Northern and arctic societies. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (54): Northern and arctic societies
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"This family has been found and is now located in Obdorsk region…" (reflections on the list of Samoyeds of Berezovsky district in 1832)

"This family has been found and is now located in Obdorsk region…" (reflections on the list of Samoyeds of Berezovsky district in 1832)

Yuri N. Kvashnin

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The article details the list of “Samoyeds”, compiled in 1832 by Tobolsk missionary Hieromonk Makarii. The generic names and surnames indicated there show that they belonged to the European, Ural and Siberian tundra Nenets, and it was not by chance that they were on the same list. It was a small group from the “Vojkar Samoyeds”, a separate territorial group of the Nenets ethnos, wandering in the 17th–19th centuries on both sides of the Subpolar Urals. On the basis of information from the “List”, generalization of materials from archival documents and works of researchers and travelers of the 18th – 19th centuries, it was possible to put forward several reasonable assumptions and clarifications about the origin of some Nenets families and patronyms, places of their settlement and marital relations. In addition, for the first time, it was possible to find information about the compiler of the “List”, its life and activities long before the missionary trip to the north of the Berezovsky department.


Assessment of the Socio-Economic Situation in the Arctic Municipal Districts of the Arkhangelsk Oblast Based on the Target Model

Assessment of the Socio-Economic Situation in the Arctic Municipal Districts of the Arkhangelsk Oblast Based on the Target Model

Tutygin A.G., Chizhova L.A., Lovdin E.N.

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The relevance of this study is due to the need to develop a fairly understandable and in some sense universal tool for assessing the socio-economic situation in municipalities (districts and settlements) with pronounced territorial specifics, with clearly insufficient statistical and information support. The authors, with references to the results of their own research and to the work of their colleagues, present a detailed analysis of the key problems characteristic of the territories of the Russian Arctic, compare them with a set of main external factors of influence in relation to municipalities. Using the SEER expert procedure scheme and the hierarchy analysis method, according to the two-level model proposed by the authors, complex point estimates of the socio-economic situation in the Arctic settlements and municipal districts of the Arkhangelsk Oblast are calculated. The paper notes that the factors that are directly related to transport accessibility have the greatest impact on the development targets of Arctic municipalities. Therefore, the transport and logistics component should be fundamental in all strategic, program and planning documents aimed at achieving the goals of socio-economic development of the Arctic municipalities — districts and settlements. The obtained estimates are proposed to be used in the development of management decisions that could become the basis of a comprehensive interdepartmental inter-municipal program for the socio-economic development of Arctic municipalities.


Assessment of the comfort of the urban environment as a factor in the social well-being of citizens of the Arkhangelsk oblast

Assessment of the comfort of the urban environment as a factor in the social well-being of citizens of the Arkhangelsk oblast

Russova Olga N., Smak Тatyana S., Tarasov Ivan A.

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Since 2016, Russia has been implementing the priority federal program “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment”. During this period, significant funds have been spent and hundreds of improvement projects implemented in the urban environment in both large and small cities across the country. How did these improvements affect the subjective assessment of the urban environment among citizens? Are the residents involved in the development of these projects, or are they indifferent to these topics? Is there a difference in assessing the quality of the urban environment by the citizens between small and medium cities, company towns and multifunctional metropolitan areas? The article is a partial analysis of a comprehensive study’s data, “The Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment in the Arkhangelsk Oblast”. The survey was conducted among residents of 5 cities of the Arkhangelsk oblast (n = 793). The methodology for assessing social well-being is used. The cities studied are varied in the typology of size and the dominant form of employment. The results of the study demonstrate the interest of residents in implementation projects. Assessment of the current urban environment is recorded as moderately unsatisfied. Moreover, there is no fundamental difference in assessments of the urban environment’s current conditions in the opinions of residents of small and single-industry towns and citizens of a large, regional center city.


Axiological preferences of residents of the Karelian Arctic in the modern sociocultural situation

Axiological preferences of residents of the Karelian Arctic in the modern sociocultural situation

Suvorova Irina M.

