Northern and arctic societies. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North
The Arctic population: dynamics and centers of the settlement system
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The article presents an estimate of the Arctic population in 1900-2019 by country and macro-region, obtained using official statistics of eight Arctic States. Analysis of spatial and temporal data revealed the main patterns of the Arctic population formation. Calculations show the world’s Arctic population increased from 1.3 million in 1900 to 6.1 million in 1989, and then declined to 5.4 million in 2019. The share of Russia varied from 22% to 58%. The data show that interregional migration in the Russian Arctic had a decisive influence on the demographic dynamics of the Arctic in general. The main reasons for the decline in the Arctic population in different periods were the completion of cycles of natural resource development and lower quality of life in comparison with the central regions. To smooth out differences in national statistical accounting systems, the article examines the dynamics of the population in 17 major centers of settlement in the Arctic, where more than two-thirds of the population lives. Calculations show that urbanization and population concentration in several of the most attractive areas of the Arctic continue. Administrative and educational centers, which are points of attraction for residents of other Arctic territories, get an advantage. The results of the study allow us to predict the further evolution of the Arctic settlement system. They can be used in the development of strategies and programs for the spatial development of the North and the Arctic.
The Arctic society under the environmental and climate change (based on survey results)
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Changes of the environment and climate have different local consequences in the Arctic. The article presents the research results of these impacts on traditional nature management in the perception of residents of the Nenets Autonomous District. The materials of nine focus groups and expert interviews were conducted in 2014, 2015, 2017 in the town of Naryan-Mar and two rural settlements on the island of Kolguev and Kanin Peninsula. The author reveals some reasons for the negative impact on reindeer herding: changes in the vegetation cover of tundra and populations of animals and the birds there; changes in the diet of deer; deterioration of accessibility of snow-covered forages; irrational use of deer pastures; pollution of tundra by industrial debris and waste. Hunters noted a reduction in the period of the spring hunting, deterioration in the availability of hunting resources, a decrease in the number of geese and a shift in their migration routes due to changes in the ice regime. A reduction in the number of valuable fish species is typical for fisheries. It is associated with contamination and shallowing of water bodies, an increase in water temperature and excessive fish production. Climate change positively influences the diversity and productivity of wild resources, but intensive harvesting worsens the condition of the berry. A decrease in the quality of the natural resources traditionally used by the population was observed. It increases the degree of discomfort in the remote territories of the Arctic.
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Taking into account the importance of maintaining and restoring physical and emotional strength, the need to reproduce human capital in harsh natural and climatic conditions of life, the problem of organizing tourism and recreation for the population of the the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is an important area of scientific research. Despite the growing interest in the Arctic, the issues of choosing tourist destinations by residents of the Arctic regions and their change under the influence of modern challenges remain outside the scope of scientific research. This paper seeks to answer these important questions from the perspective of recreation in the Arctic. The aim of the study is to identify the general trends and specifics of the organized outbound tourism development in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation under the influence of the modern challenges for the period 2004-2021 on the basis of the official statistical data. The model site of the study is nine Arctic Russian regions, fully and partially belonging to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The study allowed assessing the dynamics, general trends and specifics of the development of outbound tourist flow of residents of the Arctic subjects in comparison with the average Russian indicators in the context of domestic and international tourism. It reveals changes in the volume of organized tourist flow, as well as its redistribution between tourist destinations under the influence of the challenges of our time.
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The purpose of the article is to identify the features of professional self-determination and formation of career trajectories of secondary vocational education students in the subjects of the Russian Arctic zone, their orientation towards professional implementation in the Arctic zone of Russia. The study is based on the survey of secondary vocational education students in the constituent entities of the Russian Arctic zone in the framework of the All-Russian career guidance lesson “Start your career in the Arctic and the Far East!”. A total of 686 questionnaires of respondents from Krasnoyarsk Krai, Murmansk Oblast, Komi Republic and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) were selected for analysis. The results of the study showed that only about a third of students have decided on further plans for building career trajectories. Most students, when shaping their professional future, are guided by personal desires and preferences, as well as by material well-being. Every tenth student does not clearly associate his/her future with employment in the specialty. About a third of students are focused on professional implementation in the Russian Arctic zone. The results of the study can be useful for researchers, specialists in professional self-determination, teachers and consultants of educational institutions of secondary vocational education, as well as authorities in the field of education, labor and employment.
