Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
![Anatomy and topography of furrows and bends, cytoarchitectonics of the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe of the human brain in postnatal ontogenesis Anatomy and topography of furrows and bends, cytoarchitectonics of the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe of the human brain in postnatal ontogenesis](/file/thumb/140258280/anatomy-and-topography-of-furrows-and-bends-cytoarchitectonics-of-the-auditory.png)
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The ability to transmit, receive and process sound signals takes a special place in the development of the individual and the human collective. The ability to recognize and work with a complex sign system made a person not just a highly developed organism, but an entirely broadly functional personality. Initially exchanging simple sounds, society eventually learned to convey complexly constructed verbal sentences. The temporal lobe is part of the telencephalon and is included in the structure of the cortex. It is located on both hemispheres of the brain on the sides from below, in close contact with neighboring areas - the frontal and parietal lobes. This section of the cortex has the most pronounced boundary lines. The upper part of the temple is slightly convex, and the lower part is concave. The temporal lobe is separated from all the others by a groove called the lateral (lateral). The close location of the temporal and frontal lobes is not accidental: speech develops in parallel with thinking (frontal cortex), and these two functions are closely interconnected, since the ability to formulate and clearly express (speech) is provided by the degree of development of mental functions.
![Anatomy as a science, subject of teaching and methods Anatomy as a science, subject of teaching and methods](/file/thumb/140236413/anatomy-as-a-science-subject-of-teaching-and-methods.png)
Anatomy as a science, subject of teaching and methods
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This article analyzes anatomy as a science, explores its subject matter and methods
![Ancient and modern Bukhara Ancient and modern Bukhara](/file/thumb/140241262/ancient-and-modern-bukhara.png)
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This article is devoted to a broad transformation in the ancient city of Bukhara after independence of Uzbekistan, turning the city into a center of science and culture, as well as a tourist zone.
![Android operatsion tizimda mobil qurilmalar uchun elektron darslik ishlab chiqish xususiyatlari Android operatsion tizimda mobil qurilmalar uchun elektron darslik ishlab chiqish xususiyatlari](/file/thumb/140260449/android-operatsion-tizimda-mobil-qurilmalar-uchun-elektron-darslik-ishlab-chiqish.png)
Android operatsion tizimda mobil qurilmalar uchun elektron darslik ishlab chiqish xususiyatlari
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Maqola ANDROID operatsion tizimda mobil qurilmalar uchun elektron darslik ishlab chiqish xususiyatlari haqida yoritilgan. Unda ishlab chiqilgan dasturdan pedagogik ta’lim talabalari o‘rtasida "masofaviy ta’lim texnologiyalari" fani bo‘yicha materiallarni nazariy ishlab chiqishni tashkil etish uchun foydalaniladi. Mobil ilovaning mavjudligi talabalarga o‘zlari uchun qulay bo‘lgan istalgan vaqtda uni mobil qurilmasidan ishga tushirish va nazariy materialni o‘rganish imkonini beradi.
![Anemiya va uning pediatriyadagi o`rni. Anemiyaning bolalarda kechishi Anemiya va uning pediatriyadagi o`rni. Anemiyaning bolalarda kechishi](/file/thumb/140289012/anemiya-va-uning-pediatriyadagi-orni-anemiyaning-bolalarda-kechishi.png)
Anemiya va uning pediatriyadagi o`rni. Anemiyaning bolalarda kechishi
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Anemiya - yoki qondagi gemoglobinning past darajasi - bu mustaqil kasallik emas, ammo tez-tez uchraydigan kasalildir. Dunyo bo'yicha 2 milliardga yaqin odam kamqonlikdan aziyat chekmoqda. Asosan, bolalarda semptom tashxis qilinadi.
![Animasion filmlar va milliy ma'naviyat masalalari Animasion filmlar va milliy ma'naviyat masalalari](/file/thumb/140292663/animasion-filmlar-va-milliy-manaviyat-masalalari.png)
Animasion filmlar va milliy ma'naviyat masalalari
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Maqolada o'zbek xalq ertagi asosida yaratilgan animasion filmlar, uning yutuqlari va kamchiliklari haqida keltirilgan. Keyingi shu kabi filmlarda nimalarga e'tibor berishimiz kerakligi haqida keltirilgan.
![Aniq integrallarning ba’zi tadbiqlari orqali matematika fanini kasbga yo’naltirib o’qitish ko’nikmasini shakllantirish Aniq integrallarning ba’zi tadbiqlari orqali matematika fanini kasbga yo’naltirib o’qitish ko’nikmasini shakllantirish](/file/thumb/140300378/aniq-integrallarning-bazi-tadbiqlari-orqali-matematika-fanini-kasbga.png)
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Ushbu maqolada aniq integrallar tadbiqlariga doir ba’zi aylanish jismlarini hajmini hisoblashga oid misollarning ishlanish usullari ko’rib chiqilgan va oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalariga o’rgatishning qulay metodikasi tahlil qilingan.
