Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Methodology and technology of social and pedagogical activity

Methodology and technology of social and pedagogical activity

Abduraximova D.A.

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This article discusses the features of teaching.


Methodology and technology of social and pedagogical activity

Methodology and technology of social and pedagogical activity

Muratxadjayeva Z.B.

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This article discusses the methodology and technology of social and pedagogical activity. Features of social and pedagogical activity are considered.


Methodology for using computer training programs in English lessons

Methodology for using computer training programs in English lessons

Husanboyeva G.A.

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The use of modern technologies in the organization and practical strengthening of course activities and, as an example, the importance of computers in the field of English language are described in this article.


Methodology of collecting loans for some modules in the system of loan modules

Methodology of collecting loans for some modules in the system of loan modules

Dadamirzaev G., Kholmirzaev I.

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This article discusses the methodology of collecting funds for some modules of the system of means of modules


Methodology of evaluation of the influence of factors of environment and flexibility of enterprises

Methodology of evaluation of the influence of factors of environment and flexibility of enterprises

Grigoryev K.N.

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He article considers the methodology for assessing the impact of environmental factors on an enterprise and the flexibility of the enterprise as the ability to withstand change.


Methodology of historical and pedagogical research of the development of pedagogical knowledge

Methodology of historical and pedagogical research of the development of pedagogical knowledge

Okhunjonova F.A.

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T he available historical and pedagogical knowledge is intended to receive a conceptual design that reveals the logic of the development of pedagogy as a science and social practice, representing an appropriate system of determinants and laws. All the variety of upbringing and educational phenomena must be synthesized and combined into a whole from a certain angle of view. One of the urgent steps in solving this problem is the development of new and coordination of existing methodological schemes of historical and pedagogical research.


Methodology of independent reading skills for primary school students

Methodology of independent reading skills for primary school students

Sodiqova G.G.

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Annatasiya.Maqolada o’quvchilarni o’qish malakasi bilan qurollantirish bilan bir qatorda kitobni mustaqil o'qiy oladigan, uni tushunadigan, ma’lum bir mavzuga oid kitoblarni tanlay oladigan, gazeta va jurnallami ham mustaqil o'qiydigan faol kitobxonni tarbiyalash haqida fikrlar keltirilgan.


Methodology of life safety lessons in children of the preschool education

Methodology of life safety lessons in children of the preschool education

Bekova G.G.

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To identify the component features of the culture of life safety of children of senior preschool age. Methods: A set of diagnostic procedures, such as the Diagnostic Toolkit, included a set of tasks developed by A.I. Nasretdinova and focused on the assessment of each of the above structural components of the safety culture of life of children of senior preschool age allowed us to analyze the features of safety culture. Results: based on the analysis of psycho- logical and pedagogical research on this issue, the genesis of the development of the basis of the culture of safe behavior in preschool age as a step-by-step process of adaptation to the dangers of the surrounding world is considered. The results of the study revealed that the cognitive component of a culture of life safety in older preschoolers is characterized by a lack of comprehensiveness of existing ideas about life safety, sources of danger and behaviors in different situations of danger. In the older preschool age, an emotional attitude to hazard situations is not sufficiently formed. Emotional reactions of children to behavior in different situations are not sufficiently differentiated, they are difficult to choose the right behavior in a particular situation. Analysis of the educational resources of the organization of preschool education for the formation of a safety culture showed its deficiency, the lack of developmental incentives in it for the formation of safe behavior. Scientific novelty: in the article based on the use of a complex of psychological and pedagogical methods, the dynamics and conditions for the development of the basis of a culture of life safety of modern preschool children are identified and characterized. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and pedagogical activity when considering issues of the nature and development trends of the basis of safety culture in modern children of preschool age.


Methodology of organization of independent work of external department students in distance education

Methodology of organization of independent work of external department students in distance education

Mustafakulov A.A., Akhmadjonova U.T.

Статья научная

The method of organizing independent work of students in distance learning in distance learning is described.


Methodology of studying the theme "Hydrogen production, its physical and chemical properties"

Methodology of studying the theme "Hydrogen production, its physical and chemical properties"

Usmonov B.X.

