Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Features of translation of phraseological units in modern German language

Features of translation of phraseological units in modern German language

Nosirova M.K.

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The issue of translation of German phraseological units in modern translation studies occupies one of the leading places. At present, there are many materials devoted to the study of German phraseology, which outlines possible ways of their translation. However, little attention is paid to the translation of phraseology borrowed from artistic and literary sources around the world. Therefore, this work contains examples of translation transformations of German phraseology in the works of different writers, by using different methods and approaches in translation, set out in the theoretical part of the work.


Features of using information and communication technologies in English lessons

Features of using information and communication technologies in English lessons

Usmonova Sh.R.

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The development of educational communications on the basis of information technologies used in the course of studying the discipline “English”, allows you to actualize attention to a person-oriented learning. In this regard, the use of information and communication training technologies both expands the opportunities for presenting educational information, and contributes to improving self-control of educational activities, the formation of students’ reflection of their own work.


Features of using interactive methods of teaching English

Features of using interactive methods of teaching English

Khodjayev K.K.

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This article discusses interactive methods of teaching English.


Features of various types of children's infectious diseases

Features of various types of children's infectious diseases

Inakova B.B.

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Children's diseases are a whole category of medicine, which includes a number of infectious diseases peculiar exclusively to childhood. However, this restriction does not give any guarantees that the disease will not occur in adulthood. Modern medicine recommends following mandatory vaccination measures, although many parents still refuse to do them to their children.


Features philosophical culture of personality

Features philosophical culture of personality

Oripov F.

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This article discusses the features of the Philosophical culture of the individual.


Fergana province Uchkuprik in the district visitors for guest houses development and architectural solutions

Fergana province Uchkuprik in the district visitors for guest houses development and architectural solutions

Kimsanov Z.O., Yunusov Sh.X.

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Permanent evolving growing world in life all areas such as different diverse tourism is also its own leading instead of has become is growing. Visit tourism Tourism of the field big a contribution right will come in the article visitors for especially family visit command to tourists simply hotel it's not maybe national Uzbek “ Guest houses ” architectural solution and to them put general requirements about word goes Also visit tourism more development and population in the middle mass tourist ruhini formation issue focused laws and decisions is passed. Uchkuprik in the district visitors for guest houses this of the region traditions mos without architectural volumetric planned solutions we can see possible.


Ferrosen removal reactions

Ferrosen removal reactions

Bokiyev M.M.

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The article provides information on ferrocene arylation reactions, as well as biologically active substances containing ferrocene


Fertility of grassland soils and ways to increase it

Fertility of grassland soils and ways to increase it

Кулдашева М.И.

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Статье исследуется и анализируется плодородие пастбищных почв и пути его повышения. Изучены химические свойства луговых и луговых почв и показаны эффективные способы их использования в сельском хозяйстве.


Fiction as a means of developing speech in preschoolers

Fiction as a means of developing speech in preschoolers

Sarogli L.V.

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The article examines fiction as a means of speech development in preschoolers.


Filmlarning turizmga ta'siri. O'Zbekiston misolida

Filmlarning turizmga ta'siri. O'Zbekiston misolida

Ergashev M.X., Yoldashev B.D., Abduqayumov A.X., Fayziyev J.M.

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Turizm oxirgi yiilarda jadal sur'atlarda rivojlanib borayotganiga ko'plab omillar sabab bo'lmoqda, va ular orasida filmlrning ham o'z o'rni bor. Filmlar ham marketingning bir turiga aylanmoqda shuning uchun ushbu yo'nalishda tadqiqot olib borib filmlar qay qarajada turizmga bog'liqligini ochib berishga harakat qilindi. Tadqiqot so'rovnoma shaklida turli xil yoshdagi 18 yoshdan yuqori bo'lgan kishilar bilan amalga oshirildi, va ulardan yig'ilgan ma'lumotlar orqali tahlil amalga oshirildi. Tahlil qilish jarayoni IBM kompaniyasining SPSS dasturida amalga oshirilib raqamlashtirildi va tushunish uchun soddalashtirildi. Tadqiqot orqali ko'plab savollarga kerakli javoblar olindi.


Financial assessment of Tesla motors, inc

Financial assessment of Tesla motors, inc

Фаркашди С.А.



Financial assets and improvements of their analysis

Financial assets and improvements of their analysis

Xolmirzaev U.A.

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About means that called the financial assets in classification of assets in balance sheet have been written and main peculiarities of the type of assets opened as well as showed its composition in this article. Significant opinions about financial assets accounting and analysis has been given.


