Report. Рубрика в журнале - Cardiometry

Публикации в рубрике (54): Report
все рубрики
Hagen-Poiseuille flow linear instability

Hagen-Poiseuille flow linear instability

Chefranov Sergey G., Chefranov Alexander G.



Healthcare consumer behaviour: the impact of digital transformation of healthcare on consumer

Healthcare consumer behaviour: the impact of digital transformation of healthcare on consumer

Sweety Chatterjee, Prasanna Kulkarni

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Healthcare consumer behavior is influenced by the cumulative impact of internal/external factors. Individual considerations, and interplay amongst determinants, are both crucial. Today, customers demand more information, greater options, and real-time interactions. Customer engagement has become crucial. Digital Transformation with emerging technologies like AI, Blockchain, Telemedicine, etc., helps physicians, optimizes systems, improves patient experience, and reduces human errors. This paper discusses factors influencing healthcare consumers’ behavior and provides insights into digital technologies to enhance the consumer experience. The qualitative method is used by engaging a closed consumer group in discussion and through in-depth interviews. The analysis provides an insight into the behavior of healthcare consumers. The study finds that the new breed of consumers is well informed about healthcare providers’ digital readiness. The factors influencing consumers to select healthcare providers include digital readiness of the healthcare provider, good customer experience, word of mouth, and brand image.


Hydro-mechanical foundation for blood swirling vortex flows formation in the cardio-vascular system and the problem of artificial heart creation

Hydro-mechanical foundation for blood swirling vortex flows formation in the cardio-vascular system and the problem of artificial heart creation

Chefranov Sergey G., Chefranov Alexander G., Chefranov Artem S.


Leonardo da Vinci perhaps was the first who paid attention to the energetic efficiency of existence of vortices emerging near sines of Valsalva and defining normal functioning (opening) of aortal valve. However up to now a fundamental problem of defining of mechanisms of mysterious energetic efficiency of functioning of cardio-vascular system (CVS) of blood feeding of the organism is still remaining significantly not solved and this is, for example, one of the main restriction for the creation of artificial heart and corresponding valve systems. In the present paper, results witnessing possible important role of the very hydro-mechanical mechanism in the realization of the noted energetic efficiency of CVS due to formation in the CVS of spiral structural organization of the arterial blood flow observed by methods of MRT and color Doppler-measuring in the left ventricular of the heart and in aorta (A.Yu.Gorodkov,


Influence of postoperative magnetotherapy on homeostasis central regulation efficiency

Influence of postoperative magnetotherapy on homeostasis central regulation efficiency

Protasova Tatiana P., Shikhlyarova Alla I., Korobeinikova Elena P., Barsukova Lyudmila P., Airapetova Tatiana G., Arapova Yulia Yu., Rostorguev Eduard E.


Aim The aim of the present research is to study the dynamics of bioelectric markers of the CNS functional state in lung cancer patients during an early postoperative period for the purpose of evaluation of the conducted magnetotherapy adaptive and correcting effects. Materials and methods 25 lung cancer male patients have been examined. The reference group patients received a standard postoperative therapy, while in the main group it has been accompanied by the complex modulated ultra low frequency magnetic field exposure applied to the occipital area. Before the operation and 10 days after it in all the patients EEGs have been recorded unipolarly, according to system “10/20” as well as the galvanic skin resistance measured in reference points using the R. Voll electro-acupuncture method. Results It is demonstrated that the postoperative magnetotherapy application in lung cancer patients is accompanied with a significant exceedance of the spatial synchronization values over the corresponding markers only in case of surgical treatment: in alpha band between the central and temporal area in the left hemisphere, and between the similar areas in the right hemisphere; in beta-band between the symmetrical areas in the temporal and central cortex...


Intelligent digitalization of cardiovascular risks

Intelligent digitalization of cardiovascular risks

Gromov Y.Y., Gorbunov A.V., Tyutyunnik V.M.

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The aim of the study was to develop a mathematical model of the risks of the cardiovascular system based on the selected factors affecting cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and to test the developed mathematical model on a sample of clinical examples. CVD risk factors was grouped by types: biological indicators (anthropometric, biochemical, morphological, physiological), disease indicators, social indicators. An assessment of the degree of risk for each of the indicators was carried out by calculating the degree of risk using the membership formula, then evaluating the hazard class (according to the degree of risk) using a logical-linguistic model and a training algorithm for the neural fuzzy classifier of the network. The correctness of the risk determination by the developed model was confirmed by the analyzed 60 verified cases of acute cerebrovascular accident (18 men and 42 women). The analysis of the test results of the constructed neuro-fuzzy classifier allows us to conclude that it works satisfactorily even when using incomplete information, which makes it possible to use it for prompt decision-making. The results of testing on clinical examples, with an acceptable level of significance of a type I error of 0.05, showed that the risk was determined correctly. The factors influencing the risk of CVD are identified and designated as the corresponding linguistic variables. A logical-linguistic model was built, from which a transition was made to a hybrid neuro-fuzzy classifier, which allows assessing the influence of the identified factors on the level of risk of CVD. As a result of approbation of the model of intellectual digitalization of risks of the cardiovascular system on real clinical examples, it was confirmed that the risk was determined correctly, which means that it is possible to assert about the prospects for introducing this model into clinical practice and guaranteeing medical specialist more accurate diagnosis and optimization of their activities.


