Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Socio-philosophical fundamentals of strengthening the family institute
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This article analyzes the socio-philosophical basis for strengthening the family in Uzbekistan. Factors that ensure the stability of the family have been studied.
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The article deals with the basic theoretical approaches to understanding of a syndrome of emotional burning out. Such questions as social-psychological and personal risk factors of occurrence of a syndrome of emotional burning out are allocated. The authors analysed the specificity of development of a syndrome of teacher’s emotional burning out and the basic directions of preventive maintenance of emotional burning out in professional work. The program of social-psychological training of preventive maintenance of teacher’s emotional burning out “Believe in yourself» is described, recommendations about preventive maintenance of teacher’s emotional burning out are given.
Software model open computing language
The article discusses the basic principles of design in accordance with the standard OpenCL 1.1. Without going into too much at this level of presentation details are 4 models on which standard holds: platform model, the execution, the memory model and programming model. The article is not given a single line of code, since the goal - only to introduce the reader into the world of the development on the OpenCL, highlighting various aspects of its design.
Sog‘lom turmush tarzida shaxsiy gigiyenaning ahamiyati
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Ushbu maqola insonning sog‘-salomat hayot kechirishi uning shaxsiy gigiyenik talablarga amal qilishi darajasiga qaratilgan maʼlumotlardan iborat.
Soil analysis during road construction
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It is about studying the composition of soils in the construction of the footpath and the sequence of compaction of voids.
Soils of the Kokand oasis and their ecological reclamation
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This article describes the soil-ecological conditions of the Kokand oasis and the impact of erosion processes on the changes occurring in them, including soil fertility, and measures to combat them. Also, based on statistical data, the processes of soil erosion, development of planting system, proper accounting of soil potential, increase of productivity of irrigated lands, development of complex measures on wide use of organic fertilizers, creation of artificial forests, improvement of meliorative-ecological condition and salinization were analyzed.
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A solar power plant is a device that converts solar radiation into electricity in a photoelectric way. There is a growing interest in generating electricity from solar energy around the world. The main task of scientists today is to increase the efficiency of existing technologies.
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This article reveals the information about solar-powered lasers that is possible to create laser light with sunlight and the difference between sunlight and laser light. It is clear that laser light can have a continuous constant amplitude or pulse, as well as extremely high power. Many devices use a laser as an amplifier to emit radiation from another source. The amplified signal corresponds to the initial signal in terms of wavelength, phase, and polarization.
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Maqolada mamlakatimizda soliq tizimi modernizatsiyasining hozirgi bosqichi va istiqbollarida samarali soliq maʼmuriyatchiligi tizimini shakllantirish metodologiyasi ahamiyati oʻsganligining sabablari hamda yangi jihatlarini yoritishga harakat qilingan. Jahon soliq amaliyoti va soliq maʼmuriyatchiligining zamonaviy trendlari tajribalarini oʻzlashtirish asosida uning samarali vosita va usullarini qoʻllash xususiyatlari va vazifalari bayon etilga
Solution of ecological and economic problems by modeling
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This article discusses solutions, proposals and results by modeling environmental and economic problems. It also highlights the most pressing issues of today and the many reforms that are being implemented to prevent them.
Solution of proteins and factors affecting it
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The article provides information on the solubility of proteins and the factors that affect it, as well as the importance of their content.
Solving environmental problems: ways and methods
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This article discusses environmental problems and how to solve them.
Some aspects of independent work on the study of physics at secondary school
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In this article, it was noted that in the process of teaching physics, various types of independent work are used. Formation learners' ability to work independently with educational and additional literature, schoolchildren’ independent homework in physics as necessary elements of the educational process.
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The course is only used chalk and a cloth. Students should use classrooms equipped with computers, projectors, and ICT software to teach effectively. Information technology plays an important role in the demands of daily life and the globalization of society. For example, the phenomena of electromagnetism, diffraction, interference, dispersion, polarization, and the processes of quantum, atomic, or nuclear physics are very difficult to read and understand only from a textbook and through the pictures depicted in it. If during a physics lesson a virtual presentation appears on a 3D screen that explains the topic of electromagnetism step by step, the reader will never forget such a presentation.and can master deeply. This article covers the above topics.
Some aspects of questioning during the preliminary investigation of the crimes
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This article discusses some aspects of the interview, important investigative action during the preliminary investigation of crimes.
Some aspects of social partnership in the development of education
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The article notes that the most successful implementation of the processes of reproduction of competitive specialists and the development of social partnership is seen precisely within the framework of the concept of lifelong education.
Some aspects of the process of creating an industrial map using ArcGIS
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This article discusses the specifics of the modern mapping process, aspects to be considered in mapping, methods of creating electronic maps, the use of modern Geographic Information Systems in the creation of electronic maps, ArcGIS Geographic Information Program and its use in the creation of industrial maps illuminated.
Some biological active products of metallocenes
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The article provides information about ferrocene and its derivatives containing iron, as well as biologically active substances containing ferrocene
Some comments on the etymology of the word “it” (dog)
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This article examines the etymology of the word “it” (dog). It is based on information provided in scientific literature, the views of Uzbek and Russian Turkology scholars.
Some complex proteins and their biological properties
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The article provides information about some complex proteins and their biological properties and importance.