Современные технологии управления организацией. Рубрика в журнале - Экономика и социум

Публикации в рубрике (1921): Современные технологии управления организацией
все рубрики
Selection of digital devices for controlling the moisture content of raw cotton

Selection of digital devices for controlling the moisture content of raw cotton

Djuraev Sh., Tukhtasinov D.

Статья научная

The study of the main parameters of digital indicators that determine the quality of number perception and parameters that characterize actual digital indicators, such as sign size, number and shape, angular size, sign, brightness contrast; exposure time; digit capacity; sign color; voltage and power. The case's design, overall dimensions, and limiting operating data of some of the most often used digital indicators are all provided. A two-row (two-channel) liquid-crystal digital indicator created on the basis of a controller is recommended for control and measuring equipment.


Structural shifts and problems of economic growth

Structural shifts and problems of economic growth

Khamraeva Z.H., Khamraeva Kh.H.

Статья научная

This article discusses the theoretical and methodological approaches to the structural analysis of the national economy.


Structural-functional model of foreign-language communicative competence formation

Structural-functional model of foreign-language communicative competence formation

Suprun A.G.

Статья научная

In article the system of foreign-language communicative competence (FLCC) formation at pedagogical employees of the higher school is considered. Also the structural-functional model of foreign-language communicative competence formation is developed. The effectiveness of language competence formation and determination of level of language competences formation occurs by means of comprehensive influence on the employee.


Temir yo’l transportini rivojlantirishning moliyaviy siyosatining tahlili va tamoyillari

Temir yo’l transportini rivojlantirishning moliyaviy siyosatining tahlili va tamoyillari

Abdusoliyev Asilbek Ilxomjon o’g’li

Статья научная

Ilmiy maqolaning maqsadi - temir yo'l transportining barqaror rivojlanishi uchun ilmiy asoslangan moliyaviy siyosatning asosiy elementlari va sanoat moliyalashtirishining zamonaviy nazariyasini, moliya strategiyasi, mexanizmlarini tahlil qilish. O'zbekiston Respublikasida temir yo'l transportini yanada isloh qilish va qo’llab quvvatlash uchun yangi g’oyalar va tamoyillar shakllantirish.


Tendency of franchising development in Russia

Tendency of franchising development in Russia

Shevchenko A.A.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to a form of entrepreneurship, such as franchising. The article considers the specifics of franchising, its main problems, as well as the conditions for the effective development of franchising in Russia.


The development of an international marketing strategy: the case of an it company

The development of an international marketing strategy: the case of an it company

Korchagina E.V., Desyatnikova A.Y.

Статья научная

The purpose of this research is to analyze the ways to design a successful international marketing strategy for an IT company. There is a number of models and methods to work out a marketing strategy, however they are not being widely used. This paper reviews some of the popular studies of marketing strategies. The research is focused on an America-based IT company –Intermedia. Currently, the company is considering the opportunity to expand the operations into new markets in Australia, China and some of the countries in Eastern Europe. Also, the top management is making the first attempts to enter new markets. However, the marketing strategy for the expansion is still not being announced, meaning that there are some difficulties in preparing the final expansion plan. The following methods such as the analysis of the marketing literature and IT industry reports, an interview with the experts, and the analysis of various marketing materials are used to outline the pros and cons of the current marketing strategy of Intermedia. The results of the research are supposed to consider the main obstacles on foreign markets and outline effective techniques that can be used to develop an international strategy of an IT company. Also, the plan of the development is to be proposed, which can support Intermedia on the new markets.


The main kinds and types of logistics strategies

The main kinds and types of logistics strategies

Tairova M.M., Hamidov M.E.

Статья научная

Logistics, strategy, logistics strategy, production logistics, lean strategy, dynamic logistics.


The principles and values of kaizen

The principles and values of kaizen

Tairova M.M., Hamidov M.E.

Статья научная

The article reveals the essence, principles and components of the Kaizen system. It is shown that the purpose of the application of Kaizen in the company.


Threats and business prospects to the internet

Threats and business prospects to the internet

Amiraghyan L., Pantykin D.

Статья научная

In this article the analysis advantages and threats of the electronic Commerce market and reviewed the main categories of issues of internal and external risk factors.