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The study aims to identify the hierarchy of value dominants in the axiosphere of the Karelian Arctic residents, which has developed under the influence of natural, social, economic, and cultural-historical factors. The methodology used is complex and includes sociological, economic questionnaires, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. The study’s cameral stage is based on an analysis of the empirical stage results conducted during a comprehensive scientific expedition of scientists of Petrozavodsk State University to two Arctic regions of Karelia in the summer of 2019. The most important in the study is the cross-cultural approach, based on comparing the results of a survey of respondents - the Karelian Arctic residents with the “general cultural profile” of S. Schwartz and identifying the level of validity of the applied psychological methodology. During the study, the author’s hypothesis about features in the axiological preferences of the inhabitants of the Arctic zone at the level of dominant indicators is confirmed. At the stage of analysis and synthesis of the empirical stage results, the relationship of preserving human capital in the Arctic regions of Karelia with the identified value dominants of residents’ health and safety is established. Special attention is paid to the influence of the current socio-cultural situation on the formation of the axiosphere of the inhabitants of the Arctic zone, and the conclusion is also made about the need for an integrated scientific approach in determining the prospects for the development of society in the Arctic regions.


Branding of the arctic tourism destinations in Russia

Branding of the arctic tourism destinations in Russia

Timoshenko Diana S.

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The study deals with the issues of tourism destinations branding, as well as tourism multidimensionality and tourism destination identity in the Russian Arctic. The factors determining the promotion and branding of tourist destinations in the Russian Arctic are considered in correlation with the fundamental principles of sustainability in Arctic tourism. The relationship between state policy and socio-economic development of the Arctic regions of Russia is considered, in particular, in the aspects of Arctic tourism development. Dialectical, logical, theoretical and empirical methods were conducted for this research. The article defines the conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the domestic tourism product in the Arctic, lists tourism facilities, territories and tourism products that are of the most expressed interest to Russian and foreign tourists. The factors affecting the competitiveness of the tourism product in the Russian Arctic are identified. The article presents the components of the tourist destinations image in the Russian Arctic, which may become the basis for the formation of a strategy for branding tourism in the Arctic regions. The conclusion is drawn about the need for an umbrella brand creation for the Russian Arctic. The necessity of creating conditions for the professional implementation of tourist personnel in the Arctic regions of Russia and the influx of labor resources from urbanized and oversaturated territories to the Arctic with the aim of the integrated development of tourism is substantiated.


Contribution of Northern European universities to the implementation of research policy in the Arctic

Contribution of Northern European universities to the implementation of research policy in the Arctic

Zaikov Konstantin S., Kondratov Nikolay A.

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The Arctic region has long been at the center of world politics and economy. One of the reasons for the transformation of the global fringe into a center of attraction for the economic, geo-ecological and geopolitical interests of foreign countries is the Arctic is undergoing dynamic transformations. In the socio-political and scientific research agenda of the Arctic States, there are acute issues of accumulation and exchange of knowledge about changes taking place in the natural and socio-economic environment of a non-standard region from the point of view of management. The Arctic strategies of the Northern European States seek to fill the vacuum about the trends of environmental changes in the Arctic, the impact of natural transformations on the environment, socio-economic development, population security, and the use of natural resources by indigenous peoples. This task is planned to be solved through the development of research activities of universities located in the Far North and in the Arctic zone of Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden, as well as Iceland. The article describes the scientific interests of the Northern European States in the Arctic. Using analytical and comparative methods, the goal is achieved - to characterize universities as one of the parts of their scientific and educational space in the Nordic countries. An attempt is made to answer the question: how does educational and research activities contribute to the implementation of state program documents for the development of natural resources in the Arctic and the use of its spaces? The further direction of scientific research may be to compare the educational and research activities of universities in Northern Europe and universities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.


Digitalization in education and distance barriers in the Russian Arctic: problems and prospects

Digitalization in education and distance barriers in the Russian Arctic: problems and prospects

Natalya V. Dyadik, Anastasiya N. Chapargina

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In the era of digital technologies, the issues of providing highly qualified personnel, the effective use of the intellectual potential of the territory and the creation of conditions for its reproduction are of particular importance. These problems are more acute in remote areas of the Russian Arctic. This is due, firstly, to the ultradispersity of the settlement system in the Arctic of the Russian Federation, and, secondly, to the imbalance between the demand and supply of labor resources in territorial and professional terms. Digitalization has become an integral component of education all over the world; therefore, the purpose of this article is to assess the availability of education in the regions of the Russian Arctic and to search for new targets for quality education in the context of digital transformation. The existing educational environment in the Arctic regions is analyzed in the article. The impact of urbanization degree on affordable education in remote Arctic regions is assessed. The financial capabilities of the population are investigated. Based on the analysis, a number of problems associated with the active dissemination of new technologies are identified. Recommendations for improving the educational process are given, taking into account the digitalization of society. The main stages of modernization of the educational process in remote regions of the Arctic are identified.


