Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Holistic marketing toolkit

Holistic marketing toolkit

Xajikulov Bektash Eshmamatovich

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This article is devoted to the justification of the need for a holistic management of enterprise marketing and management at the regional level. The author identified and described in detail the main components of a holistic marketing management tools at the enterprise and regional holistic marketing.


Hormonal status of women with benign breast diseases in different types of gynecological pathology

Hormonal status of women with benign breast diseases in different types of gynecological pathology

Abdumutalibova Sh.K., Mamarasulova D.Z.

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According to the World Health Organization, the most widespread localization of tumors in the structure of morbidity in women is breast cancer, which makes 18% of the total number of malignant tumors. To reduce the sick rate, it is important to study various ways of impact on the precancerous processes in the breast. Mastopathy (fibrous-cystic disease) is a dormriconal hyperplastic process in the breast, characterized by a wide range of proliferative and regressive changes in breast tissues with an abnormal relationship of epithelial components and connecting tissues. Its development is associated with violation of the balance of estrogen. The interest of oncologists on various forms of mastopathy and other benign tumors of the breast is primarily due to the fact that they relate to prematubolic diseases, as a result of which breast cancer can develop. Despite the fact that mastopathy is not an obligatory precancer, in this category of patients the development of cancer is 3-5 times higher than in the overall population, and during proliferative forms, risk increases at 25-30 times.


How CELTA changed my life disappointments and accomplishments

How CELTA changed my life disappointments and accomplishments

Khodiyeva Sh.A.

Статья научная

this paper illustrates dissappointments and accomplishments in getting CELTA and presents some teachers and experts views about this. In our day and age many teachers become interested in this course and they want to be qualified to teach the students. Many teachers are benefited by taking CELTA and they appreciate its role in their life.


How a state might bind itself by the virtue of its unilateral declaration

How a state might bind itself by the virtue of its unilateral declaration

Byurabekov R.I.

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Present article deals with the issue of binding unilateral declarations of States, analyzes existing jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and WTO Panel on the issue and outlines the requirements for the declaration of a State to be binding.


How can teachers and students become more creative?

How can teachers and students become more creative?

Razakova G.S.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to the important ways of teaching foreign languages in the system of education in our country. Here are considered issues of developing creative features and how to use modern methodology oflanguage teaching of primary and secondary class students.


How globalization affects developed countries

How globalization affects developed countries

Salikhova A.M.

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The article is devoted to the Globalization affects to developed countries. The phenomenon of globalization began in a primitive form when humans first settled into different areas of the world; however, it has shown a rather steady and rapid progress in recent times and has become an international dynamic which, due to technological advancements, has increased in speed and scale, so that countries in all five continents have been affected and engaged.


How is an unusual thinking skill or creativity formed?

How is an unusual thinking skill or creativity formed?

Shodmonkulova N.F.

Статья научная

The main goal of today's education system is to educate and train creative thinking professionals and high-level thinkers. Unfortunately, compared to other areas, many approaches and methods in the education system are still not creative thinking, but interpretation and analysis, that is, understanding and conveying the information correctly, and, moreover, summarizing a few pieces of information. aimed at extracting.


How much pomegranates can be stored in the refrigerator

How much pomegranates can be stored in the refrigerator

Karabayeva M.T., Gafurjonova F.H., Abdusattorova M.M.

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The composition of pomegranate contains a whole set of vitamins and minerals that contribute to blood formation and proper heart function. Many people stock up on this southern fruit, so it's worth learning how and where to store pomegranates at home. We will also consider the questions of which fruits should be chosen and whether pomegranate can be stored in the refrigerator. How to choose a pomegranate


How negative interest rates work

How negative interest rates work

Ataev M.G.

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The article describes the essence of negative interest rates, how they work and what are their consequences.


How to attract new customers to the restaurant

How to attract new customers to the restaurant

Сефербекова Т.Н.

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The article deals with some new and fresh ideas to attract new clients to a restaurant. The author underlines that restaurant’s location, name and exterior and interior are the first things that entrepreneur should think about before the opening. Then, the author proposes some steps to continue success when the restaurant is open.


How to create peace on earth?

How to create peace on earth?

Gordina M.G.

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This article discusses the current situation on the Earth and conditions and preconditions for war: social, economic, political, historical. The author addresses to mankind and suggests ways of creating peace and harmony on the Earth.


How to teach vocabulary in a foreign language

How to teach vocabulary in a foreign language

Muxitdinova F.R.