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In recent years, the entrepreneurial activity of Small Indigenous Peoples of the North (SIPN) has increased significantly due to favorable economic climate through the development of programs of subsidizing traditional economic activities. Their representatives are involved in the production and promotion of traditional products on global and local markets, including through the Internet. This is the result of the transformation of the traditional lifestyle and adaptation to digital innovations. The study aimed to analyze the market of the SIPN’ traditional food products in the European North of Russia in the Internet on the basis of big data. The materials of the study were text messages related to the traditional economy of indigenous minorities, uploaded using methods and tools of automated data collection from the “VKontakte” social network. Data processing was based on innovative methods for analyzing large-scale data, the assortment of products of the traditional economy of the indigenous peoples of the European North of Russia, the offers for the sale of which were posted on the social network for the period in 2019-2022, were studied. Recently, the activation of producers of SIPN’ traditional food products in the Internet became the result, on the one hand, of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, on the other hand, of increased interest to the SIPN’ culture and the Arctic biological resources, which provide their high adaptability, health and well-being. As a result, these northern products have acquired the status of a delicacy. It has been revealed that the most popular product on the Internet market in the European North of Russia is fish and seafood. The practical significance of the study is connected with the possibility of applying the results in the drafting and adjustment of strategic and program documents aimed at the development of the Arctic territories, preservation of the traditional way of life and economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the European North of Russia.
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The decline in the birth rate, the increase in migration outflows and the deterioration of the health of the Russian Arctic population make it necessary to find innovative solutions to these issues. The scientific problem is to reveal the mechanisms of the influence of innovations and methods of their implementation in the sphere of the formation and realizing of the Arctic demographic potential. The aim of the article is to study the perception of innovation by the population of the Arctic territories when solving personal demographic issues and to assess the relationship between this perception with socio-demographic characteristics. The novelty of the study is in an attempt to link demographic and innovation processes in the Arctic. It was reflected in the substantiation of the theoretical model. The key element of the model is the zone of innovations perception by the population, formed on the basis of the interaction of demographic and innovation processes and combining the following directions of perception: population innovative activity, the desire to learn, the willingness to invest in innovations, the assessment of the innovations availability and willingness to use them, the inclusion of the population into the digital environment when solving demographic problems. The empirical basis was formed by the author's sociological survey of the Arctic municipalities population of the Arkhangelsk region, conducted in 2019. It was revealed that innovation perception is mainly influenced by the age and education and, to a lesser extent, by the level of their income. The results obtained can be used to develop a state regional policy for the demographic development of the Arctic territories based on the use of innovations.
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The problem of preserving human capital in the context of globalization is due to processes in the economic, social and cultural spheres. The search for a solution to this problem in the field of humanities is associated with aspects of personality self-development. Among the most important components of personality self-development, the majority of researchers in the humanities note self-education as a motivator for labor and social activity. Therefore, the identification of socio-cultural factors affecting the level and need for self-education requires a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach with regional specifics taken into account. Objective is to identify the factors influencing the level of self-education of residents in the modern economic and socio-cultural conditions of the Republic of Karelia. The material for cultural analysis was the results of field studies obtained during a scientific expedition to the Karelian Arctic, northern and southern border regions of Karelia. As a research methodology, an integrated cultural approach was used. Among the effective methods were focus groups on thematic cases, standard and non-standard questionnaires, interviews, polls, factor analysis, statistical and normative methods. For the first time in scientific practice possible sources, channels and preferences of the population of Karelia in self-educational activities have been researched. As a result, it was concluded that the combination of economic indicators is the determining socio-cultural factor for self-educational activity of the residents of the investigated areas and geographical indicator, which allows the inhabitants of Karelia to realize their spiritual and material needs at a high level and to preserve human capital as the main value of society in the unstable situation of a globalizing world.
The Russian Arctic Image at the Present Stage of Development: Romance or Pragmatism?
