Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Innovative technologies in learning the English language
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This article discusses some of the innovative educational technologies in the English class
Innovative technologies in teaching special military disciplines
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This article discusses innovative technologies in teaching military special disciplines
Innovative technologies in teaching technical disciplines
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This article considers innovative technologies in teaching technical disciplines.
Innovative technologies in the teaching foreign language
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The article reveals the necessity and importance of using innovative technologies in foreign language classes. The article also discusses in detail multimedia technologies that act as special intellectual means of activity.
Innovative technology in education foreign language
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In this article highlights innovative technology in education, so importance in foreign language.
Innovative technology to teach students in music education
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This article discusses the innovative technology of teaching students music education.
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Ushbu maqolada innovatsion ta'lim sharoitida nafaqat 8-9-sinf o'quvchilari, balki texnologiya fanini o'rganayotgan barcha o'quvchilarda zamonaviy texnologiya bo'yicha ko'nikmalarni shakllantirish masalalari yechimlari ko'rsatib berilgan. Bundan tashqari, zamonaviy texnologiyalarning ta'lim samaradorligini oshirishdagi ijobiy tomonlari haqida ham so'z yuritilgan.
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Ushbu maqolada innovatsion ta'lim sharoitida nafaqat 8-9- sinf o'quvchilari , balki texnologiya fanini o'rganayotgan barcha o'quvchilarda zamonaviy texnologiya bo'yicha ko'nikmalarni shakllantirish masalalari yechimlari ko'rsatib berilgan. Bundan tashqari, zamonaviy texnologiyalarning ta'lim samaradorligini oshirishdagi ijobiy tomonlari haqida ham so'z yuritilgan.
Inorganic phosphate and principles of fluorescence
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Fluorescence spectroscopy has become one of the most prevailing high-sensitivity applications for the detection and quantification of molecules. The fluorescence phenomenon studies the emission of light from excited singlet states, or the luminescence, of any molecule. These molecules absorb radiation at specific wavelengths. As this occurs, molecules become electronically excited and electrons are promoted from the ground state (µG) to the excited state (µE). As electrons transition back down to the ground state, energy in the form of photons is released to form immediate emissions.
Inson axloqiy normalarga amal qilishi darkor
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Axloqiy normalarga rioya qilish har bir inson amal qilishi kerak bo‘lgan qonundir. Sababi, axloqiy normalar bizni inson sifatida ko‘rsatib beruvchi ko‘zgulardan biridir. Insonni inson sifatidagi darajasi uning tarbiyasi va mana shu tarbiyasiga bog‘liq bo‘lgan holda axloqiga ham daxldordir. Axloq esa axloqiy normalar bilan tartibga solib turiladi. Shu bois ham ushbu maqola shularga yo‘naltirilgan.
Instagram как инструмент для продвижения бренда
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В данной статье рассматривается одна из известных программ, которая используется в социальной сети, проанализированы основные назначения данной программы, а также определены функции и задачи Instagram, способствующие продвижению бренда
Instagram как новая площадка развития бизнеса
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В данной статье рассматривается одна из популярнейших социальных сетей - Instagram. Современное общество сегодня может зарабатывать через нее. Методы оформления бизнес аккаунта.
Installing the web application creation environment
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In this article, you need to master the basic structural tags and use the HTML language to create a web page layout. Exploring the installation environment for creating web applications on a personal computer. In computing, a web application or web app is a client-server computer program in which the client (including the user interface and client-side logic) runs in a web browser.
Instead of putting a magnet on the oil dipper, place food in oil
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When operating cars in hot climates, atmospheric dust, i.e. quartz particles, through the engine breathing system are mixed with fuel in the engine along with the air flow, as a result of friction during the reciprocating movement of the piston, metal particles appear as a result of monitoring the processes mechanical corrosion and decay. Taking into account the fact that abrasive corrosion products have a very negative effect on engine efficiency, it is supposed to capture metal particles formed during corrosion by installing a magnet on the engine lubrication system dipstick.
Insurance risks for timber companies in the Russian insurance market
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In this article it is told about development of timber processing complex of Russia, and also possible application of experience of foreign countries in the sphere of insurance activity of a timber industry by means of execution of basic functions of insurance.
Integrated assessment on corporate performance efficiency: theoretical and practical problems
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One of the most important strategic directions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the digital transformation of the country's economy, which implies successful innovative activity in all sectors of the economy. The article reveals the role of digital transformation processes as the most important condition for ensuring competitive advantages and increasing the pace of economic growth by using the entire set of elements of resource potential, taking into account the requirements of the external environment and the need for active digital transformations, the result of which is the production of innovative products. The analysis of the problems of the introduction of information and communication technologies and innovative development in the digital economy is carried out. It is concluded that the indicators of the effectiveness of digital transformation in the conditions of increasing innovation activity of structures are economic indicators, while the technological basis for the implementation of digital transformation is broadband Internet, as one of the most important conditions for active interaction of participants in the innovation process.
Integration of listening and speaking to improve language learners’ communicative competence
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The article explains that listening and speaking which are types of language skills in English are important in the development of communicative competence. The main concept of listening and speaking are defined, some activities and tasks are suggested in order to develop listening and speaking.