Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах @footpath
Статьи журнала - Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах
Все статьи: 256

English confessional and philosophical novel (an extract)
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In 2011, Russian academic Olga Jumailo, who is well-known to many Anglicists for her essays in the Russian quarterly Вопросы литературы, and who is a member of our Seminar, published a monograph which, we hope, will be interesting for the readers of Footpath. Besides a deep poetic analysis of novels by John Fowles, Julian Barnes, Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan, Martin Amis, Graham Swift and Jonathan Coe, the monograph refers to many other contemporary British writers and their works. Personally I doubt that all novels taken by the author for her analysis belong to the philosophical genre as she suggests. What is obvious is that Olga Jumailo's research brings to the readers some urgent and much debated issues of contemporary British fiction's dynamics, and among them the complex co-existence of realistic and postmodernist trends in English Literature of the last thirty years. She argues that at the turn of the 21s t century the novels to which she attributes confessional and philosophical characteristics express the difficult process of selfidentification through life-experience in the context of swift changes in society in Britain and in the world as a whole. Anyway, we may say that this comprehensive study of a British literary phenomenon makes a significant contribution to Russian Anglistics studies, and that its significance goes beyond a single national culture. Above all - and this is very important - the book makes its readers think and analyze. We publish an extract from the 61 'Introduction' of Olga Jumailo's book with the hope that our readers will get interested in her approach and will read the book to develop their own view on the issues raised by her. The author has given us her permission to publish the extract. Boris Proskurnin This is an important book by a Russian academic on contemporary English fiction. However, in one respect this extract does not conform with our policy as editors. We strongly believe that all quotations from English literature should be given in the original as well as in a Russian translation. Our readers read English and many of them are engaged in teaching translation. Giving them the opportunity to compare the original and the translation will encourage them to make those literary and critical judgements that are essential to the spirit of our project. The editors regret that the original words in English do not appear in this extract, but cannot alter the text of the published Russian book where they do not occur. Karen Hewitt

English literature at the end of the twentieth century
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The article traces some of the leading themes and tendencies of the late twentieth century English literature: the writers'' preoccupation with history and their ways of dealing with it, multiethnicity, introduction and popularity of metafiction.

English literature on the theme of the Second World War
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The article presents ideas about three periods in English literature after the Second World War, periods that differ from each other in themes, problems, manner of narration, etc.

Environment and nature in contemporary British fiction and poetry
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An essay is on new concerns for the survival of the natural world in contemporary British literature. Writers question society's relationship with nature, celebrate its diminishing areas, and imagine ecological catastrophe.

Essay on regeneration by Pat Barker
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Fm back again from hell With loathsome thoughts to sell; Secrets of death to tell; And horrors from the abyss. Siegfried Sassoon

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The article presents Liz Lochhead’s approach to history in Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off (1989) and her dramatic interpretation of the two female historical figures of Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I of England.

Fiction and morality: the case of Master Georgie
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The next two articles were sent in separately. The Editorial Board felt that they both raised issues about interpretation of fiction generally, and about assessing moral issues in individual books, in particular. So it was decided to add a third article in which one of the editors would ask questions concerning fiction and moral values, drawing upon the two articles for examples. We hope that readers will contribute to what is an open-ended debate in future issues of FOOTPATH.

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It is discussion of the techniques needed for teaching a foreign language in order to read and enjoy literature that is in the centre of the author's analysis.

Following a length of Frayed Baler twine
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The article discusses the author''s method of combining various literary styles with the emphasis on the dramatic line of narration.

Formal experimentation in the British postmodern novel
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The essays explores a variety of experiments in style and technique associated with post-modernist writing. The materials for the analysis are the novels of Amis, Barnes, Fowles, Graham Swift, McEwan, etc.

Gregory Burke's Black watch as an Iraq war drama
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The essay presents Black Watch, a drama by the contemporary Scottish playwright Gregory Burke. It explores its major themes within the context of the Black Watch deployment to the Iraq War in 2004.

Hanif Kureishi's novels as the discourse of identity
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The novel Intimacy by Hanif Kureishi represents a break in the author's preoccupation with post-colonial themes. Kureishi explores the sense of identity of his hero in Intimacy in terms which bring him closer to the English traditions of literature of self-knowledge and of satirical reconstruction of a social milieu. This essay examines the psychological treatment of the hero's painful journey to self-understanding.