Review articles. Рубрика в журнале - International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education

Публикации в рубрике (44): Review articles
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Learning through games and its impact on the development of student’s knowledge during the pandemic period

Learning through games and its impact on the development of student’s knowledge during the pandemic period

Besa Havziu, Aneta Barakovska, Lulzim Memedi, Teuta Ramadani Rasimi

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Learning through play in the teaching process is a technique that has received a lot of attention since play itself increases the focus of students, and develops memory, creativity, and creative skills in students. However, the COVID-19 pandemic period was a very challenging period for every character included in the educational system, where many techniques used with physical presence were evaporated, or transformed in another form, as played through gamification. The objective of our research was to analyze the level and form of implementation of games as a teaching technique during COVID-19 in primary schools, among teachers N=120, students N=80 from I do 5th grade, and parents N=100 in Kosovo and North Macedonia. Results showed that there is a strong correlation of the implementation of games as a technique by parents and teachers in the implementation of the pandemic and the students learning and mental health, respectively their learning success has risen and their mental health was improved.


Legal Basis of Educational Processes of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in E-tourism

Legal Basis of Educational Processes of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in E-tourism

Žaklina Spalević, Bojana Milosavljević, Sanja Marković

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E-tourism has become a key component in the tourism industry and allows travelers to easily access information about destinations and services via the Internet, facilitating their travel planning process. Through e-tourism, travelers can research destinations, plan trips, book accommodations, purchase transportation tickets, and explore tourist attractions through online resources. Also, this area helps tourism businesses to effectively promote their services, communicate with clients and manage reservations. E-tourism represents the integration of information and communication technologies in the tourism sector. This concept encompasses the application of digital technologies such as the Internet, mobile applications, online reservation systems, web platforms and social media to improve aspects of travel and tourism. The legal foundation of educational procedures utilizing artificial intelligence algorithms in e-tourism holds significant importance because of the multitude of potential legal complexities and obstacles that could emerge. The Republic of Serbia, like many other countries, is working on improving its regulations in order to enable the development of e-tourism and at the same time ensure the protection of the interests and safety of travelers.


Methodology of comparative research in education: role and significance

Methodology of comparative research in education: role and significance

Danijela Milošević, Jelena Maksimović

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Research interest in the comparison of education systems emerged parallel with the study of social development and the general globalization of social resources. The contemporary context of research discourse puts researchers in a position of necessary collaboration and partnership, with a special emphasis on the comparative analysis of educational phenomena. The aim of this study is the analysis of the theoretical understandings of the role of comparative research in the cognition of pedagogical phenomena as well as the transformation of the comparative methodological apparatus in the contemporary context. The research tasks are aimed at analyzing the historical development of comparative research, epistemology, the function of comparative research in pedagogy, as well as its importance in pedagogy. The importance of developing pluralism in the methodological approach of comparative research is emphasized in order to strengthen research capacities for its future development in pedagogical sciences. The study relies on the historical method and the method of source content analysis.


Modus of killer profiling in Nordic crime series

Modus of killer profiling in Nordic crime series

Željko Bjelajac, Aleksandar Filipović

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Criminal investigators, scientists, mental health experts, and the media have always studied serial killings. Since Jack the Ripper in the late 1800s, and even today, attempts have been made to understand the complex issues surrounding the investigation of serial murders and the motives for these horrific acts. The topics of serial killings are attracting too much attention from the media, academia, and the general public. Nordic crime series make a special contribution to identifying and analyzing many issues related to serial killings including common myths, definitions, typologies, pathology and causality, media role, prosecution issues, organization of investigations, and especially through the affirmation of forensic psychology and criminal profiling. We believe that scientific papers dealing with this topic can be useful in generating an effective response in identifying, investigating, and reaching verdicts, and strengthening the collective ability to understand, respond and act preventively to prevent these violent and serious crimes.