Doctrine on Food Security of Russia: Socio-Economic and Socio-Biological Aspects of Its Implementation in the Arctic

Doctrine on Food Security of Russia: Socio-Economic and Socio-Biological Aspects of Its Implementation in the Arctic

Sukhanov G.G., Sukhanov S.G.

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The article considers socio-economic and socio-biological aspects of the Russian Food Security Doctrine, approved on January 21, 2020. The need to monitor Russia's food security is due to significant changes in “the country's socio-economic development, the emergence of new risks and threats to food security caused by economic sanctions imposed in 2014 by a number of Western countries against our country, the openness of the national food market” in connection with the accession to the World Trade Organization, and the deepening integration within the EAEU. The article examines modern approaches to the definition of state food security. Certain provisions of the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation are assessed, the analysis of food security in Russia in terms of self-sufficiency, economic and physical availability of food was carried out on the basis of statistical data. Food security in Russia has been achieved for the main items of food products, which is confirmed by the results of the analysis performed. A similar positive trend in the development of our country is confirmed by the estimates of foreign researchers based on the results of the Global Food Security Index monitoring. A comparative analysis of the diet of the population of Russia and the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk Oblasts is given. The work focuses on socio-biological risk factors for food security in the Arctic region of Russia.


Eastern Murman: social aspects of colonization in the materials of expeditions and travel notes of the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries

Eastern Murman: social aspects of colonization in the materials of expeditions and travel notes of the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries

Tereshchenko Elena Yu.

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The article discusses several social aspects of the colonization of Eastern Murman (everyday life, daily work, religious beliefs, schooling, leisure). The historiographic analysis made it possible to identify the specifics of the local (everyday) history of the Kola Peninsula colonization. In the works of A.P. Engelhardt, A.G. Slezskinsky, S.Yu. Witte, S.O. Makarov, V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, K.K. Sluchevsky, D.N. Ostrovsky, A.K. Engelmeyer, V.I. Manotskov, A.K. Sidensner, N.V. Romanov, “Materials on the statistical study of Murman” and other sources provide facts from personal and family biography, the circumstances of resettlement to the Murmansk coast, living conditions, home furnishings, especially the education and upbringing of children. The descriptions of the migrants’ lifestyle recorded in the materials of expeditions and travel notes allow us to conclude that the colonists’ socio-cultural adaptation in Eastern Murman, the creation of a human habitat, was primarily associated with the development of the institution of the family. In general, the history of colonization is a unique experience in the development of the Arctic - one of the most productive in world history, which is vital for understanding the Russian North’s geography.


Ethnic and confessional factors of comfort of the urban space in the Russian Arctic

Ethnic and confessional factors of comfort of the urban space in the Russian Arctic

Ilya F. Vereschagin, Anton M. Maksimov

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The article deals with the influence of the ethnic and religious structure of the population of large cities of the Russian Arctic on the comfort of the urban space. The authors highlight the basic requirements for the urban area by social groups, based on their ethnic and religious affiliation. The main urban objects and spaces naturally and historically created for the needs of ethnic and religious groups are determined. The study used methods of social mapping, observation, analysis of statistical data. On the example of large cities in the regions of the Russian Arctic, the authors show the unsystematic nature of meeting ethnic and religious needs in the creation of comfortable urban space. According to the authors, this is primarily due to the diverse history of urban settlements in the Arctic zone, as well as the functional purpose of settlements, which differ in number and composition of residents. Based on this differentiation, the corresponding types of urban settlements are distinguished. Based on the relatively successful example of the policy of the capital region, the article makes recommendations for improving the proper administration of the urban municipalities of the Russian Arctic. Attention is drawn to the possible features of such a policy, considering the specifics of the Arctic cities and migration processes taking place in the region.


Expulsions in the Russian North: migration processes and neoliberal policy

Expulsions in the Russian North: migration processes and neoliberal policy

Lytkina Tatyana S., Smirnov Andrey V.

