Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Selection of digital devices for controlling the moisture content of raw cotton

Selection of digital devices for controlling the moisture content of raw cotton

Djuraev Sh., Tukhtasinov D.

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The study of the main parameters of digital indicators that determine the quality of number perception and parameters that characterize actual digital indicators, such as sign size, number and shape, angular size, sign, brightness contrast; exposure time; digit capacity; sign color; voltage and power. The case's design, overall dimensions, and limiting operating data of some of the most often used digital indicators are all provided. A two-row (two-channel) liquid-crystal digital indicator created on the basis of a controller is recommended for control and measuring equipment.


Selection of the most effective methods and techniques of teaching phonetics, grammar and spelling

Selection of the most effective methods and techniques of teaching phonetics, grammar and spelling

Urinboyeva G.D.

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This article deals the effectiveness of methods and ways of teaching a foreign language at the initial stage of student learning. The aim of the work is to analyze the effectiveness of modern methods of teaching a foreign language, which would help to overcome difficulties in learning a foreign language. Managing the motivation for learning a foreign language is one of the central problems of teaching methods at education.


Selection of the optimal method for calculating short-circuit current in electrical equipment

Selection of the optimal method for calculating short-circuit current in electrical equipment

Boltaev O.T., Akhmedova F., Nurkhonov B.Sh.

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The article considers three methods of calculating short circuits in electrical equipment, based on which the use of the first method in calculations is the most optimal option, and in cases where the data of electrical equipment is incomplete and the first and third recommended methods can be used to approximate the calculation of short circuit current.


Selection of the optimal method for calculating short-circuit current in electrical equipment

Selection of the optimal method for calculating short-circuit current in electrical equipment

Boltaev O.T., Akhmedova F., Nurkhonov B.Sh.

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The article considers three methods of calculating short circuits in electrical equipment, based on which the use of the first method in calculations is the most optimal option, and in cases where the data of electrical equipment is incomplete and the first and third recommended methods can be used to approximate the calculation of short circuit current.


Self - evaluation and meaning of human life

Self - evaluation and meaning of human life

Muxiddinova X.G.

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In this article we reflect on human life and its dignity. A person's self-assessments are analyzed.


Self-perfection among ecological alternatives

Self-perfection among ecological alternatives

Khalmirzaeva S.S.

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This article discusses self-improvement among environmental alternatives.




Котенева Р.П.

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Раскрывается вопрос создания и развития успешного бизнес-проекта средствами самоменеджмента.


Semantics of some movement verbs in Turkish languages (on the example of Uzbek, Karakalpak, Turkmen languages)

Semantics of some movement verbs in Turkish languages (on the example of Uzbek, Karakalpak, Turkmen languages)

Kilichev N.R., Khanmatov M.N.

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This article analyzes the semantics of the verb suzmoq in Uzbek, Karakalpak and Turkmen languages.


Seo для малого бизнеса - как продвигать сайты в регионах

Seo для малого бизнеса - как продвигать сайты в регионах

Лесунова Т.В.

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Статья посвящена особенностям продвижения сайтов малого бизнеса в регионах в условиях жесткой конкуренции. На сегодняшний день, с помощью SEO-продвижения, у владельцев сайтов малых компаний есть уникальная возможность легко и просто оптимизировать свой ресурс под целевую аудиторию своего города, что значительно повысит рейтинг сайта компании, но это только в том случае, если подойти к поисковому продвижению с умом.


Serbian monasteries in Kosovo as world cultural heritage and centers of religious tourism

Serbian monasteries in Kosovo as world cultural heritage and centers of religious tourism

Elezovic Z.M.

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This paper discusses the Serbian monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija that are on the list of world cultural heritage, as an important element of Serbian national identity. These monasteries are visited by a large number of believers and tourists, which is an example of the relationship of cultural heritage and cultural tourism. The article was written on the project Material and spiritual culture of Kosovo and Metohija (178028).


Serqirra ijod sahifalari

Serqirra ijod sahifalari

Hamrayeva Hulkar Karimqulovna

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Ushbu maqolada xalqimizning sevimli farzandi, ijodkor, xalqparvar inson-Sharof Rashidov Rashidovichning 2020 yilda nashr etilgan yangi “Sevgi bilan g’olibman har on” she’riy to’plami haqida batafsil fikr yuritilgan. Shuningdek, maqola adabiyotshunoslar, o’zbek tili va adabiyoti yo’nalishida tahsil olayotgan talabalar hamda keng omma uchun sodda, xalqona tilda yozilgan.


Serum markers of myocardial fibrosis in the diagnosis of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome

Serum markers of myocardial fibrosis in the diagnosis of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome

Kodirova G.I., Iminov Kh.M., Tashtemirova I.M., Bektashev I.B., Uktamov N.

