Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Paid services to the population
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The article describes the factors and conditions of the impact of the effective functioning of the paid services sector on the country's economy and its socio-economic development.
Pandemiya davrida akademik litsey talabalarni o’qitish kompetentsiyasi
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Maqolada “kompetentlik” tushunchasi har tomonlama tahlil qilingan va o‘qituvchilarning masofaviy ta’lim faoliyatini amalga oshirishga tayyorgarligi muammolari ko‘rib chiqilgan. Asosiy e'tibor kontseptsiya tuzilishi masalalari va o'qituvchini masofaviy ishlashga tayyorlash zarurati aniqlandi.
Panic disorders in internal family relationship of coronavirus infection
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The purpose of the review was to assess the impact of an outbreak of acute respiratory infection caused by a type of coronavirus on family relationships. The beginning of 2020 was marked by the rapid spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in Asia, America, Europe and the active introduction of the pathogen into the territory of the Russian Federation. The first outbreak of COVID-19 is believed to have occurred in December 2019 in the People's Republic of China, with an epicenter in Wuhan City (Hubei Province). On February 11, 2020, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses assigned the official name to the causative agent -SARS-CoV-2. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization gave the official name to the new infectious disease - COVID-19 ("Coronavirus disease 2019").
Paralinguistic features in speech
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This article discusses paralinguistic features in speech
Parliamentary control over the management of the fuel resources as a factor of the state stability
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The article studied the constitutional norms of various countries that delimit and distribute the powers of fuel resource management. A clear distinction in the management of resources is one of the most important aspects of social harmony and a source of stability. An analysis of international legal documents indicates significant changes in international law and the practical activities of states in the context of the nation’s rights to fuel resources. The differences lie in the broader recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples to manage their lands, territories and resources, as well as their authority to decide on their use and development.
Partial evaporation air cooling unit
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This article is based on the calculation of one- or two-stage evaporation in air-cooled air codification systems during the summer season, which serves to study the possibility of using natural sources of cooling and, to a certain extent, maintaining their efficiency by processing natural cold from saturated moist air consumed by them. power.
Pathogenetic approach to the treatment of infectious diarrhea in children
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This article describes a pathogenetic approach to treating infectious diarrhea in children. A total of 152 sick children were investigated. For treatment, children were divided into 2 groups. 1st control group (n=60) of children receiving basic treatment, and 2nd treatment group (n=92) of complex treatment. The complex therapy group was divided into 2 subgroups: 54 patients with secretory diarrhea in group 2А were given Saccharomyces boulardii+ α2β interferon (viferone) in treatment according to the instruction. Group 2B included 38 children with invasive diarrhea, whose complex treatment was designated Saccharomyces boulardii+Nifuroxazide. The pathogenetic approach led to a rapid recovery and reduced hospital stay.
Pathomorphological examination of the hippocampus in cerebral atherosclerosis
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In recent years, according to WHO, mortality from coronary heart disease, the main cause of which is atherosclerosis, has increased significantly (up to 75%). To varying degrees, atherosclerosis can be detected in almost every person. After all, the earliest pathological changes in the vessels (lipid spots and stripes), characteristic of the initial stage of this disease, appear in children and adolescents as early as 10-15 years. Men get sick more often than women, and the latter develop atherosclerosis on average 10 years later than men. These differences are the result of different lifestyles, the nature of nutrition, occupation, genetic characteristics, neuro-hormonal factors, etc. Cerebral atherosclerosis is the most common form of vascular pathology of the brain, which is the main cause of ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation. Chronic cerebral ischemia is the most frequent and most socially significant form of cerebrovascular pathology. There are many works in the Russian literature devoted to the study of higher brain functions in chronic cerebrovascular pathology. All this testifies to the importance and relevance of the problem of atherosclerosis.
Patriotic education of modern youth
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This article discusses the features of patriotism and its influence on the formation of the younger generation.
Patriotism in poetics (example of Zulfiya Burieva)
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This article was dedicated to researching of national traditions in the poetry of Zulfiya Buriyeva who was member of Jizzakh litrary environment.
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This article tells about the art of carpet weaving, the history of development and the process of weaving, the development in neighboring countries and the weaving of different types of carpets.
Paxta tolali to’quvchilik iplarining texnologik xossalarini tadqiq qilish
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Mazkur maqolada O’zbekistonda to’qimachilik mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish xajmining ortishi respublikada yetishtirilgan paxta tolasini qayta ishlash xajmini ko’payganligi bilan izohlanishi masalasi keltirilgan. Shuningdek, to’quvchilik uchun mo’ljallangan paxta tolali iplarni texnologik ko’rsatkichlari tadqiq qilindi va Uster Statistics 2018 jahon standartiga qiyosiy tahlil qilindi.
Paxta tolasidan kimyoviy usulda olinadigan mahsulot turlari
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Dunyo miqyosida g’o’za o’simligi asosan tolasi uchun ekib kelinadi. Paxtani qayta ishlash jarayonida undan tola, chigit va lint ishlab chiqiladi. Bu mahsulotlar kundalik hayotimizda, sanoatda, medisinada va texnik maqsadlarda keng foydalaniladi.
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Maqolada mashina-agregatlar ishchi kengligini oshirishning texnik iqtisodiy samaradorligi bashorati paxta ekish seyalkasi va kultivatorlar misolida bayon qilinadi.
Peculiar features of the category of emotiveness in “Wild flowers” by Erskine Caldwell
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This article scrutinizes the lexical meanings, phonetic expressive means and syntactical expressive means in “WILD FLOWERS” by Erskine Caldwell. It also illustrates how to accomplish and reinforce the meaning and emotiveness of the story. There are many stylistic devices and expressive means that add splendor to the story and form its meaning more resplendent. These tools idealize the protagonists to the point where they penetrate the depths of the heart in expressing their sentiments and composes the captivating story.
Peculiarities of Amir Temur's diplomacy
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This article describes some of the peculiarities of the diplomatic relations between Amir Temur and the countries of the West and the East on the basis of historical sources and literature.