for the treatment of almost any kind of the disease including cardiovascular. The given method allows not only balancing the Yin and Yang energy in the human body but also launching the generalized recovery program concentrated in the deepest layers of the human genetic memory. The given method allows treating many diseases considered to be incurable by the official medicine.

Heart rhythm abnormalities are of critical importance for an assessment of risks of sudden cardiac death (SCD). “Disorders of heart rhythm are considered as a dynamic process of uninterrupted firing, existence and decaying of elementary sources, initiators of heart arrhythmias.”(Leo Bockeria) If it is a dynamic process, for its description we can use methods of non-linear dynamics that is aimed at time-related SCD risk prediction. This paper considers some issues connected with an application of a specific software module designed for an analysis of R/S amplitude alternation conditions that makes possible to restore the one-dimensional phase portrait of the dynamic system. Our idea is also to offer herein a method how to identify the optimum delay. We have developed methods for calculation of correlation and fractal dimensionality that makes possible to provide a sudden cardiac arrest prediction model.

Aging and active long healthy life in the context of chronobiology
The challenge of aging and supporting active long healthy life of a human is treated herein in the context of the chronobiological theory of biosystem stability. An increase in the energetic efficiency of the structural regulation in the feedback and adapting process of a biosystem results in a reduction of its homeostatic capacity and inhibition of its biorhythms. The occurrence of pathological desynchronoses provokes further escalation of elimination of some elements in the biosystem and finally aging of the latter. The paper offers description of internal and external causes of desynchronoses and some methods of their removal by normalization of hierarchy of biorhythm periods.

Analysis of methods for assessing threats in the field of data storage
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At present, in the conditions of the active development of the information society, when information is the main means of production, special attention is paid to the methods and means of organizing its protection and storage. A large number of developments, both software and physical, are devoted to this issue. Cybersecurity is becoming more and more necessary every day and, as a result, popular, as a result of which a large number of specialists with a basic education in the field of information security graduate every year. In addition, an extensive regulatory framework has been developed that regulates the procedure and principles for protecting and storing data. Thus, we can talk about the existence of an entire industry aimed at maintaining and improving information security. Besides, it is proved herein that there is a need to develop a method for quantitative assessment of the security of stored data.

Analysis of the cardiovascular system performance in long living individuals
The paper presents some interesting data and findings on the study of the performance of the cardiovascular system in long living individuals aged over 90. In this case, highland area individuals of this class are compared with those in flatland areas. For the purpose of the study, the cardiometric technology has been used that allows identifying age related features in the said long liver cohorts. The conclusions thereupon reveal the features of an individual age related state, the assessment of which may find practical applications by researchers involved in gerontology.

Application of principles of space medicine to health monitoring of the aging population
Monitoring the health of astronauts based on the assessment of the functional state of the body within the realms of norm and pathology. The area of functional states qualifies as the yellow score of health on a notional scale "traffic light of health". Modern medicine is particularly interested in studying the health of the yellow score, because of the preventative measures that could still be taken before making contact with the healthcare system. This method has been used in a study of a group of people(mean age >70) during their stay at a resort in northern Ontario. Data were obtained by a spectral analysis of HRV. High-frequency oscillations (HF,%), indicating the increased activity of the parasympathetic system, which protects the body from stress was significantly increased. Centralization of control of autonomic functions (IC) was decreased as well as heart rate. All these changes indicate growth of functional reserves, aimed at increasing protection against stress’ effect due to environmental factors. This research shows that the method based on space medicine assessment in health can be successfully utilized within various fields of physiology and medicine, particularly in gerontological practice to dynamically monitor and research ways to improve the health of the elderly.

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The purpose of this work is to identify neuropsychiatric functions in patients at Department No. 1 responsible for medical care of patients with a new coronavirus infection at the Samara City Hospital No. 7. Appropriate scales and questionnaires were used for this purpose. Cognitive impairments were found in 86% of the cases, emotional-affective impairments of varying severity in half of the subjects, an increase in reactive and personal anxiety was revealed, and vegetative disorders were observed in 78% of the subjects. Based on these data, it can be assumed that the new coronavirus infection affects the functioning of the nervous system of patients.

