Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
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Ushbu maqolada o`quvchilarning mehnat tarbiyasida xalq milliy an`analaridan foydalanish metodikasining muommolari yuzasidan olib borilgan tadqiqot jarayoni yoritilgan bo`lib yakunda bir qancha xulosalar berilgan.
Memory and its role in the performance of the student
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This article discusses musical memory and its role in the performance of the student
Men o’zbek shoiriman, o’z xalqimning tiliman
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Ushbu maqolada oʻzbek adabiyotining zabardast vakili shoir, yozuvchi va akademik Gʻafur Gʻulomning hayoti va ijodi bayon etilgan. Maqolada, Gʻafur Gʻulomning nasrda va nazmdagi ijodiy faoliyati, adibning boshqa ijodkorlardan ajralib turadigan muhim jihatlari ifoda etilgan.
Mental disorders in the clinic of endocrine diseases
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Resume: Depression affects virtually all spheres - emotional, intellectual, strong-willed and necessarily motivational, which is manifested as subjective in the patient's complaints, and objectively - in behavior change. A persistent decline in mood during depression is combined with a loss of interest in what was previously perceived by the patient as attractive, satisfying or joyful - various forms of leisure, communication, reading books, hobbies, professional activities, sex life, etc.
Metandan vodorod va uglerod olish jarayoni hamda texnalogiyasi
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Vodorod iqtisodiyoti kelajakdagi energiya tizimlarida asosiy rol o'ynaydi. Vodorod ishlab chiqarishning bir qancha termal va katalitik usullari taqdim etilgan. Ushbu maqolada metanning vodorod gazi va qattiq uglerodga termokatalitik va termal parchalanishi ko'rib chiqiladi. Metanning termal parchalanishi (MTP) va metanning termokatalitik parchalanishi (MTK) deb nomlanuvchi bu jarayonlar vodorod ishlab chiqarish uchun eng katta imkoniyatlarga ega. Xususan, asosiy e'tibor parchalanish jarayonlarida hosil bo'ladigan uglerodlarning har xil turlari va xususiyatlariga qaratiladi.
Method of projects as one of innovative technologies in training foreign language
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In this article, the project method is considered as one of the innovative technologies in the teaching of foreign languages
Method of teaching physics: types of tasks and ways of their solution
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Problem solving is one of the methods of understanding the relationship between the laws of nature. Solving problems in the lesson sometimes allows you to introduce new concepts and formulas, find out the patterns being studied, and approach the presentation of new material. In the process of solving problems, students are directly faced with the need to apply their knowledge of physics in life, they are more aware of the connection between theory and practice.
Method of training English language as a second foreign language
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In this article, the methodology of teaching English as a second language is considered. The peculiarities of English language
Methodical approaches to teaching vocabulary
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Vocabulary is the first and foremost important step in language acquisition. In a classroom the foreign language learning can be made interesting and efficient, interactive and interesting with the introduction of appropriate vocabulary exercises. This paper is an attempt to study and explore the various methodologies that can be incorporated in the teaching of vocabulary items in a language classroom.
Methodical principles of modern techniques teaching English
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This article discusses the methodological principles of modern methods of teaching English
Methodical recommendations for using the method of work in small groups
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In the present article methodical recommendation on using the method of working in small groups have been reflected, as working in small groups enables the student to develop the skills of cooperation and teach them to solve occurring compromises.
Methodological bases of accounting policy and preparation of financial statements
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The article examines the achievements of existing best practices in the preparation and improvement of financial statements in banks, based on the requirements of the conditions of modernization of the economy and increasing competitiveness. Also, practical recommendations and suggestions were made on the use of foreign experience in the preparation and improvement of financial statements in banks, based on the requirements of the conditions of modernization of the economy and increasing competitiveness based on regulation.
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This article discusses the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of the formation of technological culture in future teachers of technology education. It also provides information on the methodological basis for the formation of a technological culture.
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This article discusses the methodological basis for the formation of professional skills in students through the organization of practical educational processes in the field of technology education. Theoretical aspects of the organization of technological education courses are also covered.
Methodological competence of students as a basis for developing professional competence
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This article is devoted to the actualization of the problem of the formation of methodological competence as the basis for the development of professional competence. The authors consider the concept of "methodological competence" from a pedagogical point of view. The paper substantiates the idea that methodological competence is the creation of qualitatively new values that are important in the process of personal development based on the independent acquisition of subjectively new knowledge, skills, skills and methods of research activity in the process of studying at a university.
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Accelerated learning technology has great potential in developing students' competencies in intercultural communication. One of them is that two students work together to find a solution to the situation through communication. That is, to justify the communicative task with all students, build consensus and come to an agreement. In order to effectively use the basic forms of accelerated learning technology in the training of future specialists, the article describes the guidelines for accelerated learning technology in the development of intercultural communicative competencies of students.
Methodological principles of modern methods of teaching
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During the development of foreign language teaching methods, successive crises of the deficit and “overproduction” of ideas it was necessary for the formation of a new methodological direction. For example, the transition to communicative teaching carried out in apparent lack of meaningful and truly new ideas. The crisis has brought to life an active methodological and methodical search, which contributed to the development of modern teaching concepts of language teaching.
Methodologies for determining M&A performance
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During long time, researchers tried to understand the significance of adopting M&A strategy for organizations. Their motives were to understand whether the benefits from this strategy have occurred or not. They were trying to analyse whether these acquisitions are value creating or value destructive for the acquiring organization. For this purpose, many methods were used. Several research papers were revised to identify the most suitable methodologies and their benefits to measure M&A outcomes.
Methodology and its theoretical bases
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Teaching English is challenging. However, in this globalized world learning foreign languages is necessary. So as potential teachers, we should ask ourselves the following questions, how should I teach English to my pupils? What is the best way for them to learn? At present, English is one of the most important and growing subjects in our primary schools and it is also present in our curriculum. Moreover, many schools are adopting bilingual programs. Though there is abundant legislation stipulating how teachers must proceed and how they should incorporate the different approaches and methodologies, it is the teachers themselves who are expected to design and plan the lessons.
Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research
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In this article that is explained the lingvodidactology methodology on the structure of lingvodidactic knowledge, the logical, fundamental rules of lingvodidactic research and so on.