Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах @footpath
Статьи журнала - Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах
Все статьи: 256

Novel into play - Arthur & George by David Edgar
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The article examines the play Arthur & George by David Edgar based on the novel by Julian Barnes. The author explores several differences between the play and the novel as well as some features of the play.

On Hilary Mantel's novel An experiment in love: an argument
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There a discussion on the meaning and values of the novel, An Experiment in Love, by Hilary Mantel in two parts of the publication.

On The noise of time by Julian Barnes
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This is a review of Julian Barnes' The Noise of Time - the novel depicting major landmarks in the life and career of the composer Dmitrii Shostakovich within the context of totalitarian era. The author stresses some important thematic and aesthetic peculiarities of the novel.

On buti'llrememberthis by Pam Nixon
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A number of complex problems of British society in general and one family in particular are revealed in the first novel by Pam Nixon. But I'll Remember This is characterized by ironical style, dynamic plot, true to life description of the atmosphere of the 50's.

On seeming and being: the unreliable narrator in Elizabeth Ismissing by Emma Healey
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The article deals with the first-person unreliable narrator of Emma Healey's first novel, Elizabeth is Missing. Maud makes incredible efforts to investigate her friend's absence, and may have disclosed a seventy-year-old mystery.

On teaching rhetoric, using the play stuff happens
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The article dwells on teaching the play Stuff Happens by David Hare to students of the English Department, MSLU, in the course of Practical Rhetoric.

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The essay is a review of A Tribute to Mary-Kay Wilmers and a reflection on how to live and write not boringly, but with flavour.

On the portrayal of a convincing deaf character in fiction
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This paper deals with the problem of creating a convincing deaf character in fiction.