Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Issues of increasing the role of artificial intelligence technologies in the further improvement of mechanisms for the provision of public services

Issues of increasing the role of artificial intelligence technologies in the further improvement of mechanisms for the provision of public services

Abdimalikova S.S.

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This article is devoted to the issues of providing public services, the introduction of artificial intelligence into the activities of administration bodies, and the experiences of developed foreign countries in this regard, including Germany, Latvia, the United States of America and Thailand, are covered. The prospects for reducing the volume of work and achieving efficiency by increasing the role of artificial intelligence in the provision of public services are analyzed.


Issues of innovative approach and financing of innovative projects in rapid economic development

Issues of innovative approach and financing of innovative projects in rapid economic development

Turgunov M.

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The article discusses the importance of innovation for the socio-economic development of the country today, the relevance of the innovative approach to the country's economy and the benefits of financing innovative projects. The state policy in the financing of innovative projects and some of the problems and solutions that arise in it are given.


Issues of organization and improvement of financial result audit

Issues of organization and improvement of financial result audit

Akbarova N.I.

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This article describes the main types of financial results control. We have developed the latest methods of organizing audits, which are considered to audit firms, and proved the effectiveness of using modern methods in the audit.


Issues of professional self-realization of students in the conditions of higher education

Issues of professional self-realization of students in the conditions of higher education

Usmonova Sh.R.

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The article outlines topical issues of student development in vocational education, related to the disclosure of its resources and needs for self-realization. The author gives an understanding of the connection between the professional development of a personality and its self-realization through the assimilation of the content of education according to the profile of training.


Issues of teaching Uzbek students English

Issues of teaching Uzbek students English

Raxmanova Yu., Shadiyeva Sh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the issues of teaching English in Uzbekistan and its methods, as well as tips for teaching effectiveness. It also highlights the importance of moving from a teacher-centered approach to teaching and learning English, and presents the results of an educational test aimed at creating a student-centered environment in the dialect classroom.


Issues of training specialists in higher education institutions for the development of the economic sphere

Issues of training specialists in higher education institutions for the development of the economic sphere

Yuldasheva N.Z.

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The article examines the issues of economic development and the problems of training specialists in educational institutions. Information on educational institutions of this direction in the Republic of Uzbekistan is given.


Issues of upbringing of youth based on the traditions of our great ancestors

Issues of upbringing of youth based on the traditions of our great ancestors

Khasanov N.Kh.

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This article is about the ability of young people to show examples of devotion to the interests of the motherland in patriotic education, to inspire respect, love and trust in the people, as well as the sacred land of the motherland. It also informs of the courage of Shirak in the legend of him.


Issues on the promotion of chorus performance

Issues on the promotion of chorus performance

Boymuminov Kh.M., Kataeva O.A.

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This thesis discusses the current problems of choral art in our country and measures to promote it.


Issues on the usage of conjunction “but” in different literary texts

Issues on the usage of conjunction “but” in different literary texts

Mirzaev K.M.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of issues on the usage of conjunction “but” in different literary texts.


Is’xoqxon ibrat asarlarida ma’naviy-axloqiy qarashlarning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari

Is’xoqxon ibrat asarlarida ma’naviy-axloqiy qarashlarning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari

Mirahmedova Sh.N.

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Ushbu maqolada Is’xoqxon Ibrat ararlarida ma’naviy-axloqiy qarashlarning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari yoritilgan. Shuningdek, uning asarlarida ma’naviy-axloqiy qarashlarning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari bo’yicha xulosa va takliflar berilgan.


Italyan tilida artikllarning qo’llanilishidagi fonotaktik va grammatik o’zgaruvchanlik hodisasining dialektlar misolidagi izohi

Italyan tilida artikllarning qo’llanilishidagi fonotaktik va grammatik o’zgaruvchanlik hodisasining dialektlar misolidagi izohi

Najmiddinova N.U.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada aniq misollarda, adabiy italyan tilida artiklning ishlatilishidagi o’zgaruvchanlik hamda tartibsizlik hodisalarini tushuntirish uchun dialektlarning qo’llanilish qonuniyatlardan foydalanish imkoniyati ko'rib chiqiladi: adabiy tilning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari toskan dialekti fonotaktika qonunlarining, boshqalari esa shimoliy yoki janubiy dialektlarning xususiyatlari bilan bog'liq.


Ixtisoslashgan maktablar fizika ta’limida o‘quvchilarda ta’lim kompetensiyalarini shakllantirish

Ixtisoslashgan maktablar fizika ta’limida o‘quvchilarda ta’lim kompetensiyalarini shakllantirish

Mamanazarov B.Q., Andayeva L.Q.

