Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Formation of labor culture in youth facilities

Formation of labor culture in youth facilities

Oltmisheva N.G.

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The article discusses the importance of tools such as responsibility, marketing, passion, kindness, patience, need, motivation, planning in the formation of social activity and work culture among young people.


Formation of literature skills in primary school students on the basis of folk oral creativity

Formation of literature skills in primary school students on the basis of folk oral creativity

Umirova M.A.

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In this article, it is important to increase the importance of the book in today's era of modern technology. Developing and maintaining a culture of reading in the primary grades is a priority. Students are instructed to develop a passion for reading.


Formation of mathematical competence of students in the process of teaching algebra, geometry and the basics of mathematical analysis

Formation of mathematical competence of students in the process of teaching algebra, geometry and the basics of mathematical analysis

Latipov A., Muhammadiev J., Kholiyarov N.

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The article is devoted to the formation of mathematical competencies by teaching schoolchildren the basics of mathematics (algebra, geometry and analysis). Information is also provided on the various views of educators-scientists, ways to implement them, including the formation and development of competencies through the solution of contextual problems.


Formation of preschool children's mathematical intelligence and computer literacy

Formation of preschool children's mathematical intelligence and computer literacy

Dumanova N.M.

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This article describes the organization of various activities for the formation of mathematical concepts in preschool children, as well as modern methods of using each type of activity.


Formation of science as a professional activity

Formation of science as a professional activity

Qurbonova M.A.

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This article discusses the formation of science as a professional activity


Formation of spiritual education of students in higher education

Formation of spiritual education of students in higher education

Karimbaeva S.

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One of the important pedagogical tasks is to find a new approach to the organization of the educational process in the formation of a harmonious personality, to achieve technological development of this process. The technological development of the educational process is based on a clear goal and social idea and means the organizational and technical organization of pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of moral and moral qualities in students.


Formation of spiritual education of youth

Formation of spiritual education of youth

Dehqonova S., Dilmurodov J.

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As we all know, the formation of the personality of the younger generation occurs under the influence of a number of factors. The most important of these factors will be directly related to its pure-mannered heritage, exemplary upbringing in the family, social environment in the neighborhoods, the importance of youth education in schools and other educational institutions.


Formation of students' professional choice competences on the basis of interdiscipline integration

Formation of students' professional choice competences on the basis of interdiscipline integration

Kurbonov P.Z.

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Choosing a profession is the goal of many. It is also the task of the educator to form his competencies in the selection on the basis of interdisciplinary integration. In particular, the ability of school students to always choose the right profession in the future depends on the cooperation of the school psychologist, class teacher and, of course, parents. However, the collaboration of a psychologist, educator, teacher and, of course, parents will help the student to determine the right direction in life. In the article, the author discusses them.


Formation of students’ communicative competence through the use of modern pedagogical methods

Formation of students’ communicative competence through the use of modern pedagogical methods

Otaboeva Z.G.

Статья научная

Linguistic education is becoming the most important component of professional educational programs in connection with the increased attention of employers to corporate culture issues. All this is happening at a time when, along with the decline in spelling and punctuation literacy, students have a decline in the level of speech culture. This is explained, among other things, by the insufficiently formed motivation for the educational activity of students in the study of language means.


Formation of students’ language personality

Formation of students’ language personality

Nasretdinova Kh.T.

Статья научная

The purpose of this article is to consider the main goals and objectives of teaching practical English grammar to students and to determine the relationship between communicative and cognitive components in this process.


Formation of the cognitive activity of 5-class secondary school students with the familiarity of the instruments of the symphony orchestra

Formation of the cognitive activity of 5-class secondary school students with the familiarity of the instruments of the symphony orchestra

Trigulova A.X.

Статья научная

The article reveals the methods for the development of the cognitive activity of students when getting acquainted with the symphony orchestra and its instruments, provides educational and cognitive tasks and the stages of their solution in order to activate musical perception and the general development of schoolchildren.


Formation of the professional competence of the future teacher through video content

Formation of the professional competence of the future teacher through video content

Diyorova M.S.

Статья научная

The article discusses the most effective competencies, the formation of professional competence of a future teacher through video content


Forming intercultural competence in teaching English

Forming intercultural competence in teaching English

Shonazarov M.E.

Статья научная

It has been noticed that the goal of the most of the methods is to make the students able to communicate in the target language. It had been observed that students were able to write and read the sentences in target language correctly. But when it came to communicate in the target language, they failed to do so. It made clear to the observer that to make the students able to communicate in the target language, it required more than mastering only the linguistic structures. It had been accepted by the educators that to be able to communicate in the target language, communicative competence is required with linguistic competence.


Forming soft skills secondary students in music culture classes

Forming soft skills secondary students in music culture classes

Qorayev M.M.

Статья научная

This article discusses the development of soft skills in middle school students in music culture classes. There is also information about the importance and effectiveness of soft skills in the education system. Soft Skills skills are also covered.


Forms and methods in modern approaches to student self learning

Forms and methods in modern approaches to student self learning

Mukhitdinova F.R.

Статья научная

In the credit-modular system of teaching students' independent work is nothing but a form of organization of educational activities and a means of forming independence and activity of the individual, the ability to set and solve theoretical and practical problems. It is the activity and independence of the student contribute to the readiness of the individual for further self-study.


Forms and methods of developing students to scientific creativity, their significance

Forms and methods of developing students to scientific creativity, their significance

Kambarov A.M.

Статья научная

In recent years, such participation of students in research work has ceased to meet the requirements for higher education in the country from the side of rapidly developing science, technology, and production. An objective need arose for all future specialists in the learning process to go through the school of scientific and technical creativity, since the very nature of a specialist’s work, regardless of where the specialist works, is increasingly becoming creative and requires appropriate training.


Forms and methods of training of will and character of military services

Forms and methods of training of will and character of military services

Rapikov K.K.

Статья научная

The upbringing of the will and character of servicemen is for the Armed Forces a determinant of the fulfillment of their social function. The upbringing and formation of all the above qualities is not only the most important task of commanders and educators.


Forms of manifestation of innovative thinking in the worldview of youth

Forms of manifestation of innovative thinking in the worldview of youth

Abdurahmonov H.I.

Статья научная

The growth of the importance of information in all types and manifestations in all spheres of modern social life is based on the relevance of research on the problem of novation and innovation activity. These concepts are exactly similar to kzpincha, but in our opinion it is wrong.


Fredgolm integral tenglamalarini rezolventa yordamida yechish

Fredgolm integral tenglamalarini rezolventa yordamida yechish

Rustamova Sh.A.

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Bu maqolada Fredgolm tenglamalarni rezolventadan foydalanib yechish uchun nazariy ma’lumotlar va namunaviy misollar keltirib o’tilgan.


Free economic zones established in Central Asian countries

Free economic zones established in Central Asian countries

Amanov A.K., Atajanov I.Sh., Sherbayeva Z.E., Kutlimuradova Sh.a

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This article discusses the history of the establishment of free economic zones (FEZ) in Central Asia and the socio-economic relations in their development. It is noted that the role of FEZ in the regional economy is growing, as well as the fact that they are widely organized in various sectors, the volume of production and services is constantly growing. At the same time, the reasons for the slow development of some SEZs as a result of mistakes and shortcomings in their organization, or the completion of their activities in general, are explained. The author also provides little insight into the prospects of existing and newly established FEZs in Central Asia.

