Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

IoT-сенсорика в маркетинге

IoT-сенсорика в маркетинге

Бронников М.А.

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Использование данных сенсорики интернета вещей для целей маркетинга заключается в создании модели поведения индивида по разнородным данным, поступающим с его устройств с выходом в интернет. Неизбежно появление предсказательного маркетинга, основанного на цифровых моделях индивидов. Цифровая модель личности может применяться также и для вероятностного предсказания любых социальных транзакций этой личности.


Ion channels parally medicine in cardiomyosites (heart conductive system and myocardal construction)

Ion channels parally medicine in cardiomyosites (heart conductive system and myocardal construction)

Xodjamberdieva Yo.R.

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The article provides detailed information on the means of paralysis of ion channels in cardiomyocytes.


Iqbol Mirzo she’rlarida qo’llanilgan iboralarning semantik jihatdan tasnifi

Iqbol Mirzo she’rlarida qo’llanilgan iboralarning semantik jihatdan tasnifi

Sayfidinova G.S.

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Ushbu maqolada iboralar va unga xos xususiyatlarning badiiy matndagi rolini aniqlanib, muayyan umumlashma xulosalarga kelingan hamda Iqbol Mirzo she’rlarida qo’llanilgan ba’zi iboralar leksik-semantik jihatdan tahlil etilgan.


Iqlim o'zgаrishi insoniyаtning qishloq xo`jаligigа tа`siri

Iqlim o'zgаrishi insoniyаtning qishloq xo`jаligigа tа`siri

Jаbborbеrgаnovа M.

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Iqlim o‘zgаrishi - kеng tаrqаlаyotgаn, jаdаl vа tеzlаshib borаyotgаn jаrаyondir. G‘аrbdа yаshovсhilаr uсhun hаm sаyyorаning isish xаvfi еndi fаqаt сhеkkа hududlаrgа tа'sir qilаdigаn muаmmo еmаs. Dunyoning dеyаrli bаrсhа qismidа istiqomаt qilаyotgаn insonlаr iqlim o‘zgаrishi nаtijаsidа yuzаgа kеlаyotgаn hodisаlаrni o‘z tаnаlаridа his qilishmoqdа.


Iqtisodiy matematik modellarni klassifikasiyasi

Iqtisodiy matematik modellarni klassifikasiyasi

Pulatova X.X., Mallaboev N.M., Akbarov B.X.

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Ushbu maqolada iqtisodiy matematik modellashtirishda matematik dasturlash usullaridan, iqtisodiy statistika usullaridan, korellasion-regrission tahlil usullaridan, ommaviy hizmat ko’rsatish nazariyasi va boshqa usullardan foydalanish va matematik dasturlash usullari haqida batafsil ma`lumotlar kеltirilgan.


Iqtisodiy matematik modellashtirishning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari

Iqtisodiy matematik modellashtirishning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari

Mallaboev N.M., Madrahimova M.B., Teshaboev R.N.

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Iqtisodiy matеmatik modellar yordamida turli xil texnologik jarayonlarni optimal boshqarish, ularni joylashtirish va foydalanish yo’llari haqida hamda, ishlab chiqaruvchilar sonining ko’payishi, xomashyo turlarining ko’payishi, ishlab chiqarish strukturaci va texnika-texnologiyalarning mukammallashuvi, ta`minlovchilar va iste`molchilar xajmining oshishi hamda ular o’rtasidagi munocabatlarning mukammallashuvi, axborot va ma`lumotlar xajmining tezkor oshishi kabi muammolar va ularning yechimlari batafsil yoritilgan.


Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women: principles of treatment and prevention

Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women: principles of treatment and prevention

Suleymanova N.A.

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The article presents recent years on an urgent global problem in obstetric and perinatal practice - iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. This pathology, despite the introduction of modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, remains significant at the present time. It was found that among the blood diseases in pregnant women, the share of various forms of anemia accounts for 90%, of which 75-90% is iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Other forms of anemia are not more common than in the population of non-pregnant women.


Ishakkhan Tura Ibrat’s role in the law of Turkestan

Ishakkhan Tura Ibrat’s role in the law of Turkestan

Xakimova D.

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In this article, Isakhan Ibrat's contribution to jurisprudence is explained by studying the poet's work and analyzing historical sources and works. The author also tries to interpret the essay "True word" written in the article by Ibrat's "Selected Works", and tries to make a deep analysis of the poem's poem "Qazi qotil". He also cites his arguments by quoting various literary scholars on the contribution Ibrat has made to his jurisprudence.


Ishlab chiqarishda yalpi maxsulotni rejalashtirish uchun maple dasturidan foydalanish

Ishlab chiqarishda yalpi maxsulotni rejalashtirish uchun maple dasturidan foydalanish

Abdurazakov A., Mirzamaxmudova N., Maxmudova N.

Статья научная

Matematik masalalarni hal qilishda juda koʻp dastur tizimlaridan foydalanilmoqda. Ularni keng koʻlamda tadbiq etish, tayyorlanayotgan talaba uchun juda muhimdir. Chunki bugungi kun talabasi mustaqil qaror chiqarishni oʻrganishi kerak. Ushbu maqolada iqtisodiy masalani Maple dastur tizimida yechish koʻrib chiqilgan.


Islam and postmodernism - mapping the field abstract

Islam and postmodernism - mapping the field abstract

Ili Duhandzija Z.B.

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In this paper we are going to try answering what are the overlapping and separation points between the two important phenomena to which we refer to as “Islam” and “Postmodernism”. Secondly, we are going to map out what is it that these two phenomena may offer each other, with the aim of improving the lives of people who define their identity through these two discourses, while trying to avoid the trap of atomistic view, in terms of restricted perception of only one part instead the whole system.


