Современные науки и образование. Рубрика в журнале - Экономика и социум
![The western philosophers about Abu Nasr Farabi The western philosophers about Abu Nasr Farabi](/file/thumb/140252730/the-western-philosophers-about-abu-nasr-farabi.png)
The western philosophers about Abu Nasr Farabi
Статья научная
In this article we are talking about the study of philosophy of al-Farabi in the studies of European researchers. The aim of the article is to study and consider the views of French researchers on the philosophical system of al-Farabi from the scientific and philosophical point of view. French researchers like Etienne Gilson, Baron Carra de Vaux, Henry Corbin, Alain de Libera, Philippe Vallat and others have an attractive study of the philosophy of al-Farabi. The study of the point of view of French philosophers shows that they basically consider al-Farabi to be a religious thinker and a representative of Sufism. They affirm in their studies that al-Farabi was not just a follower of Aristotle, but a philosopher, with a doctrine that is not only different from Aristotle’s teachings, but is also against it with his mystical inspirationThey also show that the goal of al-Farabi’s philosophy is to reconcile the teachings of Plato and Aristotle and by this way thinker wants to reconcile the philosophy with religion. In the process of research, the author used analytical, historical, systemic and comparative methods of analysis, which contributed to a comprehensive study of the problem. The results of the study can also be used in reading lectures and special courses on the history of philosophy.
![Theoretical basis of integration of teaching in primary education Theoretical basis of integration of teaching in primary education](/file/thumb/140254858/theoretical-basis-of-integration-of-teaching-in-primary-education.png)
Theoretical basis of integration of teaching in primary education
Статья научная
This work examines the formation of the competence of selfdevelopment, it is necessary to have universal human qualities, love for the country, legal, economic knowledge, the desire for innovation and independent decision-making based on the theoretical knowledge obtained, progressive and innovative development in society. It is important to be aware of changes and learn to use them in everyday life
![Theoretical basis of integration of teaching the native language (Uzbek language) and mathematics in primary education Theoretical basis of integration of teaching the native language (Uzbek language) and mathematics in primary education](/file/thumb/140254855/theoretical-basis-of-integration-of-teaching-the-native-language-uzbek-language.png)
Статья научная
The general secondary education system provides for the formation of basic competencies in the student, along with scientific competencies. It consists of the formation of basic competencies for selfdevelopment, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in different situations, based on the knowledge acquired by the student through the subjects of the block of language and literature. In particular, it is necessary to develop the skills of applying the knowledge of the native language in the process of communication in the formation of communicative competencies, the formation of skills of independent, creative thinking, written and oral fluency in the state language and foreign languages. There is a need for regular use of modern information and telecommunications tools, which expand the opportunities for the effective development of information competence in the teaching of science. It is recommended that students use mobile devices (phones, tablets, and other gadgets) to develop the skills of searching for, analyzing, and analyzing information about science from a variety of sources, and working with information while maintaining information security
![Theoretical study of the concept of “assesment” Theoretical study of the concept of “assesment”](/file/thumb/140251606/theoretical-study-of-the-concept-of-assesment.png)
Theoretical study of the concept of “assesment”
Статья научная
In this article, the concept of "assessment", which is the object of study, is analyzed from a linguocultural point of view, based on several definitions of the concept. Axiological evaluation and research on its study are cited as examples of several scientific works. In addition, the article summarizes the essence of several scientific studies on linguistic evaluation and its expression in Uzbek linguistics. It is also noted that the "assessment" has the ability to rise to the level of the concept.
![To the question of increasing students' motivation to learn English (from work experience) To the question of increasing students' motivation to learn English (from work experience)](/file/thumb/140292979/to-the-question-of-increasing-students-motivation-to-learn-english-from-work.png)
To the question of increasing students' motivation to learn English (from work experience)
Статья научная
The article discusses methods and technologies for increasing students' motivation to learn English. As an example of theories, situations from work experience are given.
![Tourism for all. Teaching to cultivate available settlement Tourism for all. Teaching to cultivate available settlement](/file/thumb/140292977/tourism-for-all-teaching-to-cultivate-available-settlement.png)
Tourism for all. Teaching to cultivate available settlement
Статья научная
This mixed-method case ponder analyzes the adequacy of an instructive module combining diverse techniques inside the transformative learning approach to cultivate students’ organization. It is enunciated around an action-based challenge related to tourism for all, and proposes plan considering as a problem-solving strategy, and learning logs as self-regulating intelligent instruments. Comes about appeared a positive alter in students’ demeanors towards individuals with inabilities and the improvement of basic reflexivity. Understudies detailed being committed to contributing to guarantee openness. We trust the educational bits of knowledge gotten in this ponder motivate more teachers to bolster and execute instructive development for social change and consideration.