Music education in primary compulsory schools in Croatia and Serbia from 1945 to 1990, in the context of school curricula

Music education in primary compulsory schools in Croatia and Serbia from 1945 to 1990, in the context of school curricula

Lada Duraković, Miomira M. Đurđanović, Sabina Vidulin

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After the Second World War, one of the priorities of cultural policy in the domain of music was the music education of young generations, which was essential to begin with at an early age. Its goal was to form a versatile person prepared for future work and social tasks, an active participant in the cultural and artistic life of his/her environment. Due to the insufficient researches conducted so far on musical education practices in the immediate post second World War period, in this paper we track the contents of the curricula in Croatia and Serbia. It’s our intention to emphasize the similarities and the differences in the music educational processes in the two biggest republics of the former Yugoslavia - from the initial lining on the soviet pedagogy trough reforms and changes to a unified conception of schooling on a federal level. The research shows that the curricula were constantly changed and supplemented in the first years after the war. Numerous changes resulted in the changed number of teaching hours and the teaching content, which year by year became more ambitious. The analysis of the curricula from the sixties onwards pointed to new guidelines which advocated the shift from active music playing and acquiring musical literacy to the concept of auditory perception and learning of musicological terminology. Each new syllabus was modified in accordance with the previous one, while taking into account the possibilities of their implementation in practice. Approaching contemporary pedagogical approaches was reflected in the requirements for the application of the model of active participation in the teaching process, the introduction of technological tools and openness to popular music practices.


New methodological theoretic approaches to the analysis of sport activity

New methodological theoretic approaches to the analysis of sport activity

Marina Bogdanova

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Based on the views of representatives of domestic and Western philosophical thought (M. Merleau-Ponty, P. Bourdieu, N.A. Bernstein, E. Knyazeva), the author offers a nontraditional approach to the study of essence and nature of sports activity. The productive analysis of sports activity requires such technics of intellectual procedures, which allow to consider sports activity not only as a physical sphere but also as a mental one, including cognitive, mental, psychomotor and emotional aspects.


Parental Supervision and Control as a Predictive Factor of Juvenile Delinquency

Parental Supervision and Control as a Predictive Factor of Juvenile Delinquency

Boro Merdović, Počuča Milan, Joko Dragojlović

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Parental control and supervision is considered one of the key factors in raising children. There are numerous studies and researches in the literature that have tried to prove the correlation between parental control and juvenile delinquency. The results of these studies have varied, sometimes confirming and sometimes denying a direct link between parental control and certain forms of juvenile delinquent behavior. However, the modern child and family go through a new socialization process that brings challenges for both children and parents. The goal of our paper is to clarify the terminological confusions present in this area and highlight the actuality of the issue of parental control over the behavior of minors. Through a review of existing domestic and foreign scientific literature, using quantitative and qualitative content analysis, comparative analysis and comparative and historical methods, we want to point out the importance of parental control and supervision in shaping the behavior of minors, with special reference to the manifestation of delinquent patterns. The results of our research indicate a significant correlation between different forms of parental control and supervision with the behavior of minors, with noticeable changes compared to traditional methods of control. The obtained results emphasize the need for educating and advising parents about modern achievements in this area, as well as providing support in adapting to new trends and security challenges, including the impact of information technology, social media and other factors that are now part of everyday life and were not present in the past. The practical importance of our research implies that the theoretical conclusions can be used as a basis for further research in the field of parental control and supervision, as well as juvenile delinquency, with the aim of developing measures for its prevention.


Peer assessment of teacher performance. What works in teacher education?

Peer assessment of teacher performance. What works in teacher education?

Valeria Magaly Cabello, Keith J. Topping

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Peer assessment is increasingly used in schools and higher education, especially in health education. However, there remains insufficient evidence that peer assessment conditions are beneficial for teacher education. In this article, empirical research literature on peer assessment of pre-service teaching performance are reviewed. The articles were from the ERIC and Scopus databases, from 2002 to 2020. Only fifteen studies met the selection criteria described herein. The studies differed in the type of assessment used but converged toward the conclusion that incorporating peer assessment into different stages of teacher education was appropriate and worthwhile. We discuss the theoretical perspectives on why peer assessment might work in teacher education, pointing out practical implications for decision-makers in this field. Finally, recommendations and constraints for researching and implementing peer assessment are discussed from the perspective of innovation within pre-service teacher education.


