Статьи журнала - Теория и практика современной науки

Все статьи: 11378

Notion of conditional sentences in English and Uzbek languages

Notion of conditional sentences in English and Uzbek languages

Soatova Sh.B.

Статья научная

The article is based on notion of conditional sentences, the comparative analysis of the characteristics of speech in English and Uzbek. Students learn notion of sentences in English and Uzbek languages. They also find information about conditional sentences, an independent sentence, an exclamatory sentence, an interrogative sentence, a complex sentence, a mixed sentence or compound-complex sentence. The results of the article can be used in lectures and seminars on general linguistics, lexicology, comparative linguistics, linguoculturology, as well as in seminars, dissertations, textbooks, manuals.


O'Yinlar va o'yin uslublari ta'sir doirasi. Huquqiy tizimlarda geymifikatsiya va uning natijalari

O'Yinlar va o'yin uslublari ta'sir doirasi. Huquqiy tizimlarda geymifikatsiya va uning natijalari

Urinova M.V.

Статья научная

Maqolada raqamli texnologiyalar sharoitida talabalarga geymifikatsiya yordamida mashg’ulotlarni samarali tashkil etish xususida fikr bildirilgan bo’lib, milliy ta'lim tizimiga ularni tatbiq etish borasida misollar keltirilgan. Jamiyat hayotining turli jabhalarida yangi texnologiya sifatida o‘yinlashtirish tushunchasidan foydalanish va qo‘llash masalalari ilmiy tadqiqotlarda yetarlicha batafsil yoritilgan. Gartner tadqiqot kompaniyasining [1] prognozlariga ko'ra, 2020 yilga borib imo-ishoralarni boshqarish, boshqariladigan displeylar va kengaytirilgan reallik kabi zamonaviy texnologiyalar o'yinlashtirish kontseptsiyasini jamiyatning turli sohalarida amaliy aspektda qo'llash, texnologiyani integratsiyalashgan holda qo'llash imkonini beradi. kundalik hayot. Biroq, shu bilan birga, Gartner tadqiqotchilari o'yin dizayni va o'yinchilarning o'zaro ta'siri strategiyalarini tushunish bo'yicha ilmiy izlanishlar yo'qligi sababli geymifikatsiyaning to'xtab qolishi mumkin bo'lgan rivojlanish stsenariysini istisno qilmaydi, bu esa o'z navbatida samarasiz o'yinlashtirish modellarining rivojlanishiga olib kelishi mumkin. Shu munosabat bilan tarixiy retrospektivda geymifikatsiya metodologiyasini tushunish dolzarb masalalardan biridir, chunki o'yin elementlarini ishlashning ilmiy isbotlangan tamoyillari va algoritmlariga muvofiq qo'llash va amalga oshirish orqali rivojlanishning tarixiy jihatlaridan kelib chiqqan holda, kontseptsiyani ishlab chiqish. an'anaviy boshqaruv vositalariga samarali muqobil bo'lishi mumkin. Ushbu maqola doirasida to'plangan tajribani tizimlashtirish amalga oshiriladi. Kontseptsiya rivojlanishining tarixiy xronologiyasi tahlil qilinadi va umumlashtiriladi. Tahlil jarayonida geymifikatsiya tushunchasining rivojlanishi va shakllanishining asosiy bosqichlari aniqlandi va tavsiflandi.




Поросенкова В.В., Чернова С.В.

Статья научная

В данной статье краткий обзор на OLAP-системы. Содержатся ответы на вопросы: что это за технология, для чего она используется. Также рассматривается ее применение. Анализируются и изучаются этапы построения.


OSGI сервис распознавания речи с использованием Google API

OSGI сервис распознавания речи с использованием Google API

Оболонный В.И.

Статья научная

Предложена архитектура декларативного OSGi сервиса распознавания речи. В архитектуре сервиса учтены требования, полученные в результате анализа заинтересованных сторон. Разработанная архитектура реализована в прототипе сервиса распознавания речи с использованием библиотеки J.A.R.V.I.S. и Google Speech API.


Objectivation of emotional-sensitive world image in English literature

Objectivation of emotional-sensitive world image in English literature

Toliboboeva Sh.J.

Статья научная

This article attempts to describe two terms-emotion and sense, their objectivation in literature by the example of some literary works.


Obstetrician-gnocology support in pregnant

Obstetrician-gnocology support in pregnant

Sheralieva G.H., Turaeva F.E.

Статья научная

The duration of pregnancy is ten lunar months (28 x 10). During the development of the mother's womb, a bacterial cell develops a multicellular complex organism that develops outside the mother's body. This is a responsible and difficult time for women, all the power in the body is given to the fetus developing in the uterus.


Obtaining samples for titanium alloy coating by plasma electrolytic oxidation

Obtaining samples for titanium alloy coating by plasma electrolytic oxidation

Rakhimov U.T., Nurmetov Kh.I., Abdurakhimov M.M., Valieva D.Sh., Akhmedova D.A.