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The purpose of the article is to identify the characteristics of the Russian Arctic image at the present stage of its development in terms of a romantic and pragmatic context. In order to achieve this purpose, the content analysis of publications on the Arctic topic in the federal and regional media was carried out. A pilot sociological survey of the European part of the Russian Arctic zone residents was used as an additional research method. The study results showed that pragmatic orientation prevails in the “Arctic” content of modern media. The Arctic is presented in a positive way as a special priority territory of the country, the power and strength of the Arctic territories are emphasized, the images of the Arctic and their unique potential are revealed. In the population minds, the Arctic images are presented in a more romantic way — the associations of local residents are associated with the nature splendor, love for the North and beautiful winter. It is substantiated that the integrated development of the Arctic territories requires qualified personnel, not only filled with the romance of northern beauty, but also pursuing specific practical goals. The results of the study will be useful and interesting to specialists involved in the Arctic territories development, to executive bodies of state power, as well as to the general public.
The Tourism Vector for the Karelian Arctic Development
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The article presents an integrated approach to considering the tourism vector of Karelian Arctic development. Six municipalities of the Republic of Karelia, included into the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, have become a model site for the study. Severe natural and climatic North conditions, along with challenges of socio-economic development, actualize the perspective of tourism and recreation, including for the local population. For the first time in the study, the territory of the Karelian Arctic was comprehensively examined from the standpoint of tourist and recreational development. The study analyzes tourist and recreational potential, tourist infrastructure, including infrastructure of accommodation, catering, leisure and recreation, tourist flow and types of tourism; projects of tourist orientation, strategic directions of tourism development in the municipal context. The opinion of the residents of the Karelian Arctic about the tourist and recreational development of the territory is also taken into account, and limitations and current challenges are highlighted. The study reveals the diversity of municipal districts in the Karelian Arctic in terms of tourism and recreational potential, the degree of tourist development of the territory, tourism development opportunities, the constraints. Despite the existing limitations, on the basis of the identified opportunities, the significance of the tourism development vector of the Karelian Arctic is shown as a promising direction of domestic tourism in the Russian North, as well as a tool to restore physical and emotional strength of the local population.
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The article represents a review of the leading international and Russian conferences that took place in 2019 and played an essential role in the study and development of the Arctic. The author paid attention to the analysis of their features from the standpoint of strengthening Arctic international cooperation. It is noted that the Fifth International Forum “The Arctic - Territory of Dialogue” (St. Petersburg) made a significant contribution to the development of Arctic solidarity and partnership. The author commended a proposal of creating a separate state company in Russia that would operate on the Arctic shelf, have the appropriate personnel, equipment and would not be related to business interests. It is noted that in Russia, it is necessary to organize more events and conferences on the Arctic topic in the Arctic territories. The publication concerns the measures taken by the country's leadership to manage the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the further development of the Northern Sea Route, a new approach to its functioning, which consists of a significant increase in its cargo transportation along with the parallel development of the Russian Arctic territories within the framework of development support zones. The article presents an analysis of the State Commission for the Development of the Arctic meetings on research and national projects. The author also focuses on the current problems of defense and security in the Arctic region. It is noted that Russia is taking adequate measures to strengthen its national security in the Arctic region in response to the NATO states' military buildup in the Arctic.
The long-term dynamics of the social space of the Russian Arctic
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The Russian Arctic was explored and populated rigorously and purposefully during the Soviet period. The settling pattern was then based on the industrial capabilities of the Arctic areas (mineral deposits), considering the need to develop relevant transport infrastructure. The incentive component of the Soviet propaganda of Arctic development was aimed at mobilizing the skilled workforce. The market transformation in the late 20th century caused a rapid deterioration in the social and economic situation nation-wide: the state abandoned protectionism of the Arctic territories so that state-provided preferences were significantly reduced. Such transformations eventually entailed the reduction of social and economic services and a large-scale migration outflow in the Arctic territories. The current social and economic situation in the Arctic is still characterized by a negative migration balance, which determines a decline in the level of labor force participation. The negative migration balance is attributable to the lower economic attractiveness of the region, which again brings about the issue of unemployment in the Arctic. Destructive processes in the social and economic development of the Russian Arctic shape multi-faceted threats to its stable evolution. Thus, the analysis of the long-term pattern of the social space in the Russian Arctic is an essential aspect of new emerging conceptual approaches towards research and practical plan for Arctic development. The purpose of the survey was to review the pattern of the social space in the modern Russian Arctic territories between 1950 and 2018, with one of its objectives being the analysis of its social development stages based on historiographic, problematic / chronological, retrospective and comparative-historical methods. The survey shows that transformations in the consistent long-term pattern of the social space in the modern Russian Arctic are determined by the intensity of its industrial development, the scale of government support, and the long-term interests of the national economy.
