Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Identifying the main problems of historical periodization of learning German economic linguistics, its role in science

Identifying the main problems of historical periodization of learning German economic linguistics, its role in science

Abdurakhmonova R.K., Mamatova N.K.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to study and use of the German language in the world, as well as to the study of the main trends in the development of German economic linguistics. The periodization of linguistic research of the German language of economics and the role of the German language in science are determined.


Identity: modern social phenomena

Identity: modern social phenomena

Mikheeva M.A., Kvasova I.I., Dolganovskaya N.V.



Idiolekt - muallif uslubi sifatida

Idiolekt - muallif uslubi sifatida

Xurramova D.R.

Статья научная

“Muallif idiolekti va tarjima muammosi” bo‘lib,ishning dolzarbligi idiolektni tarjimada to‘la-to‘kis yetkazib muammosidir. Uning tor va keng ma’nodagi uslubi. Muallif idiolektining badiiy matnda aks etish yo‘llari ochib berishga qaratilgan.


Ijodkor siymosiga badiiy chizgilar (xotira-esselar)

Ijodkor siymosiga badiiy chizgilar (xotira-esselar)

Kazakova G.Q.

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Maqolada xotira-esselarning o`zbek adabiyotidagi o`ziga xos o`rni, tarixiy taraqqiyot nuqtayi nazaridan adabiyotning boshqa janrlari bilan bevosita aloqadorligi tahlil qilingan


Ikki argumentli funksiya ekstremumlari. Ikki o’zgaruvchili funksiyaning yopiq sohadagi eng katta va eng kichik qiymatlarini topish

Ikki argumentli funksiya ekstremumlari. Ikki o’zgaruvchili funksiyaning yopiq sohadagi eng katta va eng kichik qiymatlarini topish

Saipnazarov J.M., Usmonov M.T.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada matematikaning eng qiziq mavzularidan biri bo’lgan Ikki argumentli funksiya ekstremumlari. Ikki o’zgaruvchili funksiyaning yopiq sohadagi eng katta va eng kichik qiymatlarini topish haqida ma’lumotlar berib o’tildi va mavjud muanmolarga ilmiy yondashildi. Funksiyaning maksimum yoki minimumi uning ekstremumi deyiladi. Funksiya ekstremumga ega bo’lgan nuqta uning ekstremum nuqtasi deyiladi. Funksiya ekstremumini xususiy hosilalar yordamida tekshiriladi.


Ikki karrali integralning tatbiqlari. Ikki karrali integral yordamida yuza va jism hajmini hisoblash. Massa, o’rta qiymat va inersiya momenti

Ikki karrali integralning tatbiqlari. Ikki karrali integral yordamida yuza va jism hajmini hisoblash. Massa, o’rta qiymat va inersiya momenti

Saipnazarov J.M., Usmonov M.T.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada matematikaning eng qiziq mavzularidan biri bo’lgan Ikki karrali integralning tatbiqlari. Ikki karrali integral yordamida yuza va jism hajmini hisoblash. Massa, o’rta qiymat va inersiya momentini topish haqida ma’lumotlar berib o’tildi va mavjud muanmolarga ilmiy yondashildi. Ikki karrali integral aniq integralning ikki o’zgaruvchili(argumentli) funksiya uchun umumlashgan holidir. Ikki karrali integral ham aniq integralning asosiy xossalariga ega. Aniq integralning xossalarini takrorlashni tavsiya etamiz.


Illyustratsiyalarning bolalar uchun nashr qilinadigan kitoblardagi vazifalari

Illyustratsiyalarning bolalar uchun nashr qilinadigan kitoblardagi vazifalari

Sobirov S.T.

Статья научная

Maqolada illyustratsiyalarning kitob mazmuni va matnini yetkazishdagi turli vazifalari, illyustratsiya tufayli bolalar uchun kitob maxsus badiiy tuzilma sifatida qarala boshlangani, bolalar nashrlarida illyustratsiya va tasvirlarning nechog’liq ahamiyatli ekanligi, bolalar uchun kitob nashrlarida bolalarning yosh xususiyatlarini hisobga olinishi kerakligi, bolalar uchun nashrlarda kitobdagi bezaklar va illyustrtsiyalar rangining ahamiyati, har bir yosh guruhida rasm chizish va tasvirlashni idrok etish o'ziga xos xususiyatlarga egali yoritilgan.


Ilm olish har bir ayol va erkak uchun farzdir

Ilm olish har bir ayol va erkak uchun farzdir

Tursunova T.T., Joraeva G.T.

Статья научная

Maqolada insonning komilligi va har tomonlama ijtimoiy rivojlanishi uchun muhim omillardan hisoblangan ilm va uni o’rganish tartibi, shuningdek ilm olish yo’llari va zarurati haqida diniy jihatdan yondashuv va tahlillar berilgan


Ilmiy maqola yozish asoslari. ilmiy maqola qanday yoziladi?

Ilmiy maqola yozish asoslari. ilmiy maqola qanday yoziladi?

Botirova G.E.