Статья научная

Maqolada ixtisislashgan maktab o'quvchilarida ta'lim kompetensiyalarini shakllantirish muammolari ko'rib chiqiladi. Fizikani o'qitish jarayonida kompetensiyaga asoslangan yondashuvni amalga oshirishning o'ziga xos xususiyatlari aks ettiriladi. Ixtisisolashgan maktabda darslarni tashkil etish misolida faol o'qitish usullari va tizimli-faollik yondashuvidan foydalanish imkoniyatlari tahlil qilinadi.


Jack-phrases in the proverbs of English language

Jack-phrases in the proverbs of English language

Rashidova Z.N.

Статья научная

This article handle English proverbs, especially proverbs with ‘Jack phrases’. The author gives a short definition about the proverbs and explains the history, origin and usage of the phrase ‘Jack’.


Jahon tilshunosligida sohaviy terminologiya taraqqiyoti

Jahon tilshunosligida sohaviy terminologiya taraqqiyoti

G’afforov N., Tursunova N.

Статья научная

Maqolada jahon tilshunosligida sohaviy terminologiya masalasi, uning kognitiv tuzilmalari, sport terminologiyasi, taraqqqiyot bosqichlari, o‘rni va vazifasi aniqlandi. An’anaviy va kognitiv terminologiyaning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari, kognitiv tilshunoslik usullari ma’lum bir bilim sohasi terminologiyasi ostida turgan kognitiv tuzilmalarni tahlil qilish orqali lingvotsentrik terminologiyani o‘rganishning har ikki yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha ham tadqiqot predmeti - lingvistik belgi sifatida atamaning o‘ziga xosligi, terminologiyaning har bir yo‘nalishini tahlil qilishning umumiy konsepsiyasi aniqlandi.Shuningdek, muallif hozirgi globallashuv sharoitida terminologiyaning muhim roli, jamiyatning rivojlanish darajasi aynan milliy terminologiyaning holati bilan belgilanishi, kognitiv terminologiyaning afzalliklari sifatida uning bir tomondan, an’analarni davom ettirishini, ikkinchi tomondan, ilmiy bilimning zamonaviy bosqichiga xos xususiyatlarning namoyon bo‘lishida ekanligini ko’rib chiqqan.


Jahonda tug`ilganda kutilayotgan umr davomiyligi masalalarining hududiy tafavutlari

Jahonda tug`ilganda kutilayotgan umr davomiyligi masalalarining hududiy tafavutlari

Muxammedova N.J., Norquvvatova U.I., Umarova O.A.

Статья научная

Maqolada jahon mamlakatlarida kutilayotgan umr davomiyligi holati statistik tahlil qilingan. Unga ko`ra eng yuqori va eng past umr davomiyligi kuzatilgan hududlar o`rganilgan. Shu bilan birga umr davomiyligi yuqori va past ko`rsatkichlari geografik omillarning ta`siri aniqlangan.


Jamiyatimiz ekolojik madaniyat, barqaror ekologik rivojlanish yo‘lida

Jamiyatimiz ekolojik madaniyat, barqaror ekologik rivojlanish yo‘lida

Abdunazarov S.A.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada insonning uzoq umr ko‘rishining asosi sog‘lom ekologik madaniyatga qat’iy rioya qilish ekani, buni har bir inson ongli va maqsadli anglab yetishi lozimligi ta’kidlangan.


Japanese method for formation of multi-group trains

Japanese method for formation of multi-group trains

Sadullaev B.A., Astanaliev E.T.

Статья научная

The problem of tracks for formation of pick-up trains, with the analysis and proposal of possible solutions, is considered in the paper. The results obtained show that the current practice in solving this issue has not been appropriate, that it does not provide good results and, hence, that it has to be changed.


Jigarning metabolizmadagi ahamiyati

Jigarning metabolizmadagi ahamiyati

Mominova G.A.

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Jigarning moddalar almashinuvidagi axamiyatini o’rganish.Jigarning moddalar almashinuvida xosil bo’lgan zararli maxsulotlarni zararsizlanitirilishdagi axamiyatini o’rganib chiqadi.


Jismoniy tarbiya darslarida innovatsion texnologiyalar

Jismoniy tarbiya darslarida innovatsion texnologiyalar

Ne'matov M.I.

Статья научная

Maqolada jismoniy tarbiya va sport darslarida zamonaviy pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanishning ahamiyati, dunyoqarash hamda tafakkur ko‘lamini hosil qilish, jismoniy, ma’naviy va axloqiy sifatlarni shakllantirish bo‘yicha ayrim tavsiyalar berilgan muhokama qilingan.


Jismoniy tarbiya darslarida o’qitish mеtоdlаridan sаmаrаli foydalanish

Jismoniy tarbiya darslarida o’qitish mеtоdlаridan sаmаrаli foydalanish

Goynazarov G.

Статья научная

Maqolada jismoniy tarbiya darslarida o’qitish mеtоdlаridan sаmаrаli foydalanish jihatlari tadqiq etilgan.