Financial autonomy towards university autonomy via the situation at university of law - hue university

Financial autonomy towards university autonomy via the situation at university of law - hue university

Nguyen Tai Nang

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It is critical for public higher education institutions to enhance financial management when shifting to an autonomous mechanism. Besides, universities shall actively seek out financial resources and allocate them appropriately and effectively. Financial autonomy should be considered and evaluated to develop an implementation plan that ensures long-term development and brings achievements in exercising university autonomy. In this study, the author analyzes the key points of university autonomy, financial autonomy, and the current situation in Vietnam and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of exercising autonomy at the University of Law - Hue University.


Financial management as a system and mechanism of finance management

Financial management as a system and mechanism of finance management

Adashev A.U.

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This article discusses financial management as a system and mechanism of financial management.


Fine arts types and genres their practical importance

Fine arts types and genres their practical importance

Maxmudov M.J.

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The article describes the types and genres of fine arts and their practical significance to readers in a number of ways.


Finlandiya ta’lim texnologyalaridan foydalangan holda geografiya darslarini olib borish

Finlandiya ta’lim texnologyalaridan foydalangan holda geografiya darslarini olib borish

Narzullayev N.H.

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Inson hayotidagi muhim ahamyatga ega bo`lgan fanlardan biri bu Geografiya fanidir. O’quvchilarni bu fanni o’zlashtirishlari, ko`nikma va malakaga ega bo’lishi, tarbiya jarayonlarida ta`lim tizimi rivojlangan davlatlardan biri Finlandiya ta’lim tizimini tahlil qilgan holda yo’lga qo’yish juda ahamyatlidir. Ushbu maqolada Finlandiya ta’lim texnologyalaridan foydalangan holda geografiya darslarini olib borish haqida so`z yuritildi.


Fizik jarayonlarda oddiy differensial tenglamlarni o’rni

Fizik jarayonlarda oddiy differensial tenglamlarni o’rni

Xaydarov I.Q., Usmonov B.Z., Begliyev I.G.

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Ushbu maqolada keyingi yillarda juda ahamiyat qaratayotgan fanlararo integratsiya muammosi yani fizik masalalar va differensial tenglamlar orasida integratsiya qaratilgan. Fizik jarayonlarni differensial tenglamar yordamida yechishga doir bir nechta misollar keltirilgan


Fizika fanini o‘qitish ilmiy dunyoqarashni shakllantirishning muhim omili

Fizika fanini o‘qitish ilmiy dunyoqarashni shakllantirishning muhim omili

Mamatkulov B.X., Shermuxammedov A.A., Mamatkulova G.N.

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Ushbu maqola yosh avlodga ta’lim berishda fizika fanining tutgan o‘rnini yanada oshirishga bag‘ishlangan. Maqolada ta’lim muassasalarida fizika fanini o‘qitish ilmiy dunyoqarashni shakllantirishda muhim o‘rin tutishi hamda fundamental fanlar rivoji hozirgi zamon talabi ekanligi haqida bayon qilingan.


Fizikadan laboratoriya ishlarini bajarishda rasmli topshiriqlardan foydalanish

Fizikadan laboratoriya ishlarini bajarishda rasmli topshiriqlardan foydalanish

Abduqodirov A.T., Xoldorov N., Imomov B.U., Parmanov J.T.

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Maqolada fizikani o‘qitishda laboratoriya ishlarini tashkil etish bilan bog‘lioq masalalar ko'rib chiqiladi. Bunda fizikani o‘qitishda laboratoriya ishlarini bajarish jarayoniga asoslangan yondashuvining xususiyatlari yoritiladi.


Fizikadan masalalar yechishda kompyuter dasturlaridan foydalanish

Fizikadan masalalar yechishda kompyuter dasturlaridan foydalanish

Zaxidova M.A., Abdullayev R.M., Giyasova Z.R.

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Maqolada fizik masalalarni grafik usulda yechish uchun kompyuter dasturlaridan foydalanish usuli ko`rsatiladi. Grafik usuli yordamida masalayechish orqali o‘quvchilar mavzuga oid bo‘lgan katta hajmli ma‘lumotlarni osongina o‘zlashtira oladilar. Darsni raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanilgan holda amalga oshirish o‘qituvchilarga vaqtni tejashga hizmat qilibgina qolmay, o‘quvchilarga mavzuni o‘zlashtirishlarini osonlashtiradi.