Статья научная

Bugungi rivojlanib borayotgan jamiyatimizda, ilmiy faoliyat olib borayotgan insonlar soni ko’pchilikni tashkil qiladi. Xususan, ilmiy maqola yozuvchilar ham. Maqolalar yozish har bir ilmiy hodimning kariyerasi uchun ham mansabi uchun ham xizmat qilib va kelgusida o’z soxasini yuqori darajali vakili ekanligini ham ko’rsatib turadi. Mazkur maqola ilmiy maqola qanday yozilishi va uning strukturalari haqida ma’lumot beradi


Immune status and processes of lipid peroxidation in patients with hypertension

Immune status and processes of lipid peroxidation in patients with hypertension

Valiyeva Z.S., Isakova D.Z.

Статья научная

According to modern concepts, lipid peroxidation (LPO) is a constantly occurring physiological process that, when intensified, is involved in the development of a number of pathologies. It has been established that activation of LPO processes is involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases of the cardiovascular system [2]. Lipid peroxides play an important role in the body: lipoperoxides are an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins E, progesterone; they are involved in the hydroxylation of the cholesterol core; they are necessary for activating a number of membrane processes and regulating membrane permeability.


Immunochemical methods in clinical biochemistry

Immunochemical methods in clinical biochemistry

Butunboeva X.M., Qarshiboyeva M.D., Qaxxorova G.A.

Статья научная

In clinical laboratory practice, immunochemical methods are widely used to determine traditional biochemical objects-proteins, enzymes, hormones, mediators, pharmacological preparations, etc. Their advantage is their high sensitivity and specificity.


Impact of climate change on water resources management in Uzbekistan

Impact of climate change on water resources management in Uzbekistan

Mansurov O.F.

Статья научная

This article discusses the impact of climate change on water management in Uzbekistan and the basics of water management and planning with the participation of stakeholders. The information is also intended for researchers, science teachers and a wide range of professionals interested in water management and efficient use in Uzbekistan.


Impact of economic inequality on GDP

Impact of economic inequality on GDP

Aleshin V.B.

Статья научная

The relationship between inequality and growth is an important and controversial relationship in economic theory. In this paper, besides a short overview of the economic literature, we present selected models used to verify the relationship between growth and inequality. Our findings appear contrary to our expectations and literature, showing a significant positive relation between growth and inequality. Our findings suggest the need for further investigation into this relationship, before policy decisions can be made.


Impact of industrial development on macroeconomic stability

Impact of industrial development on macroeconomic stability

Sadriddinova D.

Статья научная

This article analyzes the industrial development of Uzbekistan and its impact on macroeconomic stability. Industry is one of the most important sectors in the economy and exhibits a strong correlation with macroeconomic stability. The main indicators of macroeconomic stability, such as stable economic growth, employment, price stability and food security, are formed on the basis of industrial development. In the article, the strong influence of the industry on the macroeconomic stability in the conditions of Uzbekistan is determined. Also, on the basis of the analysis, proposals for further development of the industry and strengthening of macroeconomic stability have been developed.


Impact of international sanctions on Russian economy

Impact of international sanctions on Russian economy

Хохлова Д.М.

Статья научная

The article investigates the impact of international sanctions on the Russian economy. Several channels of influence from the sanctions on Russia's GDP growth are considered. The author concludes that positive effects of international sanctions on Russia include domestic producers’ benefits from both the weaker ruble and the ban on some food imports and greater investment in the country’s tourism sector.


Impact of personal hygiene on human health

Impact of personal hygiene on human health

Muminova K.T.

Статья научная

The article discusses the impact of personal hygiene on human health. Personal hygiene rules have been revised.


Impact of policies on developing young human resources on socio-economic development in Vietnam

Impact of policies on developing young human resources on socio-economic development in Vietnam

Tran Van Trung

Статья научная

When it comes to human resources, as an object of exploitation and investment, people often talk about its quantity and quality. But the most important factor in human resources is shown not in the quantity but in the quality of human resources. This is the decisive factor for socio-economic development, as well as for the cause of industrialization and modernization of Vietnam. The issue of raising the level of culture, foreign language, professional expertise, skills, and professional consciousness; training and developing young human resources with high quality, associated with science and technology to meet the requirements of socio-economic development of Vietnam is concerned. This study focuses on analyzing and clarifying the role of young human resources in socio-economic development; at the same time, proposes issues related to mechanisms, policies, and laws to develop young human resources in the socio-economic development of Vietnam.


Impact of the pandemic on the introduction of elements of the digital economy

Impact of the pandemic on the introduction of elements of the digital economy

Xamdamova U., Khudoyberganova D.

Статья научная

The article covers the issues of the introduction of digital technologies in the broad use of information technologies in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic (IT), which has become one of the topical issues of the current day, and the digitization of the national economy as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in which the positive impact on the development


Impact on vegetable yields based on cost-effective technologies

Impact on vegetable yields based on cost-effective technologies

Yangibayeva N.S.

Статья научная

This article describes the scientific research on the impact of energy-saving technology on seedling thickness and fertilizer yield in the Lower Amudarya region.


Implement operational actions using digital cards in settlements

Implement operational actions using digital cards in settlements

Ergasheva Yu., Safarov E.Yu.

Статья научная

One of the priorities of state policy in the field of defense is to increase the effectiveness of protection of the population of our country from various emergencies. The role of the population in the process of population location and territorial organization, production facilities, and public relations with the environment is enormous. It will be necessary to take operational measures within. The article analyzes the complexities of the rapid (rapid) evacuation of the population to a safe area and what should be considered in the professional implementation of their evacuation without casualties and develops recommendations.

