Статьи журнала - Теория и практика современной науки

Все статьи: 11225

Inflation targeting: case of Norway

Inflation targeting: case of Norway

Gusev D.S.

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This article explores the application of inflation targeting framework in Norway. Main reasons of success in the application of this regime are analyzed. Among them, one should point out weak dependence of national budget from oil producing industry.


Influence of insulation impregnation on the operation of traction electric machines

Influence of insulation impregnation on the operation of traction electric machines

Nuriddinov S.B., Avazov B.K., Karshiev K.T., Kurbonov I.B., Berdiyorov U.N.

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To determine the damage, the most appropriate and effective method will be to extend the insulation resource by encapsulating local damage using impregnating materials and thermal radiation. Over the past ten years, the UE “O’ztemiryo’lmashta’mir” has maintained a stable tendency to breakdown of insulation and inter-turn short circuit (BTC) of the armature of the NB-514 type. In this connection, a hypothesis was put forward that breakdowns of insulation and inter-turn closures of the armature winding most often occur as a result of intense heat and mass transfer processes in the insulation of the frontal parts of their windings with open section heads.


Influence of sliding speed and temperature on contact properties and frictional vibrations

Influence of sliding speed and temperature on contact properties and frictional vibrations

Khujakhmedova Kh.S., Azimov S.Zh., Kenjayev S.N., Rakhimov U.T., Valieva D.Sh.

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The paper presents basic rheological models characterizing the behavior of materials in the contact zone. The growth of the FPC and the friction force depending on the time of the fixed contact explains the scheme.


Influence of the Jadides ideology on the socio-political and cultural life in the Turkestan region

Influence of the Jadides ideology on the socio-political and cultural life in the Turkestan region

Oraqova O.J.

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Jadidism is a socio-political and intellectual movement in the Central Asia of the late XIX - early XX century. Jadidism was a movement for the dissemination of enlightenment, the development of Turkic languages and literature, the study of secular disciplines, the use of scientific achievements, and the equality of women.


Infomatics and the present society

Infomatics and the present society

Inamova G.A.

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The role of infomatics in the development of modern society is considered in the article.


Information technology in education system

Information technology in education system

Karimova L.I.

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In this article, information technology, and its appearance reflected the importance of the teaching process.


Innovations in agriculture

Innovations in agriculture

Korneev A.N.

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The article considers the technological innovation in the field of agriculture, precision farming technology, provides concrete examples of implementation, reflected satellite control system of agricultural machinery.


Innovative activity as a factor of a company's sustainability on the market

Innovative activity as a factor of a company's sustainability on the market

Karimov F.

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In the article author shows different approaches to understanding the essence of the categories of "enterprise innovation activity". The article introduced a concept of preservation company’s sustainability based on the strategic management of its innovative activity in the market.


Innovative activity as object of investment

Innovative activity as object of investment

Soliyev Ibodullaxon Ismatullayevich

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In this scientific article innovative activity is considered, the essence and functions of innovation are analyzed.


Innovative approach to information sphere in Uzbekistan

Innovative approach to information sphere in Uzbekistan

Soliyev I.I.

Статья научная

In this article highlights innovation in public administration and innovative approach to information sphere in Uzbekistan.


Innovative directions in the field of pedagogical education

Innovative directions in the field of pedagogical education

Tojaliyev A., Tojaliyeva G.

Статья научная

The article provides information on innovative areas of development of pedagogical education in the era of globalization, as well as the application of pedagogical skills in the learning process. The social significance of pedagogical education is also studied.


Innovative methods of teaching English language

Innovative methods of teaching English language

Aripova N.

Статья научная

In this article described innovative methods of teaching english language and it’s important of education system.


Innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages and effectiveness

Innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages and effectiveness

Siddikov Ja.N.

Статья научная

In this article described means of innovative pedagogical technologies and its effectiveness in the teaching foreign languages and effectiveness.


Innovative technologies in English language lessons

Innovative technologies in English language lessons

Mutalova G.M.

Статья научная

The article reveals the problem of using new information technologies in English language lessons. The article will be useful to specialists in the pedagogical sphere.


Innovative technologies in modern education

Innovative technologies in modern education

Kipchakova Yo.X., Kodirova G.A.

Статья научная

This article describes innovative technologies during the classes in elementary school. The role of innovations in the educational process is specifie, and the author’s definition of innovative technologies is given.


Innovative technology to reduce fracture of large steel castings which are essential to railway transport

Innovative technology to reduce fracture of large steel castings which are essential to railway transport

Toirov O.T., Tursunov N.Q., Qochqorov L.A., Valiyeva D.Sh.

Статья научная

Using the ProCast software, an analysis was made of the manufacturability of the gating system used in the existing production in the manufacture of the casting "Side frame" of railway cars. A special feature is the presence of an extended horizontal collector and underwater metal to the end parts of the casting. The disadvantage of such a gating system is that the filling of the entire mold with liquid metal is carried out through the end parts of the casting prone to cracking. At the same time, two counter flows accumulate in the intended form, their merging in the middle parts of the casting in a cooled and highly contaminated state, since the process in filling part of the flow is collected along the path of sand inclusions, oxidized and saturated with hydrogen. These factors are a prerequisite for the formation of various defects in castings. Due to problems, a new gating system technology was proposed, which was analyzed in the ProCast program. In the process of analysis, the most optimal solution for the gating system was deduced.


Innovative thinking and its forms of manifestation

Innovative thinking and its forms of manifestation

Abdurahmonov H.I.

Статья научная

Innovative thinking is manifested in a specific way in human activity, both scientifically and theoretically. Such scientific thinking is carried out in accordance with the methodological principles that direct scientists in the approach to research and their results.


Insan h'am j'amyettegi agressiyani 'uyreniwdi'n social-filosofiyaliq tiykarlari

Insan h'am j'amyettegi agressiyani 'uyreniwdi'n social-filosofiyaliq tiykarlari

Alimbaeva L.A.

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Bul jazılǵan maqalada adamzat soniń menen bir qatarda jámiyettiń rawajlanıwında kelip shıǵatuǵın agressivlik qásiyetlerdiń úyreniliwiniń áhmiyeti, agressivliktiń jámiyet turmısı ushın tásiri haqqında máseleleri keńnen tu’sindirip o’tilgen. Insan hám jámiyet qatnasıqlarında júzege keliwshi ha’r tu’rli agressiya kórinisleri boyınsha ilimpazlardıń kóz-qarasları social-filosofiyalıq tárepten analizlengen.


Inspection of the technical condition of traction electric machines in electric rolling stock

Inspection of the technical condition of traction electric machines in electric rolling stock

Avazov B.K., Nuriddinov S.B., Karshiyev K.T., Xasanov F.F., Kurbonov I.B.

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The article discusses the causes of failure, repair and test methods after repair of asynchronous electric motors that are in the electric rolling stock. Electric motors used in rolling stock are used in unfavorable conditions: frequent overloads and constant presence of the electric motor in working condition while driving. Therefore, the operating conditions of these motors are very different than those of common industrial electric motors. The analysis of the causes of failure and their duration of operation after repair has been carried out.


Instagram: новые тенденции средств продвижения СМИ

Instagram: новые тенденции средств продвижения СМИ

Чехова А.В.

Статья научная

В данной статье рассматривается социальная сеть «Instagram» как инструмент продвижения, а также методы и механизмы продвижения аккаунтов СМИ в данной сети.

