Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Fundamentals of storage of agricultural products

Fundamentals of storage of agricultural products

Sirojiddinov A.A.

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The most important problem is to reduce product losses. The country's food program provides for reducing losses and improving the quality of products through the widespread introduction of advanced production technologies, processing and storage of it, the use of advanced types of packaging and packaging materials, and the organization of transportation by specialized transport.


Fundamentals of the state regulation of the banking sector in the Russian Federation

Fundamentals of the state regulation of the banking sector in the Russian Federation

Dunaeva Anastasia Igorevna, Udachin Nikita Olegovich

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Bank lending is the main channel of the money supply by the banking system of the national economy. Unfortunately, in modern Russian bank credit is not available for the majority of companies operating in the domestic market due to its high cost and the credit channel is the issue of money - almost does not work. This power is that by assigning unreasonably high interest rates on loans, banks thus redistribute in their favor a significant part of the value added created in the economy sectors dependent on them. Happening economically unreasonable seizure of the gross margin of the real sector of Russia in favor of its banking sector. At the same time the possibility of price increases in most sectors of the real (and hence the possibility of neutralizing the negative results of such an exception) limited by the hard-liners of the Central Bank monetary policy aimed at curbing inflation.


Funksiya grafigini yasashda axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanish

Funksiya grafigini yasashda axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanish

Sultanov R.O.

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Matlab tizimning imkoniyatlari keng darajada oshgan. Hozirda Matlab - bu muhandislik va ilmiy hisoblarning yuqori samarali tili. U matematik hisoblar, ilmiy grafikani vizuallashtirish va dasturlashni ta’minlaydi. Matlab - bu shunday interfaol (bevosita) tizimki, undagi asosiy ob’ekt bo’lgan massivning o’lchamlarini aniq yozish talab qilinmaydi. Bu esa juda ko’p hisoblashlarni(vektor, matritsa ko’rinishidagi) tez vaqtda yechish imkonini beradi. Matlab sirtlar, chiziqlar va boshqa grafik ob’ektlarni o’zlashtirish va yaratish imkonini beruvchi past darajadagi funksiyalar majmuasini taqdim qiladi.


Future leaders

Future leaders

Arifxodjayeva L.F.

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This article provides detailed information about the Club of Future Leaders, which was established in our country to provide comprehensive support to young people and increase their social activism.


Future music teachers in pedagogical universities caught up in gaming technology in the development of professional competence place

Future music teachers in pedagogical universities caught up in gaming technology in the development of professional competence place

Raximova A.E.

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The content of this article is devoted to the role of gaming technologies in the development of professional competencies of future teachers.


G'ofur G'ulomning hayoti va ijod yo'li

G'ofur G'ulomning hayoti va ijod yo'li

Kenjayeva D.I., Bozorov L.Sh.

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Ushbu maqolada G'ofur G'ulomning hayoti va ijod yo'li haqida fikr yuritilgan.


GAP-страхование: преимущества и недостатки

GAP-страхование: преимущества и недостатки

Землякова А.В.

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Резюме. GAP-страхование на сегодняшний день является довольно редким продуктом на рынке страхования России, что не делает его менее актуальным и полезным для отечественного пользователя услуг автострахования. В статье рассмотрены основные преимущества и недостатки данного вида автострахования.


G`afur G`ulom asarlarida huquq va axloq masalalari

G`afur G`ulom asarlarida huquq va axloq masalalari

Muradullayeva S.M.

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Ushbu maqolada oʻzbek adabiyotining yorqin vakili, akademik, yozuvchi va shoir Mirzaorif o`g`li Gʻafur Gʻulomning ijodida huquq va axloq masalalari tahlil qilingan. Maqolada Gʻafur Gʻulom asarlarida ilgari surilgan g`oyalarning bugungi kunda jamiyat hayotidagi ahamiyati to`g`risida fikr yuritilgan.


G`ozg`on marmar konining geografik xususiyatlari va shahar tashkil qilishdagi ahamiyati

G`ozg`on marmar konining geografik xususiyatlari va shahar tashkil qilishdagi ahamiyati

Kodirova M.M., Nabiyeva P.