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The article summarizes the results of a long-term study of changes in living conditions of the population in the North during the formation of trade capitalism and the spread of neoliberal policy. Expulsion is considered as an institutionally organized way of exception in the form of state policy, actively supporting social polarization, contributing to consumer way of natural resource development and extensive use of before-built infrastructure, and accompanied by the isolation of the experience, disregard of the interests and violation of the rights of residents. The article proves that Soviet policy, interested in attracting labor to develop the Russian North and used a distribution system of goods for these purposes, did not contribute much to the consolidation of labor migrants in the northern territories as it initiated their return to the homeland at the end of their labor biography. The position of a "temporary worker" was formed by the proposed privileges, which served a compensation for work in adverse climatic conditions but did not contribute to the prospects for the development of the northern territories. At the same time, the interests of residents, who turned out to be cut off from prestigious jobs and found themselves in worse living conditions, were regularly ignored, and their rights were unrecognized. If, through vertical mobility and integration into the Soviet distribution system, it was possible to smooth out the inequities in the distribution of benefits, it became more difficult to hide this with the country's transition to the market and the beginning of a new phase of natural resource extraction. Moreover, considering the exclusion processes have become more widespread. Now not only the indigenous peoples of the North but also the second generation of migrants are among the vulnerable groups. The focus of the conflict has shifted and expressed itself in the relations between the residents of the Center and the regions.


Features of local identity of single-industry town residents (the case of the Murmansk oblast)

Features of local identity of single-industry town residents (the case of the Murmansk oblast)

Nedoseka Elena V., Zhigunova Galina V.

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The article presents an analysis of the local identity of single-industry town residents in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) in the case of the Murmansk Oblast, which has half the single-industry towns of the Arctic zone. Considering local identity as a part of territorial identity, the authors present it as a symbolic space for creating and strengthening the sense of territorial identity. At the same time, according to the authors, the people's identification related to the area of residence contributes to the construction of an effective system of regional interaction. It is one of the critical factors for the sustainable development of territories. According to the results of the study, positive and negative factors of identity manifestation were obtained from the residents of single-industry towns of the surveyed area (questionnaire (n=428), in-depth interviews (n=12)); the assessment of connection with the place of residence and socioeconomic status of residents, the degree of attractiveness of cities and migration attitudes of the population were determined. The authors argue that the socioeconomic image of the area in the minds of its residents is developing along with the manifestation of their rootedness. A distinctive feature of the local identity of single-industry town residents in the Murmansk Oblast is well-being. It determines the visibility of communication with the place of residence. The increase in prosperity is proportional to the growth of identification with the town, and it is of strategic importance for building regional policies in single-industry towns.


Features of the Arctic Policy of the United States and Canada and the Contribution of Their Northern Universities in Its Implementation

Features of the Arctic Policy of the United States and Canada and the Contribution of Their Northern Universities in Its Implementation

Zaikov K.S., Kondratov N.A.

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The United States and Canada, along with Russia, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden, are the so-called "official" Arctic countries. In the 21st century, The United States and Canada have begun to implement national Arctic strategies and updated them. The accepted documents have both similarities and differences. The United States and Canada are active members of the Arctic Council and view it as a platform for negotiations on a wide range of issues related to the development of the Arctic. The United States has come a long way in the Arctic, including in terms of regulation. Unlike other Arctic countries, the United States has a minimal area of access to the Arctic Ocean, their strategy as a whole is turned “outward”. The first Canadian strategy for the development of the Northern Territories (2013) is addressed directly to the development of the northern periphery of the country, formulates tasks for its sustainable socio-economic development, the development of indigenous peoples, and the support of sovereignty. In 2019, the updated strategy presented already combined national and international goals for the development of the Arctic and the North. To advance national interests in the Arctic, the US and Canada have developed and funded a geographically, infrastructure, stakeholder, and thematically differentiated Arctic research policy in which higher education institutions play an important role and are used to reinforce their geopolitical aspirations. The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of the Arctic strategies of the USA and Canada, as well as to analyze the contribution of universities and colleges in Alaska (USA) and the northern territories and provinces of Canada to the implementation of research policy in the Far North and the Arctic. The practical significance of the paper is in the possibility of its use in the educational process, as well as for the analysis and updating of international aspects of research activities by universities in the Arctic zone of Russia.