Islom taraqqiyot banki va o’zbekiston: iqtisodiy diplomatiya taraqqiyoti yo‘lida

Islom taraqqiyot banki va o’zbekiston: iqtisodiy diplomatiya taraqqiyoti yo‘lida

Togayeva D.M.

Статья научная

Maqolada “Islom Hamkorlik Tashkiloti” ning tashkil topishi va uning musulmon davlatlari o’rtasidagi iqtisodiy, siyosiy hamkorliklari, hamda musulmon davlatlarida yoshlarning ta’lim tarbiyasi ilm ma’rifatga ega bo’lishi, musulmon davlatlarida qashshoqlikni oldini olish va buyuk allomalarimizning bizga qoldirib ketgan merosini asrab avaylash munosabati yoritilgan.


Issiqlik almashtirgichda suvni isitish jarayonini avtomatlashtirish

Issiqlik almashtirgichda suvni isitish jarayonini avtomatlashtirish

Abdullayev M.Sh.

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Maqolada issiqlik almashtirgichda suvni isitish jarayonini avtomatlashtirishning funktsional sxemasi va yozuvini ishlab chiqish, issiqlik almashtirgichda isitilgan suv harorat ko’rsatkichlarini ABTni ishlab chiqish, avtomatik boshqaruv tizimlarida qo’llanuvchi texnik vositalarini tanlash, loyihalangan tizimning turg’unligini aniqlash masalalari ishlab chiqilgan.


Issues influence of the digital economy on active development business entities

Issues influence of the digital economy on active development business entities

Veglenov I.G.

Статья научная

The purpose of this paper is to study the digital economy and its role in the development of small and private entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Method or methodology of the work. The research is based on a General scientific methodology, which provides for the application of a systematic approach to solving problems. The basis of this work is the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists dedicated to the study of the digital economy and its development in Uzbekistan. The use of innovative technologies in this sector of the country's economy increases the efficiency, productivity and growth potential of the business, as well as the level of its competitiveness in the market. Therefore, despite the current problems of development and formation of the digital economy in the field of small business, the state policy on the introduction and development of the digital economy is the only possible way to strengthen the strategic position of Uzbekistan, both in the domestic market of the country and in the world economy.


Issues of attracting foreign investment to ensure sustainable economic growth in Uzbekistan

Issues of attracting foreign investment to ensure sustainable economic growth in Uzbekistan

Murtozaeva Z.K.

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The ways of ensuring sustainable economic growth of the country, the development of foreign investment and foreign direct investment,increasing the investment activity of enterprises and organizations, and modernization of production are justified.


Issues of business cooperation in the national economy of Uzbekistan

Issues of business cooperation in the national economy of Uzbekistan

Kodirov S.

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World experience shows that large business structures, being the sphere of large-scale production and distribution, play an important and even decisive role in the country's economy and in the formation of a high standard of living. The article reveals the necessity at the present stage of implementing an industrial policy aimed at stimulating the localization of production and expanding intersectoral cooperation. Cooperation of large and small business entities. The author, based on statistical, system and situational analysis, showed that the cooperation of business structures in the national economy will allow achieving maximum competitive advantages of the enterprise system. The paper analyzes the subcontract system of interaction between small and large industrial enterprises.


Issues of entrepreneurship development in new institutional conditions

Issues of entrepreneurship development in new institutional conditions

Yormatov I.T.

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The formation and further development of market relations in the Republic of Uzbekistan is inextricably linked with increasing the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity of business entities. In the conditions of reforming Uzbekistan, the problems of stabilizing the economy of its regions with the use of all available reserves of socio-economic growth are of particular importance. The paper analyzes the current effective development and priorities of the functioning of entrepreneurship in the conditions of the formation of an institutional economy. The role of entrepreneurship as a driving force of economic transformation and modernization of the state is considered.


Issues of formation of social competence of students of technical direction

Issues of formation of social competence of students of technical direction

Nuriddinov M.A.

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This article provides a scientific analysis of the content of reforms in the higher education system, issues of formation of social competence of technical specialists, problems and their solutions.


Issues of human economic activity and environmental protection

Issues of human economic activity and environmental protection

Abdunazarov H.M., Choriev A.Q., Embergenov N.J., Oteuliev M.O.

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This article describes the emergence of ecological problems as a result of the imbalance between nature and society due to the negative impact of human activities since the middle of the twentieth century, their catastrophic consequences, the causes of local, regional and global environmental problems, climate change, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, the negative impact of desertification and other environmental problems on the nature of our planet, environmental problems associated with the drying of the Aral Sea, the work being done in the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecologically sustainable development of the Aral Sea region.


Issues of illegal financial flows and shadow economy

Issues of illegal financial flows and shadow economy

Nurseitov M.R.

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The article provides a classification of shadow budget flows in accordance with the directions of their transfer, discusses some modern problems of countering various illegal financial structures and flows in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article clarifies the generally accepted definition of the shadow economy, its structure, main points, its share in GDP, its impact on the country's economy and budget revenues, foreign experience in recognizing and reducing the degree of the shadow economy and measures taken in our country. There are also proposals to reduce the level of the shadow economy in Uzbekistan.


Issues of improving audit and analysis methods in commercial enterprises

Issues of improving audit and analysis methods in commercial enterprises

Ibragimov M.M., Teshayev T.

Статья научная

We should also keep in mind that the correct implementation of this system, its implementation through accurate calculations, analysis and improvement of accounting and auditing in commercial enterprises will strengthen the future of the industry.