Статья научная

Teaching vocabulary is not just conveying the meaning to the students and asking them to learn those words by heart. If teachers believe that the words are worth explaining and learning, then it is important that they should do this efficiently. Teachers should use different techniques and activities in teaching English vocabulary to motivate the learners, enrich their vocabulary and enable them to speak English properly.


Hozirgi kun pedagogikasida go‘zallik va tabiatning ardoqlanishi

Hozirgi kun pedagogikasida go‘zallik va tabiatning ardoqlanishi

Norboev U.M.

Статья научная

Maqolada pedagogikada axloqiy go‘zallik bilan bir qatorda tashqi go‘zallik - til, do‘stlik, kiyim-kechak, yuz, ko‘z, ovqatlanish, choy ichish, ziyorat qilish, uxlash, jamoat joylarda odob-axloq qoidalariga ham e’tibor berilishi zarurligi haqida fikr bildirilgan.


Hozirgi zamon ingliz va o’zbek tillarida frazeologik birliklarning ifodalanishi

Hozirgi zamon ingliz va o’zbek tillarida frazeologik birliklarning ifodalanishi

Sultonqulova G.A.

Статья научная

Mazkur maqolada frazeologik birlik, uning tarkibi va sinflarga ajratilishi tog’risida fikr yuritilgan.


Hozirgi zamon yoshlarida xarakter aksentuatsiyasining namoyon bo’lish omillari

Hozirgi zamon yoshlarida xarakter aksentuatsiyasining namoyon bo’lish omillari

Yusupov R.A., Shukurova M.B.

Статья научная

O'zining yoki birovlarning etarliligi darajasini mustaqil ravishda baholashga urinib ko'rgan odamlar, odatda odatiy va patologik psixika va xulq-atvor o'rtasidagi chegara qaerda ekanligiga hayron bo'lishadi. Har xil xarakterli aksentuatsiyalar patologiya bilan chegarada klinik me'yorning yuqori darajasi sifatida tavsiflanadi. O'tgan asrning ikkinchi yarmida, ya'ni 1968 yilda nemis psixiatr K.Leonhard "aksentuatsiya" tushunchasini fanga kiritdi. U buni odatdagidan chetga chiqish, individual xususiyatlarning haddan tashqari kuchayishi deb ta'rifladi. Oradan to'qqiz yil o'tib, 1977 yilda, sovet olimi A.E.Lichko aniqroq va torroq "xarakterli aksentuatsiya" atamasidan foydalanishni taklif qildi. Aynan shu ikki olim (K. Leonhard va A. E. Lichko) psixologiya faniga beqiyos hissa qo'shdilar, aksentuatsiyalarning yaqin, bir-birini to'ldiruvchi tushunchalari va tasniflarini ishlab chiqdilar.


Hr-брендинг как одно из важнейших направлений развития компании

Hr-брендинг как одно из важнейших направлений развития компании

Щеблыкина А.А.

Статья научная

В настоящее время конкурентоспособность компании зависит от многих факторов. Это высококачественная продукция, эффективная реклама, грамотное стратегическое управление, а также - наиболее важное - квалифицированный персонал на всех уровнях управления. Для его поиска и развития необходимо постоянно работать над корпоративной культурой внутри компании и над ее популяризацией во внешних источниках. Именно это направление развития, которое называется HR-брендинг или имидж работодателя активно развивается сегодня.


Human capital and its role in cultural management

Human capital and its role in cultural management

Abidova K.

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This article is about the history of Uzbek statehood, stages of development, human capital and its role in cultural governance.


Human capital: the concept and features of its use

Human capital: the concept and features of its use

Gadjieva N.O., Rizakhanova Z.Z.

Статья научная

The term human capital as a complex system object of economic science is considered in the article. Some features and analysis of the term are stipulated.


Human ecology

Human ecology

Khalmirzaeva S.S.

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Human ecology is an interdisciplinary science about the interaction of people with living and nonliving components of the environment at the organismic, population-species, biogeocenotic and biosphere levels. Human ecology arose at the junction of several sciences and is interconnected with such sciences as biology, demography, sociology, hygiene, toxicology, geography, philosophy, etc. The subject of human ecology is the human environment (natural and social), its features. This science investigates the adaptation of people to environmental factors, as well as the structure and conditions of existence of anthropogenic ecosystems. One of the tasks of ecology is to study the forms of anthropogenic activity and its consequences for living systems. In addition, she studies artificial space ecosystems and the influence of space factors on the human body. Attention is also paid to the ecological aspects of chronobiology and chronomedicine. Sections of human ecology are medical ecology, social ecology, environmental psychology.


Human factor as main idea of management

Human factor as main idea of management

Gulyamova S.T.