Intermittent hypoxic training as an effective method of activation therapy

Intermittent hypoxic training as an effective method of activation therapy

Voronina Tamara, Grechko Nikolay, Shikhlyarova Alla, Bobkova Natalia


This article considers possibilities of achieving the most effective therapeutic effect of intermittent hypoxia training (IHT) by initiating an activation and training reaction. Thanks to IHT the body builds an anti-stress type adaptation which increases the body's nonspecific resistance to the development of diseases. It works through a variable functional load which includes a mechanism for optimizing mitochondrial respiration and is a trigger for synchronizing the performance of the nervous, immune and hormonal systems. Some biochemical data presented in the article demonstrate the effects of moderate hypoxia. In addition, laboratory and hardware methods of diagnosing for the selection of individual IHT regimes are proposed. IHT is used to great effect in training of astronauts, pilots, athletes and in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, trophic ulcers, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system and oncological disorders as well as for rejuvenation purposes.


Internship in the year of COVID-19: what has changed in internship dynamics?

Internship in the year of COVID-19: what has changed in internship dynamics?

Patil A., Sharma P.

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The purpose of this research is to understand the changes in internship dynamics of MBA students in 2020 who undertook virtual full-time internships as compared to previous years when interns were required to be present physically. Sample was collected from two set of interns; one set interns were working through virtual internship and the second set were working on traditional model of on- site internship. For data collection, structured questionnaire was used. Data was collected on various parameters of internship processes and experience. The result from the current findings suggests that the experience of both set of interns differ significantly. This paper will essentially evaluate whether virtual full-time internships have been able to contribute, create & shape internship experience effectively for interns & understand which dimensions such as learning, productivity, communication, etc have seen changes due to the nature of work being changed. Research material in this area is limited, mainly due to students experiencing a remote working style in their internships for the first time which is why this research will be quite valuable for various stakeholders.


Methodological fundamentals of experimental magnetotherapy of tumors (historical essay)

Methodological fundamentals of experimental magnetotherapy of tumors (historical essay)

Shikhlyarova Alla I., Maryanovskaya Galina Y., Barsukova Lyudmila P., Zakharyuta Faina M., Zhukova Galina V., Korobeinikova Elena P., Protasova Tatiana P., Sheiko Elena A., Evstratova Olga F., Barteneva Tatiana A., Kurkina Tatiana A., Maschenko Natalia M.


The paper highlights the key stages on the way of a proper understanding of the magnetic field anti-tumor influence mechanisms on the level of an organism as an integrated system and its individual subsystems. The experiments in animals have shown that the processes of the malignant tumor growth inhibition are closely related to the formation of the stable state of the activation reaction at high reactivity levels. It is noted that the induction of such adaptational reaction depends on a specified selection of parameters of exposure intensities and magnetic field frequency, taking into account the law of nonlinearity of an exposure effect and adequacy with endogenous rhythms.


Microgravity: an ideal environment for cardiac force measuring

Microgravity: an ideal environment for cardiac force measuring

Baevsky Roman М., Funtova Irina I., Luchitskaya Еlena S., Таnk J.


In the article main principles of ballistocardiography are considered. Special attention is paid to registration of the spatial ballistocardiogramm. There exist two principles of ballistocardiography: dynamic and seismic. In the event of dynamic ballistocardiography body displacements align to an extent with shifting of the general center of body gravity. Ideal conditions for ballistocardiogram acquisition could be reached if rigidity of internal body relations had an infinitely large value, while rigidity of external relations was nearing the zero. Then displacements of the entire body would depend only on the forces imparted by the cardiovascular system. Microgravity is the only environment providing these ideal conditions for ballistocardiography. Microgravity allows effective application of the dynamic BCG principle to recording pulse-induced body movements corresponding to the center of mass displacements. This kindled interest of the first researchers in space medicine in ballistocardiographic investigations during space flight...


Motion of blood formed elements in a pulsatile hemodynamic flow

Motion of blood formed elements in a pulsatile hemodynamic flow

Timoshenko Vladimir I., Chernov Nikolay N.