The observatory of Finno-Ugric indigenous peoples in the Republic of Karelia
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The article deals with the potential rights implementation assessment for the Karelians, the Vepsians, and the Finns - indigenous minorities and ethnic (national) minorities in the Republic of Karelia. The purpose of the article is to form an observational passport of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Republic of Karelia (i.e., the Vepsians, the Karelians, and the Finns), which would record the varying degrees of satisfaction of the indigenous small-numbered population of the Republic with the results of the policy pursued. The subject of this article is the peculiarities of the potential rights implementation Karelians, Vepsians, and Finns - indigenous peoples and ethnic (national) minorities of Karelia. As part of the study, a tool was developed to assess the potential rights implementation in the Republic of Karelia - an observational passport of indigenous peoples. The presented material is based on the results of a survey organized in the fall of 2017 in all municipalities of the Republic of Karelia. The authors substantiate the differentiation of potential rights implementation of the indigenous peoples of the Republic in 4 sectors (economic, social, cultural, and religious), according to 3 levels (low, medium, and high). It was found that the low potential rights implementation in almost every sector of the study is typical of the Vepsians, the Karelians, and the Finns are generally characterized by the potential rights implementation of the average level.
Tourism Development in the Regions of the European North
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The European North of the Russian Federation is a unique northern (Arctic) tourist destination with ecologically vulnerable system, original traditions and culture of the locals, attracting Russian and international tourists. The aim of the work is to form a comprehensive view of the development of tourism in the European North of the Russian Federation based on identifying general trends and specifics of its development in the regional context. The model platform is six constituent regions of the European North of the Russian Federation (the Republics of Karelia and Komi, Arkhangelsk, Vologda and Murmansk oblasts, as well as the Nenets Autonomous Okrug). The research is based on investigation of seven main blocks: tourist and recreational potential and its promotion in the Internet; development of tourist infrastructure; strategies of the tourism development; dynamics of tourist flows (domestic and organized international); economic factor in the development of domestic tourism; regions in the National Tourism Rating; factors hindering tourism development. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of tourism in the European North is presented. The study is based on open statistical data from Rosstat, the official website of the National Tourism Rating for the period 2016-2020. The median indicators are calculated in the work. The results of the study allow us to form a general idea of the development of tourism in the Russian regions of the European North. The specific characteristics and general trends of the regional development of tourism in the regions are revealed.
Tourism and Recreation of the Russian Arctic Population: Opportunities and Limitations
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The Arctic regions, being on the one hand an important resource for socio-economic development of the state, and on the other hand, characterized by harsh natural and climatic conditions of work and life, require special attention to achieving quality of life of the local population. The sphere of tourism and recreation is considered as a tool for restoration of physical and emotional forces of a person. The purpose of the study is to identify the opportunities and limitations of tourism and recreation for the residents of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation. The study is based on the calculation of indices for economic, socio-economic and infrastructural indicators that characterize the opportunities and limitations of tourism and recreation organization by the population of the Arctic regions of Russia in the regional context. The results revealed the presence of high financial opportunities in the organization of tourist trips and leisure activities. There is a significant level of activity aimed at promoting inbound domestic and international tourism. It is revealed that the residents of the Arctic regions have a relatively low level of spending on recreation in the territory of permanent residence. The problems identified in the course of research work on recreation of residents of the Arctic regions in the territory of permanent residence require a more systematic and comprehensive approach. The results obtained can be used in strategic and policy documents on the development of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation.
