Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Effective use of modern methodology in foreign language teaching

Effective use of modern methodology in foreign language teaching

Abidova M.I., Niyazova M.O.

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This article discusses the issue of abandoning the classical approach to teaching Foreign language and conducting new methodological research.


Effective use of pedagogical views of Abdulla Avloni in educational process

Effective use of pedagogical views of Abdulla Avloni in educational process

Mansurova M.Kh.

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The pedagogical views of Abdulla Avloni, a prominent scientist and literary critic, based on the link between education and the study of the personality of the child, the study of the collektiv and the personality, teaching and teaching; showed the connection of pedagogy with other disciplines, paving the way for the Coordination of school, family and extracurricular education. Abdulla Avloni devoted many years of pedagogical activity and many pages to the problem of creating a harmony of public and personal interests in education. In this harmony, he saw human happiness and the essence of education. He knew that training in a team was a method that was common to all and at the same time gave everyone the opportunity to develop. In the course of this article, we will consider the effectiveness of the educational process on the basis of pedagogical views of Abdulla Avloni, as well as several pedagogical technologies and interactive techniques in the formation of skills to attract students to the lesson.


Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language

Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language

Egamberdiyeva D.U.

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We considered modern teaching methods. Is there a general framework, which underlies all these methods? Yes, of course, the basis of these techniques is the number of general methodological principles. But first I must say that all these four methods have the common goal of education - to teach students to communicate in English, as well as participate in the development of individual students.


Effective ways of improving speaking skills and communicative competence

Effective ways of improving speaking skills and communicative competence

Mirzayeva M.G.

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This article informs about several strategic and effective methods and ways of developing oral speech and communication. Furthermore, it includes some specialists` ideas and theories on a particular topic. Using and taking into consideration these ways given below will be helpful during teaching and learning process of communication skills.


Effective ways to teach English for elementary level

Effective ways to teach English for elementary level

Turopova L.S., Arolov Z.G.

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In this article, as a result of the use of modern approaches and innovative methods in teaching English in primary school, students develop logical thinking skills, improve speech, develop the ability to respond quickly and correctly, stimulate curiosity, information about the desire to prepare thoroughly for lessons. Today, foreign language skills are becoming an integral part of vocational education. Experts in various fields have a high level of cooperation with foreign partners, so they have a high demand for language learning. In modern society, foreign languages are becoming an important part of vocational education. Such knowledge is first acquired by people in schools, colleges, high schools, and later in institutes, training courses, or by familiarizing themselves with basic information sets that help them learn a foreign language independently. Today, there is a large collection of teaching materials for people with different levels of language skills. Success in achieving this goal depends on the practical methods and skills of teachers.


Effectiveness of agrarian and economic reforms in agriculture of Uzbekistan

Effectiveness of agrarian and economic reforms in agriculture of Uzbekistan

Shokhuzhaeva Z.S., Donaeva F.B.

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This article describes the process of agrarian reform in agriculture, its priorities, directions, the essence of the economic measures taken, the effectiveness of the results achieved in the implementation of reforms and proposals and recommendations to radically improve public policy to further deepen agrarian reform.


Effectiveness of attracting investments in improving the ecological condition of irrigated lands

Effectiveness of attracting investments in improving the ecological condition of irrigated lands

Faxriddinov А.Z., Sultonov X.G.

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Ushbu maqolada sug`oriladigan yerlar ekologik holatini yaxshilash va sug`oriladigan yerlarga investitsiyalarni jalb etish samaradorligi hamda iqtisodiy yechimlari to`g`risida ma’lumotlar berilgan.


Effectiveness of budget spending on education of Astrakhan region

Effectiveness of budget spending on education of Astrakhan region

Gabrielyan D.L., Toshpulotov A.A.

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The article discusses the effectiveness of budget spending on education of Astrakhan Region. In addition, we compare budget spending in several regions.


Effectiveness of using multimedia technologies in the system of education

Effectiveness of using multimedia technologies in the system of education

Мirbabaeva S.S.

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The article deals with effective ways of using multimedia technologies in the system of education.


Effects on the growth, development and productivity of hairy erva plants

Effects on the growth, development and productivity of hairy erva plants

Abdurasulova Sh., Jorayeva Kh.

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Medicinal plants have been grown and cared for in cultured conditions for human health since ancient times in our country. Among them, "pol-pola" is a medicinal plant, its properties, history of origin, and its use for health are described in detail in this article.


Efficiency of advertising in terms of the clothing shop "Gloria Jeans"

Efficiency of advertising in terms of the clothing shop "Gloria Jeans"

Shevchenko A.A.

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The article is devoted to the essence of advertising in the activities of trading enterprises, in particular, a large trading company "Gloria Jeans". The article presents the tasks and key indicators of effective advertising business on the example of the enterprise "Gloria Jeans".


Efficiency of experimental preparation use multimedia to enlarge some questions

Efficiency of experimental preparation use multimedia to enlarge some questions

Abdullaeva N., Mamurova F., Mallaboev N.

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This article discusses the use of multimedia tools in the educational process for laboratory work in chemistry. In it, the process of sensing the smell of substances is considered on the example of the concept of eymour.


