Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Теория и практика современной науки
QA engineer profession in the information industry
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More recently, in the IT-sphere began to spread the direction of Quality Assurance, so this article focuses on this area. The article discusses the difference between Quality Assurance and testing, testing types, Quality Assurance Engineer duties.
Qishloq xo’jaligi ekinlarini elektr maydonlar yordamida hosildorligini oshirish
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Ushbu maqolada butun dunyoda ro’y berayotgan suv tanqisligi oqibatlari O’zbekistonda ham sezilarli darajada o’z ta’sirini o’tkazayotganligi, suvni tejash hisobiga qishloq xo`jaligi ekinlari urug`lariga elektron maydon ta`sir ettirib xosildorlikni samarali oshirish mumkinligi to`g`risida fikrlar dalillar orqali ilgari surilgan.
Queen of dance Mukarramahanim - 105 years old!
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In this article dedicated for queen of dance Mukarramahanim.
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In this article described research history of religious confessions in Uzbekistan. The role of historical science in the spiritual revival, the objective reflection of the historical processes was always actual.
Rab-регулирование тарифов в электроэнергетике Приморского края
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В статье проведен анализ эффективности применения метода инвестированного капитала при регулировании тарифов в Приморском крае. Учитывались методы тарифного регулирования, динамика тарифов, состояние электроэнергетической отрасли Приморского края, в частности филиала АО «ДРСК» «Приморские электрические сети».
Reduced pilot skills due to pandemic
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Aviation experts and airline representatives acknowledge that when pilots are inactive for several months, their skills and proficiency deteriorate. Among the most common errors are coming in too fast or too high during a landing or forgetting to get clearance from the air traffic control tower before descending to a lower altitude.
Regional environmental problems and their solutions
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This article discusses current environmental problems. The causes and consequences of environmental problems were analyzed.
Relationship and interaction of rights and morals
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This article deals with the relationship between law and morals. Law and morality interact with each other in the process of setting social relations. Their demands largely coincide: that which condemns and encourages law, condemns and encourages, as a rule, morality.
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Among the indicators characterizing the biological, breeding and productive qualities of the breed, the composition of milk is an important feature. The mass fraction of fat and protein is determined by the peculiarity of the breed and is considered a breed trait. The number of dairy cattle in the Moscow subregion has a high genetic potential, the growth of which is due to the widespread use of Holstein bulls in the reproduction of livestock. It is generally accepted that the most pronounced changes in the composition of milk are observed at the beginning and at the end of lactation, but the composition of normal milk is also subject to changes with certain selection measures. The direction of selection associated with protein content is caused by the need to improve the quality of dairy products and it must be said that the greatest effect is achieved with direct selection for only one trait - the protein content in milk. In the breeding farm "Povadino" selection work begins with the fact that the genotypes of the cows of the breeding group are determined, while assessing the origin. Further, cows and sires with desirable genotypes are identified, their selection is carried out, however, the study of the relationship between milk protein content and blood biochemical parameters in cows with different selection options remains a little-studied issue, which was the basis for our research.
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The article discusses the relaxation of internal mechanical stresses as a result of ultra-frequency processing of the PT-N-N + GAAS test structure. It is shown that the relaxation processes in the system under study are not of thermal origin.
Repeated words and their use in artistic expression
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This article deals with repeated words and their use in artistic expression.
Requirements to road asphalt-concrete coatings
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The article aims to cover asphalt-bamboo coatings, which are of great importance when constructing highways.
Researching of the sending device of the fiber-optical communication line
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In the next years, the need for increase in number of channels of a land network will quickly continue grow. In this article, considered a problem of increase in capacity of networks from the fiber-optical communication line, transfer questions on one optical fiber of two signals in opposite directions, principles of creation of such systems, stages at design of the schematic diagram of the FOTS sending device and others.
Restrictions of value-based management application in Russia
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The article discusses the limitations of applying the methods of value-based management in business activity. These methods are widely used in foreign practice, but little known in Russia. This is due to the fact, that development of modern methods of value-based management began later in Russia, and also with some limitations of method’s application in practice, which are discussed in this article.
Risk management in the organization
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The article contains analytical recommendations in the field of risk management and suggestions for optimization of management work in risk conditions.
Role and functions of tax accounting
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This article discusses the importance and role of tax accounting and the relationship between it and accounting.
Role of industry in the economy of Uzbekistan
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This article describes the role of industry in the economy of Uzbekistan, achievements since independence, the results of the GDP in recent years. Particularly drawing attention to the analysis of the main indicators of industrial development, described the result of the consistent implementation of priority development programs adopted by the industry. It gives an indication of what to do for the growth of industry in the economy of Uzbekistan.
Role of modern training facilities at teaching English in higher educational institution
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Aннотация: Статья посвящена современным средствам обучения английскому языку в ВУЗах. Использование материала в оригинале помогает преподавателям успешно работать со студентами. (ESP) Английский язык для особых целей играет основную роль и удовлетворяет потребности всех профессионалов.
Role of video materials in teaching foreign language
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This article deals with the use of video material in teaching a foreign language in high school. The aim of this article is to study the effectiveness of foreign language teaching with video.