Integration mechanisms for immigrants in Norway and Russia: a comparative analysis

Integration mechanisms for immigrants in Norway and Russia: a comparative analysis

Marina M. Panikar, Flera Kh. Sokolova, Alexander E. Shaparov, Oleg V. Zolotarev, Vladimir M. Kapitsyn

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An essential component in the structure of the immigration policy of developed countries is the integration of migrants. The integration policy for migrants is aimed at solving the issues of adaptation, inculturation, labor mobility, naturalization, and political participation. Integration is a reciprocal process which involves the interaction of migrants and the host society. The integration policy goal is the formation of migrants' qualities and competencies that allow them to participate in the economic, social, political, and spiritual spheres of the recipient country. The failure of integration policies inevitably increases the conflict potential of the host society, leads to social exclusion, marginalization of migrants, and an increase in xenophobia. The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the integration policy of the two Northern states — Norway and Russia. Norway has extensive experience in implementing the integration policy, occupies a leading position in the index of integration of migrants MIPEX. Russia has extensive experience in the incorporation of various ethnic groups into a national state, but the state has long ignored the solution of issues of integration and adaptation of migrants. The study aims to analyze national models and practices of integration and adaptation of migrants. The research methodology is linked to the methods of demography, sociology, political science, law, and statistics. For the comparative analysis of the immigration policies of Norway and Russia, a set of indicators reflecting the quality and status of the integration policy, MIPEX (labor market, family reunification, long-term stay, political participation, protection against discrimination, naturalization) was applied. It is concluded that the policy of integration in Russia should have different objects of regulation, be differentiated by goals and objectives.


International shipping routes for cargo transportation in the Arctic

International shipping routes for cargo transportation in the Arctic

Lukin Yury F.

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The main purpose of the article is to study the problems of the functioning and competition of sea routes of cargo transportation in the Arctic region. Methodologically, the work is of a research nature within the framework of the global integrated and northern regional studies, based on interdisciplinarity and complexity. A complex of interdisciplinary tasks is synthesized: to show, against the background of the history of the development of the water area of the northern seas, begun in the era of Velikiy Novgorod, the priority of Russians in the Arctic; the geopolitical and economic significance of the new projects of the Northern Sea Transport Corridor (SMTC), the National Arctic Transport Line (NATL) at the present time; to reveal the presence of many actors in the Arctic region of planet Earth. Operating water area of the Northern Sea Route in 2012-2020 based on legislative acts 1998, 1999, 2012. And while it does not provide a significant share of international transit, it is developing as an internal sea route. The article analyzes the literature of domestic and foreign authors and primary sources, including: Novgorod Chronicles, cartography, current legal acts, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and departmental documents of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the development of the Far East and the Arctic, FSBI “Administration of the Northern Sea Route”, directorates Northern Sea Route of Rosatom State Corporation, International Monetary Fund (June 24, 2020), China White Book (2018), the Polar Silk Road project, etc. The plurality of sea routes for cargo transportation in the Arctic along the coast of Russia, off the coast of Canada, the Arctic Bridge, the Trans-Arctic sea route, the Polar Silk Road of China; modernization of the NSR infrastructure; implementation of investment projects of the oil and gas and mining complex of global significance generates new challenges and opportunities for the development of the Russian Arctic.


Internationalization of vocational education in the Arctic council member-states’ universities

Internationalization of vocational education in the Arctic council member-states’ universities

Pitukhina Maria A.

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Nowadays, the potential for international cooperation in the Arctic is concentrated within the framework of such an influential international structure as the Arctic Council, where Russia is presiding over soon in 2021-2023. The article is devoted to international cooperation evaluation of 15 Arctic universities from 7 Arctic Council member-states with a student contingent of at least 3,600 people (2 in the USA, 1 in Iceland, 5 in Russia, 2 in Finland, 2 in Sweden, 2 in Norway, 1 in Canada). It seems possible to evaluate international cooperation potential between Arctic universities through the prism of 10 quantitative indicators, including the number of international students admitted to the university; number of courses taught in English; number of educational programs for international students; a number of foreign scientists invited to the university, etc. We can evaluate both academic mobility within the Arctic universities and vocational education internationalization due to accumulated statistical data.


Labor Market Features in the Russian North: Employment, Wages and the Role of Northern Allowances

Labor Market Features in the Russian North: Employment, Wages and the Role of Northern Allowances

Terentyeva M.A.