This paper offers some results obtained in our studies on the motion of individual formed elements in blood with due regard of a pulsatile flow of the plasma in the blood vessels. An analysis of the process of the motion of the blood particles having different shapes in a pressure wave variable field of the pressure wave has been completed herein.


Multiple factor analysis applied to calculation of blood pressure based on pulsometry data

Multiple factor analysis applied to calculation of blood pressure based on pulsometry data

Yavelov I.S., Danielyan G.L., Rochagov A.V., Zholobov A.V.

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Development of algorithms capable of determining arterial pressure (AP) according to the contour of a pulse wave (PW) remains a topical issue to be solved with long-time efforts by researchers who work for many years in the field of hemodynamics. There is no doubt that the PW contour contains the data on AP, however due to a great number of factors influencing AP to reveal the relationship between them is extremely complicated. Our paper offers an attempt to develop an algorithm to calculate AP with the use of a PW sensor with the desired medical accuracy which does not require preliminary calibration utilizing a reference sphygmomanometer.


Noninvasive investigation of the body functional state during night sleep in microgravity

Noninvasive investigation of the body functional state during night sleep in microgravity

Funtova Irina I., Luchitskaya Еlena S., Slepchenkova Irina N., Chernikova Аnna G.


The Sonocard experiment purpose was a noninvasive physiological signal recording from sleeping humans. In 2007-2012 the experiment was made by 22 Russian members of 17 missions to the International space station. Of the overall 302 experimental sessions 47 were performed pre, 215 in and 40 after flight. The seismographic technique was used to pick up cosmonaut’s body microoscillations induced by cardiac beats, respiration and motor activity. The flight Sonocard model is a midget device fitting into the T-shirt pocket. Heart rate variability analysis (HRV) was the major method of securing conclusive evidence on stress level and blood circulation autonomic regulation. We were first to trace reorganization of the autonomic regulation at the night time on different phases of long-duration space mission and pioneered a systematic investigation of the human body functional state during sleep. It was shown that in the absence of work loads and emotional stresses the central mechanisms of circulation regulation tend to increase their activities...


Novel formula to measure mean pulmonary artery pressure

Novel formula to measure mean pulmonary artery pressure

Chacn-Lozsn Francisco, Lebedieva Y., Peinado-Acevedo Js


Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (MPAP) is an important parameter in evaluation of patients with pulmonary hypertension. The aim of this study is to correlate a new formula using non-invasive blood pressure and Bernoulli’s right ventricle systolic pressure (RVSP) with invasive method. To archive the objectives, we enrolled 143 patients with suspected pulmonary hypertension from January 2015 till January 2016; all patients underwent right heart catheter evaluation and simultaneously RVSP by transthoracic echocardiography and non-invasive blood pressure to calculate MPAP by the formula MPAP = Pulse Pressure / (Mean Arterial Pressure/RVSP); and the results were compared using the Pearson’s simple-linear correlation method. We found a significant association between invasive and equation results with a Pearson’s correlation of 0,872 with a confidence interval from 0,795 to 0,921; sensitivity was 1,538% with a 95% confidence of interval (CI) from 0,038% to 8,276%, and Specificity was 100% with 95% CI from 94,48% to 100%. Our results suggest that the new formula have a good correlation estimating MPAP compared with invasive right heart catheterization method.


Nutritional and biological value of natural-bio shoots mung bean “Mungoltin”. Food and biological values

Nutritional and biological value of natural-bio shoots mung bean “Mungoltin”. Food and biological values

Khayitov J.B., Shaikhova G.I., Achilov D.D., Allaeva M.J.

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Based on the results of our own research, examination of scientific dossier materials and reference literature data, it was established that dry powder Mungoltin made from the shoots of mung beans produced by Oriona-Scorpion LLC (Uzbekistan) contains a sufficient amount of protein, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber, does not have a negative impact on the health status of experimental animals and does not result in functional and material cumulation. Acute systemic toxicity testing with intragastric administration of Mungoltin was carried out in 18 adult white male rats. Animals were divided into 4 groups. The animals of the first group received a nutrition dose of 5000 mg/ kg; the white rats of the second group were administered with a dose of 7500 mg/kg, and the rodents in the third group were given a dose of 10000 mg/kg, respectively. The animals in group 4 (the reference group) received distilled water. Upon a prolonged intragastric exposure to Mungoltin, no changes in biochemical parameters were detected. The activity indicators of alkaline phosphatase, trans-aminase enzymes and total protein in the blood serum did not differ significantly from those found in the reference group. Therefore, using Mungoltin will not cause a cytotoxic effect in relation to normal highly proliferating cells in an organism. The results of histomorphological studies of tissues of internal organs upon intragastric administration of Mungoltin within 30 days confirm the absence of toxic effects. According to toxicity parameters under the conditions of the above acute experiments, Mungoltin can be attributed to class 5 practically as a non-toxic substance.


