Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
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Статья раскрывает роль и место кадрового бренда в современной организации, стремящейся завоевать лидерские позиции. Авторы определяют сущность понятия «HR-брендинга», исследуют показатели функционального представительства человеческого фактора как источника развития организации. Сделаны выводы о главных компонентах успеха компаний-лидеров на рынке труда, выявлены проблемы и противоречия практической реализации HR-брендинга в системе управления человеческими ресурсами. Предлагается пошаговый алгоритм привлечения талантливых сотрудников и пути формирования позитивного имиджа организации.
HR-брендинг как основополагающий элемент управленческой деятельности в современных компаниях
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Ushbu maqolada bugungi kunda ommalashayotgan gendr tenglik tushunchasining islom dinida e’tirof etilganligi, Imom al-Buxoriyning “ Al - adab al - mufrad ” asariga kiritilgan hadislarda oila tarbiyasi haqidagi ma’lumotlar yoritilib berilgan.
Halima Ahmedova she’rlarida inson ruhiy kechinmalarini ifodalovchi metaforlarning qo’llanishi
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Mazkur maqolada shoira Halima Ahmedova she’riyatida inson ruhiy kechinmalarini ifodalovchi metaforik ko’chimlar va ularning tahlili xususida fikr yuritiladi.
Hamid Olimjon ijodida qofiyaning poetik vazifasi
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Maqolada qofiya turli janrdagi asarlarda badiiyatning asosiy qirralaridan biri hisoblаnishi aytib o’tilgan. Zero, bunday asarlarning salohiyati ularda qo’llangan g’oyalar mazmun-mohiyati, timsollar qiyofasini ochishdagi ahаmiyati, qofiyalarning ma’naviy teranligi, ohangdorligi va jozibadorligi bilan belgilanishi sir emas.Qofiyaning xilma - xil turlaridan va san’atlaridan, vazn va qofiya munosabatlaridan mahorat bilan foydalanish asarning o’qimishililigini va ta’sirchanligini ta’minlaishi alohida ta’kidlangan.
Hamza Hakimzoda Niyoziyning “Sadoyi Farg’ona” gazetasida chop etilgan maqolalari hususida
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Ushbu maqolada Hamza Hakimzoda Niyoziyning “Sadoyi Farg’ona” gazetasida chop etilgan maqolalari hususida fikr yuritilgan.
Harmful and dangerous factors in oil and gas production facilities
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The article examines the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors on workers in the oil and gas industry. They are physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological factors. Based on the work tasks of the workers, the more or less effect of these factors on the worker is based on the tables and pictures
Hashim ibn Hakim (Mukanna) as a historical person
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This article provides information about the Muqanna uprising in the land of Turan during the Arab rule and the personality of Muqanna. In addition, the Arab government in power and its specificity, as well as the main factors that led to popular discontent, were discussed in detail.
Hauptmarkt marketing-praktiken des wohnungsbestandes
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Der Artikel die wichtigsten Marketing-Aktivitäten des Marktes von Wohneinrichtungen (Gehäuse) kurz beschrieben.
Hayotni sug‘urtalash jarayonlarida kasr yoshlilar uchun ba’zi miqdorlar
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Ushbu maqolada inson hayotini sug‘urtalashda muhim bo‘lgan miqdorlar - yaxlitlangan yashash muddati va yashash vaqti kabi miqdorlar tasodifiy miqdor sifatida qaralgan bo‘lib, ularning sonli xarakteristikalari o‘rganilgan.
He basic types of banking risks
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This article discusses the basic types of banking risks, classification of types of banking risks, unlike kinds of types of banking risks. Explains the need for classification of Bank risks by type, as well as a brief description of the types and kinds of banking risks and their interconnection.
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This article provides information on the occurrence, use and medicinal properties of tourmaline stone in nature.
Healthy life, activity and health
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This article aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among people and prevent harmful habits. Emphasizes how important health is for a person. That is why all people in the world should value health and give up bad habits.
Healthy lifestyle as a social factor: real situation and problems
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This article discusses the main issues of organizing a healthy lifestyle, analyzes the role of a healthy lifestyle in human health.
Heredity and environment, their impact on the development of the organism
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This article discusses the legacy and the environment, their impact on the development of the organism
Hierarchy of values and personal values
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This article explains that our values have a long history, that personal values, and values can be studied in other fields, including psychology, sociology, management, and political science.
High technologies in early detection of breast cancer in women of different age groups
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In the world, about half a million cases of breast cancer are diagnosed annually. According to the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the number of breast diseases is steadily increasing. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Uzbekistan. Despite the existence of many effective ways to recognize breast pathology, there is still a need for earlier detection based on the improvement of all technologies of the diagnostic process and the search for new criteria for raising the information content of ultrasound in the diagnosis of breast neoplasms.
High technology in the food industry
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The article reduce to analysis high-tech sector with the use of high technology, the latest developments of science promoting increase qualities of food products and the industry as. Introduction of high technologies in the food industry play huge role in development of economy and society. After the entry Russian Federation into World Trade Organization many Russian manufacturer for an output to the world market are stimulated to pay special attention to quality of the production to provide it high competitiveness, and it is impossible without use of hi-tech production.