Prototypical categorization - linguocognitive form of flexible rationality

Prototypical categorization - linguocognitive form of flexible rationality

Svetlana Masalova

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The article discusses the prototypical categorization as linguocognitive form of the flexible rationality. Flexible rationality reveals the correlation of the rational and irrational in cognition. The embodiment form of the flexible linguistic consciousness is a concept as a category protoform. The process of formation of the conception from the concept is a prototypical categorization. Serving as the cognitive “tool”, prototypical categorization as a linguistic structure demonstrates the perception integrity and meaning system of the cognizing subject as the ontic holistic bearer of the flexible rationality in unity of the anthropological and socio-cultural specifics.


Quasi-experimental research as an epistemological-methodological approach in education research

Quasi-experimental research as an epistemological-methodological approach in education research

Jelena Osmanović Zajić, Jelena Maksimović


Pedagogy as a social-humanistic science that deals with upbringing and education expresses its complexity through a plurality of ideas, understandings and opportunities for studying, learning and researching educational practice. The methodology dealt with by experimental and quasi-experimental pedagogy is exact and serves to establish reliable data, i.e., it searches for facts and evidence that can replace research hypotheses. A synonym for quasi-experimental pedagogy is “new pedagogy” because the evaluation of research quality in educational practice can be defined through the methodological basis of research, originality, novelty and significance. The question arises: how many quasi-experiments have been conducted so far that researchers are not even aware of, that is, they have not called this type of research by its real name? The main goal of theoretical research is to analyze the crucial differences between non-experimental, experimental and quasi-experimental research. From the presented goal of the research arises the research task which is reflected in seeking to affirm quasi-experimental research in pedagogy with the aim of bringing closer to the scientific public the characteristics and advantages of quasi-experiments in terms of streamlining implementation and practicality in the natural school environment. The paper uses the theoretical analysis method with the content analysis technique. The authors presented conclusions about the importance of quasi-experimental research as a special epistemological-methodological approach in determining the causality of educational phenomena.


Research trends in media pedagogy: between the paradigm of risk and the paradigm of opportunity

Research trends in media pedagogy: between the paradigm of risk and the paradigm of opportunity

Tomczyk Łukasz

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The use of computers, internet, and smartphones in the learning and teaching process has become an irreversible fact. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are now one of the fundamental teaching resources and even one of the principal teaching environments. The widespread use of ICT stands in positive correlation to the growing number of studies on educational aspects of the use of new media in schooling. The dynamically growing number of publications in this field requires reflection on the directions of research in the intensely developing sub-discipline of education science, i.e. media pedagogy. The aim of the article is to explore the two dominant directions of research on didactic and upbringing aspects of ICT use in education. The text presents the assumptions and processes assigned to both the opportunity paradigm and the risk paradigm of media pedagogy. These paradigms clash, giving rise to research directed at positive or negative phenomena related to the digitalization of schooling and educational processes. The text is an attempt to draw attention not only to the development of media pedagogy, but also to methodological errors resulting from anchoring research to only one trend.


Teacher competence in reducing the level of aggression in the classroom

Teacher competence in reducing the level of aggression in the classroom

Anna Kožuh

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The authoress of the text raises the issue of teaching problematic students. This phenomenon mainly concerns the inappropriate behaviour of students in lessons of various subjects as well as inappropriate reactions of teachers. The authoress attempts to analyze the main problem, searching for the causes and consequences of this problem in education. In the following parts of the text, she shows and tries to resolve the development of the problem, trying to convince the reader of the practical and theoretical importance of discussing problematic situations in the process of education. The consequences of problematic student behaviour, preparing future teachers for coping with problem students, teaching activities aimed at weakening the actions of a “problematic” student, the importance of competence in interpersonal communication in activities correcting the attitudes of troublesome students are one by one discussed in the text. The selected contents are supplemented with references to the cited literature and with the opinions of the authoress. The article is closed by conclusions together with an indication of directions and areas of further research and practice.