![Anor shirasining zarar mezoni va unga qarshi kurashish choralari Anor shirasining zarar mezoni va unga qarshi kurashish choralari](/file/thumb/140289030/anor-shirasining-zarar-mezoni-va-unga-qarshi-kurashish-choralari.png)
Anor shirasining zarar mezoni va unga qarshi kurashish choralari
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Мазкур мақолада анор ширасининг биологияси ва зарари бўйича илмий тадқиқотлар натижалари келтирилган бўлиб, анорзорларда анор ширасининг зарар келтириш даражасига етишини кутмасдан барг ёза бошлаганда ёппасига қирувчи заҳарли кимёвий моддалардан ишлов бериш мақсадга мувофиқ. Анор ширасига қарши барча хлорникотиноид препаратлар ҳар гектарига 0,2 л (кг) сарф этилганида энг юқори самара 14 кун мобайнида 97-99 % гача бўлди.
![Anthroponyms in Sadriddin Aini's “Death of the extortioner Margi Sudkhur” Anthroponyms in Sadriddin Aini's “Death of the extortioner Margi Sudkhur”](/file/thumb/140291638/anthroponyms-in-sadriddin-ainis-death-of-the-extortioner-margi-sudkhur.png)
Anthroponyms in Sadriddin Aini's “Death of the extortioner Margi Sudkhur”
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The names studied in the department of onomastics are also studied from the point of view of time. The study of names in historical works is also important for modern anthroponyms. This article analyzes the names of individuals in Sadriddin Aini’s “Death of the Extortioner Margi Sudkhur”.
![Antiaterosclerotic efficiency of IHD standard therapy, its combinations with isosorbide dinitrate and nicorandil in patients with stencardia and obesity Antiaterosclerotic efficiency of IHD standard therapy, its combinations with isosorbide dinitrate and nicorandil in patients with stencardia and obesity](/file/thumb/140299236/antiaterosclerotic-efficiency-of-ihd-standard-therapy-its-combinations-with.png)
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Anticoagulants are drugs that reduce blood coagulation, inhibiting the formation of fibrin. In various forms of coronary heart disease, anticoagulants are used both to prevent the development of coronary thrombosis and related heart attack and angina pectoris, as well as for the lysis of a blood clot in the acute stage of OIM.
![Anticorrosive composite materials based on organomineral ingredients for the protection of wholesale corrosion of metal products Anticorrosive composite materials based on organomineral ingredients for the protection of wholesale corrosion of metal products](/file/thumb/140260749/anticorrosive-composite-materials-based-on-organomineral-ingredients-for-the.png)
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An anticorrosive composite material based on gossypol resin and amino alcohols has been developed to protect metal equipment from aggressive environments. The interaction of amines with fatty acids contained in gossypol resin can give a range of different substances, both due to interaction with the main product and with each other, so it is difficult to isolate the reaction product in its pure form. Substances of this group were studied as a corrosion inhibitor.
![Antimonopoly policy Antimonopoly policy](/file/thumb/140241289/antimonopoly-policy.png)
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This article discusses antitrust policy, which is a special set of economic, administrative, and legislative measures implemented by the government to ensure conditions for market competition and prevent excessive market monopolization that threatens the normal functioning of the market mechanism.
![Antiphospholipid syndrome in the genesis of miscarriage pregnancy Antiphospholipid syndrome in the genesis of miscarriage pregnancy](/file/thumb/140299011/antiphospholipid-syndrome-in-the-genesis-of-miscarriage-pregnancy.png)
Antiphospholipid syndrome in the genesis of miscarriage pregnancy
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Miscarriage is one of the urgent problems in obstetrics and gynecology, which does not tend to decrease. In this article, reproductive losses due to violations of autoimmune processes are considered. Among the numerous causes contributing to the development of pathology of autoimmune processes in a pregnant woman, antiphospholipid syndrome is presented as the most significant. In obstetric and gynecological practice, interest in AFS has been maintained for 45 years. The problems of reproductive function in women associated with the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in the blood include habitual miscarriage, placental insufficiency, gestosis, VZR. The causes, mechanisms of development, clinical manifestations on the part of various systems of the woman's body and all possible complications that play an important role in the occurrence of early and late spontaneous abortions and premature births, as well as the most modern and significant methods of laboratory diagnostics that allow to identify the first signs of this pathology for timely adequate therapy, the basic principles of which are presented in the article. In order to prevent fetal loss in women with antiphospholipid syndrome in a timely manner, the correct tactics for the introduction of pregnancy are described.
