Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Peculiarities of application of intensive methods of training
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The article deals with the specifics of the application of intensive teaching methods
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Investigated 87 patients with children referred to the regional TB dispensary for the differential diagnosis of tuberculosis, held the traditional methods, as well as IFA (immune ferment analysis) with diagnosis of tuberculosis antigen in 60 patients the results were positive. 27 patients were examined further bacteriological method and GeneXpert to detect mycobacterium tuberculosis. After a negative result conducted Chlamydia and Mycoplasma antigens in 17 identified in 13 chlamydia mycoplasma.
Peculiarities of gastronomic tourism and potential to growth in Uzbekistan
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This article aims to introduce gastronomic tourism as an expanding trend in tourism on a global basis. Uzbek cuisine and regions of the country specialized to prepare particular type of dish as the manifestations of gastronomic tourism are discussed as well. Also article depicts the main Uzbek dish - plov, differences in preparing this food among regions.
Peculiarities of labor management in case of prenatal rupture of fetal membranes
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This article presents data on the current state of the problem of premature prenatal rupture of the membranes in premature pregnancy, the frequency of this pathology, its causes, diagnostic methods and outcomes for the fetus and newborn, modern approaches to pregnancy management in this pathology.
Peculiarities of medical terminology
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This article discusses the features of medical terminology
Peculiarities of mosques as a representative of the architecture in Central Asia
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The article below intends to introduce mosques as one of the elements of “Big C” of Central Asians, in particular Uzbek architecture. Moreover, the paper analyses the variety of architectural devices applied in mosque construction.
Peculiarities of music education development in higher education institution
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Resume: The article analyzes the problems of preparing a future music teacher in the system of professional music education
Peculiarities of taxation of individuals in the Republic of Uzbekistan
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The peculiarities of taxation of individuals in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Peculiarities of the prognostic value of stress-echocardiography in the diagnosis of heart disease
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The problem of diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remains in the first place, despite the progress in the development of cardiological services and the use of new drugs. Today, 18.7 million people died from CVD in the world in 2018 alone, of which 9 million 387 died from coronary heart disease (CHD). Mortality from these diseases in the countries of the Central Asian region also remains extremely high. The forecast of deaths from coronary artery disease in the world for 2021 amounted to 11 million. human. According to the ANA / ACC and the US National Institutes of Health, despite the huge funds ($ 60 billion) annually spent by the US on the treatment of coronary atherosclerosis, more than 5 million people suffer from coronary artery disease in the US.
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The article highlights the work done in our country in recent years in the fight against corruption, as well as the negative consequences of corruption, types of corruption and the essence of proposals for improving legislation.
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Pedagogy, being an independent and sufficiently scientific discipline, cannot develop separately from other sciences. An important methodological role in the process of developing pedagogical theory is played by philosophy, helping to determine the starting position in the study of pedagogical phenomena. Of particular importance for solving specific issues of training and education, the development of modes of work and rest, is psychology, and first of all, age-related and pedagogical psychology, which studies the laws of the mental processes of children depending on age, in terms of training and education.
Pedagogical conditions for the formation of teacher readiness to innovative activity
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The article considers such concepts as innovation, innovative activity, educational environmental complex. The essence of the pedagogical conditions, which influence the efficiency of teachers’ readiness forming for innovative activity, is revealed.
Pedagogical innovative technologies in the higher education system
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The goal of modernizing education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system.
Pedagogical positions of a teacher in the environment of professional education
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The pedagogical positions of the teacher are a system of value-semantic relations that allow transforming conditions into opportunities in order to manage the professional and personal development of a future specialist through a specially organized professional education environment.
Pedagogical practice-test results assessment criteria, quantity and quality multiplier analysis
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The organization of the pedagogical training on the development of oral speech and the methodology of its implementation were discussed. This paper describes the analysis of the results of the experiment. In order to determine the reliability of processing the results of the experimental work, the Japanese mathematical-statistical method was used.
Pedagogical resolution and creation of the conflict
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This article examines pedagogical permissions and the creation of conflict
Pedagogik muloqot jarayonida ziddiyatlar va psixologik to'siqlar bilan bog‘liq muammolar
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Ushbu maqola mualliflari pedagogik muloqot jarayonida hamda muomala jarayonidagi ziddiyatlar va psixologik to‘siqlar bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan muammolarni keng yoritib tahlil qilib o‘tgan
Pedagogik ta’limni modenizatsiyalash zarurati va maqsadi
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Ushbu maqolada xozirgi kunda pedagogik ta’limni modernizatsiyalashning yangi nazariy-metodik uslubiy asoslari, bo’lajak o’qituvchilarni amaliy kasbiy-pedagogik faoliyatga tayyorlash masalalari haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan.
Pedagogika instituti o’qituvchisi oila muhitining shaxs ijtimoiylashuviga ta'siri
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Ushbu maqolada shaxs ijtimoiylashuvi, shaxs ijtimoiylashuvida oila o’rnining qay darajada muhim ekanligi va buning uchun oila a’zolarining nimalarga ko’proq e’tibor qaratish kerakligi haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.