Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Pedagogika oliy ta’lim muassasalarida kvant mexanikasidan amaliy mashg’ulotlarni tashkil etish
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Ushbu maqola amaliy mashg’ulotlarda masala yechishning fanni o’rganishdagi o’rni, ahamiyati hamda kvant mexanikasidan masalalar yechishning o’ziga xosliklariga bag’ishlangan.
Pedagogika universitetida masofaviy TA'LIMNING yutuq va kamchiliklari
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Masofaviy ta'lim zamonaviy jamiyatda nafaqat majburiy umumiy izolyatsiya tufayli mashhur bo'lib bormoqda. Masofaviy ta'limning paydo bo'lishi yangi masofaviy ta'lim texnologiyalarini ishlab chiqish va joriy etishni taqozo etadi. Barcha yangi texnologiyalar singari, masofaviy ta'limning ham ma'lum afzalliklari va kamchiliklari mavjud.
Pedagogikada ilg'or metodlar va innovatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanish
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Ushbu maqolada ilg’or pedagogik metodlardan unumli foydalanish, to’g’ri texnologiyalarni tanlay bilish va ularni qo’llash haqida so’z yuritilgan.
Pedagogy as science and its sole with other sciences about man
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This article deals with pedagogy and its main tasks.
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В данной статье представлены технологии p݀e݀e݀r݀ m݀e݀d݀i݀a݀t݀i݀o݀n݀ и возможность ее внедрения в современное российское образование. Технологии p݀e݀e݀r݀ m݀e݀d݀i݀a݀t݀i݀o݀n݀ предстает как неформальный институт порождения высокой культуры функционирования и развития современной образовательной системы.
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Analysis of structural features of the nervous system in newborns. In this article, the pathological causes of the central nervous system, the causes, symptoms, and treatment methods of damage to the nervous system will be discussed in this article.
Personal human parameters: temperament, nature, skills
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This article discusses the nature, character, varieties and types, types of personality and their importance in their lives.
Personality of Amir Temur in world historiography
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This article reveals the coverage of the personality of Amir Temur in world historiography. The main works on Amir Temur were discussed.
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This article is devoted to a review of the basic models of personnel management. The conducted research allows to assert that the problem of productive personnel management is one of the most urgent problems of the effectiveness of organizations. For Russia this is a relatively new problem. Its topical nature requires studying the accumulated domestic and foreign experience.
Personnel policy in the personnel management system and its planning
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The article describes the basic concepts of personnel policy, its object and main tasks. The properties of personnel policy are analyzed and its role in the personnel management system is revealed.
Perspective trends of development of the Russian market of derivative financial instruments
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The article considers development prospects of market for derivative financial instruments. The comparative analysis of the exchange and over-the-counter markets is conducted. The main goal of development of the Russian derivatives market in the next ten years should be its transformation into effective mechanism of reducing uncertainty of economic activity based on the implementation of the appropriate active public policy.
Pharmacodynamic features of drug treatment of patients with ischemic disease
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The development of recommendations based on the results of clinical trials, with a unified approach to treatment, modern drugs for the treatment of coronary artery disease, undoubtedly led to a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients and prognosis, however, the disease is still a poor predictor of drug therapy for coronary artery disease in order to achieve improvement quality of life and prognosis, slowing down the progression of the disease became possible thanks to the creation of a new drug nebivalol. The effective effect of nebivalol on the incidence of outcomes (death or hospitalization for coronary artery disease) was manifested in patients of different sex and age in the early stages of treatment and was maintained throughout the entire follow- up period.
Pharmacokinetics and its basics and delivery of drugs ways and effects
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The article analyzes the pharmacokinetics and its main principles, routes of administration and effect of the drug, the pharmacological effect of the drug in the body, the mechanism of action, localization of action (place of action), types of effects
Pharmacokinetics and its basics and delivery of drugs ways and effects
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The article analyzes the pharmacokinetics and its main principles, routes of administration and effects of the drug, the pharmacological effect of the drug in the body, the mechanism of action, localization (type of action), types of effects
Pharmacological action of the components of chamomile pharmacy and its use in cosmetics
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It is known that chamomile flowers are rich in biologically active substances and are a significant medicinal source of raw materials. That is why pharmaceutical and cosmetic products of various types obtained from chamomile extracts have been widely used in medicine and cosmetology practice in recent years.
Phases of development and growth of cereals
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Cereals contain all the nutrients necessary for human life, including protein, starch, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, destrin, mineral salts, klechatka, carbonated waters and other biologically active substances. More than 1 billion hectares of land are cultivated around the world. Grain crops are grown on more than 70% of these arable lands. In the current complex environment, which is rich in economic problems, a lot of work is being done to increase the area under cereals and to cultivate varieties that are adapted to different environmental conditions.
Phases of pharmacology development
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This article discusses about the main stages of development of pharmacology and changes in socio-economic formations.
Philosophical advancement of science and technology relations
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This article discusses the impact of science and technology on civilization.
Philosophical analysis of state and law relations
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In this article, we reflect on the model of the relationship between state and law, analyzes the totalitarian, liberal, pragmatic approach of the correlation between state and law