![Anxiety disorders in people under the conditions of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) Anxiety disorders in people under the conditions of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19)](/file/thumb/140254912/anxiety-disorders-in-people-under-the-conditions-of-the-coronavirus-infection.png)
Anxiety disorders in people under the conditions of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
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New research suggests that severe COVID-19 can cause delirium in the acute phase of the disease and then lead to depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, insomnia and post-traumatic stress disorder. Currently, data on patients who have recovered from COVID-19 are very limited. However, one study reported that 33% of patients on discharge had a symptom complex characterized by inattention, disorientation, and poorly organized movements in response to a command.
![Application and importance of the three-distance possibilities of the autocad program in the department of projective drawing of the science Application and importance of the three-distance possibilities of the autocad program in the department of projective drawing of the science](/file/thumb/140288965/application-and-importance-of-the-three-distance-possibilities-of-the-autocad.png)
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The article summarizes the formation of students' spatial imagination by using the following method from general to specific in the projection drawing section of the science of drawing, using the three-dimensional capabilities of the program in AutoCAD in drawing lessons.
![Application and properties of polymer composite carbon fibers Application and properties of polymer composite carbon fibers](/file/thumb/140260431/application-and-properties-of-polymer-composite-carbon-fibers.png)
Application and properties of polymer composite carbon fibers
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The production of synthetic fibers based on polymer compounds, which is one of the achievements of modern science, and carbon fiber, one of the new synthetic fibers, can be found at every stage of our lives today. Today's development of industry, production, engineering and technology is related to carbon fiber. The article reviews the research and development work on carbon fiber over the last few decades. The two most important types of carbon fiber are the leading industrial polyacrylonitrile (LIP) and mesophase height (MH). The structure and composition of the precursor significantly affect the properties of the carbon fibers formed.
![Application of Actio Pauliana in law various countries: the aspects of the debtor and the third party acting in bad faith Application of Actio Pauliana in law various countries: the aspects of the debtor and the third party acting in bad faith](/file/thumb/140111767/application-of-actio-pauliana-in-law-various-countries-the-aspects-of-the-debtor.png)
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The institution of Actio Pauliana has been established both in the states of continental and common law. The legal regulation of the institution differs: in Lithuania it has been established in the Civil Code and court practice, in France - the Civil Code, in the United States of America - the Bankruptcy Code; however the concept of the institute of actio Pauliana in all of the countries mentioned is almost the same. In Lithuania the application of the institute of actio Pauliana is regulated in a much greater detail than in France. In France it is enough for a contract to be concluded by deception (in bad faith) and violate the rights of the creditor. In Lithuania proving the debtor's dishonesty is not enough - it is necessary to prove the dishonesty of the third party as well. The conditions of the application of the institute of actio Pauliana in Lithuania and the United States of America are very similar, although one of these countries is regarded as a country of continental law and the other - as a country of the common law.
![Application of advanced and situational methods in learning lexical material of German language Application of advanced and situational methods in learning lexical material of German language](/file/thumb/140291648/application-of-advanced-and-situational-methods-in-learning-lexical-material-of.png)
Application of advanced and situational methods in learning lexical material of German language
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Successful mastery of foreign lexical materials is one of the most important conditions for language acquisition. At the same time, there are great difficulties in accumulating lexical material. One of the reasons for this is the infinity of language and its vocabulary. To achieve fairly quick results, it is necessary to limit the amount of lexical material studied, carefully choose promising areas of language acquisition. This can be the vocabulary of everyday communication, the topics and content of which are sufficiently reflected in textbooks, as well as in numerous phrasebooks and manuals on the German language.
![Application of case study technology in teaching foreign languages Application of case study technology in teaching foreign languages](/file/thumb/140291873/application-of-case-study-technology-in-teaching-foreign-languages.png)
Application of case study technology in teaching foreign languages
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Case studies can be used in education as a teaching aid. Many students learn better from real life examples and case studies can be an effective way to teach in the classroom. The article discusses the efficiency of case study technology, its positive features in education system.
![Application of demphers in inverters of solar power systems Application of demphers in inverters of solar power systems](/file/thumb/140299031/application-of-demphers-in-inverters-of-solar-power-systems.png)
Application of demphers in inverters of solar power systems
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The use of solar energy is the conversion of light energy from the sun into other types of energy. DEMPFER (German: Dampfer - extinguisher) 1) Dempfer used.