Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
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Ushbu maqolada Elektr uzatish liniyalarinig iqtisodiy maqsadga muvofiq parametrlarti keltirilgan. Havo liniyalatrinig asosiy konstruktiv elementlaridan bo’lgan shishali va polimer izolyatorlarnini o’rganilgan va texnik imkoniyatlari taqqoslangan.
Elektron o`quv-uslubiy majmualarda zamonaviy ta’lim texnologiyalardan foydalanish
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Zamonaviy ta’lim texnologiyalari, ularning turlari va texnologiya ta’limiga doir elektron o`quv-uslubiy majmualarda ahamiyati, ta’lim texnologiyalarni tanlash va ulardan oqilona foydalanish haqida so`z boradi.
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Ushbu maqolada oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalariga elektron ta’lim muxitida mantiq orqali to’g’ri mulohaza yuritish, to’g’ri fikrlash va to’g’ri fikrlardan to’g’ri xulosalar chiqarish usullarini o’rgatish ya’ni matematik mantiq elementlarini o’rganishga motivatsiyani shakllantirish, matematik misol va masalalarni yechishda mantiqiy amallarni to’g’ri qo’llay olishlari xamda matematika fanining matematik mantiq elementlari bo’limini o’qitishda Elektronics Workbench (EWB) dasturini qo’llash masalasi qaralgan. Buning uchun asosan talabalarda matematik mantiq elementlarini o’rganishga ijobiy motivatsiyani shakllantirish bilan bog’liq masalalar majmuasi ishlab chiqilgan bo’lib, ular quyidagi guruhlarga ajratilgan. Birinchi guruh masalalari matematika kursida o’rganiladigan asosiy boshlang’ich materiallarga tayaniladi. Ammo, boshlang’ich matematika kursini yaxshi bilish masalalarni yechish uchun yetarli emas, chunki to’g’ri javobni olish uchun talaba o’zining zukkoligini xam namoyish etish zarur. Ushbu masalalar nafaqat mavzuni chuqur va ongli o’zlashtirishga yordam beradi, balki talabalarda fikrlashning egiluvchanligini ta’minlaydi. Ikkinchi guruh masalalari murakkablik darajasi turlicha bo’lgan masalalardan, ya’ni birinchi darajali, ikkinchi darajali va uchinchi darajali murakkabliklarga ega bo’lgan masalalardan iborat. Masalalarni murakkablik darajasiga ajratish esa ularni yechish uchun bajarilishi zarur bo’ladigan mantiqiy amallar qadamlari soniga asosan amalga oshirilgan. Masalalarning uchinchi guruhi o’quvchilarda muloxazalardagi xatolarni topish ko’nikmasini shakllantirishga yo’naltirilgan. Matematik mantiq elementlarini o’rganishda talabalar bir qator qiynchiliklarga duch kelayotganligi sababli masalalarning to’rtinchi guruhi taklif etiladi. Masalalarning to’rtinchi guruhi talabalarda muloxazalardagi xatolarni topish ko’nikmasini shakllantirishga yo’naltirilgan va ularda tanqidiy fikrlashning rivojlanishiga yordam beradi.
Elektrotexnika fanini o‘qitishda talabalarni eksperimental ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish vositalari
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Multisim dasturidan asosida, elektrotexnika fanini o‘qitish muammolari, uslublari, sharoitlari va imkoniyatlari bayon etilgan.
Emergence and development of innovative economy
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This article discusses the essence, emergence, and stages of development of an innovative economy.
Emergency action based on soil properties
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Today, in recent years, large-scale reforms are being carried out in our country aimed at increasing the combat capability of the modern Armed Forces. As in any field, the role of innovative science in the armed forces is growing. The article discusses the use of digital maps, the choice of short-range routes, and the identification of centers of harmfulness for the effective implementation of operational actions in emergencies based on soil characteristics.