Teaching methods used in special education: a content analysis study

Teaching methods used in special education: a content analysis study

Huseyin Uzunboylu, Deniz Özcan

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This study aims to reveal the situation and trends in teaching methods used in special education. Content analysis and citation analysis were used in this study as a research model. Published documents were obtained from Scopus by using the keywords ‘teaching method’ and ‘special education’ and a total number of 63 documents were obtained. The published documents were examined based on the previously determined content analysis criteria involving year of publication, name of the journals, authors, affiliations, countries, document type, subject area, keywords, language and citations. Data were analysed and provided with frequency and percentages. Results generally showed that there is an increase in the number of researches on teaching methods and special education throughout the years, most of the published documents were articles and from the areas of social sciences and psychology. All of the results were discussed with the relevant literature and recommendations for further research and practices were presented.


The method of global reading from an interdisciplinary perspective

The method of global reading from an interdisciplinary perspective

Jasmina Delcheva Dizdarevikj, Vedran Dizdarevikj

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Primary literacy in Macedonian education is in decline. This assertion has been proved both by the abstract theory, and by the concrete empirical data. Educational reforms in the national curriculum are on their way, and the implementation of the method of global reading is one of the main innovations. Misunderstanding of this method has led it its being criticized as a foreign import and as unnatural and incongruous for the specificities of the Macedonian language. We think that this argument is wrong. That is why this paper is going to extrapolate and explain the method of global learning and its basis in pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, anthropology and linguistics. The main premise of this paper is the relation of the part to the whole, understood from the different perspectives of philosophy, psychology, linguistics and anthropology. The theories of Kant, Cassirer, Bruner, Benveniste and Geertz are going to be considered in the context of the part - whole problem, by themselves, and also in their relation to the method of global reading.


The problem of peer violence among deaf and hard of hearing students

The problem of peer violence among deaf and hard of hearing students

Jasmina Karić, Milena Kordić

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The work was created with the desire to point out the problem of peer violence among deaf and hard of hearing students. Due to their specific characteristics created under the influence of hearing impairment, deaf and hard of hearing students are exposed to a greater risk of peer violence compared to their hearing peers. The aim of the paper is to analyze the available literature from years 2002-2022 and determine whether deaf and hard-of-hearing students are exposed to peer violence and what its nature is. The following search engines were used to search the literature: Ebscohost, ScienceDirect,, KoBSON, Google Scholar. The results of the literature review show that deaf and hard of hearing students are exposed to peer violence and that the frequency of peer violence is higher among deaf and hard of hearing students compared to their hearing peers. Deaf and hard of hearing students are more often exposed to traditional forms of violence than to cyberbullyng. Research also shows that the frequency of peer violence is higher in special than in regular schools. As due to the nature of their communication and social functioning, deaf and hard of hearing students are actually not always able to recognize and report peer violence, the question arises of the actual level of frequency of peer violence among these students. The problem of peer violence among deaf and hard of hearing students indicates the need to develop programs for the prevention and stopping peer violence that will be adapted to deaf and hard of hearing students.


The role of literary texts in relation to the development and respect of the child’s identity

The role of literary texts in relation to the development and respect of the child’s identity

Mirjana M. Stakić, Aleksandra V. Janković

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Identity is a very complex structure. There are many aspects of identity and those start to form and develop in early childhood This study explores specific age-related characteristics of children which influence the forming and shaping of different layers of identity and points out the important role that legislature and various social environment factors have in this process. Special attention is dedicated to the positive influence that preschool teachers and institutions have and to a range of possibilities that literary texts offer in this whole process. Concrete examples illustrate how complex semantic structure of a literary text can initiate conversation about different layers of identity. The advantages of this kind of work are numerous and are reflected in the fact that the development and the strengthening of the identity is approached from an integrative standpoint, given the fact that we are simultaneously working on children’s speech development through reading activities and literary text analysis. The main implication of this study is 1) the need for conducting future research with the aim of identifying literary texts which, apart from their aesthetic quality, also possess semantic potential as a tool for learning about identity and 2) further work on strengthening the competences of preschool teachers so that they can integrate activities directed towards development of the child’s identity in all the areas of their educational activities within preschool institutions and carrying them out with continuity.


