Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Optimizing the process of teaching English
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In this article highlights of optimizing the process of teaching English language.
Oqova suvlarni tozalash texnologiyasini takomillashtirishga tavsiyalar berish
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Bu maqolada hududga oqib kirayotgan hamda chiqayotgan oqova suvlarni labaratoriya tahlillari yordamida o’rganish ulardan olingan natijalar asosida tavsiyalar berish,mavzuni dolzarbliligini o’rganishdan iborat.
Organization of a business game as an interactive method of teaching students in higher education
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This article offers specific and specific options for solving the problem of using active and interactive teaching methods in the process of teaching specific disciplines at a university. In fact, we continue the process of finding the best teaching methods and techniques, moving from the particular to the general. As a rule, in line with the traditional educational paradigm, students find themselves in a regime of rigidly structured educational content and methods of organizing educational activities.
Organization of chemistry classes on the basis of information and communication technologies
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Maqolada kimyo masg‘ulotlarida mualliflar tomonidan olib borilgan ilmiy-metodik tajribalar va axborot-kommunikatsion texnologiya (AKT) vositalari yordamida mashg‘ulotlarini tashkil etish bo‘yicha olib borilgan ishlar va tavsiyalar keltirilgan. Olib borilgan metodik ishlarga asoslangan texnologiyalar mashg‘ulolartda samarali bo‘lishini kosatib o‘tilgan, talabalarni keys va loyiha ishlarini tayyorlashda, turli tanlov, olimpiadalarda ishtirok etishiiga, intellectual qobiliyatini va imkoniyatini oshirish zamin yaratadi.
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Etiotropic, intensive pathogenetic therapy for fulminant hepatitis, aimed at preventing further progression, was performed. Patients treated in the department and intensive care received detoxification, diuretics, necrobiotic processes in the liver, glucocorticosteroids (GCS), proteolysis inhibitors, hepatoprotectors (essentiale). Treatment of hemorrhagic syndrome on the background of heparin therapy. Sedatives were used for psychomotor agitation and convulsions. Timely intensive care in the vast majority of patients with severe viral hepatitis prevents the progression of the cytological process and contributes to recovery, at the same time, with the development of hepatic coma, it was possible to avoid a fatal outcome only in 12.5% of cases.
Organization of external quality control of audit activities
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The article describes the system of preparation and conduct of external field audits of the quality of work of audit organizations. Various elements of the organizational structure of external quality control of audit are considered.
Organization of innovative activities of educators
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A form of organization of education is a specially organized activity of a teacher and a child. Education at organized at a certain time of the day according to a predetermined schedule. The form of education varies depending on the number of children, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the children, the venue, and the place on the agenda .
Organization of pedagogical process in preschool educational organizations
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This article discusses the ongoing reforms to further improve and develop the system of preschool education in the country, to improve measures to increase the intellectual, aesthetic, physical and spiritual potential of the younger generation.
Organization of practical and physical preparation activities in primary preparatory preparation
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This article informs about, the formation and unification of the military team, as well as the fact that each team which has its own characteristics, the great influence of the fighting spirit in the military team, and any difficulties encountered with this fighting mood victory, as well as the factors that determine the socio-psychological environment in the military community.
Organization of problem-based learning in secondary school
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In this article that is explained the organization of problem-based learning that involves the use of such techniques and teaching methods that would lead to the emergence of interrelated problem situations and predetermine the use of appropriate teaching methods by students.
Organization of the educational process in the virtual information and training system
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The approach to reforming vocationally-oriented teaching methods using new information technologies is based on the use of the concept of an information-educational environment in the educational process.
Organization of the educational process using distance learning
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Distance education seems to be especially important for English with its vast territory, uneven population density and the location of university centers. However, the use of DL in practice without appropriate methodological training can lead to discrediting of DL as a form of education. Lack of a unified concept, lack of practical experience often lead to completely opposite views on this form of education: from reduction to a set of means and methods of transferring educational information to its absolutization, to the appearance of ideas about creating a virtual educational institution, etc.
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The ongoing reform of local self-government involves the launch of mechanisms to ensure dynamic socio-economic development of local communities, a real improvement in the quality of life of their people. This development is determined by factors of a different nature (economic, social, organizational, and others.). The possibility of using the potential of these factors are differentiated by region, representing the authority and control of the federal, regional and local levels. Hence, much actualized the need to integrate their activities. The fundamental importance is also a shift in focus of the budget process from the "management of budgetary resources (costs) to "managing for results". Under these conditions, naturally, the role of Management by Objectives, able to solve complex problems and having a sufficiently extended time foreign and domestic practice application.
Organization of training in informatics
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This article discusses the organization of teaching in computer science.
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The article tells about the specialization processes in the agriculture and development of multiple enterprise farms in Uzbekistan
Organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of service enterprises
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The article explores organizational-economic forms and tools of improving the quality and efficiency of labor in the service sector. And also the methods of dialectical and systematic approach, integrated assessment, comparative and comparative analysis of statistical and dynamical approach and methods of the group, and presented various insights on improvement of mechanisms of development of sphere of services.
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This article discusses ways to ensure the unity of theory and practice in technological education, the collection, study and application of best practices in improving the quality of education. Methods of popularization of the main functions of advanced pedagogical practices are described.
Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional significant qualities
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The article is devoted to the formation of professionally important qualities of specialists in the field of information security. The concept of professional qualities that can contribute to the manifestation of the independence and thinking activity of future professionals in the field of information security, as well as the formation of professional qualities, opens up organizational and pedagogical conditions. are studied.
Organizational basis of pedagogical management and management culture
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This article describes the principles of pedagogical management, the education system and management principles, methods and organizational forms aimed at increasing its effectiveness, managing teachers in educational institutions, studying the specifics of the educational institution management culture, and developing a management culture.