Креативная экономика и социальные инновации @cesi-journal
Статьи журнала - Креативная экономика и социальные инновации
Все статьи: 508

"Возвращение" как преображение: визуальный аспект
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В статье рассматривается феномен возвращения, как преображение человеческой жизни, человеческой культуры. На уровне чувственного сознания в человеке возникает необходимость вернутся на Родину. Возвращение - это время становления, изменения, постоянного внутреннего и внешнего движения. Феномен возвращения всегда постигается на уровне чувств. Тематика феномена возвращения рассматривается через сюжеты известных фильмов, чтобы понять особенности существования феномена в человеческой жизни.

Beauty as a bridge: two tracks of survival
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In today's world, intercultural dialogue is increasingly important, building a bridge of mutual exchange and understanding between cultures and peoples. Mutual understanding and peace are realized through the beauty and harmony of relations between individuals and cultures. The article substantiates the idea of the aesthetic foundations of intercultural reconciliation. Beauty is understood as a bridge and a way of organizing and stimulating the dialogue of cultures. Two movements are distinguished on this bridge in the dialogue space of integration - the first path is connected with interstate contacts and intergovernmental agreements; the second path is connected with popular diplomacy and expresses civic initiative and dialogue between public organizations. The article emphasizes the special mission of citizen’s diplomacy as the most effective means of intercultural reconciliation and social integration.

Citizens of the earth: international community and ecological development
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UN Ecology Organization would provide a focus and leadership for the many Non-governmental Organizations working for ecologically-sound development. The Director of such a coherent UN organization would provide a voice for ecological concerns on the world level. The greater attention being given to the consequences of global warming is an indication that many people are ready for such leadership. "Citizens of the Earth" has highlighted the need for a United Nations Ecology Organization to integrate better the currently fragmented programs within the UN system. I am pleased to present some points of my vision for this subject.

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The article substantiates the expediency of developing new approaches to understanding global development in ethics, economics, politics; the need to form a new type of sense of justice. Attention is focused on the need for their development in accordance with imperative standards and the scale of the humanistic parameters of the «ecological picture of the world».

Green - the awakening of nature and spirit
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This paper shows my very personal experience with the color Green in one of the parks in my hometown Bad Nauheim in spring 2020. I decided to write about my very personal observations of GREENS in nature and their eventual impact on my artwork, mind and spirit. Thus, this “awareness trip” is the beginning of my contribution and gives me much pleasure.

Innovation communication technologies and intercultural reconciliation
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Human beings exist in the center of this planet. Commerce, politics, artistic endeavors and industrial activities are carried out for human beings. Means of transportation, security measures and health services are improved, new discoveries in science and technology are made every other day because humanity needs better living conditions. Countries must prosper; arts, culture and peace must flourish in the world not for a state, nation, or a corporation, but for all human beings because human beings are the core element of this world.

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If we are truly concerned about the development of all youth, we must examine our understanding of conflict and offer our children better solutions to it. The idea of teaching conflict resolution skills to youth is vitally important. Yet it is almost entirely overlooked. There is a tremendous amount of violence in our world, as anyone can see - on television, in films, newspapers and magazines - and it is all too often portrayed as a heroic cultural ideal, depicting fighting as the honorable solution to conflict. Violence is epidemic. It touches every life. Our children live in a world of constant violence, perhaps the most violent time in the history of mankind. According to recent statistics, a violent crime occurs every 25 seconds. It seems to me that what we need to do first is see that Martial Arts Instructors, teachers, and counselors can help deal with the problem of violence, especially when it comes to our children. The myth that only the "authorities" can deal with this issue is our biggest block to taking action ourselves. The second thing we need to do is to teach ourselves and young people the necessary skills to resolve conflict peacefully. In order to learn these skills, we need to understand what causes our conflicts and how we can fundamentally deal with them. If we are truly concerned for our children's welfare and well-being, we must take the issue of understanding conflict seriously.

Lean-маркетинг как способ визуализации ценностей, ожиданий и контакта с клиентом
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В статье анализируется значение Lean-маркетинга в системе взаимодействия с клиентами предприятия. Обозначена специфика и необходимость применения бережливого подхода в современной организации. Рассматриваются сущность и классификация потребительских ценностей, способы их формирования и визуализации путем применения Lean концепции. Представлены современные методы построения взаимоотношений с клиентом, возможности использования различных технологий маркетинга взаимоотношений. На практических примерах раскрыты особенности внедрения ценностного клиентоориентированного подхода Lean-маркетинга в организации.

Learn to live peacefully through the cognitive creativity
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Anyone within the group who seems weak becomes a threat to the survival of the group and is perceived as someone who needs to be eliminated, or bullied out of the group. We shun, intimidate, bully, all in the misguided name of survival. What will free us from this destructive compulsion of the survival of the fittest? As we have seen it’s not knowledge that will free us, but rather seeing the actual movement of this compulsion within ourselves in the way we’ve been conditioned to think and act in this divisive prejudicial way.