![To’plam tushunchasi. To’plamlar ustida amallar bajarish To’plam tushunchasi. To’plamlar ustida amallar bajarish](/file/thumb/140254860/toplam-tushunchasi-toplamlar-ustida-amallar-bajarish.png)
To’plam tushunchasi. To’plamlar ustida amallar bajarish
Статья научная
Maqolada boshlang`ich ta`limda matematika fanining o‘rni, to‘plam haqida tushuncha, sonli to‘plamlar, to‘plam ustida amallar bajarish, kombinatorika haqida umumiy tushunchalar to’g’risida fikr yuritilib, tavsiyalar berilgan.
![Tаълим хизматлари бозорида олий таълимни ташкил этиш шароитида рақобатнинг эволюцияси ва моҳияти Tаълим хизматлари бозорида олий таълимни ташкил этиш шароитида рақобатнинг эволюцияси ва моҳияти](/file/thumb/140260993/talim-hizmatlari-bozorida-olij-talimni-tashkil-jetish-sharoitida-raobatning.png)
Tаълим хизматлари бозорида олий таълимни ташкил этиш шароитида рақобатнинг эволюцияси ва моҳияти
Статья научная
Ушбу мақола таълим хизматлари бозорида олий таълимни ташкил этиш шароитида рақобатнинг эволютсияси ва моҳияти ҳақида ёзилган бўлиб, хусусан, таълим, фан ва ишлаб чиқариш ўртасидаги интеграцияни янада мустаҳкамлашга, ўқишга кириш жараёнларини соддалаштиришга қаратилган.
![Umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktab matematika darslarida o’rganiladigan konsentratsiyaga va aralashmaga doir matnli masalalarni yechishni ba’zi tadbiqlari Umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktab matematika darslarida o’rganiladigan konsentratsiyaga va aralashmaga doir matnli masalalarni yechishni ba’zi tadbiqlari](/file/thumb/140260576/umumiy-orta-talim-maktab-matematika-darslarida-organiladigan.png)
Статья научная
Maqolada umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktab matematika darslaridagi matnli masalalar elementar matematikaning an’anaviy bo’limidir. Jumladan konsentratsiyaga va aralashmaga doir matnli masalalarni yechish o’quvchilarda fikrlash, diqqat va kuzatuvchanlik, kichik tadqiqotlarni mustaqil amalga oshirish, ko’nikmalarini rivojlantirish imkonini beradi.
![Umumiy-o‘rta ta’lim maktablarining tasviriy san’at darslarinitaskil etishda zamonaviy texnologiyalardan foydalanish Umumiy-o‘rta ta’lim maktablarining tasviriy san’at darslarinitaskil etishda zamonaviy texnologiyalardan foydalanish](/file/thumb/140289059/umumiy-orta-talim-maktablarining-tasviriy-sanat-darslarinitaskil-etishda.png)
Статья научная
Maqolada o‘quvchilar ongiga milliy g‘oyaning asosiy yo‘nalishlarini singdirishda badiiy ta’lim vositalaridan samarali foydalanish, tasviriy san’at fanining ta’lim muassalalarida o‘qitilishi, tasviriy san’at o’qituvchisining kompyuter texnologiyalaridan foydalana olishni bilishi, dars o‘tishjarayonida qanday texnologiyalardan foydalanishimiz kerakligi va mavzuga oid mahorat darslari nomoish etib tasviriy san’at darslarini olib borish orqali o‘quvchilarda rasm ishlashga bo‘lgan qiziqish va ishtiyoq, tasviriy san’atga bo‘lgan mehr-muhabbati oshashi natijada ularning ijodiy faoliyatining faollashishiga olib kelishi yoritilgan.
![Urbanization processes of the Fergana valley Urbanization processes of the Fergana valley](/file/thumb/140298859/urbanization-processes-of-the-fergana-valley.png)
Urbanization processes of the Fergana valley
Статья научная
This article is about the development of urbanization processes, regional differences and agglomerations of the cities of Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions of the Fergana Valley of the Republic of Uzbekistan
![Using innovative methods in learning English Using innovative methods in learning English](/file/thumb/140262346/using-innovative-methods-in-learning-english.png)
Using innovative methods in learning English
Статья научная
The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of the class. Every language class usually uses some form of technology. Technology has been used to mutually help and progress language learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners. This learning focuses on the role of using new technologies in learning English as a second/foreign language. It discussed different approaches which support English language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies. In this article, the scholar defined the term technology and technology integration, explained the use of technology in language classroom, reviewed previous studies on using technologies in improving language learning skills, and stated certain recommendations for the better use of these technologies, which assist learners in improving their learning skills.