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The European North of Russia has a significant potential for the creation of unique tourism products. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent geopolitical turbulence have had an impact on the functioning of tourism. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to identify current trends of the industry. Its purpose was to assess the state and prospects of tourism development of the subjects forming the European North of Russia in the post-crisis period. The study is based on the results of the work of authors studying the problems of the functioning of regional tourism, engaged in the search for promising areas that contribute to the growth of demand for tourist services in this market segment. Diagnostics of tourism trends in the European North of Russia, identification of strategic threats and substantiation of priorities for its development were carried out on the basis of retrospective analysis, comparison, synthesis, analogy, generalization. The features of the consumption of services of the tourism sector in the post-pandemic period are determined, threats are identified and priorities for its further development are formed. The study revealed a trend towards a decrease in the demand for hotel services in the region, which may affect the contribution of tourism to the economy of the territories. The results of the conducted research can be used as a reference point in the justification by public authorities of the ways of regional tourism development, contributing to the growth of demand for tourism products among the population and increasing their competitiveness.
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This article raises an extremely relevant for Russia topic of domestic tourism as a driving factor of regional development at the socio-economic level. The region of study is the Republic of Karelia (RK). The object of the research is both external and internal tourists, and the subject of the study is economically and socially significant innovative forms of domestic tourism in the territory of the RK. In the course of the research the following objectives were set: to identify the peculiarities of ethnic identity of the RK, to confirm the attractiveness for tourists and local residents of the cultural and historical features of the region and its impact on the economy of the region. The paper presents a comparative analysis of two empirical studies using a formalized interview (sociological survey of exploratory type). The results of the work allowed us to conclude that both for tourists visiting the region and for the inhabitants of the region, toponyms and other names have a high level of attractiveness and significance and the support of this has a positive impact on the economic condition of the territories. The paper presents project ideas regarding the practical application of linguistic features of indigenous peoples and cultures, which will be a driving force for the development of innovative forms of domestic cultural and historical tourism in the territory of the Republic of Karelia. For this direction, of course, the drivers are the following representatives of the community of the region under study: public authorities at the regional level; business, showing or wishing to show itself as socially responsible; various active social groups and groups of professionals; bearers of cultural symbols.
Transformation processes and nutrition factor in the far North residents' resilience system
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One of the global challenges of our time is the conflict of man and human communities with the rapidly changing world order, which has an aspect lying at the intersection of culture and human physiology — the conformity of food behavior to lifestyle and the environment. The vitality and resilience of modern humans is subjected to special challenges. Comfortable conditions of existence in the modern world have a reverse side, expressed in diseases associated with sedentary lifestyle, psychotraumatization, violation of the usual nutrition pattern. These changes are especially noticeable on the example of indigenous peoples of the North, who have lived in relative isolation for a long time, as well as on the example of migrants forced to work in unusual natural and climatic conditions and, in general, abruptly and for a relatively short period of time (which does not allow "launching" the adaptation mechanisms) to change the whole habitual way of life. These categories of population are of special interest for researchers, including in connection with the reactions of body to changes in the food model. The idea of optimal food for the human body, formed in the course of nutriological studies, often contradicts the food traditions of peoples living in conditions far from being favourable. Since the end of the 19th century, balanced consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates was perceived as a civilization sign of mature modern society, and any deviations were treated as primitive practices. Over time, the approach to studying the lifestyle of traditional societies evolved from the perspective of the mechanism of human adaptation to different habitats. Traditions, including eating habits, are regarded as an optimum point of survival with the highest level of food, fuel and other material resources available in a given habitat. In addition to the problems of traditional and modernized food supply, the article focuses on the painful conditions associated with the disruption of the habitual way of life, work and nutrition of various groups of northern residents — in historical retrospect and at the present stage. Archive and literary sources, results of modern medical and social research and own field material (ethnosociological and biomedical) were used for the analysis. As a result of the generalization of the data set, which includes the authors' own research, it has been concluded that, in addition to ensuring the supply of basic foodstuffs, preventive medicines and high-quality preventive medicine for permanent residents and temporary workers in the Arctic, it is advisable to take into account the survival practices of indigenous peoples that have been developed over the centuries, creating the conditions for new settlers for assimilation. The credibility of these traditions is given by their high viability and their focus on the ethnic survival of indigenous people in the North.
