Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах @footpath
Статьи журнала - Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах
Все статьи: 256

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The article tells about the doubts and problems that arise when reading modern literature with those students who were brought up on traditional books, often unjustifiably called "classics". One of the main "challenges" is to overcome the skepticism of colleagues. If a teacher tries to penetrate the culture through the language of a work of art together with students, is not afraid to listen to their opinion and express his own - success is guaranteed. And these are the principles that are guided in their work by the authors of the article.

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The article analyses chronotopic aspects of the concept "city" in the artistic wholeness of Perdido Street Station by C.T. Mieville.

Cinematic techniques in A snow garden by Rachel Joyce
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In the essay Rachel Joyce's short story cycle A Snow Garden is under analysis. The author shows that Rachel Joyce uses not only a range of cinematic techniques such as montage, close-ups, and flashbacks, but she also shares certain structural features with ensemble films.

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We receive essays chosen by teachers from many universities. Each member of the Editorial Board reads all the essays and recommends three for publication. Usually we publish the three essays with the most votes. On this occasion, for third place two essays tied, so we have published both of them. If your students were unsuccessful, you can console yourselves because almost every submitted essay received at least one vote. For further information about the qualities we are looking for in a student essay please see the End Notes.

Concrete poetry: a word design in a designed world
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The article raises the problem of revealing the meaning with the help of visual effects of "concrete poetry" and their influence on the perception of this poetry by the reader.

Constructing the world through the sense of smell in the novel Crocodile soup by Julia Darling
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The paper focuses on the meaning of the concept "aroma/smell" in the novel of Julia Darling Crocodile Soup. It is the essential indication for the main character in judging people.

David Edgar's Testing the echo - keyword poetics
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The article analyses the artistic technique of ‘keyword’ in David Edgar’s play Testing the Echo4 it show its greta role in the whole of the play.

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The article is devoted to the translations of the novels of the famous English writer David Lodge into Russian, as well as the history of the interpretation of his work by Russian literary criticism. It is accompanied by a bibliography, which includes translations of D. Lodge's novels into Russian, and the main publications of Russian critics devoted to the writer's work.

Destiny or fortune: fatalistic motives in making history by Stephen Fry
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The role of fatalistic motives and impendence is underlined as one of the leading in this novel is under analysis. Philosophical ideas get their development by having an opportunity to observe the alternative march of history. This plot, made by the author is that of science fiction genre, which is not typical for him.