![Using the innovative cluster of education in the mixed education system Using the innovative cluster of education in the mixed education system](/file/thumb/140262536/using-the-innovative-cluster-of-education-in-the-mixed-education-system.png)
Using the innovative cluster of education in the mixed education system
Статья научная
This article provides information on the types of education, as well as information about the mixed education system, as well as the types of mixed education, their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of using the distance education system, the methods of its use in the educational process are given.
![Uzluksiz ta’lim tizimida talabalarning analitik tafakkurini rivojlantirish imkoniyatlari Uzluksiz ta’lim tizimida talabalarning analitik tafakkurini rivojlantirish imkoniyatlari](/file/thumb/140292758/uzluksiz-talim-tizimida-talabalarning-analitik-tafakkurini-rivojlantirish.png)
Uzluksiz ta’lim tizimida talabalarning analitik tafakkurini rivojlantirish imkoniyatlari
Статья научная
Maqolada uzluksiz ta’lim tizimida talabalarning analitik tafakkurini rivojlantirish imkoniyatlari to‘g‘risida fikr yuritilgan. Xususan, uzluksiz ta’lim tiziming asosiy bo‘g‘ini hisoblangan oliy ta’lim talabalarining o‘quv-bilish faoliyatining muhim xususiyatlari va uni takomillashtirish bo‘yicha tavsiyalar bayon etilgan. Ta’lim jarayoni uchun talabaning o‘quv-bilish faoliyati va uning muvaffaqiyati eng muhim natijadir. Talabaning bilish faolligi ijodiylik darajasiga ko‘tarilishi professor-o‘qituvchiga bog’liq bo‘lib, pedagogdan yuksak mahorat, intellektual zakovatni talab etadi.
![Ways to create and use tourism maps Ways to create and use tourism maps](/file/thumb/140247716/ways-to-create-and-use-tourism-maps.png)
Ways to create and use tourism maps
Статья научная
This article discusses recreation and tourism. Ways to create and use tourism maps are also analyzed.
![Ways to improve the efficiency of water resources use on irrigated lands Ways to improve the efficiency of water resources use on irrigated lands](/file/thumb/140300560/ways-to-improve-the-efficiency-of-water-resources-use-on-irrigated-lands.png)
Ways to improve the efficiency of water resources use on irrigated lands
Статья научная
Analyzing the water balance equations at close (h = 1.0 - 1.5m) and at (h = 3.0m) relatively deep occurrences of the groundwater level and using the data of a number of authors, it has been established that the maximum value of total evaporation is typical at close occurrences (h = 1.0-1.5 m) groundwater level. A decrease in the groundwater level leads to a decrease in the amount of total evaporation. This circumstance will make it possible to reduce the irretrievable losses of groundwater for evaporation.
![What is the purpose of teaching history? What is the purpose of teaching history?](/file/thumb/140291874/what-is-the-purpose-of-teaching-history.png)
What is the purpose of teaching history?
Статья научная
This article analyzes some of the problems of teaching history.
![Yarimo‘tkazgichli lazerlar Yarimo‘tkazgichli lazerlar](/file/thumb/140300382/yarimotkazgichli-lazerlar.png)
Статья научная
Ushbu maqolada yarimo’tkazgichli lazerlarning ishlash prinsipi va turlari o’rganilgan. Ilmiy sohada hamda sanoatda qo’llanilishi haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan va uni yahshilash uchun muhim tavsiyalar berilgan.
![Yengil atletika tarbiyasi orqali o`quvchi shaxsi faoliyatini rivojlantirishning dolzarb masalalari Yengil atletika tarbiyasi orqali o`quvchi shaxsi faoliyatini rivojlantirishning dolzarb masalalari](/file/thumb/140289058/yengil-atletika-tarbiyasi-orqali-oquvchi-shaxsi-faoliyatini-rivojlantirishning.png)
Yengil atletika tarbiyasi orqali o`quvchi shaxsi faoliyatini rivojlantirishning dolzarb masalalari
Статья научная
Maqolada yangil atletika tarbiyasi orqali o’quvchi shaxsi faoliyatini rivojlantirishning dolzarb masalalari ko;rib chiqilgan.