Efficiency of heprocels the treatment of patients with deep burns

Efficiency of heprocels the treatment of patients with deep burns

Saliev G.Z.

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Relevance. Thermal damage poses a serious medical, social and economic problem. The development ofheavy industry and the chemical industry, as well as the widespread use of electricity in everyday life and industry, willcontribute to a significant increase in burn injuries. Purpose of the study.Improving the results of early necrectomy usingautodermoplasty in patients with burns using the local hemostatic agent "Heprocel".Materials and methods. The work isbased on the analysis of the results of treatment of 35 victims (37 women and 68 men) aged 18 to 75 years, who weretreated at the Department of Comustology of the Samarkand branch of the Republican Scientific Center for EmergencyMedicine. the average age of the patients was 39 years. In most cases, the injury was caused by fire, burning with boilingwater, and contact burns were also observed.Results. Our studies have shown that early surgical necrectomy andobtaining isolated autographs from donor sites are performed after blood loss (6-10 ml of blood per 100 cm2 area) andthe use of Heprocel hemostatic powder. When the wound defect was closed, the donor machine lid showed good adhesionto the subcutaneous wound. Conclusions. A single application of the hemostatic preparation heprocel to the wound afternecrectomyensures fastadhesion of thesutureduring autodermoplasty,ensuring fastand completeadhesionof theskin.


Efficiency of herbivorous fish farming in Dengizkol lake

Efficiency of herbivorous fish farming in Dengizkol lake

Tokhirov B.B., Sayfiyev T.F., Kahhorova Z.

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Today, the demand for food is growing and there is a shortage of foods rich in protein and vitamins. In our article we will talk about the effectiveness of fish farming in Lake Dengizkol.


Efficiency of psychotherapy in treatment of neurosis patients (phobic option) with various typological features

Efficiency of psychotherapy in treatment of neurosis patients (phobic option) with various typological features

Azimova G.A., Karimov A.Kh., Kozimjonova I.F.

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Resume: In recent years, the world has seen an increase in psychopathological disorders with phobic inclusions. And the phobic component becomes more and more significant. Phobic disorders are a form of situational anxiety. For obsessive fears or phobias, a reaction of avoidance is characteristic.


Efficient use of household resources is one of the means of increasing the living standards of the population

Efficient use of household resources is one of the means of increasing the living standards of the population

Majidov F.A.

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Resume: The article argues that the efficient use of the household is one of the means of improving the living standards of the population.


Ekin maydonlarini meliorativ holatini yaxshilashda yer tekislagichlardan unumli foydalanish

Ekin maydonlarini meliorativ holatini yaxshilashda yer tekislagichlardan unumli foydalanish

Qo’chqorov J.J., Sobiriv K.S.

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Bugungi kunda yerlarning tekislik darajasini yaxshilash, uning sifatli tekislash ishlarini amalga oshirish va bu ishlar uchun ish unumdorligi yuqori tekislagich agregatini yaratish dolzarb masala hisoblanadi. Fermer xo‘jaliklari ekin maydonlarini joriy tekislash ishlarida qo‘llanadigan texnikalarni modernizatsiyalash bazali tekislagichlarning ish sifatini yaxshilash traktor – mashina agregatlarini ish unumiga bog‘liqligi, yoqilg‘i sarfini kamaytirishni va tekislash agregatlarini takomillashtirish maqsad qilib olingan. Shular jumlasidan sug’oriladigan yerlarning meliorativ holatini yaxshilash va sifatli tekislash hozirda dolzarb muammolardan biridir.


Ekologik madaniyat, ta’lim-tarbiya berishning nazariy-uslubiy asoslari

Ekologik madaniyat, ta’lim-tarbiya berishning nazariy-uslubiy asoslari

Ortiqova D.B.

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Ushbu maqolada maktabgacha ta’lim muassasalari va o‘rta ta’lim maktablaridagi ta’lim dasturlarida ekologiya to‘g‘risidagi fikr mulohazalar, ekologiya va atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish, tabiatni asrab-avaylash, tabiiy resurslardan oqilona foydalanish sohasiga oid qimmatli ma’lumotlar, uslubiy o‘quv materiallar orqali o‘quvchi va talabalarga ta’lim- tarbiya berishning uslublari haqida so‘z yuritilingan.


Ekologik muvozanatni saqlashda qishloq xo’jaligida ishlatiladigan quduqli nasos qurulmalarining ahamyati

Ekologik muvozanatni saqlashda qishloq xo’jaligida ishlatiladigan quduqli nasos qurulmalarining ahamyati

Sharipov A.E.

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Ushbu maqolada ekologik muvozanatni saqlashda qishloq xo’jaligida ishlatiladigan quduqli nasos qurulmalarining ahamyati hamda ularni ishlatish prinsiplari nazarda tutilgan.


Electronic learning in higher education

Electronic learning in higher education

Krivosheeva G.N.

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The article provides information about the electronic teaching environment, its algorithms. Methodological requirements for the creation of an electronic teaching environment are also illustrated. Moreover, information is provided on types of the e-teaching environment based on its purpose.