Life as stream of visualization of human feelings
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My project "STREAM & LIFE" is an experiment to visualize human feelings - innermost emotions and consciousness deep inside of human mind - by photographing the water stream. The water stream never stops and transforms all the time. Human feelings are also changing through time and never be the same again. Water stream would be the best material to visualize the essence of ambiguous feelings and consciousness without any shape originally. Many different shades of white on stream were caused by reflection. Human feelings are also generated as a reaction to something. Transforming white with shade on 3 photographs shows a slight emotional shift and strength of emotion. The shades of white generated by the combination of photography and stream make possible to visualize human feelings. 3 photographs were taken from the exactly same part of the stream without moving camera at different times.

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Dieser Artikel zeigt einen Abriss des Kunstschaffens vom Paläolithikum bis in die Gegenwart. Die Macht der Farbe als Kommunikationssystem findet ebenso Erwähnung wie deren Symbolkraft in den verschiedenen Kulturen und als Ausdrucksmittel in der Malerei.

Metaphysics of overcoming as a theoretical core of concept culture of overcoming
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The article implements a philosophical approach to understanding the totality of human overcoming experience as the transcendence of human existence. It discloses the author's concept of the metaphysics of overcoming. The research prospects are linked to the subjective energetic approach that will take us to a biosocial level of understanding the phenomenon of overcoming. The author points to the extreme demand of further understanding of the overcoming phenomenon essence, its cultural mechanism, the significance of this principle and - based on further proliferation of the metaphysics of overcoming - the consolidation of these provisions in the concept culture of overcoming.

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To clarify how conditioned, prejudicial thinking driven by the primitive biological brain creates conflict, the BioCognetics context was created to understand psychosomatic conditioning - how it impacts the human brain mentally, emotionally and physically, and how it extends from the playground to the battlefield. This pioneering field is based on the initial insights of modern notable thinkers, including quantum physicist Dr. David Bohm, educational philosopher JidduKrishnamurti, and authors Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.

SWOT-анализ территории как метод стратегического планирования
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В данной статье рассмотрено применение SWOT-анализа территории в качестве метода стратегического планирования, необходимого для ведения грамотной социально-экономической политики на государственном уровне. Выявлена его сущность и основная задача его использования, которая заключается в том, чтобы дать ответ на вопросы о перспективных направлениях развития региона, позволяющих активизировать естественные преимущества, элиминировать его недостатки, использовать все открывающиеся возможности и избежать потенциальных угроз. А также в статье приводится примерный анализ этих характеристик, сгруппированных по различным факторам.

Shadows of memory in visual creative practice
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Diaries are a central thread running through my artistic work, which include artistic representations as well as the narrative. They are produced wherever I live. Since my film studies at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1978-79, I have also used the medium of photography to create Erinnerungsrahmen (Memory Frames), which represent 'silent' films about people and places from my life. As in a diary, experiences and everyday images are photographically recorded within the form of a 'picture frame' and combined into a story. The central issue that my work series about shadows and memories is based upon is my artistic journey through life. Shadow images, texts and Memory Frames weave a carpet on which I can go back and forth between my past and my present.

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Although history of art has recognized the photography as an art media quite late, photocamera and photographs were used by painters since the invention of the medium. Through the analysis of paintings based on photographs, the article distinguishes several specificities that photography has introduced into visual reception, changing the history of methods in painting, graphics and other visual media. These specificities are; a change to technical and monocular perspective, intriguing perspectives and view angles, effects of lens distortions, fragmentation of gaze, description through multiple details of time succession, atomization of a scene, deep counterlight and halation of objects in counter light, stillness without stiffness of posing, halted and frozen movement, unusual image cropping, perspective bokeh, combination printing and retouching.

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To clarify how conditioned, prejudicial thinking driven by the primitive biological brain creates conflict, the BioCognetics context was created to understand psychosomatic conditioning - how it impacts the human brain mentally, emotionally and physically, and how it extends from the playground to the battlefield. This pioneering field is based on the initial insights of modern notable thinkers, including quantum physicist Dr. David Bohm, educational philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, and authors Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.

Unpredictable creation of theater in the context of evolution theory
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In this paper megalith is shown as a scene of primordial theatrical performances when the struggle for survival has been replaced with the symbolic fight-dance. In order to present the battle between the men and animals as reality, the dancers (men) would have to imitate the shapes and screams of the animals, the actions had at the same time to become intelligible for the spectators, women, who selected the winning men. The real fight however did not take place on the meadows and lawns. It happened in the forests and mountains. Therefore the men dancers’ wearing skins was not sufficient for a plausible reproduction of the battle. So they have used stones and stone combinations for reconstruction of natural reality. Then when their original assignment has been lost and their symbolic sense has become the main, megaliths had been transformed into ziggurats, pyramids and other stone installations. Now they transformed into theaters and stadiums. This evolution is based on the unpredictable differences between the generations.

World citizens to stress world food policy during 2014: the international year of family farming
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The United Nations General Assembly has designated 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming to highlight the double need of feeding the world and caring for the Earth. The Year will highlight the important role of women and men as family farmers with the aim of stimulating policies for the ecologically-sound development of farmer families, fishing families, indigenous groups and cooperatives.