The school of Athens, the philosophical artwork that conveys all human knowledge

The school of Athens, the philosophical artwork that conveys all human knowledge

Bledar Kurti, Arburim Iseni


The School of Athens, the fresco by Raphael, is an artwork in which the whole world has seen for five centuries, not only the aesthetic, emotional and spiritual aspect of art, but also the philosophical and intellectual one. In this fresco Raphael painted the human mind. This work is a holistic variation of cultural anthropology and cultural cognitive science. It is a university in which all human knowledge is summoned. Raphael combined paganism and humanism within the Vatican premises. Making this fresco a significant work, reflecting and conveying the core cultural values and universal ideals, offering an excellent opportunity for any viewer to engage in a multicultural cognitive act and process. This paper presents how this multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary work serves as an ideal example for today’s works and philosophy to connect all creative and philosophical disciplines into one, inspiring today’s thought and the new works of creative arts to contain the human knowledge of the ages, uniting the past and future, as a meeting point of history, reason, discovery and human aspirations. It will present how this complex artwork includes knowledge, philosophy, art, morals, customs, etc, acquired by any member of society to understand human cultural cognition.


The suggestive method in sport education - theoretical basics and practical application

The suggestive method in sport education - theoretical basics and practical application

Dimitrinka Georgieva Tsonkova

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This article expands on the possibilities for application of the suggestion as a method for psychological influence in sports education. A theoretical reasoning for its specific applications is made, due to the special features of the sports activity. The necessity of a purposeful and precise approach by the sport pedagogue is indicated, with a view for achieving the proper development of the students and anindividualpositiveeffect.


The transversal competence for problem-solving in cognitive learning

The transversal competence for problem-solving in cognitive learning

Nikolay Tsankov


The opportunities education provides to develop the student’s ability to use cognitive skills to understand and solve problems whose solution is not obvious and the student’s willingness to engage in problem solving as a constructive and thinking citizen are essential for the realization of the approach from transversal competences to transversal personality. The study puts an emphasis on exploring the conditions for the development of transversal competence for solving educational-and-cognitive problems that is portable through different learning contents, different activities and ages. The highlights of pupils’ cognitive development have been used as a basis for turning them into subjects of problem-based training aiming at the development of transversal competence to solve problems. The here developed task system for solving integrated problems in science education allows diagnosing the level of competence of cognitive-learning problem solving as transversal. Achieving this result in school education is directly linked to the teacher’s competence to design a proactive educational environment i.e. to the requirements for the training of pedagogical specialists in existing conditions.


The way of learning preserved in the structure of individual experience shapes task-switching: implications for neuroscience and education

The way of learning preserved in the structure of individual experience shapes task-switching: implications for neuroscience and education

Alexey A. Sozinov, Anastasiia V. Bakhchinaa, Yuri I. Alexandrov


Task switching is a behavioral phenomenon that serves as a tool for assessment of individual cognitive abilities that becomes especially essential in our multitasking milieu. Factors of task-switching include cognitive load and cognitive effort, mostly derived from task difficulty, as well as age and practice. The analysis of brain activity on the level of single neurons shows that the activations that contribute to task performance and switching differ with respect to the protocol of learning the alternated tasks. We argue that task switching is affected by the history of learning and in turn it changes the structure of individual experience. On this basis we outline perspectives of task switching studies in the fundamental field of long-term memory and applied field of education and therapy.

