Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Human factor in technical safety

Human factor in technical safety

Sultonova N.A., Narziyev Sh.M.

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According to the World Health Organization, the death rate from accidents in our time ranks third after cardiovascular and oncological diseases.


Human nature: human reserve opportunities

Human nature: human reserve opportunities

Chalaboeva Z.M.

Статья научная

This article discusses the place of man in nature. The human potential in the field of nature protection is analyzed.


Human vascular age and assessment methods hardness of vessels

Human vascular age and assessment methods hardness of vessels

Nodira Mukhtarovna Badalbaeva, Nelli Rafikovna Uzbekova, Sergey Aleksandrovich Kityan

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A review of various methods for studying systemic arterial, local and regional vascular stiffness - a free foreteller of the development of cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular death rate is presented. Although the determination of the velocity of propagation of the pulse wave (PWV) by the carotid-femoral method is the “reference” of research, the way founded on the contour estimate of the pulse wave are becoming more and more widespread. This is related to both the simplicity of the study itself and the possibility of simultaneous study of arterial stiffness and parameters of central hemodynamics - central aortic pressure and augmentation index.


Humanization of education and attitude of cooperation in pedagogics

Humanization of education and attitude of cooperation in pedagogics

Sayfullin R.R.

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This article examines the humanization of education and the relationship of cooperation in pedagogy. Humanitarian education is explained by examples


Huquqiy ong va huquqiy madaniyat shakllari, rivojlanish bosqichlari

Huquqiy ong va huquqiy madaniyat shakllari, rivojlanish bosqichlari

Jarbekov R.B., Orinboyev U.O.

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Ushbu maqola huquqiy ong va huquqiy madaniyatni rivojlantirish uning huquqiy asoslarini yaratish, jamiyatda fuqarolar ayniqsa yosh avlodning huquqiy bilim va koʻnikmalarini shakllantirishga qaratilgan ishlar haqida. Qolaversa huquqiy ong va huquqiy madaniyatning shakllari, ularni vazifalari keltirib oʻtilgan.Oʻzbekiston Respublikasida fuqarolarning huquqiy ong va madaniyatini oshirishga qaratilgan amaliy chora tadbirlar keltirib oʻtilgan.


Hydrological description and hydrocemical analysis of the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system

Hydrological description and hydrocemical analysis of the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system

Akhmadjonova Y.T.

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The Aydar-Arnasay Lake System (AALS) is a lake that has been formed since the 1960s as a result of the rapid expansion of irrigated land in the Central Asian Republic. The generated return water accumulates in the natural basins of the plains of the region, forming a new type of irrigation lakes. Lake Aydar is saturated with Akbulak in the Jizzakh region, the Qli outlet of the Sangzor River, the Chordara Reservoir, and the Central Mirzachol Outflow into the Arnasay.


Hygienic requirements for the production and turnover of functional, therapeutic (dietary) and preventive food products

Hygienic requirements for the production and turnover of functional, therapeutic (dietary) and preventive food products

Minavarov A.A.

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This article discusses the hygienic requirements for the production and circulation of functional, therapeutic and prophylactic food products.


Hypertensive disease: history of nosology development

Hypertensive disease: history of nosology development

Abdullaev A.S., Sadykov U.T.

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The article presents data from domestic and foreign literature on the evolution of ideas about hypertension and the evolution of manifestations of the disease or its clinic. The concept of the mechanisms of development of arterial hypertension is presented in detail.


Hyperuricemia and arterial hypertension relationship of hypertension and risk factors

Hyperuricemia and arterial hypertension relationship of hypertension and risk factors

Mirabdullaev I.A., Usmanova U.I., Musashaykhov U.M., Musashaykhova Sh.M.

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The results of a number of studies indicate that HY is a predictor of the development of cardiovascular events and death in patients with hypertension and congestive heart failure, and, apparently, can be considered as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular complications. According to a number of authors, the frequency of hypertension in patients with hypertension ranges from 36 to 58%, and in combination with metabolic syndrome increases to 72%.


ICT in the lessons of astronomy

ICT in the lessons of astronomy

Mamatkulov B.X.

Статья научная

The article presents an overview of computer programs that contribute to a better assimilation of the subject of astronomy in high school. Particular attention in the article was paid to the components of the World Wide Telescope and Stellarium virtual telescopes, which make it possible to simulate various astronomical processes in real time.