PCI VS CABG for patients with CTO: contemporary techniques and outcome-single center experience

PCI VS CABG for patients with CTO: contemporary techniques and outcome-single center experience

Abbas W., Zarif B., Azmy A.

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CTOs are common findings on coronary arteriograms [1]. CTOs were defined as 100% coronary occlusion present for at least three months and found in almost 20% of all angiograms of patients with angina. The choice of therapy for patients undergoing coronary angiography and found to have CTOs was studied in The Canadian Multicenter Chronic Total Occlusions Registry [2]. Almost half the patients with CTOs were treated medically, and 25% underwent CABG (CTOs bypassed in 88%). PCI was performed in 30%, with a 70% success rate. While more patients with CTOs have historically been treated with CABG than PCI, technical advancements in PCI of CTOs may be expected to drive more patients with CTOs towards being treated with PCI [3].


Performance of arteriovenous shunts as an adaptational & protective mechanism responsible for the proper coronary hemodynamics

Performance of arteriovenous shunts as an adaptational & protective mechanism responsible for the proper coronary hemodynamics

Lukyanchenko Vladimir A.


The paper presents issues on actions and effects made by the discovered phenomena of shunting in the blood flow, when blood is directed from large artery vessels into large-sized venous vessels, on the hemodynamics profile of the proper heart. According to the data delivered by the Cardiocode device, the physiological interpretation of arteriovenous shunt opening to provide an adequate blood circulation in the proper heart is shown herein. Based on the discovered phenomena, it is concluded that the opening of some individual shunts can be treated as one of the flexible adaptational mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of the required hemodynamics of the heart.


Phase characteristics of rheograms. Original classification of phase-related changes of Rheos

Phase characteristics of rheograms. Original classification of phase-related changes of Rheos

Rudenko Mikhail Y.


The phase characteristics of a rheogram are described in literature in general only. The existing theory of impedance rheography is based on an analysis of the form of rheogram envelopes, but not on the phase-related processes and their interpretation according to the applicable laws of physics. The aim of the present paper is to describe the phase-related characteristics of a rheogram of the ascending aorta. The method of the heart cycle phase analysis has been used for this purpose. By synchronizing an ECG of the aorta and a rheogram, an analysis of specific changes in the aorta blood filling in each phase is provided. As a result, the phase changes of a rheogram associated with the ECG phase structure are described and tabulated for first time. The author hereof offers his own original classification of the phase-related changes of rheograms.


Photometric recorder of the carotid artery pulse wave with a system for stabilizing the clamping force

Photometric recorder of the carotid artery pulse wave with a system for stabilizing the clamping force

Berdnikov A.V., Matrosov G.V.

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Preventive monitoring, which increases the possibility of diagnosing and curing a disease at an early stage, is interesting and relevant in medical diagnostics. Recently, both minimally invasive and non-invasive diagnostic techniques have become widespread. They include the areas of cardiographic, encephalographic and myographic analyzers designed to study the state of the heart, the brain and striated muscles. The study of the functioning of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out using gastro-enterography methods. To obtain an integral assessment of the effectiveness of the circulatory system, the plethysmography method can be successfully applied, which allows modeling vascular tone and blood flow using models of hydrodynamics and the theory of elasticity. The present article analyzes the range of static (or dynamic) informative hemo-parameters that allow diagnosing at the initial stage arterial hypertension, aortic insufficiency or stenosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and some other diseases. The photometric reflex absorption in the infrared range, followed by an assessment of blood flow in the aortas and arteries with recording of the shape of pulse waves were used as methods in our research work. The result of the work is a method and a system of computer control of the rod current acting on biological tissues (using the Bluetooth protocol, LabView environment, virtual digital filters and biomedical data archives) that allows non-invasively recording of the parameters of the carotid artery pulse wave.


Processes in regulatory systems during development of various adaptational reactions and evaluation of functional state dynamics in the organism

Processes in regulatory systems during development of various adaptational reactions and evaluation of functional state dynamics in the organism

Zhukova Galina V., Shikhlyarova Alla I., Maschenko Natalia M., Barteneva Tatiana A., Loginova Lyudmila N.


The paper describes some concepts on processes occurring in the neuroendocrine and immune systems during development of general unspecific adaptational reactions. The concepts are based on the known evidence on the changes in the regulatory systems and the previously identified peculiarities in correlations between the levels of biogenic amines in blood and the organs, respectively, under various adaptational reactions, as well as the known effects of biogenic amines. A number of practical consequences significant for the correct evaluation of the functional state in humans and animals are also considered herein.

