Статьи журнала - International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies

Все статьи: 544

A Simple Algorithm to Strengthen the Brightness of Color Images

A Simple Algorithm to Strengthen the Brightness of Color Images


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This paper puts forward a simple algorithm to make color images lighter based on Wavelet transformation and histogram smoothing. This algorithm uses HIS space which is based on human visual features. Without changing hue, it can conduct histogram smoothing in low brightness frequency domain through wavelet decomposition and make the images lighter, which at the same time avoids vagueness of details and increase of noises. According to experiment results, this algorithm can make low brightness color images lighter effectively with low time complexity.


A Source-Based Multicast Scheme in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Mode

A Source-Based Multicast Scheme in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Mode

Mortaza Maleki, Saleh Yousefi, Ali Azarpeyvand

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WiMAX based on IEEE 802.16 is known as one of effective technologies for transmission of multimedia to groups of receivers. There are two operational modes in WiMAX: point to multi point (PMP) for single hop transmission and a mesh node for multi-hop transmission. The current standard only defines unicast transmission under mesh mode thus the performance is deteriorated for multimedia applications with multicast nature. In this paper, we first propose a mechanism for source-based tree topology construction aiming at facilitating multicast transmission in WiMAX mesh network. In the proposed approach, the multicast tree is constructed considering available link's bandwidth and multicast group members. After constructing the multicast tree we propose a novel scheduling algorithm to improve the transmission throughout. In the proposed scheduling algorithm a parent node uses broadcasting when the number of its children belonging to a multicast group excesses a threshold. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed multicast mechanism improves multicast transmission efficiency and reduces scheduling time slots noticeably in comparison to the approach mandated by the IEEE 802.16 standard.


A Speech Enhancement Method Based on Kalman Filtering

A Speech Enhancement Method Based on Kalman Filtering

Chaogang Wu, Bo Li, Jin Zheng

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The enhancement of speech degraded by non-stationary interferers is a highly relevant and difficult task for many signal processing applications. In this study, we present a monaural speech enhancement method based on spectral subtraction and Kalman filtering (KF) by extracting the Liljencrants–Fant (LF) excitation during voiced speech, in which the nature of glottal flow can be maintained. Therefore, the approach could preserve the glottal pulse's nature characteristic in Kalman filtering and thus achieve significant improvements on objective quality. The quality of the enhanced speech has been evaluated by perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) score. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm could improve the output speech quality compared with the conventional KF algorithm and sub-band spectral subtraction.


A Structured Multi-signature Scheme Against Forgery Attack

A Structured Multi-signature Scheme Against Forgery Attack

Wenjun Luo, Changying Li

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There are some classic structured multi-signature programs, such as Burmester’s, Harn’s and Lin’s schemes that can not resist inside attack and outside attack. In this paper, we briefly review Burmester’s program and relate safety analysis, Burmester’s scheme vulnerable to forgery attack. Then we propose a structured multi-signature scheme against forgery attack. In the new scheme, we increase the signature parameter verification to improve security.


A Study and Analysis of Congestion Control Wireless Sensor Networks

A Study and Analysis of Congestion Control Wireless Sensor Networks

Maninder Pal Singh, Kiranbir Kaur

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WSNs are becoming popular in real world uses. Due to resource-constrained and battery-aware features of the sensor; WSNs energy use in a major research topic was found to be interesting. WSNs contain battery powered nodes that for certain action or tasks are connected with the base station. The lifetime of battery-powered sensor nodes, after the consumption of the battery will be dead in WSNs. To prolong the lifetime of WSNs the energy has to be well organized. The cluster head selection and assignment, and construction of clusters require additional overhead. Cluster nodes distributed algorithms designed incorrectly can lead to isolation from cluster heads. Such isolated nodes waste large amount of energy to communicate with the sink. In this paper, energy conservation techniques related to WSNs are discussed. Also, the existing energy conservation algorithms are reviewed and the comparative analysis is also performed.