Emergent transition from face-to-face to online learning
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Many universities have been forced to transit from face-to-face to online learning (e-learning) as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Various challenges hinder disadvantaged students from realizing the full potential of e-learning. This study draws on a two-year postdoctoral qualitative research project conducted at university to explore students’ experiences of the transition from face-to-face to e-learning. Twenty-six students completing a curriculum studies program were purposively and conveniently sampled to generate data using reflective activity, Zoom group meetings and a What’s App one-on-one semi-structured interview. Findings articulate the digital divide as a hindrance to students realizing the full potential of e-learning, yet lecturers still want students to submit assessment tasks and engage with course activities on the Moodle learning management system.
Emerging methods of teaching mathematics
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This article discusses the methodological systems of teaching mathematics
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This article analyzes the hypotheses related to the factors affecting the company's results of operation. The article deals with the data for 2006-2012 by using data for 49 thousand companies on 23 different factors. The analysis is performed by linear regression method. The objective of the article is to identify the factors having the greatest impact on the results of the company operation.
Encouraging students to enter the class atmosphere by activities
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This article deals with exploring the class atmosphere by activities for students. Moreover, interactive plays and games which are held during the class. By the way, children can enter the class deeply with their whole mind. These modes of activities can help to encourage the children to live in a real atmosphere.
Energy-efficient modern constructions of external walls
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In this article highlights of energy-efficient modern constructions of external walls.
English borrowings in modern German language as an object of learning
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The formation of new terms through borrowing is the most productive way to expand and enrich the vocabulary of the language, including its terminological subsystems. The topic of English borrowings of the German language has become the subject of study for many both domestic and foreign linguists, and interest in this issue does not fade over time, which indicates its multifaceted and inexhaustible. Language as a multifaceted, ever-evolving phenomenon continually provides linguists with new material for research.
English for management direction students types of speech activites in teaching vocabulary
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In this article discusses Vocabulary teaching is the foundation of language teaching. Without perfect vocabulary, it is impossible to learn by teaching the types of speech activities. The interactive method of increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical activity (educational process) is showing its effectiveness in the study of English vocabulary for students of Management directions.
English language in the context of globalization
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The article explores the problem of teaching of English language in the context of globalization. It shows the analysis of existing versions of English language; it considers the specific of teaching each version.
English language with communicative technologies
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This article will discuss the basic techniques educational technology for students to learn in the education process.
Enrichment of pastures of hill region with promising food plant varieties
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This article describes the issues of increasing the productivity of natural pastures and enriching plant biodiversity through phytomelioration of hill pastures based on the use of promising varieties of pasture forage plants.
Ensuring financial sustainability of farms in Uzbekistan
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The article focuses on ensuring the financial sustainability of farms in Uzbekistan through the efficient use and management of financial resources. Today, the farms operating in Uzbekistan are engaged not only in the production of agricultural products but also in the storage, processing, and packaging of agricultural and livestock products, as well as in the supply and demand of consumers in rural areas. It should be noted that the provision of services further increases the financial stability of the economy. One of the important tasks facing farms in the current situation is to form an optimal amount of current assets.
Ensuring radiation safety in ecology and environmental protection
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This article addresses issues related to radiation safety in radiation ecology. It analyzes the damage caused by light to the organs of the human body and its consequences. Information on sources of light emitting harmful to human organs, radiation level measuring instruments, radiation and ionizing radiation and guidelines, facilities and means of their protection, as well as potentially radiation-hazardous weather Information about the objects is given.
Ensuring sustainability of public transport system through rational management
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This paper presents a research of possibility to improve sustainability of public transport system in the city by implementation of management system. Test of proposed method was done using the example of Naberezhnye Chelny. Conceptual model of system as well as interaction scheme of its program modules were shown. The composite indicator to assess system efficiency was proposed. An information-logical model of data as well as process of scientifically based decision making in the sphere of urban public transport routing were described. Such routing approach requires actual information about traffic flows on the city roads and, in the same time, takes into account the minimization of negative environmental impact while keeping index of population mobility.
Entrepreneurship and innovation as the foundation for the creation of small enterprises
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The article analyzes the creation of companies with help of entrepreneurship and innovation as the foundation.