Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

General information about mobile uninterruptible power supplies

General information about mobile uninterruptible power supplies

Mirzayev S., Azimov A.

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Under the concept of mobile uninterruptible or ackup source, which is always connected to the main supply source and automatically or manually switches to the backup source in case of power loss in the main network (in case of network failures), collapsible, adjustable, moveable position. In an uninterruptible power supply, the supply source performs both primary and backup functions at the same time, and in the event of a power failure at the main source, it automatically switches to backup mode (usually from batteries).


General problems of all economic systems

General problems of all economic systems

Kurbanov Ja.P.

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This article discusses the general problems of all economic systems.


General properties of amino acids

General properties of amino acids

Qodirov R.Sh.

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The article provides an overview of amino acids, their properties and important features, and information about the importance of individual amino acids.


General structure of spinal animals features

General structure of spinal animals features

Salimova S.F.

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Vertebrates- (Vertebrata or Craniata) are a subspecies of chordates. The number of species is less than that of invertebrates; however, they play an important role in the modern biosphere. They have a highly structured, changeable habitat. They live in different layers of the ocean, in high mountains, deserts and other places. In the evolution of these animals, it is observed that their structure develops according to a single general plan. Such development has led to the emergence of forms that have improved in terms of morphological, biochemical and physiological properties, behavior and mental activity.


General ways of management and hierarchy of regulatory systems

General ways of management and hierarchy of regulatory systems

Yusupov M.M.

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The article provides information on the general ways of regulating the body and the hierarchy of regulatory systems, as well as the general characteristics and properties of hormones.


Geo-ecological problems of oasis landscapes of Zarafshan valley

Geo-ecological problems of oasis landscapes of Zarafshan valley

Rakhmatullayev A., Ravshanov A.Kh., Ravshanov Sh.A.

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The article discusses ecological problems in oasis landscapes of ZarafshanValley, resulting from human economic activity. It was found that contamination of surface and subterranean waters, soil greasiness in the oasis grows downstream the Zarafshan River.


Geodesic work in the process of design to ensure traffic safety on roads

Geodesic work in the process of design to ensure traffic safety on roads

Mamajonov M., Kholmirzaev M.

Статья научная

This article deals with the role and importance of geodesy in the design of longitudinal profiles on highways and the design of cross-sections.


Geoecological changes in the use of the nature of the Fergana valley

Geoecological changes in the use of the nature of the Fergana valley

Boymirzaev K.M.

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This article covers the geoecological changes in the use of the nature of Fergana Valley, the impact of natural and anthropogen processes on them.


Geoecological problems in Jambay district and measures aimed at improving the geoecological situation

Geoecological problems in Jambay district and measures aimed at improving the geoecological situation

Khayitmurodov A.O., Sharipov Sh.M.

Статья научная

This article describes geoecological problems in Jambay district and measures aimed at improving the geoecological situation.


Geografiya fanida geografik prognozlashning o’rni

Geografiya fanida geografik prognozlashning o’rni

Umatkulov I., Jorayev A.

Статья научная

Xozirgi kunda geografik prognoz va prognozlash kabi atamalarni to’liq yagona konseptsiyasini ishlab chiqilmagan.Butun dunyoda ro’y berayotgan tabiiy,iqtisodiy,siyosiy jarayonlar bularning xammasi prognozlashni talab etadi.Geografik prognozlashning obekti,predmeti,maqad va vazifalari aniq bo’lishi kerak.


Geographic approach to the development of the network of chemical industry of Uzbekistan

Geographic approach to the development of the network of chemical industry of Uzbekistan

Abdinazarova X.O.

Статья научная

The article deals with the economic and geographical aspects of the development of the chemical industry in Uzbekistan. It focuses on the role of the chemical industry in the economy, prospects, industries, related aspects of agriculture, the main types of products in the industry, the dynamics of mineral fertilizers production, export and import geography.


Geographical aspects of origin of flood mudflows

Geographical aspects of origin of flood mudflows

Pirnazarov R.T., Solieva Z.I.

Статья научная

In this article it is analyzed the types, genesis and geographic aspects of flooding and floods.


Geographical features of manufacturing and human health

Geographical features of manufacturing and human health

Meliboeva F.S.

Статья научная

The article explains the geographical features of production and human health, the factors affecting it, as well as the ongoing reforms in the country to ensure the environment and human health.


Geographical maps as a main criteria for the development of students 'cartographic competencies

Geographical maps as a main criteria for the development of students 'cartographic competencies

Khurshidbek Bakhtiyorovich Khalilov

Статья научная

This article describes in detail the types of geographical maps to be published for secondary schools and what students should pay attention to when using them.


Geographical study of place names in the territory of Karakalpakstan

Geographical study of place names in the territory of Karakalpakstan

Baltabaev O.O.

Статья научная

This article describes the geographical study of place names in the territory of Karakalpakstan. Toponymic works of geographers on the study of Karakalpak toponyms are analyzed chronologically.


Geography education in the modern world

Geography education in the modern world

Bekisheva D.D., Sobirov J.X., Egamberdieva M.Q.

Статья научная

This article discusses the importance of the science of geography in the modern world. Another problem is that modern students have become much smarter and accordingly are rapidly learning subjects that will be useful not only in life but also when entering universities. Geography is not such a science. For some reason, the science that should form the basis of economic and geographical specialties in higher education is completely ignored by them. Although, in my opinion, a manager needs more geography than social sciences. Even when applied, we see the same social science, not geography, in the profile specialization of the pedagogical university.


Geological and geomorphological structure of Kashkadarya region and the influence of man-made factors (example of Shurtan gas chemical complex)

Geological and geomorphological structure of Kashkadarya region and the influence of man-made factors (example of Shurtan gas chemical complex)

Olimova D.A.

Статья научная

The article focuses on the geological and geomorphological structure of Kashkadarya district, its geographical location and position among neighboring regions, as well as the impact of man-made factors on the environment, flora and fauna, groundwater and surface water, geoecological to study the impact on the state, discuss the improvement of the mechanism for reducing the negative consequences of man-made impacts.


Geopolitics and challenges of Russian economic development

Geopolitics and challenges of Russian economic development

Лян И.Р., Васьбиева Д.Г.



Gepatoprotektorlar tavsifi

Gepatoprotektorlar tavsifi

Хоshimov S.N.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada gepatoprotektorlarning jigar kasalliklarini davolashdagi ahamiyati, ta’sir mexanizmi va alohida xossalari xususida fikr yuritilgan.


Gibrid avtomobillar-avtomobil transportining ekologik muammolarini hal qilish

Gibrid avtomobillar-avtomobil transportining ekologik muammolarini hal qilish

Razokov A.Ya., Ogaliqov M.B., Nomonjonov B.B.

Статья научная

Gibrid elektr stantsiyalari (GES) bo'lgan avtomobillarning afzalliklari tavsiflanadi, gibrid avtomobil elektr stansiyalarining sxemalari ko'rib chiqiladi. Parallel sxemaga muvofiq ishlab chiqilgan gibrid quvvatli stansiya bilan ishlab chiqilgan eksperimental to'liq g'ildirakchali avtomobilning dizayni taqdim etiladi, uning texnik tavsifi berilgan.