A Survey on Detection and Prevention Techniques for SQL Injection Attacks

A Survey on Detection and Prevention Techniques for SQL Injection Attacks

Harish Dehariya, Piyush Kumar Shukla, Manish Ahirwar

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In this current scenario web application are widely using for various purpose like online shopping, online money transfer, e-bill payment, online mobile recharges etc. As per increasing the dependency on these web applications also raises the attacks on these applications. SQL injection Attacks (SQLIA) and Cross Site Scripting (XSS) are being a major problem for web applications. SQL injection Attack (SQLIA) is the most common type of vulnerability in which a malicious mind person is inserts its own crafted query as input for retrieving personal information about others sensitive users. In this paper, for detection and prevention of SQL injection attacks various techniques are described and perform a comparison between them.


A Survey on Secure Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

A Survey on Secure Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

Yasir Arfat, Riaz Ahmed Shaikh

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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are typically formed by collaboration of the large amount of partial sensor nodes, which are connected through wireless medium. In wireless sensor network, security is an essential aspect because of its usage in applications like monitoring, tracking, controlling, surveillance etc. Secure communication is extremely crucial in delivering vital information accurately and on the time through resource constraint sensor nodes. In this paper, our contribution is threefold. Firstly, we have summarized the network layer routing attacks on WSNs. Secondly, we have provided taxonomy of secure routing protocols of WSNs. Thirdly, we have provided a qualitative comparison of existing secure routing protocols. Results show that most of the existing secure routing schemes are not very efficient due to various reasons like high-energy consumption, and large communication overhead.


A Survey on Topology Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Networks

A Survey on Topology Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Networks

Hazique Aetesam, Itu Snigdh

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The content presented in this article provides an insight into the current topology maintenance techniques in general and algorithms in particular. It makes the fine line between topology control, topology construction and topology maintenance all the more prominent. Additionally, it tries to find out how the meaning of topology control has evolved over a period of time since the inception of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). An attempt has been made to standardize the definition of topology control and topology maintenance.


A Survey on the impact of Connection-Aware Congestion Identification in RLNC-Based Networks on Quality of Service

A Survey on the impact of Connection-Aware Congestion Identification in RLNC-Based Networks on Quality of Service

Syed Abid Husain, Baswaraj Gadgay, Shubhangi D.C.

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Wireless multicast networks, especially in the domains of IoT, 5G, and e-health, are experiencing a growing adoption of random linear network coding (RLNC). Nevertheless, the exponential growth of data can lead to congestion problems. This paper presents a review on novel technique called singular value decomposition (SVD) for the identification of network congestion. When SVD combines with statistical concepts like linear regression can to effectively handle large datasets and conduct comprehensive data analytics. The svd improves network performance and reliability by proactively identifying and mitigating congestion. Additionally, it improves the efficiency of data transmission and delivery in different application scenarios.


A Systematic Review of Privacy Preservation Models in Wireless Networks

A Systematic Review of Privacy Preservation Models in Wireless Networks

Namrata J. Patel, Ashish Jadhav

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Privacy preservation in wireless networks is a multidomain task, including encryption, hashing, secure routing, obfuscation, and third-party data sharing. To design a privacy preservation model for wireless networks, it is recommended that data privacy, location privacy, temporal privacy, node privacy, and route privacy be incorporated. However, incorporating these models into any wireless network is computationally complex. Moreover, it affects the quality of services (QoS) parameters like end-to-end delay, throughput, energy consumption, and packet delivery ratio. Therefore, network designers are expected to use the most optimum privacy models that should minimally affect these QoS metrics. To do this, designers opt for standard privacy models for securing wireless networks without considering their interconnectivity and interface-ability constraints. Due to this, network security increases, but overall, network QoS is reduced. To reduce the probability of such scenarios, this text analyses and reviews various state-of-the-art models for incorporating privacy preservation in wireless networks without compromising their QoS performance. These models are compared on privacy strength, end-to-end delay, energy consumption, and network throughput. The comparison will assist network designers and researchers to select the best models for their given deployments, thereby assisting in privacy improvement while maintaining high QoS performance.Moreover, this text also recommends various methods to work together to improve their performance. This text also recommends various proven machine learning architectures that can be contemplated & explored by networks to enhance their privacy performance. The paper intends to provide a brief survey of different types of Privacy models and their comparison, which can benefit the readers in choosing a privacy model for their use.