Статья научная

In this article, the problem of the technique of studying the topic of "obtaining hydrogen, an ego of physical and chemical properties"


Methodology of teaching English in the pedagogical institutes

Methodology of teaching English in the pedagogical institutes

Alimbayeva Sh.

Статья научная

In this article, we reflect on modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English at pedagogical University. At present, the need to learn English in its actual functioning in various spheres of human activity has become generally accepted. The well-known fact is that an indispensable condition for the implementation of any communicative act must be a mutual knowledge of realities by the speaker and the hearer, which is the basis of language communication.


Methodology of teaching German as a second foreign language

Methodology of teaching German as a second foreign language

Isroilova N.Kh., Mamatova N.K., Mamatov R.R.

Статья научная

The second foreign language in the universities is a new phenomenon. It can be argued that the introduction of a second foreign language into the curriculum of a general education school has become a real step towards multicultural education, towards the formation of a multilingual personality. German is typically the second foreign language. As practice shows, three out of four who study German as a second foreign language have studied English as a first foreign language and can use the experience, knowledge, abilities and skills that can be transferred into the second foreign language and greatly facilitate its learning.


Methodology of teaching information technologies with innovative technologies

Methodology of teaching information technologies with innovative technologies

Tojiyev T.Kh., Toshboltayev F.U.

Статья научная

Modern information technology already has its place and position in the system of higher and secondary special education. The use of graphic organizers is considered to be the most effective way to facilitate the teacher and the student in conducting the lesson processes. Graphic organizers are the most important tool in illuminating a topic and delivering it to the reader. The main thing is that using them saves time, allows you to work with more students and allows the younger generation to grow up aware of innovative technologies in line with modern requirements.


Methodology of using didactic games in drawing classes

Methodology of using didactic games in drawing classes

Jumayev I.O.

Статья научная

The article is entitled "Didactic games in drawing lessons" and aims to increase students' interest in drawing, quick thinking, spatial imagination through didactic games through the active use of didactic games in lessons.


Methodology of using pirls assignments when working on text in reading lessons

Methodology of using pirls assignments when working on text in reading lessons

Xusanboyeva X.A.

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This article describes the theoretical foundations of the methodology of using assignments based on the international system PIRLS in working on the text in the process of reading lessons in general secondary schools.


Methods and methodical admissions of training physics

Methods and methodical admissions of training physics

Raimbekova X.K.

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This article discusses methods and methods of teaching physics


Methods and methods of teaching Russian and English language and literature

Methods and methods of teaching Russian and English language and literature

Ahundjanova M.A.

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This work is devoted to the study of the problem of the development and application of the most effective methodological techniques that promote the activation of the educational activities of students in the lessons of the Russian language. The following article looks into the ways to increase student enrollment in Russian language and literature classes.


Methods and significance before and after revascularization of left gendury deformation in patients with ischemic

Methods and significance before and after revascularization of left gendury deformation in patients with ischemic

Valiyeva Z.S.

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The study of averages S and SR showed the low S longitudinal fibers, low S and SR circular fibers and normal S and high SR radial fibers, no changes in these parameters after revascularization. A detailanalysis the segments showed a decrease S and SR in 46,8% segments of longitudinal, 51,5% circular and 25,7% of the radial fibers of the LV. The same53,2% segments of longitudinal, 48,5% and circular 72,8% segments of the radial fibers had normal and increased values of S and SR as well as with different options to change S or SR. After revascularization improved deformation properties of longitudinal and circular fibers of the left ventricle in the group with low values of S and SR. The increased number of segments with high or normal value of SR. Normal values of S and SR radial fibers observed in most segments (56,7%).


Methods and techniques for the formation of speech culture of students at the lessons of English language

Methods and techniques for the formation of speech culture of students at the lessons of English language

Ochilova N.S.

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This article examines the essence of speech culture. By analyzing the teaching materials of English language, basic exercises that form the culture of students have been updated.


Methods and techniques of teaching informatics

Methods and techniques of teaching informatics

Ahmedova Sh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the methods and techniques of teaching computer science. discusses effective methods and explains how to use methods.