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Iceland - an independent republic - and Greenland - an autonomous country within Denmark - represent two nations with similar geographical, economic, and historical backgrounds. Isolated from the continents, both are significantly affected by an adverse climate, making their economies dependent on trade and import. Nevertheless, despite their similarities, their national energy patterns differ substantially. Specifically, Iceland covers most of its energy mix with local renewables, whereas Greenland meets most of the energy demand with imported hydrocarbons. This paper investigates the reasons for Greenland lagging behind Iceland in terms of developing renewable energy resources. It hypothesises that, apart from the commonly-mentioned geographical, institutional, and cultural factors, the difference in social capital level has significantly contributed to the countries’ divergent energy strategies. In this sense, Iceland’s higher social capital stock stimulates its renewable power progress, whereas Greenland’s lower social capital level hampers it. To examine this hypothesis, the article constructs a ‘social capital tripod’, which assumes specific geographical, institutional, and cultural factors to be linked to renewable energy development through social capital. The findings demonstrate that Greenland, being dependent on hydrocarbon import, has a significantly lower expected level of social capital than Iceland, which runs mostly on renewables, therefore generally aligning with the research hypothesis.
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Iceland - an independent republic - and Greenland - an autonomous country within Denmark - represent two nations with similar geographical, economic, and historical backgrounds. Isolated from the continents, both are significantly affected by an adverse climate, making their economies dependent on trade and import. Nevertheless, despite their similarities, their national energy patterns differ substantially. Specifically, Iceland covers most of its energy mix with local renewables, whereas Greenland meets most of the energy demand with imported hydrocarbons. This paper investigates the reasons for Greenland lagging behind Iceland in terms of developing renewable energy resources. It hypothesises that, apart from the commonly-mentioned geographical, institutional, and cultural factors, the difference in social capital level has significantly contributed to the countries’ divergent energy strategies. In this sense, Iceland’s higher social capital stock stimulates its renewable power progress, whereas Greenland’s lower social capital level hampers it. To examine this hypothesis, the article constructs a ‘social capital tripod’, which assumes specific geographical, institutional, and cultural factors to be linked to renewable energy development through social capital. The findings demonstrate that Greenland, being dependent on hydrocarbon import, has a significantly lower expected level of social capital than Iceland, which runs mostly on renewables, therefore generally aligning with the research hypothesis.
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The article deals with the peculiarities of the regional context of socialization of the youth of the subjects of the AZRF in the field of implementation of vocational and educational attitudes. The paper presents a summary analysis of statistical indicators of migration gain (loss) in the AZRF, including the structure by age groups, as well as data on the dynamics of the number of students studying at different types of educational institutions from 2005 to 2020. Statistical indicators of migration gain (loss) have revealed a trend of a sharp decrease in the outflow of population in the Russian Arctic. The obvious reasons for this situation were the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly increased the changes in the logic of the reproduction of the social structures, in particular, there was a migration turn towards provincial subjects, as the most favorable for life, in contrast to megacities and large cities. It actualizes and problematizes the possibilities of the environment of remote regions for the optimal socialization of young people. The authors of the article focus on environmental factors that contribute to the formation and implementation of professional and educational attitudes of young people in the region. The purpose of the article is to study the professional and educational attitudes of young people in the conditions of the migration outflow of the population. The object of the research is young people studying in the Murmansk Oblast. The choice of a specific subject of the Russian Arctic (Murmansk Oblast) is due to a number of reasons: intensive migration loss of population; significant reduction in the number of educational institutions; reduction in the number of students in comparison with other subjects of the Russian Arctic. The empirical basis of the article was formed by the results of a sociological study conducted in April–May 2021 in the Murmansk Oblast using the online survey method among graduates of educational institutions of secondary general (523 people), secondary vocational (519 people) and higher education (bachelor level) (283 people).