Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Maqollarning lingvopragmatik tadqiqi tog'ay murod "oydinda yurgan odamlar" asari misolida

Maqollarning lingvopragmatik tadqiqi tog'ay murod "oydinda yurgan odamlar" asari misolida

Yoqubjonova M.Ya.

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Ushbu maqolada maqol va uning badiiy qudrati haqida so'z borgan.Uning tilshunoslikdagi, zamonaviy yo'nalish bo'lmish pragmalingvistikaning tadqiqot metodlaridagi mavqeyi borasida fikr bildirilib, bu borada maqollardan misollar keltirilib o'tilgan.


Market pricing mechanism

Market pricing mechanism

Umarova G.Sh.

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This article discusses the nature of the price, its origin and types.


Market segmentation as one of the factors for an effective increase in sales (the case of the passenger vehicle market of the Russian Federation)

Market segmentation as one of the factors for an effective increase in sales (the case of the passenger vehicle market of the Russian Federation)

Erkinov Sh.B., Rakhimov U.F.

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The problems of market segmentation are key in organizing marketing work. In almost all types of marketing activities, the analysis of market segments is used and affects the results of all ongoing work. The successful solution of market segmentation issues by the firm will lead to an increase in sales, and, accordingly, the company's income. Making a profit is the main goal of any commercial organization. Every seller knows that the buyer should benefit from the purchase of goods. Then he will buy the product again and again. Direct marketing efforts aim to increase the buyer's knowledge of these benefits. But what benefits are buyers looking for in the product? How to understand customer needs? And how many buyers with similar needs are in the market? Segmentation provides answers to these and many other questions about the needs and desires of customers. At the same time, every firm operating in the market is aware that its products or services cannot fully satisfy the needs and desires of all consumers. Ideally, the firm will try to occupy all market niches (segments) to maximize profits. In fact, she conducts market research and as a result focuses her "attention" on certain segments of the market where her product will bring the maximum income it is quite obvious that different consumers want to buy different products.


Marketing analysis passenger transportation

Marketing analysis passenger transportation

Berdiyorov T.A.

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This article discusses the market for transport services and technical equipment of ACS “Express-3”


Marketing automation-benefits and costs

Marketing automation-benefits and costs

Egamberganova F.Sh.

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Within manufacturing industries, automation has led to increased labour productivity as fewer workers are needed to produce the same number of manufactured goods. A perceived downside of automation is that it leads to jobs being displaced in traditional areas of work - in particular, ’blue-collar’ manufacturing jobs. Less visible is how the process of automation leads to the creation of new jobs in areas such as robot manufacture, research, marketing and software development.


Marketing in transport services

Marketing in transport services

Berdiyorov T.A.

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This article discloses the role of marketing in the field of transport services, as one of the important areas of economic development of countries.


Marketing research of the transport services market

Marketing research of the transport services market

Berdiyorov T.A.

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This article discusses marketing research of the transport services market and their role in society.


Marketing research on the use of vaccine medicines in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Marketing research on the use of vaccine medicines in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Khasanova B.J.

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This article provides information on marketing research and news, analysis of the use and application of vaccines in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Marxism. Class theory of Karl Marx

Marxism. Class theory of Karl Marx

Шлыкова М.А.



Masafoviy ta’lim resurslari va imkoniyatlari

Masafoviy ta’lim resurslari va imkoniyatlari

Aynaqulov X.A.

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Masofaviy ta'lim innovatsion turdagi ta'lim sifatida qaraladi. Talabaning ijodiy faolligini oshirishda masofaviy ta’lim resurslari va imkoniyatlariga alohida e’tibor qaratilgan.


Masofaviy o‘qitish tizimining talaba shaxsiga psixologik ta'siri

Masofaviy o‘qitish tizimining talaba shaxsiga psixologik ta'siri

Otaboeva Z.G., Qodiralev B.Y., Gufronjonov A.H.

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Ushbu maqolada masofaviy ta’limga o‘tish ijtimoiy o‘zgarishlarga, bilim olishda mutlaqo yangi yo‘nalishlarga olib kelashi, “Asr mo‘jizasi” sifatida tan olingan kompyuter va internet tarmog‘ining yaratilishi insoniyat taraqqiyotiga o‘zining katta ijobiy ta’sirini haqida fikr yuritilgan.


