Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Integrative approach to training interpreters

Integrative approach to training interpreters

Mustanova N.R., Nasimova M.H.

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The article describes the essence of integrative education in the training of interpreters as a constructive synthesis of contradictions. The methodological basis of this training is integration, the task of which is the dialectical solution of the contradictions between the contradictions, on the basis of which the learning process and the creative development of each of its participants is ensured. The basic rules of integrative education have been formed, their content has been disclosed.


Intel Pentium. Возвращение на рынок

Intel Pentium. Возвращение на рынок

Урожай И.С.

Статья научная

Уже несколько лет подряд серия Pentium от кампании Intel не могла предоставить пользователю достойную производительность. Но в 2017 году в продажу поступила новая архитектура - Kaby Lake, вместе с ней и новые процессоры Pentium. В данной статье будут описаны технологии, которые приобрели процессоры серии Pentium, а так же различия, которые остались между сериями Pentium и Core i3.


Intel жӘне amd кӨп ядролық процессорлардың Өнiмдiлiгiнің салыстырмалы талдауы

Intel жӘне amd кӨп ядролық процессорлардың Өнiмдiлiгiнің салыстырмалы талдауы

Кланов Н.Н., Кенжебеков Ч., Алтай Н., Бегалин А.Ш.



Intellectual development is the most important aspect of development of rising generation

Intellectual development is the most important aspect of development of rising generation

Nuriddinova Yo.A.

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The article discusses the interest of students in education, the level of knowledge, their intellectual development, which is convincingly proved by modern psychology and pedagogy.


Intensification of the agricultural sector by attracting direct investments

Intensification of the agricultural sector by attracting direct investments

Aktamova I.A.

Статья научная

At present, the main issue of economic development is the question of the formation and development of investment activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan. This is evidenced by the frequent study of the issues raised in numerous sources. This article presents the main aspects of the importance of attracting investment in various sectors of the national economy, in particular in the field of agriculture. Important statistical data on the intensification of the agrarian sector of Uzbekistan are given.


Intensification of the educational process on the basis of individualized learning using a videophonogram

Intensification of the educational process on the basis of individualized learning using a videophonogram

Ibragimov R.N.

Статья научная

This article focuses on the intensification of the learning process on the basis of individual learning using a videophonogram


Interaction of qualitative and quantitative characteristics in ankylosing spondylitis

Interaction of qualitative and quantitative characteristics in ankylosing spondylitis

Khan T., Khakimova R., Nuritdiniva S., Islamova D., Aliakhunova M. scd

Статья научная

Thirty-six adult patients with AS were observed in the center. All participants were tested by the SF-36 Health Survey, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI), and the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF) Pulmonary Function Test (PFT). Participants showed reduced spinal mobility, which was negatively correlated with mSASSS. PFT results showed reduced forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) and increased FEV1/FVC. Reduced FEV1 and FVC showed positive correlations with reduced spinal mobility. Perceived physical condition and degree of pain were both significantly related to the SF-36, BASDAI, BASFI, and MAF scores. This study shows that spinal mobility may have a predictive value for pulmonary impairment in patients with AS, and can be applied to predict pulmonary function in clinical settings.


Interaction of students in English lessons

Interaction of students in English lessons

Smirnova V.Y.

Статья научная

This article discusses the interaction, interconnection and understanding of students in English classes to master the topic


Interaction of the structure of individual proteins and the structure of multimolecular proteins, isofunctional proteins

Interaction of the structure of individual proteins and the structure of multimolecular proteins, isofunctional proteins

Boqiyeva I.V.

Статья научная

The article provides general description, properties and structure of proteins and information on the interaction of the structure of multi-molecular proteins, isofunctional proteins.


Interactive means in learning chemistry

Interactive means in learning chemistry

Yodgorov B.O.

Статья научная

The article defines the peculiarities of using elements of information and communication technologies in teaching chemical disciplines. The article provides a detailed analysis of the use of elements of information communication technologies. This allowed the author to conclude that the updating of traditional teaching aids in teaching a chemistry course covers the entire educational process of learning.


Interactive methods of learning in informatics lessons

Interactive methods of learning in informatics lessons

Rustamov M.M., Goipov E.A., Khomidov M.E.

Статья научная

This article discusses interactive teaching methods in computer science lessons.


Interactive methods of teaching English language at school

Interactive methods of teaching English language at school

Topilova M.A.

Статья научная

The article discusses interactive methods of teaching English. The possibility of using some of these methods and techniques in English lessons is described. Interactive learning method increases motivation in learning English, the learning process becomes more interesting and entertaining.


Interaktiv metodlar orqali tanqidiy fikrlashni rivojlantirish

Interaktiv metodlar orqali tanqidiy fikrlashni rivojlantirish

Abdullayeva M.Sh.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada ta`lim jarayoni uchun eng muhim metodlardan biri sifatida namoyon bo`luvchi metodning tanqidiy fikrlash jarayonidagi ahamiyati hamda uni rivojlantirish borasidagi ilmiy qarashlari atroflicha talqin qilingan. Asosan, til o`qitish jarayonidagi uslublar va metodlardan unumli foydalangan holda talabalarning tanqidiy fikrlash qobilyatlarini o`stirish bo`yicha bir qancha fikrlar hamda takliflar bayon qilingan.


Interdisciplinary connection in teaching the subject of curved line movement

Interdisciplinary connection in teaching the subject of curved line movement

Juraeva N.M., Akhmadjonova U.T.

Статья научная

The introduction of interdisciplinary links in the teaching of physics helps to form a deep and solid knowledge in students.


Interest rate risk hedging: pros and cons

Interest rate risk hedging: pros and cons

Polkin A.S., Kazakova A.V.



Interfaol in the organization of the science of ecology using methods

Interfaol in the organization of the science of ecology using methods

Atamirzaeva S.T., Juraeva D.U.

Статья научная

This article discusses the benefits of using interactive methods in the effective organization of ecology lessons.


Interference on the synactical levels in the English-Uzbek languages

Interference on the synactical levels in the English-Uzbek languages

Bobojonova Z.R., Maxmatkulov X., Maxsetova Z.

Статья научная

Anotation: This article deals with the type of interferences on the grammatical levels in the two contacting English - Uzbek languages.


Interference, its meaning, content and their elimination in two contacting English-Uzbek languages

Interference, its meaning, content and their elimination in two contacting English-Uzbek languages

Kushnazarova Y.K.

Статья научная

This article deals with the types of interference in the two contacting languages- English and Uzbek. The elimination of the interferences.


Interference, its meaning, ontent and their elimination in two contacting English-Uzbek languages

Interference, its meaning, ontent and their elimination in two contacting English-Uzbek languages

Kushnazarova Yu.K.

Статья научная

This article deals with the types of interference in the two contacting languages- English and Uzbek. The elimination of the interferences


Interferenzbedingte fehler beim erwerb von fremdsprachen bei den studierenden mit Tadschikischer muttersprache. Am beispiel von Deutsch als fremdsprache

Interferenzbedingte fehler beim erwerb von fremdsprachen bei den studierenden mit Tadschikischer muttersprache. Am beispiel von Deutsch als fremdsprache

Imomova U.M.

Статья научная

Der folgende Artikel behandelt Fehler im Zusammenhang mit dem Phänomen der Interferenz beim erlernen der deutschen Sprache als Fremdsprache unter Schülern mit der tadschikischen Muttersprache. Um die häufigsten Fehler zu identifizieren und zu analysieren, wird die Methode der Befragung unter den Studenten sowie das mündliche Interview der jeweiligen Dozenten verwendet.