Titan qotishmali detallarning yuqori sifatli yuzasini tayyorlash texnonologiyasini ishlab chiqish

Titan qotishmali detallarning yuqori sifatli yuzasini tayyorlash texnonologiyasini ishlab chiqish

Botirov A.A.

Статья научная

Titan qotishmalaridan detallarning yuqori sifatli yuzasini tayyorlash texnonologiyasini ishlab chiqish; ishlov berilayotgan yuzani dastlabki deformatsiyalash bilan mahalliy xilma-xil tuzilmalar hosil qilib, yuza g’adir-budirligi vashakl parametrlarining berilgan ko’rsatkichlarini ta’minlovchi texnologiyani ishlab chiqish.


To the issue of planning in project management

To the issue of planning in project management

Zlateva R. St.

Статья научная

This article is dedicated to planning in the field of project management. It is considered to be one of the main functions of project management. Emphasis is placed on how planning refers to the most important processes that ensure maximum effect in the project implementation.


Traditions and customs of England

Traditions and customs of England

Ibragimova F.

Статья научная

This article examines the traditions and customs of the English people.


Uchqunli o’t oldiriluvchi dvigatellarni silindrlarini o’chirish yo’li bilan uni boshqarish usullari va vositalari

Uchqunli o’t oldiriluvchi dvigatellarni silindrlarini o’chirish yo’li bilan uni boshqarish usullari va vositalari

Ergashev I.O.

Статья научная

Krivoship-shatun mexanizmining ish jarayonini to’xtatib qo’yish usuliga ega dvigatellarni modulli dvigatellar deb ataladi. Silindrlarni o’chirishning bunday usuli eng samaradorliligi sanaladi. Bu usuldan foydalanib 40% gacha yoqilg’ini iqtisod qilish mumkin.


Use of modern energy individual floor construction in the construction of model houses individually

Use of modern energy individual floor construction in the construction of model houses individually

Otaqulov B.A., Sultanov Kh.sh.

Статья научная

In energy saving, the main focus should be on the heat storage capacity of building structures.


АИС «Контроль доступа в образовательную организацию г. Кемерово»

АИС «Контроль доступа в образовательную организацию г. Кемерово»

Цыгин И.А.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена разработке автоматизированной информационной системы (АИС) для осуществления контроля доступа в образовательную организацию г. Кемерово. Сравниваются существующие на рынке системы контроля и управления доступом, а также приводится экономическое обоснование целесообразности разработки собственной системы.


Автоматизации работы бухгалтера на предприятии

Автоматизации работы бухгалтера на предприятии

Рыбкин В.А., Мартынов А.С., Беленя И.А.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена автоматизации работы бухгалтера на предприятии. В статье рассматриваются различные программные комплексы для автоматизации работы бухгалтера. Рассматривается деятельность бухгалтера в целом. Необходимые средства для автоматизации предприятия на начальном этапе.


Автоматизация бухгалтерского учета на ООО МТС «Дюртюлинская»

Автоматизация бухгалтерского учета на ООО МТС «Дюртюлинская»

Салахутдинова Э.Р., Гайсина Э.Ф.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена автоматизация бухгалтерского учета на предприятии. Использование в работе бухгалтерской программы дает широкие возможности для исключения арифметических ошибок, автоматического отражения любых документов и хозяйственных операций в бухгалтерском учете посредством бухгалтерских проводок. На компьютере легко формируются все первичные и отчетные документы.


Автоматизация производственной деятельности с помощью продуктов 1С: Предприятие

Автоматизация производственной деятельности с помощью продуктов 1С: Предприятие

Буйная Е.В., Жаббарова Т.Р., Андреева В.С.



Автоматизация процедур внутреннего контроля в органах федерального казначейства

Автоматизация процедур внутреннего контроля в органах федерального казначейства

Батулин В.А.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена автоматизации процедур внутреннего контроля в органах Федерального казначейства. Рассматриваются особенности применения автоматизированных средств контроля, приводится их примерная классификация. В статье поднимаются проблемные вопросы, делается вывод о необходимости совершенствования системы мониторинга автоматизированных контрольных процедур.