Conflict situation in a suburban hospital, India: Reasons and measures to minimize
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Health care has a prominent place in society and as a setting required to serve and care for its public and stimulate overall physical, psychological, and social health. It has a distinct obligation to generate a healthy workplace. Conflict and diversity are intrinsic in health care, and conflict in interdisciplinary teams is an accepted norm and unescapable. Thus, a study was conducted to understand reasons for the conflict amongst varied levels of healthcare staff in a 150 bedded multispecialty hospital in an Indian city. A Survey of 200 respondents (Healthcare and managerial staff) revealed that lack of appreciation, job stress, and competition within the department (32%) were the major reasons for differences amongst the employees. Concerning approaches adopted, compromising and collaborating methods scored more (38% and 38.6%, respectively). The results have shown that, in general, managers are familiar with conflict resolution techniques and believe in motivating their staff to increase their levels of performance and retain them with the hospital. However, there is a need to make the human resource system more robust and accommodating to ensure varied healthcare professionals from different qualification backgrounds and job roles are treated equitably

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Reduction of maternal and infant mortality rates has been recognised as one of the important goals of this century. Both coverage improvement and inequity reduction have been set up as millennium targets. Despite the availability of effective interventions, maternal and child healthcare conditions are not improving in developing countries because of inefficiently functioning health systems. Knowledge generation about behaviors of health system building blocks on the implementation of several healthcare interventions will help policymakers to design situation- specific and strategic interventions. A decision support system has been devised incorporating data mining algorithms which would help to understand the condition of maternal and child healthcare indicators; educational, socio, and economic situations; healthcare status; and healthcare service blocks and their relationships with each other. In this paper, the design of the DSS has been discussed elaborately. To enhance a system- wide understanding of the healthcare system, all healthcare- related factors have been incorporated into this system. Three knowledge generation modules have been prepared by utilizing different visualization and data mining algorithms.

Development of modern technology for obtaining tinctures with sedative effect
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The aim of this work was to experimentally select the optimal conditions for obtaining a tincture with an effective sedative effect consisting of a mixture of common motherwort grass, medicinal lemon balm and nettle leaves in a ratio of (1:1:1) and the development of quality criteria for the finished product. The influence of the concentration of the extractant, the ratio of raw materials to extractant, the multiplicity of extraction and the mode of infusion with the use of auxiliary technologies (ultrasound treatment) on the yield of biologically active substances from the raw materials was studied. It has been established that the most acceptable way to obtain this tincture is maceration using ultrasound. This method allows us to obtain a tincture with a high yield of flavonoids with the minimum time used.

Development of space technologies and problems of “home medicine”
Experience of cosmonauts’ health monitoring shows that in the study of healthy subjects clinical approach to the evaluation of various medical and physiological data is almost less effective than the evaluation of organism adaptive abilities. The idea of prenosological diagnosis and the concept of adaptive risks develop in space medicine last years. These new space technologies are being actively tested in terrestrial studies in systems as "home medicine". The report presents three variants of systems, respectively, designed to work with a) home PC ("Ecosan-2007" and "Ecosan-TM"), b) Internet connections ("Delta 2013"), c) mobile communication channels ("Traffic Lights of Health"). The main method of functional conditions evaluation in all these systems is the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. HRV indices allow us to construct a mathematical model and to compute the stress degree of regulatory systems, their functional reserve and adaptive risk.

The paper reviews the existing methods for hemodynamic parameters measurement, namely the Fick method, the thermodilution technique and the Cardiocode technology. Comparative analysis of the above methods is presented. Strong and weak points in each method and their informative values are identified. Distinctive features of the Cardiocode method, as the only noninvasive one, are described.

Digital heart rate diagnostics
Heart rate diagnostics based on tactile sensations has been known for over 5 thousand years. Medieval doctors used it and modern doctors use it. With the advent of the Marei arteriograph in 1860, heart rate waves became possible to observe, creating visual images, and subsequently analyze them using a computer in digital form. However, in this way, the main obstacle remains the imperfection of the sensors, allowing you to receive only weak and noisy signals with a large number of artifacts. In practice, heart rate wave sensors are produced only by Millar (USA), Omron (Japan), and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RF). This article summarizes the experience of studying heart rate waves by IMASH RAS since 1990. Systematization of the results led to an attempt to create the basis of digital heart rate diagnostics, which will make it easier for doctors to make a diagnosis based on methods of modern information technologies.

Effectiveness of blockchain to solve the interoperability challenges in healthcare
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This study aims to explore the potential of Blockchain to transform healthcare, build the patient-driven healthcare ecosystem rather than the current institutional driven and enhance the privacy, security, and interoperability of healthcare data and check the counterfeit drugs. Interview excerpts from Industry experts/developers in the field of IT and experience from the implementation of the technology in the financial world will help understand its viability in healthcare. Consulting with domain experts is a qualitative process that involves comprehending the perception of the experts. The research paper will help the healthcare sector lay down future business strategies to redefine its businesses by overcoming the increasing threat on patients’ private data and resolving complex supply chain issues. A decentralized ledger can prevent massive revenue loss due to counterfeit drugs to track and verify each drug’s movement on the unchangeable record. The primary and secondary research is original, adding its authenticity with interview excerpts of domain experts. The results of this research paper will help identify the transparency, immutability, cost-saving, and streamlining of business to be brought by Blockchain in health care. It would be the transformational journey from innovation to market the quality products to the end consumer.