Masofaviy ta'lim tizimida ta'lim klasteridan foydalanish

Masofaviy ta'lim tizimida ta'lim klasteridan foydalanish

Rizayeva S.D.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada Masofaviy (distansion) o’qitish xususiyatlari, uning ta’limdagi o’rni, ta’lim klasteri, masofaviy ta’lim turlari, shakllari va imkoniyatlari, zamonaviy ta’lim shakllari: blended learning (aralash o’qitish), vebinar, ommaviy ochiq onlayn kurslar, virtual universitetlar,ta’lim turlari, ularning afzalliklari va kamchiliklari haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan. Masofaviy ta’lim tizimidan foydalanishning afzalliklari, uni o‘quv jarayonida qo‘llash usullari keltirilgan.


Mastering writing at the initial stage of teaching English

Mastering writing at the initial stage of teaching English

Qodirova R.T.

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This article discusses the causes and elimination of errors in a conversation in English.


Matematik analiz dars jarayonida muammoli ta’limning pedagogik - psixologik aspektlari

Matematik analiz dars jarayonida muammoli ta’limning pedagogik - psixologik aspektlari

Matyakubov K.K., Pinyozov Q.E.

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Ushbu maqolada talabalarni oliy o’quv yurtlarida o’quv-tarbiya jarayonining samaradorligini oshirislming muhim sharti mazkur jarayonga tizimli yondashuv sanaladi va o’qituvchilarga bir qator mashg’ulot-ma’ruza dars turlari tavsiya etiladi.


Matematik kompetensiyani rivojlantirish pedagogik - psixalogik muammo sifatida

Matematik kompetensiyani rivojlantirish pedagogik - psixalogik muammo sifatida

Abdugapparova M.

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Ushbu maqolada bo’lajak boshlang’ich sinf o’qituvchilarida matematik kompetensiyani shakllantirish zaruriyati haqida haqida so‘z yuritiladi.


Matematik modellashtirishni iqtisodiy masalalarni hal etishda qo’llanilishi

Matematik modellashtirishni iqtisodiy masalalarni hal etishda qo’llanilishi

Mallaboev N.M., Pulatova X.X., Akbarov B.X.

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Ushbu maqolada matеmatik modеllashtirish kompyutеrda masalani yechishning muhim tarkibiy qismi ekanligi va shu sababli zamonaviy muhandis nafaqat hisoblash matеmatikasining sonli va taqribiy usullarini, obyеkt va jarayonlarning matеmatik modеllarini tuzishni, kompyutеrli matеmatik tizimlardan foydalanish hamda hisoblash tajribalarini o’tkazish haqida batafsil ma`lumotlar kеltirilgan.


Matematikadan ijodiy tafakkurni o'stirishda TRIZ pedagogiksidan foydlanish

Matematikadan ijodiy tafakkurni o'stirishda TRIZ pedagogiksidan foydlanish

Ochilova L.T.

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Barcha ota-onalar mantiqiy va moslashuvchan fikrlaydigan, g‘ayrioddiy yechimlarni topadigan, muammoni har tomonlama tahlil qiladigan, qiyinchiliklarga tayyorlanadigan bolani tarbiyalashni istaydilar. Bunda bolalar uchun moslashtirilgan TRIZ tizimi yordam berishi mumkin. Maqolada matematikdan ijodiy yondashuvni o‘stirishda TRIZ pedagogikasidan foydalanish haqida so‘z boradi.


Materials used for the preparation of leather-galantery production equipment

Materials used for the preparation of leather-galantery production equipment

Samadova M.O.

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At present, the development of light industry in our republic is given great attention. The introduction of the achievements of science and technology in production contributes to the solution of these tasks.


Mathematical model of circuits system of railway automation and telemechanics

Mathematical model of circuits system of railway automation and telemechanics

Astanaliev E.T.

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The article provides information on effective relay contact schemes and their opening and closing condition. To compose the equations of independent circuits, the currents of the circuits are used. In the digraph, the scheme of rotation is marked by five directions.

