Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Assessment of psycho-emotional status in irritable Bowel syndrome
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The psycho-emotional state of 60 patients with irritable bowel syndrome was studied by means of a questionnaire, as a result of which it was concluded that psycho-emotional disorders are one of the main mechanisms for the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
Assessment of the Iranian nuclear deal and exclusivity of Hassan Rouhani's leadership
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Iran and the world's most powerful countries signed comprehensive agreement draft on Iran's nuclear program. It also includes a treaty on economic sanctions imposed by the United States, the UN and the European Union on Iran. That marks the beginning of the end of the twelve-year conflict between the United States and Iran. But what was behind these negotiations and what did this agreement mean for Iran? The framework of the agreement covers fifteen years. In this period, Iran's nuclear program would be brought down to the bottom even though all its accessories were to remain close. The United States would have "unprecedented surveillance powers" over Iran's various nuclear facilities through UN. In return Iran was going to start the new journey of political and economic relations with west and world. All that was not easy in Iran, as people were not ready to accept humiliating deal and a good deal was made possible by Hassan Rouhani with his leading role. His personality as reformist leader emerged during the nuclear deal.
Assessment of the quality of natural fibre fire seeds
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The article reports that one of the main tasks of the textile industry is to develop a method of "sizing" yarn to improve fire-resistant, in the production of composite refractory fabrics. In order to improve the above characteristics to meet the needs and tastes of firefighters, it is stated that production of high quality yarn and fabric is possible not only by mixing cotton fiber, but also by incorporating chrysotile with cotton fiber into the asbestos fiber mix.
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Learning a foreign language is gaining special relevance in connection with the integration of state into the world community. The article describes the modern requirements for foreign language training of masters of a non-linguistic university. The organization of the content of education and the criteria for assessing the results of teaching a foreign language in the magistracy of a non-linguistic university in the context of a competence-based approach to the organization of higher professional education are proposed, since the goal of the new model of higher education is the formation of professional competence through the development of all disciplines of the curriculum. The purpose of teaching foreign language communication in the master's program of a non-linguistic university is the formation of foreign language professional competence. Thus, the selection, organization of the content and assessment of the results of teaching a foreign language in the context of modern requirements should be aimed at the formation of a system of linguistic and professional knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to conduct professional activities in a foreign language.
Assessment of the risk of mental disorders in children born from closely related marriages
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Children born in closely related marriages with and without hereditary burdens have a high percentage of neuropsychiatric complications, while children born outside of a close relationship suffered from minor deviations due to perinatal factors.
Assessment of the roughness of road pavements
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This article examines the various factors that affect the roughness of the highway, develops measures to counteract them, and develops recommendations for increasing the service life of the highway.
Assessment of total antioxidant content of Tupek levels with down syndrome
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This article provides information on the levels of assessment of the general antioxidant capacity of the saliva in the case of Down syndrome
Assessment of young English language learners
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This article deals with some ways to assess young language learners’ second language acquisition and academic progress. It opens with a discussion of procedures that are used in order to place young children in ESL programs; then deals with assessment instruments that are used with young English language learners; considers ways to decide whether or not a given assessment instrument is effective; and also discusses some new trends in the assessment of the language and academic attainment of young English language learners.
Assignment of people's fairy tales and the formation of library in children through mass media
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This article highlights the role of fiction in educating children, inculcating universal values in folk tales through the media, and instilling a love of reading in children from an early age.
Assimilation of borrowed words in the language
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This article discusses the assimilation of borrowed words and its types such as: completely assimilated borrowed words, partially assimilated borrowed words, unassimilated borrowed words or barbarism.
Astronomiya kursini о‘qitishda zamonaviy elektron ta’lim resurslarining ahamiyati
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Ushbu maqolada zamonaviy elektron ta’lim resurslaridan foydalangan holda astronomiya kursini о‘qitish metodikasi yoritilgan. Astronomiya kursini o‘qitishda zamonaviy elektron ta’lim resurslarining ahamiyati ochib berilgan.
Audio complex as one of the most important requirements of a communicative technique
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The use of audio materials contributes to the implementation of the most important requirements of a communicative technique - to show the process of mastering the language as an understanding of a living foreign language culture; individualization of learning and the formation of motivation of speech activity of students.
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This article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of the audit of labor resources in modern conditions. The stages of the audit, as well as the importance of inspections in the labor sphere for the effectiveness of the enterprise's activities are considered.
Automated drawing of roads in credo complex program
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This article discusses the capabilities of the CREDO complex program, the structure of the complex program, the technology of automated design on highways using the CREDO complex program and the process of their use.
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The current level of energy consumption of the state economy is significantly higher than that of enterprises operating abroad. In general, such indicators of electricity consumption have a negative impact on the development of any of the economic entities.
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Mazkur maqolada Jizzax shahar jamoat transportidagi mavjud muammolar hamda yo‘lovchilarning harakat xavfsizligiga salbiy ta’sir o‘tkazadigan bir qancha holatlar aniqlandi. Avtobuslarda yo‘lovchilarni tashish mobaynida bekatlardan tashqari hududlarda to‘xtashi tadqiqot natijasida o‘rganildi va harakat xavfsizligiga ta’sir o‘tkazadigan nuqtalar tahlil qilindi.
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Ushbu maqolada hozirgi kunda biznes va marketingda eng muhim omil bulib xizmat qiladigan reklama masalasini oson va tez hal qilish imkoniyati beriladi. Bozor iqtisodiyoti rivojlangani sayin tavarlarga bulgan extiyoj ortib bormoqda shu bilan birgalikda xaridor sfatli va kurinish jixatidan chiroyli maxsulot xarid qilgisi keladi bugingi kunda internet do’konlarda qo’yiladigan tavarlarning suratlari maqtanarli darajada sfatli emas bu esa tavarning xaridorgirligini pasaytiruvchi omil dur buning odiy yechimi avtomatlashtirilgan foto box