Современные науки и образование. Рубрика в журнале - Экономика и социум
![Problems of developing bilingual education in teaching chemistry in higher education Problems of developing bilingual education in teaching chemistry in higher education](/file/thumb/140258565/problems-of-developing-bilingual-education-in-teaching-chemistry-in-higher.png)
Problems of developing bilingual education in teaching chemistry in higher education
Статья научная
This article provides information on the widespread use of bilingual types in the teaching of chemistry in higher education, which will be necessary for the education system, the Internet, digital technologies, foreign languages.
![Psixolingvistikaning zamonaviy tamoyillari va uni ta’lim tizimiga tadbiq etish Psixolingvistikaning zamonaviy tamoyillari va uni ta’lim tizimiga tadbiq etish](/file/thumb/140292756/psixolingvistikaning-zamonaviy-tamoyillari-va-uni-talim-tizimiga-tadbiq-etish.png)
Psixolingvistikaning zamonaviy tamoyillari va uni ta’lim tizimiga tadbiq etish
Статья научная
Psixolingvistika - bu turli xil kelib chiqishi, shu jumladan tadqiqotchilarni o'z ichiga olgan fanlararo sohadir, psixologiya, kognitiv fan, tilshunoslik, nutq va til patologiyasiva nutqni tahlil qilish. Psixolingvistlar quyidagi asosiy yo'nalishlarga ko'ra odamlarning tilni qanday egallashini va ulardan foydalanishni o'rganadilar:
![Research of methods of repair of cement concrete pavels Research of methods of repair of cement concrete pavels](/file/thumb/140251608/research-of-methods-of-repair-of-cement-concrete-pavels.png)
Research of methods of repair of cement concrete pavels
Статья научная
The article describes the process of repair of surface layers of cement concrete coatings, preparation for repair of the coating surface, the process of eliminating the migration of cement "cream", materials for repair of the surface layer of the coating, preparation for repair of the coating surface. works, methods of preparation of the mixture are described.
![Role of phonetics in linguistics Role of phonetics in linguistics](/file/thumb/140262538/role-of-phonetics-in-linguistics.png)
Role of phonetics in linguistics
Статья научная
Present research stresses that the study of modification of phonemes is of great importance as they are frequently found in connected speech in English and Uzbek languages. Besides that, being aware of modifications of sounds in speech a learner will have less difficulty in communication with native speakers of English. Moreover, teaching English as a foreign language has become one of the most important parts of schooling as English as a school subject. The study of pronunciation norms of English has great importance for learning English as a foreign language.
![Russian as the language of the Russian-speaking minority. Using the example of the city of termes in the province of Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan Russian as the language of the Russian-speaking minority. Using the example of the city of termes in the province of Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan](/file/thumb/140247992/russian-as-the-language-of-the-russian-speaking-minority-using-the-example-of.png)
Статья научная
The following article deals with the topic of the Russian language as a minority language. First, however, the author differentiates between Russian, which is spoken as a foreign language among the locals, and Russian, which is spoken as the language of the Russian-speaking minority in the city. The author also goes into the history of the Russian language as a minority language, analyzes the current state of the Russian language and the Russian-speaking minority. At the end of the article, the development trends of the Russian language are noted.
![SQL тилининг мижоз-сервер технологиясида ўлланилиши SQL тилининг мижоз-сервер технологиясида ўлланилиши](/file/thumb/140260541/sql-tilining-mizhoz-server-tehnologijasida-llanilishi.png)
SQL тилининг мижоз-сервер технологиясида ўлланилиши
Статья научная
Ушбу мақолада MySQL маълумотлар базаси серверида бажариладиган SQL-ифодаларни ёзиш ва сўровларни амалга ошириш усуллари келтирилган.
![Sacral landscapes as objects of religious tourism and recreation Sacral landscapes as objects of religious tourism and recreation](/file/thumb/140245991/sacral-landscapes-as-objects-of-religious-tourism-and-recreation.png)
Sacral landscapes as objects of religious tourism and recreation
Статья научная
The article studied and analyzed sacred landscapes as an object of tourism and recreation.