A Technique for PUE Detection and Isolation in Cognitive Radio Network

A Technique for PUE Detection and Isolation in Cognitive Radio Network

Samuel A. Adebo, Elizabeth N. Onwuka, Abraham U. Usman, Supreme Ayewoh Okoh, Okwudili Onyishi

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The primary aim of a cognitive radio (CR) system is to optimize spectrum usage by exploiting the existing spectrum holes. Nevertheless, the success of cognitive radio technology is significantly threatened by the primary user emulation attack (PUEA). A rogue secondary user (SU) known as the primary user emulator (PUE) impersonates a legitimate primary user (PU) in a PUEA, thereby preventing other SUs from accessing the spectrum holes. Which leads to the decrease in quality of service (QoS), connection undependability, degraded throughput, energy depletion, and the network experiences a deterioration in its overall performance. In order to alleviate the impact of PUEA on Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs), it is necessary to detect and isolate the threat agent (PUE) from the network. In this paper, a method for finding and isolating the PUE is proposed. MATLAB simulation results showed that the presence of PUE caused a significant decrease in the throughput of SUs, from to . The throughput was highest at a false alarm (FA) probability of 0.0, indicating no PUE, and decreased as the FA probability increased. At a FA probability of 1, the throughput reached zero, indicating complete takeover of the spectrum by PUE. By isolating the PUE from the network, the other SUs can access the spectrum holes, leading to increased QoS, connection reliability, improved throughput, and efficient energy usage. The presented technique is an important step towards enhancing the security and reliability of CRNs.


A Theoretical Graph based Framework for Parameter Tuning of Multi-core Systems

A Theoretical Graph based Framework for Parameter Tuning of Multi-core Systems

Surendra Kumar Shukla, Devesh Pratap Singh, Shaili Gupta, Kireet Joshi, Vishan Kumar Gupta

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Multi-core systems are outperforming nowadays. Therefore, various computing paradigms are intrinsically incorporated in the multicore domain to exploit its potential and solve well known computing problems. Parameter tuning is a well-known computing problem in the field of Multicore domain. Addressing the said hurdle would leverage in the performance enhancement of Multicore systems. Various efforts in this direction have been made through the conventional parameter tuning algorithms in a limited scope; however, the problem is yet not addressed completely. In this research article, we have addressed parameter tuning problem by employing applications of graph theory, especially Dijkstra shortest path algorithm to address the said issue. Dijkstra’s principle has been applied to establish correlation among the parameters further tuning by finding the pair of suitable parameters. Two other algorithms which are based on application feedback (to provide performance goals to the system) has been introduced. The proposed algorithms collectively (as a framework), addressed the parameter tuning problem. The effectiveness of the algorithms is verified and further measured in distinct parameter tuning scenarios and promising outcome has been achieved.


A Three-Party Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with Key Confirmation

A Three-Party Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with Key Confirmation

Gang Yao

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Three-party authenticated key exchange protocol is an important cryptographic technique in the secure communication areas, by which any two clients can verify the ability to use a server to establish communication. Recently, researchers have begun proposing new key exchange protocols that would not require the use of server public keys, but a human-memorable password. In this paper, we propose a new three-party password authenticated key exchange protocol with key confirmation. The security of our proposed protocol relies on the hardness of the bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem and Diffie-Hellman problem in the random oracle model, and the proposed protocol achieves the security attributes: dictionary attack resilience, known session key security, perfect forward secrecy, no key compromise impersonation, no unknown key share and no key control.


A Trust Evaluation Model for Industrial Control Ethernet Network

A Trust Evaluation Model for Industrial Control Ethernet Network

ZHOU Sen-xin, HAN Jiang-hong, TANG Hao

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Industrial control ethernet networks are more impotant in connecting with equipments each other of enterprise comprehensive automation and integrating information. With the explosive growth of network techniques, the traditional control networks can no longer satisfy the security demands on network connectivity, data storage and information exchanges.New types of networks emerged in recent years in order to provide solutions for the increasing requirements on networked services. We propose a trust evaluation model for industrial control ethernet network . Our study shows the importance and necessity of applying theoretical analyses to understand the complex characteristics of trusted industrial control ethernet networks.


