Editorial. Рубрика в журнале - Cardiometry

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The role of adrenaline in the body, especially in athletes, is considered. Special attention is paid to the cardiovascular system performance in conditions of the continuous release of adrenaline. The ECG shape and the possible therapy in case of adrenaline heart are discussed.

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Using an example of one patient, who smoked, who was found in some other stressful situations for 50 years and later suffered an acute myocardial infarction, the dynamics of the state of the cardiovascular system in cardiometric studies is shown herein. The results showed a direct relationship between the deterioration of the cardiovascular system performance and long-term smoking accompanied by some other stress types. Using the diagnostic capabilities of cardiometry, it was possible not only to avoid open heart surgery in the patient in question, but also to restore the cardiovascular system performance after two stenting operations. It has been shown that for the restoration of the cardiovascular system performance after an acute infarction, along with stenting, constant breathing exercises using one of the widespread conventional breathing training systems are extremely important.

Comparative clinical analysis of the cardiometric method the thermodilution and the Fick method
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A brief comparative clinical analysis of the cardiometric method, thermodilution and the Fick method is presented below herein. It is shown that the cardiometric method makes it possible to obtain the values of a complete set of hemodynamic parameters in each cardiac cycle with recording as many cardiac cycles as required, monitor the state of the patient’s cardiovascular system in real time and obtain information about the dynamics of changes in its performance under the influence of external and internal impacts. It allows not only obtaining numerical values of hemodynamic parameters, but also qualitatively assessing the main functions of the cardiovascular system performance

Diagnostics of coronary blood flow: advantages of using the cardiometric method
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The article discusses the features of the diagnosis of coronary blood flow using the cardiometric method. Diagnosis of coronary blood flow is of great importance in cardiology. The causes of incomplete filling of the coronary arteries with blood are considered, criteria for rechecking the correctness of the diagnosis of the functioning of the coronary blood flow, including amount of lactate, stress index and type of adaptation reaction, are identified. A possible therapy for the early stage of reducing the blood filling of the coronary arteries is given.

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The offered noninvasive device and technology CARDIOCODE (www.cardiocode.ru, www.cardiometry.net) are capable of delivering data on any changes in the performance of the cardiovascular system and tracing development of any processes that may occur in the heart and blood vessel system, and all that in a very simple and most accurate way.

Formation of the system of anti-stressor reactions as a non-specific basis for health and longevity
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The proposed editorial article touches upon aspects of fundamental medicine associated with the discovery of systems of nonspecific adaptation reactions in the organism as a whole. It is shown that the key law of the organism's response to the actions of the external and internal environment consists in the dependence between the reaction quality and the quantity (measure, intensity) of an acting factor. Revealed is the historical sequence of events in the development of the general adaptation reaction theory, beginning with the creation of the theoretical basis of pathology, i.e. description of the adaptation syndrome of stress reaction by Hans Selye, up to the intimate-ly associated and logically continued studies and discovery of anti-stress- type reactions, namely, the reactions of training and activation, undertaken by Lyubov Garkavi, Maria Ukolova and Elena Kvakina. The characterization of archetypes of previously unknown, independent separate symptom complexes is given herein. The philosophy of adaptation discrete responses provided by the organism to different actions includes a higher stage of research pro-gress, when it would be possible to understand the unique natural ability of periodic repetition of the adaptation reactions tetrad in a very wide range of action intensities.

Interview with Vyacheslav Tyutyunnik
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Sometimes history offers very interesting facts which induce thoughts to consider everything.

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The article provides the methodology that allows coaches, doc-tors and other staff members to comprehensively assess the athlete's conditioning, control the level of fitness and correct the physiological state. The methodology is based on the theory of cardiometry. The data for assessment is taken from the ECG recorded with only one lead from the ascending aorta. It is an original concept of the methodology. The aortic ECG record is capable of delivering the total result of the heart's performance that makes possible to comprehensively evaluate the athlete's conditioning. The relationship between the heart performance and the central nervous system operation is also indicated.

Study of the effect made by interval hypoxic training on cardiac metabolism and hemodynamics