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This article focuses on the labor market in the Russian northern regions. The labor market in the Russian North was formed due to the state policy of the no longer existing state, aimed at the active attraction of migrants from other territories for the industrial development of the country. This policy of attracting migrant labor in the state was implemented mainly through the creation of the institution of wages, which provided additional northern payments to the salary, designed to compensate for the discomfort of living and working conditions in the North. This led to an increase in employment in the North. The research goal is to study the formation and development of the wage institution, as well as to determine the impact of wages on employment in modern conditions. The article presents the history of formation of the institution of wages in the Russian North. The dynamics of labour market indicators is given, the change in the ratio of wages in the North is presented, based on official statistical data over the past 15 years. The results of the study show that the northern territories have problems of the labor market that have arisen in recent decades: high levels of unemployment, reduced employment, and wages, once being a significant factor, had a positive impact on employment, but today contribute to the decline in the economic attractiveness of life in the North.


Language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during expeditions to Svalbard in the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries

Language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during expeditions to Svalbard in the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries

Minaeva Tatiana S., Karelin Vladimir A.

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Svalbard, despite its remoteness from the mainland and traditional routes of communication, is an Arctic territory that has been attracting the attention of various countries and peoples for several centuries. In the 18th - first half of the 19th century, the archipelago was actively developed by Pomors, engaged in mammal hunting there. In the 19th century, Norwegians revealed their economic interest in Svalbard. Historical studies have repeatedly examined the cases of contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during mammal hunting expeditions to Svalbard, but none of the authors have studied the language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during the development of Svalbard. The authors used an interdisciplinary approach and analyzed documentary and literary sources to formulate a hypothesis about the practice of Pomor-Norwegian contacts, incl. those in Russenorsk. The study presents a new issue for scientific discussions by both historians and linguists, which can serve as a basis for the development of international cooperation between Norway and Russia.


Logistic Basis for the Development of Arctic Tourism in Russia

Logistic Basis for the Development of Arctic Tourism in Russia

Tsvetkov A.Yu.

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In our article we analyzed the transport accessibility of the subjects of the Arctic zone of Russian Federation for potential tourists. To do this, we estimated in points the material and time costs of tourists, traveling from the main centers of the formation of tourist flows in Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg) to various Arctic destinations. For each administrative-territorial subject of the Arctic zone we have selected potential support logistic centers of the development of Arctic tourism, which will receive visiting tourists, provides them with basic services and redistributes them along tourist routes. These are mainly transport centers, connected with Moscow and St. Petersburg and with settlements on this territory. We referred to Murmansk, Apatity, Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, Vorkuta, Salekhard, Norilsk, and Anadyr. As a result of the study, we have found that currently the most promising for the development of Arctic tourism is Murmansk region, its transport infrastructure is convenient for using by tourists and the development of Arctic tourist routes. Arkhangelsk Oblast and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomus Okrug are also promising, their support centers of the development of Arctic tourism are capable of receiving and redistributing tourist flows in Arctic directions. The least developed in terms of transport is the Arctic part of Yakutia, where there are no large transport hubs, capable of taking on the function of tourist distribution centers.


Logistic basis for organizing weekend recreation for the population of the Arkhangelsk urban agglomeration

Logistic basis for organizing weekend recreation for the population of the Arkhangelsk urban agglomeration

Aleksandr Yu. Tsvetkov

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Weekend rest is an important part of a person's recreational cycle. Northerners need a good rest to maintain their health. The choice of a place for vacation is associated with restrictions on the time of movement, since its period should not be longer than 2–3 days. The purpose of the research is to select the most suitable transport areas for residents of the Arkhangelsk urban agglomeration, taking into account the landscape and tourist resources. Based on the study of vehicles and the geographical location of tourist services, three sectors were identified, limited by five–hour transport accessibility from the cities of the Arkhangelsk agglomeration. The most promising for priority development is the southern sector, the centers of which can be the villages of Kholmogory and Emetsk. Excursion, relaxation, ecological and sports tourism can be offered there at any time of the year. The transit position of the main roads of the region gives this sector the advantages of attracting tourists from other regions. The western and eastern sectors have significant recreational potential, but their use is constrained by poor transport accessibility. The western sector with the center in the city of Onega is promising for the development of seaside relaxation tourism in summer and sports tourism in winter. The eastern sector with two centers in the villages of Pinega and Karpogory is promising for ecological, sports and excursion tourism throughout the year.

