Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
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In this article given promoting entrepreneurship in education is an essential key for students to take risks, be independent and have confidence in their future work.
Environment as the city advertising media
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The paper demonstrates the importance of innovative advertising tools and shows various Ambient Media locations. Tomsk is taken as an example for investigation of Ambient Media usage. The paper analyses different types of advertisers and explains the reasons of the Ambient Media applying.
Environmental aspects of waste solving problem
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This article discusses the impact of industrial and domestic waste on the environment and its processing in the case of Fergana region.
Environmental crises and the main causes of them
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This article discusses the environmental crisis and its causes. The main factors that led to environmental disasters are analyzed.
Environmental crisis Kemerovo region
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Protected areas of the Kemerovo region.
Environmental pollution as a universal problem
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In this article environmental pollution, disruption of the natural balance is considered as a universal problem
Environmental problems in the works of eastern thinkers
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This article analyzes the features of environmental views in the works of oriental thinkers from a scientific and theoretical point of view.
Environmental problems of multi-storey housing utilities
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The article examines the issues that determine the environmental problems of public services. It also informs about environmental processes, the causes of water, soil and air pollution
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The article provides information on the general characteristics, properties and important features of proteins, their elemental composition, methods of purification.
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The article provides information on the general characteristics, properties and structure of enzymes.
Epopeyalarda do`stlik talqini (“Gilgamish”, “Alpomish” va “Iliada” misolida)
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Jahon va o`zbek adabiyotshunosligida do`stlik keng tadqiq etilgan motiv hisoblanadi. Maqolada “Gilgamish”, “Alpomish” va “Iliada” eposlaridagi do`stlik obrazlaridan ayrimlari tadqiq etilgan. Ular o`rtasidagi o`xshashliklar solishtirilgan.
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Eposlar xalqning koʻp ming yillik ma’naviyati namunalarini o’zida jamuljam etadi. Xalq eposida ma’noni teranlashtiradigan, fikrlashga undaydigan badiiy san’atlarning qoʻllanishini oʻrganish orqali ijrochi soʻz nafosati, sehri va qudratini eshituvchi mushohada quvvatini oshiradi.
Equivalent issues of the proverbs in the German and Uzbek language (in the case of adverse events)
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This article deals with the synonymy of the German and Uzbek proverbs condemning bad people, the problems of choosing the right equivalent in the translation of proverbs. Proverbs have a definite form and should not be allowed to change their form, which is also written in such a way that they differ from phraseological units.
Er-(Al,Cu,In) sistemasida amal qiluvchi almashinuv o‘zaro ta'sirini yarim emperik usulda o‘rganish
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Toza Er va uning nomagnit metallar Al, Cu va In bilan birikmalari magnit qabul qiluvchanligining temperaturaga bog’lanishi [] 20-1700 tempraturalar oralig’ida, qattiq va suyuq holatlarda o’rganildi. Toza Er va o’rganilgan birikmalarning erish jarayoni ularning bog’lanishiga sezilarli ta’sir ko’rsatmasligi aniqlandi. Er-Al sistemasidagi barcha birikmalarning, Er-In sistemasidagi Er2In vaEr5In birikmalarning erishida bu bog’lanishning sinib o’zgarishi, qolgan birikmalarning erishida esa kuchsiz sakrash bilan o’zgarishi kuzatildi. Bu tajribaviy dalil o’rganilgan namunalarning magnit xossasini hosil qiluvchi 4f-elektronlarning energetik holati ularning erish jarayonida o’zgarmasligidan dalolat beradi.
Erkaklar notipoviy qomatlariga mos kiyimlarni ishlab chiqarish
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Ushbu maqolada erkaklar notipoviy qomatlariga mos kiyimlarni ishlab chiqarish va uni loyihalash bo’yicha bo’lib, unda qomat nima va uning turlari, tipaviy qomatdan og’ishgan qomatlar tahlil etilgan. Bundan tashqari tadqiqotimiz davomida tashkil etilgan so’rovnoma keng muhokama etilgan.
Erkaklar reproduktiv tizimi kasalliklari diagnostikasini o’ziga xosligini baxolash
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Maqolada erkaklar reproduktiv tizimi kasalliklari diagnostikasini o‘ziga xosligini baxolash, shuningdek,erkaklarda reproduktiv disfunktsiya, odamlarda bepushtlikka olib keladigan genetik kasalliklar bo‘yicha malumotlar keltirilgan.
Erkin kurashda tehnik taktik harakat ko’nikmalarini shakllantirishda maxsus mashqlarning o’rni
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Ushbu maqolada erkin kurash sport turida tehnik taktik harakat ko’nikmalarini shakllantirishda maxsus mashqlarning o’rni to’g’risida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Erosion activity indicators of middle Zarafshan basin rivers
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The article identifies indicators of erosion activity of rivers and streams in the middle part of the Zarafshan River. For this purpose, the turbidity of river and stream water was calculated as the flow of sediments (in units of weight and volume), washing modulus and washing layer, erosion meter, etc. As a result, erosion processes were accelerated in Tusunsay, Omonqutansay and Urgutsay basins.
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Maqolada o'qitishda axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning afzalliklari bayon etilgan bo‘lib, zaif eshituvchi va kar bolalar bilan ishlashda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalaridan quyidagi maqsadlarda- o'rganish motivatsiyasini oshirish, o'quv jarayonining samaradorligini oshirish, bolalarning kognitiv sohasini faollashtirishga ko'maklashishda foydalanilanilish imkoniyatlari aytilgan. Shu bilan birga IT sohasida faoliyat olib borayotgan o‘zbek mutaxassislari tomonidan eshitishda nuqsoni bo‘lgan bolalarning nutqini, ijtimoiy-hissiy va bilish sohalarini rivojlantirish uchun mukammal elektron dasturlar, mobil ilovalar yaratilishi surdopedagoglarning ishini osonlashtirishi, bunday dastur va ilovalar orqali ota-onalar farzandlari bilan shug‘ullanishlari, pedagog bergan topshiriqlarini qiyinchiliksiz bajarishlari uchun motivatsiya yaratib berishi mumkin.
Essence and life meaning of world view
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Resume: This article discusses the essence and life meaning of the worldview.