![Sacralization of natural objects (on the example of the Ferghana valley) Sacralization of natural objects (on the example of the Ferghana valley)](/file/thumb/140246294/sacralization-of-natural-objects-on-the-example-of-the-ferghana-valley.png)
Sacralization of natural objects (on the example of the Ferghana valley)
Статья научная
Resume: The article considers the possibilities of preserving the natural heritage on the sacred landscapes of the Ferghana Valley. The relevance of the study is associated with the increased interest of modern people in natural monuments, sacred places, traditions of ethnic groups in sacred landscapes. The problems of folk beliefs related to objects marking the sacred space are considered.
![Sahnalashtirish faoliyati orqali bolalarning ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish Sahnalashtirish faoliyati orqali bolalarning ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish](/file/thumb/140292757/sahnalashtirish-faoliyati-orqali-bolalarning-ijodiy-qobiliyatlarini.png)
Sahnalashtirish faoliyati orqali bolalarning ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish
Статья научная
Ushbu maqolada maktabgacha ta’lim tashkilotlarida sahnalashtirish faoliyati orqali bolalarning ijodiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirishning shakl, usul va yo‘llari xususida so’z yuritiladi.
![Satisfaction with the marriage as a factor of tolerant consciousness of the marital relations Satisfaction with the marriage as a factor of tolerant consciousness of the marital relations](/file/thumb/140118549/satisfaction-with-the-marriage-as-a-factor-of-tolerant-consciousness-of-the.png)
Satisfaction with the marriage as a factor of tolerant consciousness of the marital relations
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of the tolerant relations between spouses. Satisfaction with the marriage serves as a component of an attitude of tolerance so as it determines the psychological climate in the family. The study of the marriage satisfaction at different stages of the family life cycle is aimed to harmonize the marital education and relations in the aspect of psychological counseling. Reducing contentment in marriage at a time when the children of the spouses are in the active phase of socialization due to the fact that the spouses have less time to meet the needs of interpersonal communication.
![Sog‘lom turmush tarzida shaxsiy gigiyenaning ahamiyati Sog‘lom turmush tarzida shaxsiy gigiyenaning ahamiyati](/file/thumb/140292653/soglom-turmush-tarzida-shaxsiy-gigiyenaning-ahamiyati.png)
Sog‘lom turmush tarzida shaxsiy gigiyenaning ahamiyati
Статья научная
Ushbu maqola insonning sog‘-salomat hayot kechirishi uning shaxsiy gigiyenik talablarga amal qilishi darajasiga qaratilgan maʼlumotlardan iborat.
![Some aspects of independent work on the study of physics at secondary school Some aspects of independent work on the study of physics at secondary school](/file/thumb/140262350/some-aspects-of-independent-work-on-the-study-of-physics-at-secondary-school.png)
Some aspects of independent work on the study of physics at secondary school
Статья научная
In this article, it was noted that in the process of teaching physics, various types of independent work are used. Formation learners' ability to work independently with educational and additional literature, schoolchildren’ independent homework in physics as necessary elements of the educational process.
![Some aspects of social partnership in the development of education Some aspects of social partnership in the development of education](/file/thumb/140255071/some-aspects-of-social-partnership-in-the-development-of-education.png)
Some aspects of social partnership in the development of education
Статья научная
The article notes that the most successful implementation of the processes of reproduction of competitive specialists and the development of social partnership is seen precisely within the framework of the concept of lifelong education.
![Some comments on the etymology of the word “it” (dog) Some comments on the etymology of the word “it” (dog)](/file/thumb/140259839/some-comments-on-the-etymology-of-the-word-it-dog.png)
Some comments on the etymology of the word “it” (dog)
Статья научная
This article examines the etymology of the word “it” (dog). It is based on information provided in scientific literature, the views of Uzbek and Russian Turkology scholars.
![Some problems of management accounting in small to medium enterprises in Vietnam Some problems of management accounting in small to medium enterprises in Vietnam](/file/thumb/140252352/some-problems-of-management-accounting-in-small-to-medium-enterprises-in-vietnam.png)
Some problems of management accounting in small to medium enterprises in Vietnam
Статья научная
The report addresses the prominent role of MA for small and medium enterprises in general and its practical limitations when applied to these enterprises in Vietnam in particular. By using various methods and realistic surveys at Vietnamese companies, the author has listed a number of reasons for these barriers. Thus, based on the research results, several directions and solutions in order to improve these issues has been proposed.