Our results of analyzing effects made by electrode characteristics on the accuracy of the ECG signal parameters formation are presented herein. Analyzed is a correlation between the measured characteristics of the electrodes and a probability value that determines accuracy of the ECG signal parameters formation. With the help of scatter plots demonstrated is the strength of the correlation between the assessed variables. Our analysis of the obtained results shows that the harder is the contact agent in an electrode, the more accurate are the formed ECG signal parameters.

Energetically optimal nonstationary mode of flow along tube with constant and time-varying radius
Derived is a new modification of hydrodynamic equations of viscous incompressible fluid flowing along the tube with radius changing in time. Obtained are exact non-stationary solutions of these equations generalizing a well-known classic stationary solution for Hagen-Poiseuille flow in the tube with radius constant in time. It is demonstrated that the law of changing the tube radius in time may be determined basing on the condition of minimality of the work expended for flowing the set fluid volume along such a tube during the period of radius change cycle. Obtained is the solution of the corresponding variational (isoperimetric) problem on conditional extremum determining the limits to dimensionless quantity of the cycle duration set by the specified dimensionless value of the flowed fluid volume. Identified is the generalization of well-known model of optimal branching pipeline in which the Poiseuille law modification is used for a new exact non-stationary solution of hydrodynamic equation instead of the law itself. It is demonstrated that the energetically favorable non-stationary modes with negative hydraulic resistance are permissible in certain conditions. The obtained conclusions may be used for development of the hydrodynamic basis of modelling the energy-optimal blood flow realized in the cardiovascular system in norm.

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The Healthcare sector has been emerging on the platform of data science. And data scientists are often using machine learning techniques based on historical data to create models, make predictions or recommendations. This paper aims to provide background and information for the community on the benefits and variants of Federated Learning (F.L.) with other technologies for medical applications and highlight key considerations and challenges of F.L. implementation in the digital health background. With this FMaaS, we envisage a future for digital federated health. We hope to empower and raise awareness about the environment and fog computing to provide a more secure and better-analyzing environment. The AutoML framework is used to generate and optimize machine learning models using automatic engineering tools, model selection, and hyperparameter optimization on fog nodes. Thus, making the system more reliable and secure for each individual by preserving privacy at their end devices. And this will lead to a personalized recommendation system for each individual associated with this framework by deploying the Model to their devices for on-device inferences through the concept of differential private Model averaging. With this framework, users don’t have to compromise with privacy, and all their sensitive data will be secure on their end devices.

Five decades of risk perception measurements of tobacco use: a review of literature
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Perceptions of risk are beliefs about the likelihood of damage or loss. People make subjective judgments regarding the intensity and features of a danger. Smoking start and continuation are influenced by risk perception. Risk perception of tobacco use or smoking has always been controversial. Few studies found that risk perception is overestimated by smokers and tobacco users, while other studies found that smokers underestimate the risk of smoking. It has been observed that different authors have been using different approaches to measure the risk perception of tobacco use. The present literature review is an ontological exploration of the process of calculating this construct and determining which method gives more holistic and robust information. A literature survey was carried out to understand different ways in which risk perception can be measured. Fifty- seven studies were identified from 1970 to 2020 in which risk perception was calculated for any form of tobacco use. The literature review found that the researchers used two practical approaches to measure risk perception. In the first approach, the researchers tried to measure only the health risks of tobacco use, and in the second, multiple dimensions of tobacco use were measured. Most commonly perceived addiction and then the social risk of tobacco use was accessed. Though recent literature is dominated by an approach where a single dimension, i.e., perceived health risk of tobacco use, is most commonly access, it is inferring from the available literature that tools that access multiple sizes of the perceived risk of tobacco use give more comprehensive and robust information about that construct which can be used further to create tobacco use prevention intervention.

The present paper analyzes changes in coagulation system markers in 64 patients with malignant tumors of the GI in surgical treatment. Results obtained when using parameters of the expanded coagulogram and a new global hemostatic assessment test with the use of Thrombodynamics recorder T2 have been evaluated. Based on the findings, we have developed models for predicting postoperative venous thrombosis and compared different methods for the coagulation system examinations. The thrombodynamics test allows us to assess the state of thrombotic readiness in the postoperative period in 26.56% of patients with GI cancer upon the standard anticoagulant prevention. High levels of the thrombinemia markers and hypercoagulation at the fibrin clot growth rate have been detected after the surgery. Correlation between the plasma fibrinogen levels and the fibrin clot density has been observed. Therefore, the proposed highly sensitive global assessment test of the hemostatic system allows us to detect hypercoagulation and evaluate the efficacy of a preventive dose of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)