Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Poliomyelitis disease and its complications
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Poliomyelitis (poliomyelitis, Infantile Paralysis, Polio; polio (Greek.)- bruise, myelos-brain) - acute viral infection (gray matter of the spinal cord), harmful to the nervous system. Mainly in the lower part of the body ,harakter with the appearance of paralysis and in most cases, a strong lesion of the spine leads to a cessation of breathing.
Polisаxаridlаrni tibbiyotdаgi аhаmiyati. Xitozаnni tibbiyotdа qo’llаnishi
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Ushbu maqolada uglevodlar, polisaharidlar va ularning xossalari, biologik ahamiyati, Xitozan, uning kimyoviy xossalari, uni ishlab chiqarish hamda uning tibbiyotda qo’llanilishi haqida so’z boradi.
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This article observes the importance of politeness in communication on the basis of three different approaches to the analysis of politeness in language namely, politeness as social rules, politeness as adherence to an expanded set of Gricean Maxims, and politeness as strategic attention to “face”. It clarifies that the last one can account for the observable commonalities in polite expressions across diverse languages and cultures, and positions the analysis of politeness as strategic attention to face in the modern context of attention to the evolutionary origins and nature of human cooperation.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and primers
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This article provides information on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and primers.
Popular English teaching methods
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This article discusses the most popular and commonly used methods in teaching English
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Poroshoklarning xususiy texnologiyasi bo’lgan to’zg’uvchi, bo’yovchi va qiyin maydalanuvchi moddalar, ekstraktlar va efir moylari bilan poroshoklar tayyorlash texnalogiyasi keng yoritib berilgan.
Positive and negative aspects of techniques of teaching English
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The learning is the active process which is carried out through involving pupils in a various activities, thus making it active participant in reception of education. In this bilateral process it is possible to allocate the basic functions which are carried out by each the parts. The teacher carries out organizational, teaching and supervising functions. Functions of the pupil include acquaintance with a teaching material, the training which is necessary for formation of language skills and speaking skills, and application of investigated language in the solving of communicative problems.
Possibilities of ensuring the economic efficiency of agricultural production based on innovation
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The article substantiates the possibilities of ensuring economic efficiency in agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of innovations. The main attention is paid to substantiating the possibility of using advanced foreign experience in the country's agriculture.
Postmodernism: the consequences of origin and the ideas in it
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The relevance of the postmodern paradigm for modern social science is dictated by the original approach to the study of society, proposed in its framework. The article describes the main features of postmodernism as a theoretical model and analyzes its basic concepts and their representatives.
Potentials and prospects of mice tourism in Uzbekistan
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This article examines the significance of MICE tourism. The major focus of the paper is improving the role of MICE tourism in Uzbekistan. As well as, the article briefly discusses the opportunities of MICE tourism in Uzbekistan and to solve problems in it.
Pr-деятельность органа государственной власти субъекта РФ
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Резюме. PR - деятельность органа государственной власти, выступает формой политической коммуникации, которая в первую очередь направлена на формирование положительного имиджа государства. Как правило, сопровождение органов государственной власти субъекта РФ, а также работа в области информирования общества о принятии основных новых законов, есть не что иное, как PR. Она представляет собой многофункциональную систему по обеспечению, и организации отношений с общественностью. В статье рассмотрена PR - деятельность органа государственной власти субъекта РФ, основные принципы, сущность и значение.
Practical usage of polysemy in teaching English on intermediate level
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Language is defined as a human system of communication that uses arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. But frankly speaking, language is far too complicated, intriguing, and mysterious to be adequately explained by a brief definition. The organic function of the language is to carry meaning.
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In this work I showed the results of analysis of the model and adequacy test of the model for the developed countries. I examined the economic characteristics and major determinants of economic development for each individual country, with a focus on parameters relevant to industrial production and national accounts.
Practical use of teaching methods for teaching German in the lesson
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When teaching German as a second language after English, you must rely on the general principles that apply when teaching any foreign language. Despite the fact that these principles have much in common, they still have some modification in relation to the second foreign language, taking into account the specificity of the learning conditions, for example, the presence of three languages in contact during the learning process, extensive experience in learning a foreign language, etc.
Practical ways to learn and use the educational cluster
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This article discusses the possibilities of the cluster method, the essence of its use in the classroom of information technology and methods of their practical application, contributing to the development of creative thinking, increasing the scientific and pedagogical aspects of the effectiveness of teaching the subject.
Prediction of premature ovarian insufficiency based on some biochemical parameters
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Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a serious problem for women, medicine and for the state as a whole.
Predloglarning gapdagi o’rni va qo’llanilishi
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Ushbu maqolada predloglarning gapdagi o’rni va ularning qo’llanishi tahlil qilinadi.Hozirgi kunda sohaga oid olimlar va lingvistlar diqqat markazida bo’lgan predloglarning leksik, semantik,grammatik ma’nolari o’rganiladi. Bundan tashqari predloglarning vazifalari va turlariga ham to’xtalib o’tilgan. Buyuk lingvistlarning predloglar haqidagi qarashlari haqida misollar keltirilgan.
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As we embark on this important task, I would like to emphasize that we are deeply aware that the goal we have set for ourselves can only be achieved through deep reform and modernization of the entire system of human health protection. The universally recognized principle in our country - "Healthy mother - healthy child", in essence, has become a priority state that unites and mobilizes the population and has risen to the level of the state and society.