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Most view Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome as a heart rhythm disorder. However, the actual syndrome still remains a problem in the choice of patient management tactics. Its significance is that young people of working age suffer from this pathology. Ventricular preexcitation syndromes are found in all age groups and are verified in 1-30 patients per 10,000 people. However, in most cases, the clinical manifestation of the syndrome occurs between the ages of 10 and 20, and much less frequently in the elderly. The prevalence of preexitation syndromes in the general population is approximately 0.15-0.25% and increases in combination with congenital heart defects - 0.5%. In 40-80% of patients, WPW syndrome is clinically manifested by various forms of cardiac arrhythmias (HRD).


Shahar yo’lovchi tashish boshqaruvi samaradorligini oshirish yo’llari

Shahar yo’lovchi tashish boshqaruvi samaradorligini oshirish yo’llari

Qosimov A.Sh.

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Ushbu maqola shahar aholisiga transport xizmati ko’rsatishda zamonaviy electron tizimlardan foydalanish va aholiga qulaylik yaratishdan iborat.Shahar yo`lovchi tashish boshqaruvi samaradorligini oshirish,hozirgi kunda dolzarb masala hisoblanadi.Buning uchun to`g`ri harakatlanishni tashkil etish va harakat xavfsizligini oshirish dolzarb muammoning yechimidir.


Shaharlar atrofi landshaftlarining ekologik holatini Navoiy shahri misolida tahlil qilish

Shaharlar atrofi landshaftlarining ekologik holatini Navoiy shahri misolida tahlil qilish

Shodiyev S.R., Axmedova Yu.Q., Norquvatova U.I.

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Tabiatni aslicha, atrof-muhitni musaffo saqlash bugun paydo boʻlgan muammo emas. Shu bilan birga, ushbu masalalar faqatgina bir hudud yoki mintaqaga ham dahldor emas. Ular barchaga tegishli. Binobarin, tabiatni qanchalik asrab-avaylasak, kelib chiqishi mumkin boʻlgan ekologik muammolarning qanchalik vaqtli oldini olsak, ertangi hayotimiz ham shunchalik yaxshi boʻladi. Shu maʼnoda, hozir yurtimizda amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar diqqatga sazovor. Zotan, qayd etganimizdek, bugungi saʼy-harakatlar kelajak uchun qoʻyilgan muhim qadamdir.Ushbu maqolada Navoiy shahri landhsaftining ekalogik holatini aks ettirilgan.


Shaharni geokriminogen zonalarga ajratishni ayrim jihatlari (qo’qon shahri misolida)

Shaharni geokriminogen zonalarga ajratishni ayrim jihatlari (qo’qon shahri misolida)

Maxmudov B.X.

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Ushbu maqola jinoyatchilik geografiyasining tarkibiy qismi bo’lgan geokrimingen vaziyati og’ir hududlar va ularni tasniflash usul, mezonlarini o’z ichiga oladi. Tadqiqot obyekt sifatida Qo’qon shahri olingan. Sababi bu hudud keyingi vaqtlarda o’g’irlik, firibgarlik, giyohvand moddalar bilan bog’liq jinoyatchilikda viloyatda yetakchi hisoblanadi. Tadqiqot davomida shaharda mavjud 65 ta MFYlarning jinoyatchiligi tahlil qilindi va tegishli kuzatishlar olib borildi. Aholi, ijtimoiy, iqtisodiy, madaniy obyektlar joylashuvining jinoyatchilikka ta’siri o’rganildi.


Shaping the investment climate in the digital economy

Shaping the investment climate in the digital economy

Avazov N. Rustam ogli, Abdurakhmonov M. Rakhmatjon ogli

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This article discusses the necessary conditions for the development of the economy and investment activity


Shartnoma (umumiy qoidalar)

Shartnoma (umumiy qoidalar)

Xojimatova N.H.

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Ushbu maqolada shartnoma tog’risida umumiy qoidalar, tushunchalar va ularning shartlari xususida fikr yuritilgan.


Shaxslararo munosabatlarda muloqotning o’rni va ahamiyati

Shaxslararo munosabatlarda muloqotning o’rni va ahamiyati

Toshpulatov I.I.

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Muloqot inson hayoti va faoliyatining muhim shartidir. Aynan muloqot yordamida insonlar tabiatini o’zlashtirish va o’z individual ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun birgalikda harakat qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo’ladilar.


She is a unique artist in the graphic arts of Uzbekistan

She is a unique artist in the graphic arts of Uzbekistan

Ummatova Ch.

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The article describes the creative work of graphic artist Gulzor Sultanova, who has been known in the graphic arts of Uzbekistan for many years.


Sholi ekin dalalarni lazеr nivеliri yordamida tеkislash va kartalashtirish

Sholi ekin dalalarni lazеr nivеliri yordamida tеkislash va kartalashtirish

Avezov S.A., Qalandavov U.S., Shenyazov O.O.

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Ushbu ilmiy tatqiqot ishida Xorazm viloyatida qishloq xo’jaligida foydalaniladigan ekin maydonlarining xolati va lazеr nivеliri yordamida tekislash ishi xaqida to`talib o`tilgan.