IMS-ga asoslangan bulutli hisoblash texnologiyasining arxitekturasi

IMS-ga asoslangan bulutli hisoblash texnologiyasining arxitekturasi

Ganiyev A.E., Sherjanova K.S.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) tizim osti platformasi asosida bulutli hisoblash tizimi xizmatlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash arxitekturasi taqdim etiladi. Taklif etilayotgan arxitektura bulutli xizmatlarga umumiy IMS ilovalari sifatida qaraydi. Bu arxitektura bulutli mijozlarga Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signalizatsiyasi boshqaruvi ostida bulutli xizmatlarga kirish imkonini beradi.


IPO - опыт анализа эффективности

IPO - опыт анализа эффективности

Солодов А.К.

Статья научная

Превращение компании в полноправного участника публичного рынка ценных бумаг реализуется через процедуру IPO. Выход на рынок может значительно увеличить финансовый потенциал компании, но может привести к значительным потерям. В статье через призму российской и зарубежной биржевой практики, на основе данных ПАО «Роснефть» анализируется изменение основных финансовых показателей компании после проведения IPO.


IPO как инструмент социально-экономического развития

IPO как инструмент социально-экономического развития

Кузьмин Д.А.

Статья научная

Приватизация государственных активов, одним из инструментов которой является первичная публичная продажа акций (IPO) - направление по социально-экономическому развитию России. В статье уделено внимание акционерной компании «Алроса», которая разместила свои акции на ММВБ в 2013 г.


IT-подготовка будущих экономистов

IT-подготовка будущих экономистов

Анисимова Э.С.

Статья научная

В настоящее время специалист должен обладать высоким уровнем IT-подготовки. Большое значение в ее становлении оказывает изучение дисциплины «Экономическая информатика». В данной статье рассматривается содержание дисциплины, а также описываются работы и задания, предлагаемые студентам при ее изучении.


Ichki turizmning ayollarni ish bilan taminlashdagi ta'siri

Ichki turizmning ayollarni ish bilan taminlashdagi ta'siri

Ashurov B.I., Salimov E.X.

Статья научная

Ushbu tadqiqot mahalliy aholining ijtimoiy-demografikasi va jamoatchilikning aloqasi ularning turizm ta’siriga (iqtisodiy, ekologik va ijtimoiy-madaniy ta’sirlar) ta’siriga ta’sir qilishi mumkinmi yoki yo’qmi, shuningdek, mahalliy turizm menejmentidan qoniqishlariga ta’sir etadimi-yo’qligini tekshiradi va shu yo’l orqali aholini ijtimoiy himoyaga muhtoj qatlamini asosan ayollarni ish bilan ta’minlashda turizmni ta’siri va rivojlantirish istiqbollari. Shu bilan birga, gender tengsizligiga olib keladigan asosiy masalalari muhokama qilinadi. Mahalliy aholi o’rtasida o’tkazilgan so’rov natijalariga ko’ra turizmga bo’lgan munosabatlar va ichki turpaketlar talablari baholandi.


Idea against idea, thought against thought

Idea against idea, thought against thought

Akbarova U.

Статья научная

This article discusses the growing variety of information flows on the Internet and what skills and abilities people need to develop in order to properly assess the ideas and views they contain. He also mentioned the tariffs and classifications of the concept of critical thinking, as well as the ongoing positive reforms in the country on the formation of critical thinking skills in the younger generation.


Idea of patriotism in the work of Abdurauf Fitrat

Idea of patriotism in the work of Abdurauf Fitrat

ErgashevA. G., Odilzhonova M.

Статья научная

This article explores the idea of patriotism in the work of Fitrat. The article deals with Fitrat’s poems about the motherland.


Identification and prevention of risk factors for ischemic stroke in school-age children

Identification and prevention of risk factors for ischemic stroke in school-age children

Nazarova G.T., Xolmirzayev F.M., Jalilova S.Sh.

Статья научная

This article confirms issues such as identifying risk factors for ischemic stroke in school-age children and taking preventive measures, studying the causes of treatment.


Identification of impacting factors of foreign-economic activity of Russian Federation on economic growth using econometrics modeling

Identification of impacting factors of foreign-economic activity of Russian Federation on economic growth using econometrics modeling

Lomakin M.I.

Статья научная

The article is dedicated to the determination of indicators of foreign-economic activity, such as export, import, taxes in international trade, also Brent oil prices and exchange rate to USD, so as defining of their impact on the economic growth of Russian Federation represented by the GDP per capita and GDP in the period of 2000-2015 years (all factors except oil prices are in LCU). Results were compared with the overall economic situation in Russian Federation and growth prespectives.