Статья научная

In the PEO method electrical discharges create conditions for embedding solution components, electrolytic precipitation, including products of their thermolysis and high-temperature interactions into the layers formed on the basis of the treated metal oxide. Based on the peculiarities of the method, several approaches to forming oxide layers with zirconium compounds on valve metals have been proposed.


Ochiq burchakli glaukoma bilan og'Rigan bemorlarda taflopressning gipotenziv ta'siri

Ochiq burchakli glaukoma bilan og'Rigan bemorlarda taflopressning gipotenziv ta'siri

Khakimova M.Sh., Allayarov A.T.

Статья научная

Maqolada ochiq burchakli glaukoma bilan og'rigan bemorlarda prostaglandin analogi Taflopressning samaradorligini o'rganish natijalari keltirilgan.


Old people - our everything

Old people - our everything

Kviraia K.S.H.



On provision of transport communication in mountain and suburban areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On provision of transport communication in mountain and suburban areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abdazimov Sh.kh., Mekhmonboev U., Yakhshiqulova M., Soliyev T.

Статья научная

This article provides information on strengthening transport security in recent years. Transport safety has become one of the most pressing problems worldwide. Especially railway transport communications have always been and will be a zone of increased risk. Today, the creation of an increasingly ramified and complex transport infrastructure requires solving security problems and acquires special significance, since it is an essential element of modern civilization as a whole


On the role of tradition in social norm

On the role of tradition in social norm

Berdikulova S.

Статья научная

The article examines the importance of socio-cultural factors in the development of science. Tradition is a social form where the socially significant experience of the people is checked, preserved and transmitted.


Optimization of the business process as one of the main tasks in modern management

Optimization of the business process as one of the main tasks in modern management

Sadikova M.

Статья научная

The enterprise is a tool for achieving a set of goals formed by the main interest groups (primarily, owners, senior management and personnel of the enterprise). This definition is of an essential nature and has no relation to the organizational and legal form of a particular business unit. The purpose of creating a commercial enterprise, as a rule, is to extract material and financial benefits in the form of property (including its surrogates) and/or income.


Oratory in pedagogical activity of a pedagogue

Oratory in pedagogical activity of a pedagogue

Gulyamova S.T.

Статья научная

In the article oratory is considered as the most important argument in pedagogical activity of a pedagogue. The important opinions of the scientists such as Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, B. Pascal, G. Spenser, and Dale Carnegie and so on are given in the article. In addition, some points of view and advices about speech of the famous thinkers in the East Abu Nasr Farabi, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna), Abu Homid Muhammad al- Gazzali, Husain Kashifi and Alisher Navai are brought.


Organization of state civil services in Uzbekistan

Organization of state civil services in Uzbekistan

Ramatov J., Umarova R., Baratov R., Sultanov S., Khasanov M.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to the organization of state civil services in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a mutual comparative analysis of advanced foreign experiences. In recent years, the civil servant in Uzbekistan and the demands placed on him have been covered in detail.


Organization of the functioning of logistics in tourism

Organization of the functioning of logistics in tourism

Meiramgaliyeva D.A.

Статья научная

The fundamentals of organizing the functioning of logistics in tourism, in the first place, functional areas of logistics, objects of logistic research management and organization, the organization of the use of logistics and information support in tourism. Particular attention is paid to the application of logistics approaches in work of tour operators.


Organizing and working with special texts with students of land management department during English lessons

Organizing and working with special texts with students of land management department during English lessons

Abdullayeva N.I.

Статья научная

In this article new methods of working with special texts and new word combinations are discussed and illustrated.


Overview of biometry: fingerprints and iris

Overview of biometry: fingerprints and iris

Egamnazarov K.

Статья научная

In this paper we give a survey of biometrical applications in security context. We start with a brief overview of the different biometric modalities which are most frequently used and compare their security contribution with classical cryptographic primitives. We then consider the case of fingerprints when used as password surrogates.


Own way of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Own way of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Axmedova S.T.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to one's own model of transition to market relations in Uzbekistan.


O’zbekiston tarixiy hududlarida joylashgan turistik majmualarning tipologiyasi

O’zbekiston tarixiy hududlarida joylashgan turistik majmualarning tipologiyasi

Axunova N.X.

Статья научная

Qadimdan yuksak madaniyati va ilm-fani, me’moriy obidalari bilan ko’pchilikni hayratga solib kelgan yurtimiz istiqlol sharofati bilan zamonaviy sayyohlik markaziga aylandi. O’zbekistonda turizm sohasi rivojlanishda ko’pgina sohalardan oldinga chiqib oldi.


PR-технологии в создании имиджа коммерческой организации

PR-технологии в создании имиджа коммерческой организации

Струговец В.И.

Статья научная

В данной статье анализируются методы формирования положительного имиджа коммерческих организаций и PR-технологии, используемые в современных условиях.