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Maqolada G`ozg`on marmar koni, marmar xomashyosi va va bu kondagi mahsulotlarning tavsifi, ishlab chiqarish xususiyatlari va undan xo`jalikda foydalanish imkoniyatlari yoritilgan. Hozirgi davrda G`ozg`on shahrining barpo etilishi va sanoat korxonalarining ixtisoslashuvi to`g`risida ma’lumotlar berilgan.


Game technologies in literature lessons in senior classes

Game technologies in literature lessons in senior classes

Abdullaev A.I., Djabborova G.E.

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The article describes the possibilities of the practical application of gaming technologies in literature classes in high school.


Games in the teaching of English

Games in the teaching of English

Absamadova M.I.

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Game is a natural means for children to understand the world around them. Therefore, it should be part and parcel of their learning, including the learning of foreign languages. The aim of this article is thus to give a description of game, its classification and benefits for English teaching. In addition, the right timing for the implementation of game into the teaching is considered. The author also describes different ways of using games in language classrooms. In conclusion, she provides a list of tried and tested books and websites for ready-made games.


Gender aspects of translating phraseological units

Gender aspects of translating phraseological units

Turakulova B.

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The article shows gender differences determine not only the difference in views of men and women towards the reality, but also the difference in the choice of language means and constructions by the communicants of different gender. That is why it is important to achieve stylistic adequacy of art translation in a course of new directions in linguistics. The article also deals with gender researches, which are one of the brightest phenomena of modern linguistics, reflecting tendencies of XXI century.


Gender equality: the importance of supporting women in Uzbekistan

Gender equality: the importance of supporting women in Uzbekistan

Kanoatova F.B.

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Currently, the problem of gender equality is widely accepted not only in our country, but throughout the world. Article 46 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan clearly states that "women and men have equal rights." In our country, the existence of unwritten restrictions on the choice of a profession and managing a woman creates unhealthy competition in society. A study of the top ten parliaments in an index published by international organizations shows that about half of the political power is held by women. Gender equality is not just a problem for women, it is important to take it seriously. By analyzing the difference between working men and women, men pay on average more. Women work in low paid jobs. National traditions are also important in this regard. That is, in some countries, men do not do what women do.


Gender issues in the socio-cultural life of society

Gender issues in the socio-cultural life of society

Satvaldiev A.A.

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This article analyzes the gender aspect in education. The author considers the formation of gender-role identity in adolescence, considers gender in education, and considers the role of education in achieving gender justice.


Gender tilshunoslik tadqiqotining nazariy asoslari

Gender tilshunoslik tadqiqotining nazariy asoslari

Abdullayeva N.

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Ushbu maqolqda gender tilshunosligining shakllanish asoslari hamda erkaklar va ayollar nutqi o’rtasidagi farqlar haqida so’z yuritilgan.


General characteristics of synonyms and analyze their meaning

General characteristics of synonyms and analyze their meaning

Tursunova D.A., Mannonova S.Sh., Umirova H.B.

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In this article, the general properties of synonyms, their use and meanings in language, as well as their mutual equivalents have been studied by comparison. As well as, we studied synonyms from many aspects including syntax, lexicology, semantics,the novelty also lies in the fact that we studied more deeply types and different meaning of synonyms in modern linguistics.Sources of synonyms and their usage in contexts are closely related areas and this is bound to the meanings of words.


General characteristics of the basic principles of social pedagogy and their requirements

General characteristics of the basic principles of social pedagogy and their requirements

Islomova D.F., Ergasheva M.M., Abduhalimova M.A.

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A person is a special individual world with its own content, opportunities for development, education and interaction with the environment of life. It follows that in working with a specific person, a special approach is needed, methods and methods of social and pedagogical activity that ensure the most complete realization of his individual social potential in development and education.


General characteristics of the military committees of the armed forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

General characteristics of the military committees of the armed forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abdusalomov U.S., Boltaboyev A.

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This article informs about, the formation and unification of the military team, as well as the fact that each team which has its own characteristics, the great influence of the fighting spirit in the military team, and any difficulties encountered with this fighting mood victory, as well as the factors that determine the socio-psychological environment in the military community.


General description of proteins

General description of proteins

Dalimova M.M.

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The article provides information on the general characteristics, properties and important features of proteins, their elemental composition, methods of purification.


General features of the spiritual life of society

General features of the spiritual life of society

Badalova M.

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This article discusses the general features of the spiritual life of society. It is revealed that the spirituality of society is a complex process.