A Trust-based Security Approach in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks

A Trust-based Security Approach in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks

Mohsen Salehi, Jamal Karimian

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In recent decades Significant expansion and popularity of wireless sensor networks in various applications have attracted the attention of many researchers. The main challenges of WSN for the researchers are Energy and security restrictions. Recently trust as a new, efficient and soft method has been able to provide satisfactory security in WSN. In this study by using a simple method, first each node calculates the trust values of neighbors and according to these values exchanges data with neighbor nodes, then from each cluster, a node whose trust is greater than a threshold value can be candidate for being cluster head. Finally by using fuzzy logic a node with the most trusted neighbors and desirable energy level among the candidate nodes is selected as a cluster head. Simulation results show that proposed system has been able to greatly improve security and prevent untrusted and malicious nodes from becoming the cluster head.


A Weighed Least Square TDOA Location Algorithm for TDMA Multi-target

A Weighed Least Square TDOA Location Algorithm for TDMA Multi-target


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In order to improve the location precision of multiple targets in a time division multiple address (TDMA) system, a new weighed least square algorithm is presented for multi-target ranging and locating. According to the time synchronization of the TDMA system, the range difference model between multiple targets is built using the time relations among the slot signals. Thus, the range of one target can be estimated by the other one's, and a group of estimated value can be acquired for every target. Then, the weighed least square algorithm is used to estimate the range of every target. Due to the time differences of arrival (TDOA) of all targets are used in one target's location, the location precision is improved. The ambiguity and non-solution problems in the traditional TDOA location algorithm are avoided also in the presented algorithm. At the end, the simulation results illustrate the validity of the proposed algorithm.


A Wireless Solution to Collecting and Displaying Oil Temperature Data Based on Zigbee Network

A Wireless Solution to Collecting and Displaying Oil Temperature Data Based on Zigbee Network

Cui Jingcong, Chen Lidong, Li Xunming, Huang Chunhai

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In some oil fields of China, monitoring oil temperature during producing almost relies on manual operation. According to this, we designed a solution based on Zigbee network and sensor technology. In our design of sampling nodes, with JN5139 module as the core, uses sensor PT100 to collect temperature data and LCD module LCM141C-01 to display the final result. The whole solution has an advantage of a simple structure, low power consumption etc, therefore, it has a positive meaning in improving monitoring work efficiency in oil fields.


A double auction scheme based on secret sharing and safe comparing protocol

A double auction scheme based on secret sharing and safe comparing protocol

Bin Zhang, Qiuliang Xu, Han Jiang

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At present most practical electrical auction schemes that based on secret sharing, group signature and hash chain assume the existence of a trusted thid party, while the schemes that based on commitment, zero knowledge or homomorphic encryption without the TTP model face the problem of high cost of communication and computation. The double auction scheme proposed by Bogetoft is based on secure multiparty computation without a TTP and get very high efficiency. In this article, we improve the above scheme. Based on secret sharing and constant round safe comparing protocol, we reduce the requirement of honest majority in the original scheme. We improve the security of the scheme while maintain the high efficiency.


A hybrid cryptosystem to enhance security in IoT health care system

A hybrid cryptosystem to enhance security in IoT health care system

Kavitha.S., P.J.A.Alphonse

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Internet of Things (IoT) based health care system provides an essential interface between tiny devices and customers, who require customary checking by remedial focus. The technological innovation is important to guarantee the data protection and security among customer and devices, though it is vulnerable by various security assaults. The cryptographic technique is a prominent method for data protection in a healthcare management system. Single cryptographic algorithm based solution suffered to provide efficient security as its high probability of attacks. So this paper proposes a hybrid cryptographic algorithm that secures the sensitive medicinal information in IoT health care system. The proposed hybrid algorithm is dealing with various security attacks in a proficient way, and also increases its performance when compared to other cryptographic algorithms.


A modified semi-supervised color image segmentation method

A modified semi-supervised color image segmentation method

Wei Hongru, Chai Fangyong

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The paper proposed a modified color image segmentation method basing on semi-supervised hidden Markov random fields (HMRF) with constraints. Making use of MeanShift algorithm to get supervision information and, cluster number and initial values for cluster centroids, color images can be segmented effectively with the method in this paper by K-Means algorithm. The experimental results are very encouraging.

