Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Informing foreign languages in higher education
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This article is devoted to the problem of informatization of foreign language education, which is considered as a prerequisite for the preparation of future teachers of a foreign language for professional activities. The article emphasizes the role of modern information and communication technologies in organizing the process of teaching foreign languages, as well as in increasing its efficiency.
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In this article, one of the goals is understanding of nature of infrastructure bonds in terms of instrument of investments for institutional investors. The author starts with the review of historical data with respect of development of infrastructure sphere and its impact on economic growth. Then the author takes into attention the influence of recent crisis, the negative effects of it. Also, in this article there is an information about the role of our Government in the securitization evolution.
Ingliz tili korpuslari bilan ishlash va ularni taqdim etadigan ma’lumotlarni tahlil qilish
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Ushbu maqolada korpus lingvistikasi - korpusning umumiy printsiplari va til xususiyatlarini ishlab chiqish bilan shug’ullangan olimlar fikri, lisoniy korpus muayyan me’yorlar va standartlarga muvofiq to’plangan va maxsus qidiruv tizimi bilan ta’minlanganligi to’g’risida ma’lumotlar aks ettirilgan.
Ingliz va o‘zbek tillaridagi frazeologik birliklarning antropopragmatik tadqiqi
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Ushbu maqolada ingliz hamda o`zbek tillaridagi frazeologik birliklarning ayrim jihatlari, jumladan atropopragmatik tomonlama tadqiq etiladi.
Ingliz va o’zbek tillarida sinonim so’zlarining o’xshash va farq qiluvchi jihatlari
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Zamonaviy dunyoda leksik sinonimiyaga jiddiy e'tibor berish kerak, chunki tilning sinonimik boyligini bilish inson nutq madaniyatining muhim shartidir. Bundan tashqari, o'rganilayotgan tilning sinonimlari zaxirasi yangi ko'nikmalarni sifat jihatidan o'zlashtirish va muloqotda til to'sig'ini yengish imkonini beradi.
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Mazkur maqolada “heart” (“yurak”) somatik komponentining tuzilishi va mazmuni, uning rus tilidagi ekvivalenti bilan frazeologik birliklarning til tizimidagi o’rni va ma’nosini aniqlash maqsadida qiyosiy tahlil qilingan. Kelgusida ushbu natijalaridan ma'ruza kurslarida, shuningdek tarjima bo'yicha darsliklar, mashqlar to'plamlari va frazeologik lug'atlarni tuzishda amaliy xulosalar va tavsiyalar shaklida foydalanish mumkin.
Innovation in education reform youth in social development
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This article pays special attention to the education of young people. Social activity is a necessary condition for a person to find his place in society and consciously control his behavior.
Innovation is the driving factor of global competition
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Companies achieve competitive advantage through innovation. They learn new ways to compete or find better ways to compete using old ways. This article presents the results of a scientific research of the process of innovation. It is substantiated that the main driving factor of the global competitive economy is a continuous innovation process.
Innovation methods of teaching
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In article considers the types of technological innovation, using of training students. Defines perspectives and features by introduction of teaching at establishments.
Innovation process in entrepreneurship
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This article describes innovative activity as an entrepreneurial tool from various points of view is aimed at the production of intangible assets, and this is its economic essence.
Innovations in teaching foreign languages
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This article examines the importance of foreign languages in human life.
Innovative activities as an object of investments
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In this scientific article innovative activity is considered, the essence and functions of innovation are analyzed.
Innovative activities as an object of investments
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In this scientific article innovative activity is considered, the essence and functions of innovation are analyzed.
Innovative activities in agricultural production of Uzbekistan
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Currently, a new paradigm for the development of the world economy based on the use of innovations is being formed. The Republic of Uzbekistan cannot ignore these processes and must ensure the activation of innovative processes in all spheres of the national economy, including agriculture. The transition to an innovative type of development is due not only to the need to solve the accumulated problems in the agricultural sector of the economy of Uzbekistan, but also to the tasks facing this industry. This article provides data on the intensification of the agricultural sector, ways to improve the quality of agricultural products.
Innovative activity of teacher in the higher education system
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The article analyzes the socio-economic problems of the development of modern higher education. It is noted that the list of countries that have developed most dynamically in recent decades mainly includes those that have made a bet on the development of knowledge-intensive technologies based on national education systems.
Innovative and interactive teaching methods
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In the present article innovational and interactive methods of education, developing critical thinking of students in the lessons of pedagogy have been reflected. The authors have presented their material with the sample of practical class.
Innovative and modern methodology of teaching English
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The growing interest in many parts of the world in Modern Methods of Teaching English brings with it the question of how it should be done - how curriculum, subject, matter, and methodology should differ from the familiar norms developed in the past. A lot has been written on traditional teaching English, and until recently, the demand for the information on modern methods of teaching English has been limited. As well as opportunities in foreign partnership helps to develop it.
Innovative approach to education
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In this article, the advantages of using educational technologies, the advantages of using pedagogical technologies in education and the role of technology in the development of students' prospects are considered. It also briefly describes the scientists who contributed to the development of pedagogical technologies. In general, the innovative approach to education showed positive results.
Innovative approach to learn English language
Статья научная
In this article highlights of innovative approach to learn English language and it’s effect to lesson.