![Sport trenirovkasini tashkil qilish asoslari Sport trenirovkasini tashkil qilish asoslari](/file/thumb/140255069/sport-trenirovkasini-tashkil-qilish-asoslari.png)
Sport trenirovkasini tashkil qilish asoslari
Статья научная
Ushbu maqolada sport trenirovkasi natijasida insonning harakat faoliyati shakllanib borishi, yangi harakat shakllari vujudga kelishi, hayotiy zarur harakat malakalari ko`nikmalari takomillashishi, psixik sifatlar sayqal topishi, muayyan sport turiga xos harakat malakalari mukammallashishi tog’risida so’z boradi .
![Ta’lim tizimida innovatsion texnologiyalardan klaster asosida dars jarayonida foydalanish Ta’lim tizimida innovatsion texnologiyalardan klaster asosida dars jarayonida foydalanish](/file/thumb/140292735/talim-tizimida-innovatsion-texnologiyalardan-klaster-asosida-dars-jarayonida.png)
Ta’lim tizimida innovatsion texnologiyalardan klaster asosida dars jarayonida foydalanish
Статья научная
Innovatsion faoliyat-pedagogning o’z kasbini takomillashtirishdagi mavjud shakl va vositalarni egallashga ijodiy yondashuvini nazarda tutadi. Ta’limdagi innovatsiyalar va innovatsion faoliyat haqida barqaror, hammaga ma’qul bo’lgan ilmiy tasavvurlar va innovatsion pedagogik faoliyat haqida barqaror va hammaga ma’qul bo’lgan ilmiy tasavvurlarr tasniflar shu paytgacha mukammal tarkib topgan emasligini ham e’tirof etish lozim.
![Teaching foreign language using information and communication technology in pedagogical aspects Teaching foreign language using information and communication technology in pedagogical aspects](/file/thumb/140262345/teaching-foreign-language-using-information-and-communication-technology-in.png)
Teaching foreign language using information and communication technology in pedagogical aspects
Статья научная
This article considers the current trends in the development of higher education, the problems of independent work of students learning a foreign language remotely or in blended learning systems; pedagogical and psychological aspects of learning a foreign language with the help of information and communication technologies are identified and the question of studying strategies for learning a foreign language is raised.
![Teaching foreign languages in pedagogical institutions Teaching foreign languages in pedagogical institutions](/file/thumb/140262537/teaching-foreign-languages-in-pedagogical-institutions.png)
Teaching foreign languages in pedagogical institutions
Статья научная
This article considers the current trends in the development of higher education, the problems of independent work of students learning a foreign language remotely or in blended learning systems; pedagogical and psychological aspects of learning a foreign language with the help of information and communication technologies are identified and the question of studying strategies for learning a foreign language is raised.
![Tenglamalar sistemasini yechishda qulay bo’lgan metod va ko’rsatmalar Tenglamalar sistemasini yechishda qulay bo’lgan metod va ko’rsatmalar](/file/thumb/140300527/tenglamalar-sistemasini-yechishda-qulay-bolgan-metod-va-korsatmalar.png)
Tenglamalar sistemasini yechishda qulay bo’lgan metod va ko’rsatmalar
Статья научная
Ushbu maqolada oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim o’quvchi va talabalari uchun tenglamalar sistemasini yechishga doir misollarni ishlashda qo’shish va shu bilan birga ko’paytuvchilarga ajratib yechish usuliga oid bir qator misollarning yechilishi hamda olimpiadaga qatnashuvchi o’quvchilar uchun ikki no’malumli ikkita tenglamalar sistemasinigina emas balki uch va undan ortiq no’malumli va tenglamalar soni uchta va unda ortiq tenglamalardan tashkil topgan sistemalarni yechishni o’rgatishda bir qator qulay usulni tadbiq qilish ustida ish olib boramiz.